Zprávy HCJB 23.3.2007

 Přehled posledních útoků na křesťany v Indii.
   Křesťané v různých částech Indie jsou vystaveni útokům extrémistů. Toto jsou údaje z několika posledních týdnů:

V centrální státu Madža Pradéš uvěznila policie města Khargone 16. března dva pastory, když místní občané napsali stížnost, že „zranili jejich náboženské cítění.“ Jde o 24-letého pastora Juan Singh Sesobia a 25-letého Thogabai. Byli obviněni z „urážky náboženského cítění.“ Oba křesťané byli propuštěni na kauci. Budou-li uznáni vinnými, mohou být odsouzeni až na 3 roky vězení.

Ve stejném státu hinduističtí extrémisté, údajně členové skupin Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS) a Bajrang Dal, zbili 30-letého pastora Binoy Kuriakose, které šířil náboženskou literaturu ve městě Saliana. Policie zasáhla a odvedla jej i další křesťany na policejní stanici, před kterou se shromáždilo 65 extrémistů z RSS a Bajrang Dal. „Policie mi doporučila, abych si nestěžoval a nepohněval tak tyto aktivisty,“ řekl Kuraikose.

V severozápadním státu Radžastán napadli ve středu 7. března tři vesničané železným kyjem a cihlou jednoho pastora v okrese Hanumangarh. Pastoři Reginald Howell a Sat Nam ze sboru Božích Pastýřů ve státu Pandžáb šli do Hanumagarhu na modlitební shromáždění za jeho úzdravu pořádané jeho sborem a byly napadeni třemi muži, z nichž jeden měl revolver. Později se dostavila policie, ale stížnost nezapsala.

V jižním státu Karnaka blíže neznámí hinduističtí extrémisté v pátek 16. března zaútočili na pastora a na jeho bratra ve vesnici Bhelahalli v Bangalore. 29-letý nezávislý kazatel John Selvan a jeho 34-letý bratr Vijay Selvan byli napadeni asi 40 muži s klacky a tyčemi, když se vraceli z večerního modlitebního shromáždění. Muži zastavili jejich motocykl a začali je bít. Žádné vážné poranění však napadení neutrpěli.

Rovněž ve státu Karnaka jeden ze tří neznámých mužů udeřil v Bangalore v neděli 11. března pastora pálkou na kriket. Pastor Massek Mathew byl napaden ve čtvrt na dvanáct, když se vracel z křesťanského shromáždění ve vesnici Chokkasandra. Jeden z útočníků udeřil Matthew pálkou do hlavy, ale ten měl helmu a k vážnému zranění nedošlo. Matthew nemohl útočníky identifikovat a věc ani neoznámil policii. Panuje domněnka, že šlo o formu protestu proti zahájení činnosti sboru ve vesnici Cholanayakanahalli.

V severním státu Pandžáb se členové militantních skupin VHP a Bajrang Dal v neděli 10. března pokusili zastavit modlitební shromáždění žen v domě pastora Amit Sidhu v obci Bathinda. Incident způsobil, že ostatní křesťané přispěchali na pomoc. V nastalém zmatku byl zraněn jeden člen VPH. Tři pastoři - Kulwan Raj, Chootta Singh a Harfool Singh byli následně policií obviněni z útoku na životy aktivistů. Přišli k soudu v pondělí 12. března a jsou drženi ve vazbě. Místní křesťané hájili jejich bezúhonnost. Druhý den se generální tajemník VHP Vijay Bhardway a koordinátor Bajrang Dal Sumit Kumar v čele skupiny asi 50 aktivistů pokusili napadnout obyvatele domu pastora Amit Sidhu.

V jihovýchodním státu Andhra Pradéš byl kostel nezávislého sboru ve vesnici Tadiparti v okrese Východní Godavari zapálen hinduistickými militanty, když křesťané nedbali varování, aby nehlásali Krista. Je to již druhý kostel vypálený v této obci do základů během posledních několika měsíců. Pastor G. Prenadam vyzval úřady k ochraně křesťanů v obci.

