Zprávy HCJB 16.4.2007

 Habitat for Humanity postaví v létě v Arménii 37 domů.
   Dobrovolníci z celého světa se sjedou do Arménie, aby zde spolu s rodinami budoucích vlastníků a se sponzory, hodnostáři a mnichy Arménské Apoštolské Církve stavěli domy jako součást letošního projektu Habitat for Humanity „Pracovní projekt katolikose Karekina II.“ „Nejde jen o dobrý skutek lidí scházejících se ku pomoci rodinám v nouzi, je to i důležitý krok k odstranění pohromy bídného bydlení v Arménii,“ řekl arcibiskup Vicken Ajkazjan z Arménské Apoštolské Církve, které se počítá k nejstarším křesťanským denominacím a svůj vznik klade přímo do apoštolských časů. Během stavebních prací bude od dubna do srpna ve spolupráci s vybranými nuznými rodinami postaveno 37 domů. Tento počet symbolizuje 36 diecézí Arménské Apoštolské Církve po celém světě plus církevní ústředí („Holy See“). Série krizí v posledních desetiletích vedla k ekonomické krizi Arménie, která má nyní 3 miliony obyvatel. Zdroj: BosNewsLife
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: BosNewsLife
Volunteers from around the globe will descend upon Armenia to build homes side by side with homeowner families, local sponsors, volunteers, dignitaries and monks from the Armenian Apostolic Church as part of Habitat for Humanity’s second annual Catholicos Karekin II Work Project. “It’s not only a celebration of people coming together to help families in need, but it’s also an important step toward removing the blight of poverty housing in Armenia,” said Archbishop Vicken Aykazian of the Armenian Apostolic Church, regarded as one of the world’s oldest Christian denominations, dating back to the time of the apostles. During building events nationwide from April through October, 37 homes built in partnership with families in need will be completed in Armenia, symbolizing 36 Armenian Apostolic dioceses worldwide, plus the Holy See. A series of crises in recent decades has left Armenia, a country of 3 million, in an economic crisis.


Source: Open Doors USA
A Christian bookstore operated by the Palestinian Bible Society in Israel’s Gaza Strip was bombed by assailants with two pipe bombs early Sunday, April 15. No one was injured in the attack.

Two masked gunmen in two cars forced a night guard into a car and drove him to a remote location in northern Gaza where he was beaten and the assailants demanded a key from him. When they found the guard had no key, they left him and returned to the shop where bombs exploded at 2:30 a.m.

In addition to the bookshop attack, two Internet cafés unaffiliated with the ministry were bombed the same day. Some news accounts reported that a small group calling itself the Sword of Islam has claimed responsibility for the bookshop blast. This group has claimed responsibility for attacks on about 40 Internet cafés and video stores in Gaza in recent months.

Palestinian Bible Society Executive Director Labib Madanat said the ministry remained committed to reopening today (Monday) despite the fact that much of the building’s first floor was destroyed. “Immediately the teams are cleaning up. We’re quite resilient and determined to go back as soon as possible to functioning and to minister,” Madanat said Sunday afternoon.

Christian workers sent a message to Gaza through television crews covering the attack that they forgive the attackers and intend to continue serving. In addition to the bookstore, the Palestinian Bible Society operates a public Internet café and has a community relief food and development outreach to Gaza’s needy people.


Source: Compass Direct News
Juan Méndez Méndez became a Christian in Pasté, a village outside of San Cristóbal de las Casas in southern Mexico’s Chiapas state Saturday, April 7, and two days later local authorities jailed him for leaving the area’s traditional religion, a blend of Roman Catholicism and native customs. Méndez, 25, was released on Tuesday, April 10, after spending the night in jail. The previous Easter Sunday, political bosses in the village of Tzotzil Maya noticed him skipping a church festival involving what Méndez considered to be idolatrous rites, and they summoned him that evening. “They said, ‘What do you mean that you’ve accepted Christ -- you mean you don’t believe in our gods [Catholic saints]?’” Méndez explained. “And I said, ‘Well, those were just apostles, and now I belong to Christ.’” When town leaders threatened to beat him, Méndez replied, “If you’re going to beat me, then here I am.” Méndez told a member of his church, “If I have to be a prisoner, I have no other alternative but to continue pressing forward.”


Sources: Christian Newswire, Religion Today
Jewish researchers claim to have identified a Bronze Age artifact that includes an artistic montage with distinctive Paleo-Hebrew writing featuring an elaborate signature associated with the prophet Moses more than 3,300 years ago. Similar vessels of purification were part of the ancient sacrificial system, and the signature of the vessel’s artist is elaborately signed, yet clearly spelled out, “MoSHeH.” The artwork shows the stories of the patriarchs with panoramic scenes, including a 360-degree view of Mount Sinai and Mount Horeb. Illustrations on the stone vessel also include constellations that depict scriptural principles. The ancient stone vessel’s encoded message is a song with a healing message within a loving declaration to the creator spelled “HaShem.” Encoded within the artifact are layers of Jacob’s prophecies for each son as told in Genesis. The dream of the sheaves bowing towards Joseph is illustrated with “Yoseph” spelled out upright while the brothers’ sheaves are bent letters.


Source: WorldWide Religious News
A modern picture of religion in Ireland is revealed by new research revealing four out of five parents intend to allow their children to choose their own religion rather than force them to join the Catholic Church. Only seven percent of parents felt the same way 30 years ago. The findings of the poll revealed 82 percent of parents would let their children make up their own minds about faith. It also found that 12 percent of Irish people no longer believe in God and 22 percent do not think there is an afterlife. The results of the poll were unveiled in tandem with calls for the dominant position of Catholic teaching in primary schools to be relaxed. John Carr, general secretary of the Irish National Teachers Organization, said those providing education had a responsibility to reflect changing trends and give children alternatives. “We must face the reality that within the primary education system, many of our schools give little or no formal knowledge or understanding of our relationships with some Christian and non-Christian religions,” he said. br>
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