Zprávy HCJB 27.3.2007

 Terorizmus má „kladný vliv“ na evangelizaci v severní Africe.
   Partners International hlásí, že rostoucí teroristická činnost ve jménu islámu má ve svých důsledcích kladný vliv na počet lidí v islámských národech, kteří se obracejí ke křesťanství, zvláště v severní Africe. Zdroj, který si z bezpečnostních důvodů přál zůstat v anonymitě sdělil, že „počet křesťanů zde významně vzrostl, v některých zemích až desetinásobně. Domnívám se, že je to tím, že někteří muslimové nejsou šťastni z toho, co provádějí jiní muslimové.“ Dodal, že osobní svědectví mezi dvěma lidmi je jednou z mála možností, jak šířit vaši víru Vyprávěl o muži, který se chtěl dozvědět víc o Kristu. „Vypravil se s mým přítelem hodinu cesty do pouště, kde budou sami a po několika hodinách vyprávění řekl ‘Chci být křesťanem.‘ A takových jako on je mnoho.“ Partners International pracují na vytváření možností k takovému osobního svědectví cestou „širších humanitárních činností“ jako vrtání studní, pomoc postiženým dětem a výuka řemesla, stavění latrín či výuka čtení a psaní. Zdroj: Mission Network News
 Další podrobnosti o vraždě nigerijské učitelky.
   Christianah Oluwatoyin Oluwasesin, křesťanka a nigerijská učitelka vládní školy v Gandu, byla ve středu 21. března v severní Nigérii kamenována a ubita holemi. Její tělo později muslimští studenti a extrémisté z města spálili.

Aluke Musa Yila, rovněž učitelka ve škole uvedla, že Oluwasesin před písemkou vybrala knihy, písemnosti a tašky studentů, aby nepodváděli. „Chvíli nato, co byly sebrané tašky naskládány k tabuli, jedna dívka začala plakat,“ uvedla Musa. „Řekla svým sousedkám, že v tašce měla výtisk Koránu, a že se učitelka tašky dotkla a tím Korán znesvětila, když je křesťanka.“

I když Musa i ředitel školy vyvinuli značné úsilí uchránit Oluwasesin uvnitř budovy, rostoucí dav výtržníků vtrhl dovnitř a učitelku pak vytáhli ven. Opakované pokusy jednoho učitele a ředitele chránit učitelku útočníci zmařili.

„Ředitel uspěl v úsilí vtáhnout učitelku zpátky do vchodu,“ řekla Musa. „Blízko vchodu je domek a on ji tam zavedl, ale povykující muslimové se i tam dobyli a učitelku zas vyvlekli ven. Tentokrát ji ubili holemi, pak přitáhli staré rohože které na ni naházeli a její tělo spálili.“

Oluwasesin byla matkou dvou dětí. Den její smrti měl bát posledním dnem její práce v místní škole - počítala s tím, že se spolu s manželem odstěhují za novou prací do jiného města. Zdroj: Compass Direct News
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: Mission Network News
Partners International reports that increased terrorist activity in the name of Islam is ultimately having a positive effect on the number of people coming to Christ in Islamic nations, especially in North Africa. A source who asked to remain anonymous for security reasons reported that the “number of Christians there has grown significantly in numbers, in some countries like 1,000 percent. I’m assuming that most of it is because some Muslims themselves are not happy with what other Muslims are doing.” He added that one-on-one evangelism is one of the only ways to share your faith. The source told about a man who wanted to know more about Christ. “He took my friend an hour way into the desert where they could be alone, and after a couple of hours of listening the guy said, ‘I want to be a Christian.’ And, like him, there are many.” Partners International works to create opportunities for one-on-one evangelism through “holistic humanitarian activities” such as drilling water wells, helping disabled children and teaching them a trade, building latrines and providing literacy training.

* HCJB Global Voice reaches across North Africa, the Middle East and Europe with Christian Arabic programming aired via shortwave, satellite and local stations. The mission’s Arabic satellite network airs programs direct-to-home 24 hours a day. This region has the world’s highest concentration of personal satellite dishes.