V severním státě Jammu a Kašmír skupina maskovaných pravděpodobně islámských militantů v úterý 6. března v okrese Kupwara zbila křesťanského pastora železnými tyčemi a holemi. Pastor Ashir Uddin z misijní organizace Salem Voice Ministries se vracel domů z modlitebního shromáždění v Rikwaza. Bili ho, dokud nezůstal bezvládně ležet a zlomili mu nohu. Místní vesničané ho našli a dopravili do nemocnice. Policie zahájila vyšetřování proti „skupině neznámých osob.“

Ve východním přimořském státu Orissa vyhrožují hinduističtí extrémisté ve vesnici Nuagad vypálením domů 20 křesťanů. Hrozby nastaly když při místních volbách v sobotu 17. března propadl kandidát BJP. Rozzuřený kandidát zaútočil na jednoho z křesťanů ve vesnici, Abrana Burdhana, usekl mu prst a způsobil mu četné řezné rány na rukou. Policie zavřela sedm křesťanů a devět podporovatelů BJP. Zdroje: Compass Direct News, Voice of the Martyrs, Global Council of Indian Christians, All India Christian Council
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: Bible League
While citizens of Ghana celebrate 50 years of independence this month, Bible League staff members in this West African nation are thanking God for ministry growth. “Our ministry reached a five-year high in Bible study completions and new Bible study groups,” said the ministry’s national director in Ghana. “We give God praise for the 57,165 Bible studies completed this past year.”

Since becoming the first Sub-Saharan African country to gain independence in 1957, the nation has experienced periods of political instability, military coups and economic hardship. Most of these struggles ended in 1992, when democratic elections were established. Now Ghana is capitalizing on its rich natural resources to sustain an economic per-capita output twice that of the poorer West African nations.

About 64 percent of Ghana’s 22 million people claim to be Christian, but only 12 percent regularly attend church. The Bible League is working to encourage church growth by providing Scriptures, training and Bible study materials to Ghanaian church leaders. Since 1986 when the Bible League first began ministry in Ghana, 1,072 new churches have been established, and nearly 322,000 Bible studies have been completed.

* HCJB Global’s Sub-Saharan Africa Ministry Center has been located in Accra, Ghana, since September 2005.


Source: Mission Network News
Christian Reformed World Relief Committee and Food For the Hungry International are teaming up to help the people of Burundi after heavy rains killed food crops. After four years of drought, the heavy rain that finally came washed away crops in the thin jungle topsoil, leaving the already poverty stricken country in dire need. Ninety percent of Burundi’s population makes its living by farming. Severe weather is detrimental to most of the population as food prices rise and less people have a steady income. The price of sweet potatoes has risen 40 percent since the beginning of 2007 because of the food shortage. At least 4,000 families will receive corn, bean, vegetable seeds and tools to replant and repair their crops. Since 75 percent of the people who will receive these supplies already live below the poverty line, these supplies are life-saving.


Source: BosNewsLife News
An Islamic militant began serving a 20-year jail sentence Thursday, March 22, on charges of plotting the 2005 beheadings of three Christian girls on Indonesia’s volatile Sulawesi Island. Two other militants involved in the crime were sentenced to 14 years. Judges from the Central Jakarta District Court said they had no doubt that 34-year-old Hasanuddin, who goes by a single name, was the mastermind of the murders. “The defendant along with his accomplices has violated the anti-terrorism law,” Chief Judge Binsar Siregar reportedly told the court on Wednesday, March 21. The judges agreed to the prosecution’s request for a 20-year sentence. Co-conspirators in the beheadings, Lilik Puromo, 28, and Irwanto Irano, 29, were sentenced to 14 years in jail by the same court, an hour later. All were prosecuted under a law enacted weeks after members of the Jemaah Islamiyah regional terrorist network bombed two tourist nightspots on the resort island of Bali in October 2002, killing 202 people.


Sources: Associated Press, Evangelical News, Faith News Network George Earl Patterson, presiding bishop of the Church of God in Christ (COGIC) and a minister for almost 50 years, died of heart failure Tuesday, March 20, the church announced. He was 67. The predominantly black Pentecostal/charismatic denomination, headquartered in Memphis, Tenn., claims 6 million members worldwide and traces its origins to the 1870s. At the 99th annual COGIC Holy Convocation in November, Patterson said he had considered stepping down from the post he held since 2000, but changed his mind after receiving an outpouring of support. Patterson was known for his worldwide telecast as well as his work in Christian music and publishing. In January 2007 he won the traditional male vocalist of the year honor for his “Singing the Old Time Way Volume 2” at the 22nd annual Stellar Awards for gospel music. He was also the editor and publisher of the Bountiful Blessings Magazine. Born in Humboldt, Tenn., he was ordained as an elder in COGIC in 1957 in Detroit. Patterson attended Lemoyne-Owen College in Memphis as well as Detroit Bible Institute and held an honorary doctorate from Oral Roberts University. Patterson is survived by his wife, Louise. The couple had no children. Funeral arrangements are pending.


