Zprávy HCJB 3.4.2007

 Chuck Colson stráví třicáté Velikonoce ve vězení.
   Usvědčený pachatel z aféry Watergate Chuck Colson, který strávil sedm měsíců ve vězení za zločin spojený s touto aférou, se vrací do vězení na své již třicáté Velikonoce po sobě. Když v tisku v roce 1973 prosákly první zvěsti o obrácení bývalého „ranaře“ z Bílého Domu Chucka Colsona, The Boston Globe psal: „Když může svých hříchů litovat pan Colson, pak je naděje pro všechny.“ Podle zprávy Prison Fellowship (Vězeňského Bratrstva) i Colson řekl něco v tom smyslu. Colson zatoužil přinést naději těm, kdo ji nejvíce potřebují a tak nakonec za mřížemi strávil podstatně víc času, než svých sedm měsíců. Od roku 1976, kdy Prison Fellowship založil, Colson vychází vstříc americkým vězňům i jejich rodinám ve snaze o prosazení reformy trestního právního systému. Během posledních 29 let nikdy pobyt ve vězení na Velikonoční neděli nevynechal a vězňům svědčí o naději v Kristu. Colson se vrátí do vězení i o letošní Velikonoční neděli 8. dubna. Stráví ji v Pompano Transition Center ve Ft. Lauderdale.
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Sources: BosNewsLife, Christian Newswire
Despite an official ceasefire, Sri Lanka’s lengthy internal conflict has intensified. In the last two weeks 136,000 people fled their homes to seek protection in refugee camps. Among those displaced were eight Gospel for Asia (GFA) missionaries and at least 83 of their church families. In the last 15 months 4,000 people have died in the conflict between Sri Lanka’s government and the insurgent group, Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. Civilians are often caught in the crossfire as suicide bombers, mines and mortar bombs are common. “My heart aches for these innocent suffering people,” said GFA President K.P. Yohannan. GFA’s Sri Lanka leader, Lal Vanderwall, says the 83 families and eight pastors who were displaced see this as an opportunity to share the hope they have in Christ with their fellow refugees. While they face the same dangers and discomforts as the others, they trust the Lord to work through the nightmarish situation. The prospects for a peaceful resolution to this situation seem unlikely. Brig. Prasad Samarasing, Sri Lanka’s official government military spokesman, said, “We are left with no option but to intensify our operations to silence their guns.”


Source: Assist News Service
Winkie Pratney, a popular youth leadership trainer from New Zealand who logs more than 150,000 miles annually in his quest to speak to half-a-million young people each year, is in critical condition in a hospital in South Korea, diagnosed with life-threatening septic shock. Pratney fell ill in South Korea last week, leading to an abdominal surgery followed by a series of complications. He trains young people of all ages and works with leading international youth movements such as Campus Life, Champions for Christ, Operation Mobilization, Masters Commission, Youth with a Mission, Young Life, Youth Alive and Teen Challenge, conducting leadership training for youth workers in Europe, North America and the Pacific. Pratney has authored more than 12 books for youth.


Sources: WorldWide Religious News, BBC News
A Tearfund survey of 7,000 people in the United Kingdom indicates one in 10 people in the country attends church every week and one in seven goes once a month. The figures place Britain among Europe’s least observant countries. Two-thirds of those polled had not been to church in the last year except for baptisms, weddings or funerals. Tearfund said 53 percent of respondents identified themselves as Christian compared with almost three-quarters in the 2001 census. The survey also indicated that churches could do more to offer encouragement to potential worshipers. The survey indicated that 3 million people who had stopped going to church, or who had never attended, would consider attending “given the right invitation” such as a personal invite, the chance to accompany a relative or friend, or the offer of help during difficult personal circumstances. Tearfund President Elaine Storkey told BBC Radio Five Live that a lot of people would be unsure what to expect if they did visit. “The church for a lot of people is a very strange place these days,” she said. “So the first thing they have really got to wake up to is that there is this big cultural gap between the churched and non-churched.”

* HCJB Global Voice’s U.K. staff in Bradford produces programs that air locally in the country such as “The Full Breakfast,” a popular Sunday-morning program.


Source: OneNewsNow.com
While thousands of college students spent their spring break frolicking in the sun and sand of Florida, more than 700 students from around the U.S. spent the week in Panama City Beach, Fla., sharing their faith and participating in “Beach Reach” -- an annual evangelism effort by LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. The students offer van rides to other students on spring break, cook breakfast for crowds and participate in personal evangelism. Angel Ellis, who coordinates the annual event, says for many of the volunteers, Beach Reach is their introduction to one-on-one witnessing -- and that, she says, is an aspect campus ministry leaders find attractive about the event. “What we do is very unapologetically evangelistic,” Ellis explains. “[But] leaders know that if [their volunteers] can come down there and learn how to share their faith in an atmosphere [where] they may not know students, that somehow that is transferable back to the campus or their churches back home.” More than 40 churches and parachurch ministries help with Beach Reach.


Source: Religion Today
Convicted Watergate felon Chuck Colson, who spent seven months in prison for a Watergate-related crime, is returning to prison once again for his 30th consecutive Easter. When news of former White House “hatchet man” Chuck Colson’s conversion to Christianity leaked to the press in 1973, The Boston Globe reported, “If Mr. Colson can repent of his sins, there just has to be hope for everybody.” According to a Prison Fellowship release, Colson would agree. The desire to bring hope to those most in need of it has led Colson to spend considerably more time behind bars. Since 1976, when he founded Prison Fellowship, Colson has reached out to America’s prisoners and their families while seeking reform in the criminal justice system. For the past 29 years he’s never missed bringing a message of hope through faith in Christ to prisoners on Easter Sunday. Colson will return to prison on Easter Sunday, April 8, at the Pompano Transition Center in Ft. Lauderdale.

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