Zprávy HCJB 10.4.2007

 Uzbekistán zahájil blokování známé náboženské webové stránky.
   Testy provedené organizací Forum 18 News Service zjistily, že jedna z nejprominentnějších ruskojazyčných náboženských stránek je úřady ve středoasijském Uzbekistánu blokována. Testy v hlavním městě Taškentu ukázaly, že tato stránka www.portal-credo.ru je nedostupná. Blokování je prováděno na podnět uzbecké Národní Bezpečnosti. Uzbekistán již delší dobu brzdí přístup na víc webových stránek, než kde jinde ve střední Asii, včetně stránek s náboženským obsahem. Protiopatření vůči těm, kdo tyto zakázané stránky navštěvují, mohou být vážná. Jeden svědek, který pobýval v okolí Taškentu asi před rokem, uvedl, že jeho soused se pokusil připojit na zakázanou stránku. Během 15 minut byli v jeho bytě bezpečnostní úředníci a varovali ho, aby to nezkoušel. V internetových kavárnách jsou velké nápisy varující návštěvníky před přístupem na „náboženské a pornografické stránky.“ Zdroj: Forum 18 News Service
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: Baptist Press
A new ministry is taking evangelism to the putting greens. Golfer Scott Lehman established In His Grip Golf Association to teach churches how to intentionally use golf as a way to share the gospel. The ministry is hosting a number of training events nationwide this year, including leading two “Pastor’s Masters Golf Retreats.” In a recent interview, Lehman said that the fairways are ripe for harvest. There are more than 60 million golfers worldwide, 30 million in the U.S. alone, including 20 million males, making golf one of today’s most popular sports. There are more than 15,000 golf courses in North America with nearly 600 million rounds of golf played each year. “We see guys standing on the first tee on Sunday morning as we drive by, and we’ve been cursing the darkness [condemning them for not being in church],” said John Jaye, former associate pastor of administration and recreation at First Baptist Church in Jasper, Ala., now a full-time volunteer working with Lehman. “However, we haven’t done anything to shine a light into that darkness. That’s what we see In His Grip doing -- trying to shine a light into that area. Not all those guys are bad guys; they just need to know the Lord.”


Sources: Compass Direct News, Assist News Service
Christians in Pakistan spent a tense Easter holiday as Pakistani Muslim and Christian leaders worked to defuse tensions in Punjab province following rumors of “blasphemy” that initiated mob action against the Christian community during Holy Week. Celebrants of Mohammed’s birthday in Toba Tek Singh turned violent on Sunday, April 1, in response to false claims that Christian men had attacked Muslims and desecrated a sticker bearing Mohammed’s name. Other reports indicate the conflict began with a disagreement between an 11-year-old Christian who refused to play with two Muslim youths on the playground. The parents got involved and false claims spread from there.

Regardless of the cause, Sharing Life Ministries Pakistan reported that some 2,000 Muslims attacked a Christian neighborhood, stoning houses and “torturing Christian men, women and children.” Another Christian source confirmed the details of the attack except for the number of attackers, estimating that it was closer to just 80.

“Christians ran to save their lives, and some of them hid themselves in their houses, but even then the Muslim extremists kept on stoning,” said local believer Irum Gill. She said that “dozens” of Christians had been injured and a handicapped Christian named Ratan Masih was unable to flee the mob and was badly beaten.

North of there, in the capital of Islamabad, hard-line Muslim cleric Maulana Abdul Aziz threatened to unleash a wave of suicide attacks if the Pakistan government tries to counter his bid of enforcing Islamic laws in the federal capital through vigilante Islamic courts. The action is opposed by Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf.


Source: Forum 18 News Service
Tests by Forum 18 News Service have found that one of the more prominent Russian-language religious news websites is being blocked by authorities in the Central Asian nation of Uzbekistan. Tests in the Uzbek capital of Tashkent showed that the religious news website, www.portal-credo.ru, was inaccessible. Blocking is done at the instigation of Uzbekistan’s National Security Service. Uzbekistan has long barred access to more websites than any other Central Asian country, including websites that cover religious affairs. Retaliation on those who visit banned websites can be severe. One source said that a year ago in his neighborhood in Tashkent, a neighbor nearby tried to log on to a banned website. Within 15 minutes security officers had arrived at his home to warn him not to access such sites. Internet cafes have long displayed notices warning users not to access “religious or pornographic sites.”

* HCJB Global Voice airs 2.5 hours of Uzbek programs per week from an AM station outside the country. More than 15 million people speak this language.


Source: Religion Today
Johnny Hart, creator of the popular Stone Age comic strip, “B.C.,” which generated controversy in recent years with themes that at times reflected Hart’s evangelical Christian beliefs, died Saturday, April 7, of a stroke. He was 76. “B.C.” has been syndicated since 1958. Following his conversion to Christianity in the 1980s, Hart began imparting Christian messages in his strip, especially at Christmas and Easter, causing some non-Christian readers to complain. In a 1999 interview with The Washington Post, Hart let his stance be known with quotes such as, “Jews and Muslims who don’t accept Jesus will burn in hell,” “Homosexuality is the handiwork of Satan” and “The end of the world is approaching, maybe by the year 2010.” Hart’s controversial Easter 2001 strip caused many newspapers to stop publishing “B.C.” It showed a menorah morphing into a cross with some of Jesus’ words during the crucifixion.


Source: Evangelical News
Youth speaker Winkie Pratney’s condition at a hospital in South Korea is improving, reported Shane Anderson who is updating Pratney’s blog. In a recent radio interview, Anderson said, “Winkie’s condition is stabilizing. His kidney and liver are beginning to function normally. He’s still on the dialysis machine, (and) they still want to give him a little bit of help there. He’s not 100 percent, but he’s not getting any worse.” Pratney travels more than 500,000 miles a year to speak with young people worldwide. Anderson credits the prayers of believers around the world for Pratney’s improved condition. “Some of the large massive churches in South Korea are calling entire churches to pray,” he said.

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