Sources Compass Direct News, Voice of the Martyrs, Global Council of Indian Christians, All India Christian Council
Christians in various part of India continue to face persecution at the hands of extremists. Here are some reports from the past few weeks:

In the central state of Madhya Pradesh, police in Khargone district state arrested two young pastors on Friday, March 16, after local people filed a complaint, charging the pastors had “hurt their religious feelings.” Police arrested the independent pastors, Juan Singh Sesobia, 24, and another identified only as 25-year-old Thogabai, for “outraging religious sentiments.” Police Superintendent Rakesh Gupta said the two had “insulted the Hindu religion.” The Christians were later released on bail. If convicted, the two could face up to three years in prison.

In the same state, Hindu extremists allegedly belonging to the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS) and the Bajrang Dal beat Pastor Binoy Kuriakose, 30, of Indian Gospel Church and two other believers on Tuesday, March 6, as they were distributing Christian literature in Sailana. Police intervened and took Kuriakose and the other Christians to the police station where nearly 65 RSS and Bajrang Dal extremists had gathered. “The police advised me not to register a complaint as this would anger the RSS and Bajrang Dal activists,” Kuriakose said.

In the northwestern state of Rajasthan, three armed villagers struck one pastor with an iron rod and another with a brick on Wednesday, March 7, in the Hanumangarh district of Rajasthan state. Pastors Reginald Howell and Sat Nam from Good Shepherd Community Church in Punjab state had gone to Hanumangarh for a healing prayer meeting hosted by local Christians when they were attacked by three men, one of whom was carrying a revolver. Police arrived later but did not register a complaint.

In the southern state of Karnataka, unidentified Hindu extremists launched an attack on a pastor and his brother on Friday, March 16, in Bhelahalli village in Bangalore. John Selvan, a 29-year-old independent pastor, and his 24-year-old brother, Vijay Selvan, were attacked at while they were returning from an evening prayer meeting when a group of about 40 men armed with sticks and axes stopped their motorcycle and started beating them. Despite the attack, they didn’t suffer any serious injuries.

Also in Karnataka one of three unidentified men on Sunday, March 11, hit a pastor with a cricket bat in Bangalore. Massek Matthew, pastor of an independent church, was attacked at about 10:15 p.m. as he was returning from a Christian meeting in Chokkasandra. One of the attackers hit Matthew on the head with the bat, but he was wearing a helmet, preventing serious injury. Matthew could not identify any of the attackers and did not report the incident to police. It is believed the incident is in protest to a church Matthew has begun in the village of Cholanayakanahalli.

In the northern state of Punjab, members of the Hindu militant groups VHP and Bajrang Dal attempted to stop a women’s prayer meeting in the home of Pastor Amit Sidhu in Bathinda on Sunday, March 10,. The incident came to the attention of other area Christians who sought to intervene. In the ensuing clash, one of the VHP members was injured. Three pastors, Kulwan Raj, Chootta Singh and Harfool Singh, were subsequently charged with making an attempt on the lives of the activists. The three appeared in court on Monday, March 12, and are being held in custody. Area Christians maintain the pastors’ innocence. The following day VHP General Secretary Vijay Bhardwaj and Sumit Kumar, co-coordinator of Bajrang Dal, led a group of 50 Hindu activists and tried to attack the occupants of Pastor Amit Sidhu’s house.

In the southeastern state of Andhra Pradesh Tuesday, March 13, an independent church in the village of Tadiparti in East Godavari was burned by Hindu militants after Christians would not yield to warnings to stop proclaiming Christ. This is the second church in the village burned to the ground in the past month. Pastor G. Premanadam has appealed to the authorities to provide protection to the Christians in the community.

In the northern state of Jammu and Kashmir on Tuesday, March 6, a group of masked, suspected Islamist militants beat a Christian pastor with steel rods and wooden sticks in Kupwara district. Pastor Ashir Uddin of Salem Voice Ministries was returning home after attending a prayer meeting in Rikwaza. They beat Uddin until he fell unconscious, breaking one of his legs. Local villagers who found him on the street rushed him to a hospital. Police registered a case against “unidentified people.”

In the eastern coastal state of Orissa Hindu militants in the village of Nuagad are threatening to burn the homes of 20 Christian villagers. The threats followed the defeat on Saturday, March 17, of the BJP candidate in local elections. The angry candidate attacked one of the Christians in the village, Abraham Burdhan, chopping off a finger and inflicting serious cuts to his hands. Police have arrested seven Christians and nine BJP supporters. br>
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