Zprávy HCJB 29.3.2007

 Nová 200 metrová loď zdvojnásobí lékařské kapacity Mercy Ships.
   Ukončení zkoušek nové lodí The African Mercy (Africké Milosrdenství) Mercy Ships Mininistries znamená brzké rozšíření flotily nemocničních lodí misie. Tato největší nevládní nemocniční loď světa zdvojnásobí kapacitu flotily. Zakladatel Mercy Ships Don Stephens řekl, že loď pomůže šířit evangelium Ježíše Krista. „Těšíme se, až s tuto 200 metrů dlouhou a 30 metrů širokou lodí se 474 lehátky a 80 nemocničními lůžky vyplujeme do nejpotřebnější oblasti Afriky.“ Od roku 1978 misie provozuje nemocniční lodi v rozvojových oblastech s cílem šířit evangelium slovem i skutkem. Za téměř tři desítky let služby misie odvedla asi 1.5 milionu lékařských zákroků, jejichž hodnota se odhaduje na 600 milionů dolarů. Každoročně v misii slouží asi 2000 krátkodobých dobrovolníků. Předběžně je určeno, že po svém dokončení bude African Mercy zařazena do služby v oblasti Libérie. Zdroj: OneNewsNow.com
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: OneNewsNow.com
Mercy Ships Ministries is preparing to expand its fleet of hospital ships following recent “sea trials” of the vessel called The African Mercy. The world’s largest non-governmental hospital ship will double the medical capacity of the organization’s fleet. Mercy Ships founder Don Stephens says the vessel will help spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. “This is a 500-foot-long, 80-foot-wide, 474-berth, 80-bed hospital ship that we are anxious to take delivery of to take to the neediest parts of Africa.” Since 1978 the ministry has operated hospital ships in developing nations in an effort to spread the gospel in word and deed. In almost three decades of service, the outreach has performed more than 1.5 million services valued at about $600 million. Some 2,000 short-term volunteers serve with the medical ministry each year. Upon completion, Africa Mercy is tentatively scheduled for field assignment in Liberia.


Source: Assist News Service
A former casino owned by Emmanuel Church in the southwestern suburbs of Moscow was apparently set on fire at about 4 a.m. Monday, March 26. Pastor Alexei Pankov said that several construction workers were sleeping in the building, which is in the process of reconstruction, when the fire began. The goal was to have the church completed by this fall, and windows, doors and other materials had just been purchased, resulting in a loss of more than US$150,000. Many of the church members and students from the ministry’s rehabilitation center were assisting with the work for free, looking forward to the church having its own building. “We’re still shocked about what’s happened,” said Pankov. “It brings tears of sorrow.” The church has faced many struggles with the government throughout the years regarding property issues, and only a loophole in the law allowed the renovation project. The suspicious nature of the fire makes Pankov suspect foul play. “It makes you wonder who exactly is behind this terrible act of discrimination,” he said.

* HCJB Global Voice reaches across Russia with a variety of radio ministries. The mission began sending gospel broadcasts across the country via shortwave in 1941, first from Quito, Ecuador, and in recent years from the U.K. In the early 1990s the ministry began “planting” local radio ministries in Russia and now works with partners nationwide. In 2000 HCJB Global Voice helped launch New Life Radio, the first Christian Russian satellite radio network. More than 63 downlinks have been placed in more than 42 cities across Russia and neighboring countries.


Source: Greater Europe Mission
Greater Europe Mission (GEM) announced on Saturday, March 27, that Henry L. Deneen of Columbia, S.C., will succeed Ted Noble as president, effective Sept. 1. Deneen brings to the organization 27 years of experience in law, pastoral ministry and missions. Noble announced in May 2006 his conviction that, after 15 years as president, he had completed his work at GEM. The transition comes at a strategic time for the ministry because the rate of Christian growth in Europe is one of the lowest worldwide and the continent is recognized as a “priority mission field.” Tim Wilson, GEM’s director of mobilization, said, “Henry’s experience in Europe is invaluable, and his enthusiasm for the task ahead is contagious.” GEM has more than 444 staff members serving in 27 European nations.


Sources: International Christian Concern, Christian Newswire
An Ethiopian evangelist named Tedase was beaten to death by militant Muslims on Monday, March 26, as he and two young women were on a street evangelism assignment in Jimma, Ethiopia. Tedase and two female co-workers were conducting street evangelism in Jimma in the afternoon. As the team was walking by a mosque, a group of Muslims exited the building and began chasing them. Tedase’s female co-workers fled, but Tedase refused to leave. The Muslims grabbed Tedase, pulled him into the mosque and savagely beat him to death. Local sources reported that Tedase was beaten with a “calculated intention to kill.” They believe this was no accident or case of mob frenzy getting out of control. Rather, it was a done to send a message to Christians that evangelism is unacceptable. His body was later taken to the hospital for an autopsy and he was buried the next day. Evangelical church leaders are fearful that if police ignore Tedase’s death, it will be a green light for Muslim groups in the area to attack their Christian neighbors at will and without retribution.


Source: Assist News Service
An evangelist considered by many to be the most effective and prominent Mandarin-speaking evangelist today is expected to attract more than 10,000 people to his gospel rally meetings in Auckland, New Zealand, March 29-April 1. Rev. Stephen Tong, who was born in Fujian, China, in 1940 and now lives in Jakarta, Indonesia, has preached to more than 20 million people during 49 years of ministry. While Tong occasionally preaches in English, his ministries are mainly conducted among Mandarin- and Indonesian-speaking audiences. Albert Wu, who is helping to organize the rallies, said organizers expect large crowds because Tong is well known among the Asian community in New Zealand. “He is especially well known among people from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia,” said Wu. A choir of more than 100 Chinese singers from the Auckland area will sing nightly, performing nine hymns composed by Tong who is also an accomplished musician and hymn writer. He will be conducting the Auckland choir on the first and last nights of the rally.

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