Zprávy HCJB 26.3.2007

 Trinidadský pastor zavražděn při ranní modlitební skupince.
   34-letý pastor byl zastřelen ve středu 21. března ve městě Moruga na jižním pobřeží Trinidadu během ranního modlitebního shromáždění s ostatními členy sboru. Kevin Austin, pastor sboru Independent Assembly of the Mantle Sword of the Spirit a několik členů sboru se modlili v pět hodin ráno, když dva ozbrojení muži v černých parukách vstoupili do modlitebny s tím, že jsou od policie. Nařídili všem přítomným, aby si lehli na zem a vyzvali Austina, aby se postavil. Když jim vyhověl, ihned mu dvěma kulkami prostřelili hlavu, takže na místě skonal. Členové sboru uvedli, že jejich pastor věděl, že jeho život je v nebezpečí, a že napsal premiérovi Trinidadu a Tobaga Patrick Augustus Mervyn Manningovi žádost o policejní ochranu. Austin, jeho manželka Nataša, jejich dvě děti a někteří věřící nedávno začali misii v Gomaz Trace ve městě Moruga, bydleli a shromažďovali se v plechovém domku a několika malých stanech bez tekoucí vody, elektřiny či telefonu. Sbor je složen převážně z mládeže a dětí. Zdroj: Assist News Service
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: Assist News Service
A 34-year-old pastor was shot dead while he was praying with others in his church on Wednesday, March 21, in the southern coastal town of Moruga, Trinidad. Kevin Austin, pastor of the Independent Assembly of the Mantle Sword of the Spirit church and several congregants were praying at 5 a.m. when two armed men wearing black wigs entered the church, claiming to be police. They ordered the people to lie on the ground and asked Austin to stand up. When he complied, they immediately shot him with two bullets through his head, killing him instantly. Church members reported that the leader knew his life was in danger and had written to Patrick Augustus Mervyn Manning, the prime minister of Trinidad and Tobago, asking for police protection. Austin, his wife, Natasha, their two children and some of the believers had recently started their mission at Gomez Trace in Moruga, living and meeting in a galvanized tin shack and a couple of small tents with no running water, electricity or telephone. The congregation consists mainly of young people and children.


Source: Latin American and Caribbean News Agency
On the weekend of March 17-18 more than 50,000 evangelicals gathered at El Campin, a covered coliseum in Bogota, Colombia, to celebrate 70 years of ministry of the United Pentecostal Church (UPC). The denomination was founded in Colombia in 1937 by missionary Aksel Verner Larsen. Pastor Reinel Gálvez Rueda, presiding bishop of the UPC of Colombia, said, “more than just another year of existence [the celebration] is a demonstration of how God has been a refuge for us generation after generation.” The UPC is the largest evangelical denomination in the nation with 180 churches in Bogota and 3,100 on the national level. The denomination also has 23 missionaries serving around the world.

* Together with local partners, HCJB World Radio broadcasts the gospel on FM stations in four Colombian cities. The ministry also continues to air Spanish programs across the country and all of Latin America via shortwave from Quito.


Source: BosNewsLife
Family members of prominent Christian pro-democracy activists and other dissidents faced another tense day Saturday, March 24, after they were apparently threatened and harassed by Vietnamese security forces. On Thursday, March 22, in Quang Ninh province police summoned the brother-in-law of Tran Van Hoa, an active Christian and member of the anti-government People’s Democratic Party of Vietnam (PDPV), for interrogation, a key official said. The next day authorities repeatedly summoned Hoa and his wife to the Quang Ninh police station “for further questions,” said PDPV’s co-founder Cong Thanh Do, also known as Tran Nam. “They intend to use family members to pressure Tran Van Hoa to denounce his democratic activities as well as to limit his religious practices,” he said. Elsewhere, family members of two detained human rights lawyers, Nguyen Van Dai and Le Thi Cong Nhan have been warned not to speak publicly about their case “for their own safety,” said Nam who is in close contact with the dissidents’ relatives. Dissidents say Dai’s wife, Vu Kim Khanh, is under 24-hour surveillance to discourage her from speaking to international media and organizations. Vietnam’s government has consistently denied any wrongdoing.


Source: Mission Network News
The 14th Dalai Lama is set to begin a tour of the U.S. in April in effort to promote Tibet which has been under China’s rule since 1951. Interserve’s Doug VanBronkhorst says the visit is kicking up a lot of publicity and questions. “He’s the head, in many ways, of the Tibetan Buddhist community in the world, and that’s a growing community in the U.S.,” VanBronkhorst explained. Interserve’s goal is to help Christians interact with Tibetan Buddhism in ways that further the gospel. He said that’s why the organization is hosting a series of conferences timed with the Dalai Lama’s visits. “We’ll give people an understanding of Tibetan Buddhism as well as the points of difference and the points of contact between that religion and the Christian faith and [explain] effective ways of sharing the gospel with Tibetan Buddhists. They have a different worldview, so there’s a lot to talk about [how to evangelize them].”


Source: New Tribes Missions
After six months of work, Bill Mann of New Tribes Mission turned over all the New Testament recordings of the Simba language to Horeb Bible Radio in Bolivia to air on the local Christian FM station. The station began broadcasting the Old Testament lessons in January and was ready for the New Testament lessons to continue the “Creation to Christ” recorded Bible lessons. “We praise the Lord for enabling us to get them finished in time, including a final check on all the Scriptures from Mark used in the recordings,” wrote Mann’s wife, Kathleen. He also delivered some fixed-tuned, solar-powered radios that pick up only Horeb Bible Radio. He gave one radio away to an older couple who is moving to a new Simba community and would like to continue hearing the teachings in their language. Many Simba believers have recently moved to this new community, leading the Manns to believe the radio will get a lot of use. Julio, the Manns’ main translation co-worker, recently expressed a desire to be more involved in ministry to his people and is beginning to disciple other Simba people at the church where the Manns work.

* HCJB Global Voice has worked with local radio partners to plant local AM and FM stations in the Bolivian cities of Santa Cruz, Tarija and Tupiza. Four stations with eight transmitters in four cities (La Paz, Caranavi, Santa Cruz and Sucre) are also affiliated with the ALAS, the ministry’s Latin American satellite radio network that makes Spanish programs available to local stations 24 hours a day.

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