Zprávy HCJB 6.4.2007

 Poutníci se vracejí do Jeruzaléma na oslavy Svatého Týdne.
   Tisíce poutníků přicestovaly do Jeruzaléma. Poutníci dnes v rámci oslav Svatého Týdne vykročí v Ježíšových šlépějích na místech Jeho ukřižování, smrti a vzkříšení. Zmírnění palestinsko-izraelského násilí spolu s příchodem významných dnů přivedly do Starého Města vlnu návštěvníků. Tisíce poutníků začaly s oslavami procesím na Květnou Neděli z Olivetské Hory do Starého Města, po stopách Ježíšova triumfálního vjezdu do Jeruzaléma. Na Velký Pátek si připomenou Jeho ukřižování a v neděli budou slavit Velikonoce, kdy Ježíš vstal z mrtvých, nejvýznamnější den křesťanského kalendáře. Turisté předtím prakticky z Jeruzaléma vymizeli, když palestinští sebevražední atentátníci začali po vzplanutí bojů mezi Palestinci a Izraelem v roce 2000 se svými útoky. Nicméně v posledních letech násilí ubylo a tak se turisté do Starého Města, kde je nejvíc svatých míst, vrátili. Přes částečné oživení turistického ruchu prodavači ve Starém Městě říkají, že obchody jdou zatím špatně. „Když je mír, turisté přijdou,“ říká ale prodavač John Attieh. Zdroj: WorldWide Religious News, Associated Press
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Sources: Evangelical News, Mission Aviation Fellowship
The latest turmoil in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, between government forces and up to 600 soldiers loyal to ex-warlord Jean Pierre Bemba is adversely affecting the ministry of Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) in that country. “Mortars fell in some of the neighborhoods of our staff,” said MAF West Congo Program Manager Garth Pederson. “Fortunately, none of our staff members were injured, but all had to flee. All five of our missionary families as well as our 13 national staff got away.” However, two of MAF’s three airplanes were damaged by stray mortar rounds in the fighting. “Quite a few MAF flights have been canceled, and this has been devastating,” Pederson said. “For example, we were unable to medevac one woman in the northern part of the country because of the damage to the planes and the fact the airports were closed. We just found out she has passed away!” The situation has calmed down, and MAF has resumed a limited schedule until all the aircraft can be repaired.

* HCJB Global Voice works with local partners in the Democratic Republic of Congo to broadcast the gospel on Christian stations in Boma, Bukavu and Kinshasa. Programs go out in English, French, Kikongo Fioti, Lingala, Luba and Swahili. Weekly programs in the Songe and Kikongo San Salvador languages also air from local FM stations in the country.


Source: Global Day of Prayer
With less than eight weeks left until the Global Day of Prayer Sunday, May 27, organizers are excited by the growing number of nations that are expected to participate. Graham Powers, chairman and founder of the event, said in press release, “Of the 21 nations which did not participate in 2006, good progress is being made in making contact. My request and plea is that you would pray for God to release “believers” in those Nations to join with you and I, and a likely 350-400 million Christians across the globe. If you know anyone or have contacts within these Nations, please do assist in encouraging them to make contact and to join in this God given vision.” A total of 115 countries have registered so far. For details of activities planned for each participating country visit www.globaldayofprayer.com.

Source: Voice of the Martyrs Five Christians have been charged with blasphemy in Toba Tek Singh, Pakistan. Voice of the Martyrs’ (VOM) contact in the country reported, “Daniel, an 11-year-old Christian boy, refused to play with his Muslim friends, resulting in them beating him. Daniel’s family confronted the Muslims who called the police and made a false report saying Daniel’s family had blasphemed the name of the Holy Prophet.” As a result, Rashid Masih, Salamat Masih, Sahba Masih Motta, Bao Masih and Sheela Masih are living under threat of attack by Muslim extremists. “The Muslim family told other Muslims at a religious gathering that Christians had disgraced [Mohammed], tore a holy sticker and beat it with a shoe. This led to tension in the city. Christians in the area fear Muslim extremists will attack the family. There is fear there will be attacks this week during celebrations leading up to Easter Sunday,” VOM sources said. If convicted, the accused Christians could face long imprisonments or the death penalty.


Sources: WorldWide Religious News, Associated Press
Thousands of pilgrims traveled to Jerusalem to retrace Jesus’ footsteps Wednesday, April 4, in celebration of Holy Week at the sites where Jesus was crucified, died and resurrected. A decrease in Palestinian-Israeli violence and the overlap of Christian calendars brought a wave of visitors to the Old City. Thousands of pilgrims began the celebrations with a Palm Sunday procession from the Mount of Olives to the Old City, retracing Jesus’ triumphant return to the city. On Good Friday they will mark his crucifixion and on Sunday they will celebrate Easter, the holiest day of the Christian calendar, marking Jesus’ resurrection. Tourists had virtually disappeared from Jerusalem when Palestinian suicide bombers began targeting the city after fighting between Israel and the Palestinians broke out in September 2000. In recent years, however, there has been a marked drop in attacks, prompting tourists to slowly return to the Old City which holds most of the holy sites. Despite the upturn in tourism, shopkeepers in the Old City said sales are down. “When there is peace, the tourists will come,” said shopkeeper John Attieh.


Source: Mission Network News
A new Christian children’s television station to be launched by SAT-7 will broadcast a positive message of love and hope to combat the negative propaganda aimed at children in the Arab world. As the ministry’s program called “As Sanabel” (ears of wheat) grew in popularity from a 10-minute daily segment 10 years ago to a two-hour daily program today, SAT-7 has been hoping to provide an entire channel for kids. With a target launch date in September 2007, the new channel would cover the entire Arab world, traversing 22 countries and five time zones -- and would include programs from many different countries across that region. Rita El Mounayer, director of children’s programming at SAT-7, says in many places in the Arab world, children are forced to watch TV to stay safe from the violence of their war-torn countries, and 60 percent of the Arab population is under the age of 25. A television is considered a necessity and is often purchased before a refrigerator or a bed since it is a means of connecting to the outside world as well as providing entertainment. SAT-7 wants to emit a different message -- love, hope and forgiveness. “We also believe that to reach and change the Arab world we have to start with children,” El Mounayer said.

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