Source: Compass Direct News
Christianah Oluwatoyin Oluwasesin, a Christian female Nigerian schoolteacher at the Government Secondary School of Gandu in northern Nigeria was beaten, stoned and clubbed to death on Wednesday, March 21, before Muslim students and outside extremists burned her corpse.

Aluke Musa Yila, a fellow teacher at the school, reported that Oluwasesin had collected papers, books and bags before an exam in accordance with school procedures to prevent cheating. “Soon after the bags collected by Oluwasesin were dropped in front of the class, one of the girls in the class began to cry,” Musa said. “She told her colleagues that she had a copy of the Koran in her bag, that Oluwasesin touched the bag, and that by doing so she had desecrated the Koran since she was a Christian.”

Despite Musa and the school principal’s best efforts to protect Oluwasesin in inner offices, a growing group of rioters broke in and dragged her outside. Repeated efforts by a teacher known only as Kabiru and the school principal to protect her were overcome by the attackers’ efforts.

“The principal succeeded in getting Oluwasesin up to the school gate,” Musa said. “There was a house near the gate, and he dragged her into the house, but the rioting Muslims went into the house and dragged her out again. This time, they clubbed her to death, brought old mats and placed dirt on her corpse, and then burned the body.”

Oluwasesin was the mother of two children. The day of her death would have been her last day on the job as she was slated to join her husband in another town where he had taken a new job.


Source: Religion Today
Prayer tents that are open 24 hours a day are becoming the latest venue for Christian students on college campuses to bring light to those searching. At the University of Arizona, for example, students have led an unbroken prayer chain since last month. “I guess we feel like there’s a lot at this campus that really needs to be prayed for,” Andy Hall, a freshman involved with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, told the university’s student newspaper. “I feel like the campus is kind of a place of darkness and that the power of God can help. There are a lot of people who are hurting; there are a lot of people who are lost.” InterVarsity is one of nine Christian groups on the campus engaging in 40 days of 24-hour prayer until Easter. The tent is open to anyone who wants to pray. Students at UCLA recently finished a similar prayer chain with a 12-hour tent pitched on campus. There are believed to be 23 groups around the world participating in 24/7 prayers.


Source: BosNewsLife
Tensions remained high Monday, March 26, in a Christian area of eastern India’s coastal state of Orissa after Hindu militants threatened to set fire to believers’ homes. The Global Council of Indian Christians, a major advocacy group representing churches and mission groups, said 20 Christian families in Nuagad village in Orissa’s Ganjam district “are living in fear of their lives” as hard-line supporters of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), or Indian People’s Party, threatened “to burn them alive.” The troubles began Saturday, March 17, after a BJP official became furious over his defeat in recent municipality elections. Seven Christians and nine BJP supporters were apparently detained in skirmishes in which Christian Abraham Burdhan lost a finger and suffered “serious cuts to his hand.” A series of recent attacks on Christians in India have led human rights groups to link the attacks to growing fear among Hindu groups and organizations about the spread of Christianity in India, a predominantly Hindu nation of 1.1 billion people.


Source: Assist News Service
Each year since its inception in 1943, the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) convention has continued to expand. This year’s 64th annual convention in Orlando, Fla., Feb. 17-20, was no exception. More than 6,000 industry people were in attendance at the largest exposition in the convention’s history. David Keith, NRB’s vice president of operations, said attendance was up 4.5 percent from last year while exhibitors increased 8 percent. “Technology is the fastest growing sector on the exhibit floor,” Keith said. He called attention to the expanding choices of cost-effective, easy-to-use media systems now on the market as a chief reason that technology is gaining ground among Christian broadcasters. Inducted into the NRB Hall of Fame were the late Marlin Maddoux and Dr. B. Sam Hart.

* Wantok Radio Light, HCJB Global Voice’s local partner in Papua New Guinea, received the “International Media Ministry Award for 2007” at NRB. The partner installed an FM station in Port Moresby in 2002, later adding a shortwave transmitter and nine repeaters in a growing nationwide network with 32 outlets planned.

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