Zprávy HCJB 11.4.2007

 Podle průzkumu většina lékařů souhlasí s tím, že víra je dobrá pro zdraví.
   Podle nové studie týkající se víry lékařů většina dotázaných lékařů souhlasí, že víra má „významný vliv“ na zdraví člověka. Lékaři, kteří jsou sami věřící, vidí tyto pozitivní vlivy častěji, než jejich nevěřící kolegové. „Shoda začíná a končí myšlenkou, že mnoho (pokud ne všichni) pacienti se obracejí k modlitbám, a jiným duchovním zdrojům, aby se lépe orientovali v duchovních změnách pocházejících z jejich zkušenosti s nemocí,“ píší organizátoři výzkumu. „Rozpor zůstává, pokud jde o to, do jaké míry (nebo zda vůbec) duchovní věci pomáhají či škodí pacientovi.“ Mezi asi 1100 lékaři, kteří odpověděli na 2000 náhodně rozeslaných mailů 56 procent věří, že duchovní věci ovlivňují zdraví „hodně“ nebo „velmi hodně.“ Ale jen 6 procent věří, že náboženství nebo vůbec duchovní život má „zásadní“ lékařský dopad. Mimo jiné z průzkumu vyplývá, že 54 procent lékařů věří, že Bůh zasahuje do zdraví pacienta, 75 procent věří, že Bůh pomáhá pacientům zvládnout boj a utrpení spojené s nemocí, 74 procent věří, že Bůh vkládá lidem naději do duše. Zdroj: Fox News, WebMD, Religion Today
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Sources: Fox News, WebMD, Religion Today
A new study on the spiritual beliefs of doctors reveals that most doctors agree religion and spirituality have a “significant effect” on a person’s health. Doctors who are spiritual themselves are more likely to see positive impacts of religion or spirituality than their non-religious counterparts. “Consensus seems to begin and end with the idea that many [if not most] patients draw on prayer and other religious resources to navigate and overcome the spiritual challenges that arise in their experiences of illness,” wrote the researchers. “Controversy remains regarding whether, to what extent and in what ways religion and spirituality helps or harms patients’ health.” Among the more than 1,100 doctors who returned the 2,000 randomly mailed surveys, 56 percent believed religion and spirituality had “much” or “very much” influence on health. However, only 6 percent believed religion or spirituality had changed “hard” medical outcomes. Among other outcomes: 54 percent believe God intervenes in patients’ health; 76 percent believe God helps patients cope with and endure illness and suffering; 74 percent believe God gives patients a hopeful state of mind.


Source: Christian Solidarity Worldwide
The Christian community in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, has welcomed the sentencing of three Islamist militants for the beheading of three Christian schoolgirls, but at the same time expressed concerns over the seeming disparity between the sentencing of Christians and Muslims, fearing further harsh penalties on Christians.

The three Islamist militants were sentenced on Saturday, March 21, for the beheading of three Christian schoolgirls in October 2005. Hasanuddin was sentenced for 20 years’ imprisonment for masterminding the attack, and his accomplices, Lilik Purnomo and Irwanto Irano, were sentenced to 14 years each.

Although happy with the verdict, the Christian community fears that this and a recent crackdown on militants in the area will result in the authorities imposing harsher penalties on Christians in an attempt to be seen to treat both communities equally.

This could especially impact 12 young Christian men from Poso, Central Sulawesi, who are standing trial accused of terrorist activities and could face the death penalty if convicted. They were arrested for the murder of two Muslim men during the demonstrations following the execution of three Catholic Christians last September.

* HCJB Global Voice has worked with local partners to establish more than 18 local Christian radio stations across Indonesia since 2004. Broadcasts from HCJB Global-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra also encourage listeners nationwide. In addition, HCJB Global Hands has helped with relief efforts since the Dec. 26, 2004, earthquake/tsunami and subsequent quakes that devastated parts of Indonesia.


Source: Assist News Service
A new men’s ministry to the widowed, solo parents and others with long-term needs in their churches and communities is being launched in several churches around New Zealand. Promise Keepers New Zealand and New Commandment Men’s Ministries from the U.S. are assisting several New Zealand churches to launch the program. New Commandment founder Herb Reese established the ministry after realizing that although the Bible talks about helping widows, single mothers, fatherless children and other people in distress, many Christians don’t know how to serve them. Teams of about four men will give three hours one Saturday morning a month to do heavy chores such as cleaning carpets, windows and stoves, fixing plumbing, checking smoke detectors, replacing lights and other home maintenance. Before going to work, the men meet for prayer, Bible study and last-minute planning. At the end of each visit team members read Scripture and pray with those who have been helped and for other people in need on the neighborhood. Each team “adopts” a person, returning each month to build relationships as they help out.


Source: Compass Direct News
Although elections in central India’s Madhya Pradesh state are more than 18 months away, Christian leaders there have linked the state’s ruling Hindu nationalist party to rising persecution ahead of the upcoming vote. Since July 2006 the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Madhya Pradesh has received reports of more than 55 attacks against the tiny Christian minority in the state which is ruled by the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). To protest the rising violence, a Madhya Pradesh Christian leader declared a fast on Maundy Thursday, April 5. Indira Iyengar, a former member of the State Minorities Commission, revealed that she broke her fast only after Madhya Pradesh’s director general of police assured her that the Christian community would be protected against Hindu extremist attacks on Good Friday and Easter. “I had to take this step because the atrocities on Christians have increased manifold, and there is no end to the government’s encouragement to Hindu extremist groups,” Iyengar said. Many Muslim leaders, who are also being persecuted by the Hindu extremists, joined Ivengar’s fast.


Source: Compassion International
A select group of babies registered with Compassion International’s Child Survival Program (CSP) are demonstrating increased muscle strength, coordination and motor skills as part of a new test program. Compassion is monitoring more than 30 CSPs in Kenya, India and the Philippines that have implemented an exercise regimen originated in Tulsa, Okla., called BabyBuilders. Compassion started using the BabyBuilders’ exercise plan in its Child Survival Program in late 2003 and is already seeing major improvements in preventing developmental delays in children. “Most of the women whose babies are in the program say the babies appear to have stronger muscles and bones than their older children at that age,” said Emily Kagiri, a child survival specialist with Compassion Kenya. “Some children have even started talking earlier than their mothers expected. The BabyBuilders program is a tool that is effective in sharpening a child’s cognitive skills in a way that many women in Kenya are not used to.” The program includes stimulation techniques aimed at increasing babies’ strength in their necks, shoulders and stomachs and improves balance, flexibility and equilibrium. Research shows these simple stimulations have far-reaching implications in overall brain and body development in infants.

* HCJB Global Voice has worked with local partners to install eight radio outlets in seven cities of Kenya.

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