Zprávy HCJB 28.3.2007

 Podle průzkumu obyvatelé Alabamy v USA vedou ve znalostech Bible.
   Nedávný průzkum provedený agenturou The Press Register a University of South Alabama ukázal, že obyvatelé Alabamy mají významně hlubší znalosti Bible, než je celoamerický průměr. Průzkum citovaný profesorem Bostonské Univerzity Stephen Prothero ukazuje, že většina Američanů nedokáže uvést název ani jednoho evangelia. (Jeho nedávná kniha Náboženská vzdělanost: Co každý Američan potřebuje vědět, ale neví byla nadšeně přijata v celé zemi). Pro porovnání ale 70 procent respondentů z Alabamy při průzkumu provedeném v minulém týdnu správně uvedlo všechna čtyři evangelia. Navíc 70 procent obyvatel Alabamy zná místo, které Bible uvádí jako místo zrození Ježíše – Betlém. Nicméně jen 16 procent chápalo, že prezident George Bush myslel na biblické podobenství o milosrdném Samaritánovi, když ve svém inauguračním projevu mluvil o Cestě do Jericha. „Ne nadarmo se říká Pás Bible,“ řekl Keith Nicholls, ředitel USA Polling Group. Zdroj: Religion Today
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: Assist News Service
Evangelist Mike Macintosh, along with 400 American Christians, 700 Mexican believers and other international Christians from as far away as Belize, China, Poland and the Philippines, joined together for the Festival of Life 2007 in Chiapas, Mexico, Friday-Sunday, March 23-25. The outreach was held each night at the Victor Manuel Reyna Stadium. Along with the large stadium events, 16 mini-festivals endeavored to reach every cross-section of Chiapas society. “What we are doing is community street-level evangelism with a social and a spiritual aspect and so we’re not just a crusade evangelist evangelism outreach,” said coordinator Garrett Graupner. “The idea is to hit everyone from the orphan to the governor of the state with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We’re evangelists but we also give the Mexican people a glass of cold water in Jesus’ name. We are even reaching out to the firemen.” While more than 60,000 people attended the stadium events, the various mini-festivals and medical clinics drew 66,243. More than 9,000 people received Christ at the various events.


Source: BosNewsLife
There was concern Friday, March 23, about the situation of Cuba’s prominent blind Christian dissident, Juan Carlos Gonzalez Leiva, after he reported renewed harassment by Cuban security forces. Gonzales Leiva, who is the president of the Cuban Foundation for Human Rights, served a two-year prison sentence before being placed under house arrest for staging a protest of police brutality on March 4, 2002. Leiva’s house arrest ended in March 2006, but he reports that his home has now been surrounded “by motorcycles and patrol cars of the Cuban State Security and National Police forces.” Additional “paramilitary mobs of a low sort, known as Rapid Response Brigades” have also stood outside the home since Friday, March 16. “They prevent me from leaving my house, and I am without food, drinking water and electricity. We are suffocating from the heat,” he said. “Those surrounding my home pound on my windows and my doors, and they have placed loudspeakers outside with blaring music 24 hours a day that prevents us from sleeping or resting.” However, Gonzales Leiva, a Baptist Christian, said he has found strength in his faith. “Jesus Christ is with us. He is accompanying us and He gives us victory and peace. We’re not going to lift a finger against anyone, and we’re not going to commit any crime,” he stressed. “Whatever happens here is the responsibility of State Security, Cuban military officials and the Cuban government.”

* HCJB Global Voice continues to air Spanish programs to Cuba via shortwave from South America. Hundreds of listeners have enrolled in the ministry’s Bible Institute of the Air, a Spanish correspondence program incorporating radio broadcasts. In addition, numerous pastors’ workshops held in conjunction with Leadership Resources International have been held in Cuba since the mid-1990s.


Source: Christian Newswire
CURE International, an American Christian medical humanitarian organization which for the last two years has been administering care to Afghanistan’s neediest children and families, is now helping to reduce maternal and infant deaths in that country -- one of the highest in the world.

Every day an average of 44 Afghan women die giving birth due to the lack of skilled delivery care and inadequate access to comprehensive emergency obstetric care arising from the inadequate number of qualified female staff and equipped facilities.

The infant mortality rate in Afghanistan is 165 per 1,000 live births compared to only 7 per 1,000 in the U.S.; and child mortality before age 5 is 257 deaths per 1,000 compared to 8 per 1,000 in the U.S. CURE International has treated more than 120,000 patients in Afghanistan since early 2005.

CURE provides general practice and obstetrics gynecology (OB-GYN) care, specializing in the orthopedic rehabilitation of children with disabilities. It has also instituted an OB-GYN medical training and treatment fellowship program, qualifying Afghan doctors with the most modern OB-GYN knowledge and techniques.

Dr. Jacqui Hill, medical director of the CURE Kabul International Hospital, said, “There is a great hunger by doctors in Afghanistan for the knowledge and skills of the West, and we are training and inspiring the Afghans with precious knowledge that can be passed onto others.”

* HCJB Global Voice is bringing words of hope and encouragement to people across Afghanistan via radio. Together with partners, Christian broadcasts go out via AM in three of the country’s major languages, Turkmen, Uzbek and Southern Uzbek.


Sources: Evangelical News, International Christian Concern
Human rights group International Christian Concern (ICC) reported the New Testament Pentecost Church, established 35 years ago and successfully registered with the government 11 years ago, was sealed by local authorities in southwestern India’s Kerala state, supposedly for “singing too loudly.” A history of harassment and frivolous lawsuits indicates that this is likely another attempt to shut down the church by Muslims who live nearby. Police have stopped Sunday services 22 times as people have been verbally abusing church members. Police have also attempted to arrest Pastor Sam George. A previous court order against the church prohibited members from using a sound system because it was too loud. Four weeks ago the church received a notice from the municipality showing that the church hall would be sealed if congregants sang songs or did any preaching. The next day the building was sealed without an order from the high court. For the last four weeks believers have been worshiping in another house. ICC is especially concerned about this attack because the region is generally considered a “safe haven” for believers due to the large Christian minority there. This is also the first time a church has been shut down by the local government in Kerala.


Source: Religion Today
A recent survey of Alabama residents by The Press-Register and the University of South Alabama showed the state’s residents come in significantly higher than the national average for biblical knowledge. Polls cited by Boston University professor Stephen Prothero, who has received national acclaim for his recent book, Religious Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know -- and Doesn’t, shows that most Americans can’t identify even one of the four Gospels. By comparison, 70 percent of Alabamian respondents to last week’s survey correctly named all four Gospels. Further, more than 70 percent of the Alabama respondents knew the location that the Bible identifies as Jesus’ birthplace -- Bethlehem. However, only 16 percent knew that President George W. Bush was making a reference to the biblical parable of the Good Samaritan when he cited the Jericho Road in his inaugural address. “They don’t call it the Bible Belt for nothing,” said Keith Nicholls, director of the USA Polling Group.

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