Zprávy HCJB 13.4.2007

 TWR rozděluje jihoamerickým domorodcům pevně naladěné rozhlasové přijímače.
   Ve snaze oslovit evangeliem zapadlou domorodou skupinu Ticuna v Jižní Americe přijeli do Kolumbie nedávno zástupci Trans World Radio (TWR) a Toccoa Falls College Radio Network a přivezli lidu Ticuna přenosné radiopřijímače.

Součástí společného projektu je totiž rozdělení 500 pevně laděných přijímačů určených pro příjem křesťanského vysílání pro říční kmeny na pomezí Brazílie, Peru a Kolumbie. V jejich zpěvném jazyku mají stejná slova různý význam podle výšky hlasu.

„Protože nářečí Ticuna se nepodobá žádnému jinému jazyku, je důležité oslovit tyto lidi v jejich mateřštině,“ řekl manažer TWR Jim Munger. „Rádio je výkonný nástroj k dosažení nepřístupných či zakázaných oblastí, kde etnikum Ticuna žije.

Před dvěma lety pomáhali místní partneři TWR – RTM Brazil – příslušníkům Ticuna produkovat jejich vlastní evangelizační rozhlasové pořady. Ty byly až dosud šířeny na FM v důležitých oblastech Amazonie.

*Spolu s místním partnery vysílá HCJB Global Voice evangelium na místních FM vysílačích ve čtyřech městech Kolumbie. Také pokračuje vysílání španělského programu po celé zemi a po celé Latinské Americe na krátkých vlnách z Quito.
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: Trans World Radio
Endeavoring to reach the remote Ticuna tribe in South America with the gospel, representatives of Trans World Radio (TWR) and the Toccoa Falls College Radio Network recently traveled to Colombia and delivered portable radios to the Ticuna people.

The trip included a collaborative project to distribute 500 fixed-tuned radios that only pick up Christian broadcasts. Family Radio of Wilmington, N.C., also helped fund the project.

Ticuna is a tonal language spoken by approximately 40,000 river-oriented natives in Brazil, Peru and Colombia. Tonal languages use vocal pitch to signal different meanings between the same words.

“Since Ticuna is totally unlike any other vernacular, it is important for us to reach these people in their heart language,” said TWR’s Jim Munger. “Radio is a powerful tool to penetrate inaccessible or restricted areas like where the Ticunas live.”

For two years, TWR’s ministry partner RTM-Brazil has been helping the Ticunas produce their own evangelistic radio programs. Broadcasts are aired from local FM stations into strategic Amazon zones.

* Together with local partners, HCJB Global Voice broadcasts the gospel on FM stations in four Colombian cities. The ministry also continues to air Spanish programs across the country and all of Latin America via shortwave from Quito.


Source: Assist News Service
Two evangelists with hearts for people in Great Britain’s nightclub scene opened a church in a nightclub on Sunday night, April 1, at Clwb Ifor Bach on Womanby Street in Cardiff, Wales. The ministry is dubbed “Solace” by its founders. Evangelist Wendy Sanderson, who is affiliated with a society of evangelists within the Anglican Communion called Church Army, and James Karan, a young priest at Ararat Baptist Church, envision the new church as a relevant way to reach today’s young people. “James and I met a year ago, and we’ve both got a heart for people in the club scene and that kind of environment as well as people in our generation,” Sanderson explained. “We realized that a lot of people we came into contact with were saying they could never go to church so we started thinking about how we could tie in the club culture with church community and make church relevant to people. Two thousand years ago the church was just a bunch of people bound together by a common experience of Jesus Christ.” Solace will meet Sunday night with services including interaction with the speakers, live music and videos.


Source: WorldWide Religious News
A recently released sociological survey in Russia shows that for every nonbeliever in Russia there are two believers. The “Real Russia” survey, made public by the Institute for Social Projection, was based on interviews with 15,000 people. Nonbelievers (including atheists and those not affiliated with any religion) are likely to be male (66.5 percent) between the ages of 30 and 60. Religiosity among women tends to be above the national average. Nonbelievers tend to have secondary and specialized secondary education with 17 percent graduating from high school. They are not nostalgic about the former Soviet Union or obsessed by modern society’s wealth. Parallel to these findings, researchers observed that the relationship between the church and Russian society is growing closer. The number of people attending worship services in Russia has increased in the last 15 years by 6 to 7 million. The Levada Analytic Center shows that confidence in churches and other religious organizations in Russia is also growing, moving to 42 percent this year, up from 38 percent in 2006.


Source: Compass Direct News
Persecution of India’s Christians continued throughout the Easter season in at least four states within the country. Hindu extremists attacked pastors, disrupted worship services and “reconverted” 70 Dalit Christians on Easter. These incidents followed violent attacks on two Palm Sunday processions. Pastor Samuel Bandaru, 29, endured three hours of beatings, torture and taunting after he was attacked while returning from a Lenten prayer meeting on his bicycle in Andhra Pradesh. Another Christian who refused to renounce Christianity or burn Bibles was beaten unconscious by a mob of 60 as his congregation helplessly watched. Much of the strife stems from public outrage at false news reports and rumors that Christians are forcibly converting Hindus or paying them to leave Hinduism. Numerous incidents of persecution were recorded in the northern and central states of Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.


Sources: HCJB Global, The Age, BBC News, VOA News, Wikipedia, U.S. Geological Survey
A multinational emergency response team from HCJB Global Hands in Ecuador is responding to people’s health needs in the Solomon Islands after an 8.1 strength earthquake and tsunami hit the nation the morning of Monday, April 2.

The team will leave Quito on Wednesday, April 18, taking along medicines to treat various diseases and to provide spiritual encouragement for survivors.

“Apparently malaria is an ongoing problem in almost all of the Solomons,” said Dr. Steve Nelson, one of four physicians on the six-member team. “We also expect to see ‘camp diseases’ (problems common in crowded conditions such as diarrhea and skin and respiratory problems).” The islands’ average temperature is 80 degrees F., and the ocean-equatorial climate makes it extremely humid.

Those making the 36-hour trip to the Pacific islands come from New Zealand, the U.S. and Ecuador. Among them is Dr. Paola Estevez, a recent graduate of the medical residency program at Hospital Vozandes-Quito, an HCJB Global Hands facility. “We are blessed as we see young Ecuadorian physicians who have graduated from our family practice residency program, many taking their places alongside us in ministry,” said Sheila Leech, the mission’s international healthcare coordinator. Graduates have also ministered via medicine elsewhere in the world.

Once in the Solomons, which lie east of Papua New Guinea, the medical team’s work will be coordinated by Gud Nuis Redio (Good News Radio), an FM station that the mission helped establish with UCB Pacific Partners, a U.K.-based ministry, in 2004.

The trip represents a dual-thrust effort by Christian media and medicine, according to Dave Pasechnik, director of HCJB Global’s South Pacific subregion. “The media [helps people] hear the good news; healthcare is how we demonstrate the good news . . . to the ones who are suffering,” he said.

Gud Nuis Redio is based in the capital city of Honiara. The worst-hit island was Gizo where a hospital was destroyed. The islands of Choiseul and Rossel were also affected by the tsunami, along with Bouganville, Papua New Guinea.

Perhaps the most famous of the Solomons archipelago is Guadalcanal, site of some of the heaviest fighting during World War II. Extending about 900 miles, the archipelago consists of mountainous, heavily forested volcanic islands with a high level of earthquake activity.

The death toll from the April 1 quake and tsunami has reached more than 34 with as many as 10,000 displaced people crowded into makeshift camps.

Thousands have congregated on ridges above Gizo. There are fears of dysentery, and diarrhea has already afflicted the camps. The Red Cross Federation reported that 15,000 people were affected by the tsunami, but government officials put the figure as high as 50,000.

Nelson has made three other emergency response trips, handling the acquisition of medicines as he is doing for the Solomons trip. He is seeing God’s provision of needed medicines as on earlier trips. A shipment of $5,000 worth of donated medicines had arrived in Quito shortly before the quake struck in the Pacific. “Lots of it will go with us to the Solomons,” he said.

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