Zprávy HCJB 17.4.2007

 Zahájení vysílání náboženského vysílání do Číny v mandarínštině.
   V souladu se společnou strategickou dohodou mezi Trans World Radio (TWR) a známým pastorem Chuckem Smithem z Calvary Gospel v Costa Mesa v Kalifornii budou nyní posluchači v Číně moci přijímat pokročilé biblické vyučování v mandarínštině; ta je nejpoužívanějším jazykem světa. Mandarínská verze „Slova pro tento den“ začala být šířena do Číny od 24. března na krátkých vlnách z vysílače TWR na ostrově Guam. 30minutové programy jsou vysílány pět dnů v týdnu. „Jsme nadšeni možností vysílat solidní výklad Písma. Vysílání je v souladu s globální strategií TWR poskytnout neměnné Boží slovo měnícímu s světu,“ řekl Rolf Stores, ředitel TWR pro kazatelskou spolupráci. TWR již vysílá ze svých zařízení na Bonnaire a v Jižní Africe Smithovy programy v angličtině. Vysílání španělské verze bude zahájeno v červnu a další jazyky jsou v plánu. Zdroj: Trans World Radio
 Prezident Bush poctil zakladatele čínského sdružení pro pomoc.
   Rev. Bob Fu, prezident a zakladatel skupiny aktivistů za svobodu vyznání China Aid Association, nedávno obdržel dopis od prezidenta Spojených Států George W. Bushe, ve kterém mu prezident blahopřeje k jeho práci na poli náboženské svobody v Číně. V dopisu z 29. března prezident píše: „Jsem vděčen za dobrou práci, kterou děláte pro pomoc těm, kdo trpí náboženským pronásledováním, a jsem hluboce dojat vašimi mimořádnými skutky služby bližnímu. Vaše víra, odvaha a obětavé vedení jsou inspirací všem a vaše starost o druhé odráží lásku Všemohoucího. Laura i já se za vás modlíme, modlíme se za vaše přispění při šíření velkého požehnání náboženské svobody po celém světě. Nechť vám Bůh žehná.“ Zdroj: China Aid Association
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Sources: Assist News Service, Mission Network News, Associated Press
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF) is working to bring comfort and hope to students and staff on the campus of Virginia Tech University in Blacksburg, Va., after a lone gunman killed 33 people, including himself, and injured about 30 others on Monday, April 16, in the worst mass shooting in American history. The gunman was identified as Cho Seung-Hui, a 23-year-old senior majoring in English who immigrated from South Korea in 1992.

I’m at a loss for words to explain or understand the carnage that has visited our campus today,” said Virginia Tech President Charles Steger. In Washington, D.C., the House and Senate observed moments of silence for the victims, and President George W. Bush said the nation was “shocked and saddened” by news of the tragedy.

“Our nation grieves with those who have lost loved ones,” he said. “We hold the victims in our hearts, we lift them up in our prayers and we ask a loving God to comfort those who are suffering today.”

IVCF President Alec Hill said in a statement issued to the media, “We are stunned and saddened by the reports of [Monday’s] shootings at Virginia Tech. InterVarsity has three staff members who work with about 180 students on the Virginia Tech campus. We are thankful that none of them were directly harmed by the shooting. Staff and students are meeting tonight to pray for their campus.”

The ministry is also planning a campus-wide prayer event at noon Wednesday. “Events such as [Monday’s] tragic shooting bring students to an abrupt confrontation with their own mortality,” Hill added. “Our staff is trained to help students face life’s issues and find their hope in the promises of Jesus Christ. Our staff members, Wes Barts, Lindsey Jones and Robert Howe, ask for your prayers as they and their students deal with the impact of this tragedy.”

IVCF has nearly 200 students involved in the Virginia Tech chapter. To minister to students, Howe says staff members will “point them to the Lord and His sovereignty and [tell them] He’s in control of the situation. We know that God is at work in this town. And we don’t understand what has happened [on Monday], but we know that God is in control and that’s what we’re going to keep pointing our students back to.”

Among the dead was Holocaust survivor Liviu Librescu, 76, an Israeli lecturer who saved the lives of several students by blocking the doorway of his classroom from the approaching gunman before he was fatally shot, said his son, Joe Librescu, who lives in Tel Aviv, Israel. An engineering science and mathematics lecturer at Virginia Tech for 20 years, Liviu blocked the doorway with his body while urging students to flee. “Students started opening windows and jumping out,” Joe said.

Responding to the Virginia Tech tragedy at www.gospelcom.net/buzz/?p=391, the Gospelcom Alliance has posted resources to help shell-shocked students cope with the tragedy.

Virginia Tech graduate Steve Clemons said, “As a Christian I still have trouble understanding how something like this can happen and am deeply grieved for everyone including the shooter. . . . I just hope we can learn something, anything, from this that will help us prevent this from happening ever again. . . . This is a time when we must accept God’s will even when we don’t understand why.”


Sources: Religion Today, Baptist Press
True Love Waits International will expand its abstinence-until-marriage message in six African countries, utilizing $950,000 in donor gifts to LifeWay Christian Resources, said the ministry’s president, Thom Rainer. LifeWay’s successful 13-year-old program in Uganda will expand into South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia, Swaziland, Botswana and Lesotho. “Although HIV/AIDS is a concern worldwide, the most concentrated and high-risk area continues to be the continent of Africa where the life expectancy in some countries has dropped from age 42 to as low as age 30,” Rainer said. “We are very pleased to make this announcement because we believe True Love Waits can be the answer for the AIDS epidemic on the entire continent.” Since its introduction to Uganda 13 years ago, True Love Waits has been a catalyst for uniting people to address the AIDS problem and spread the message of biblical purity to schools, youth groups and communities. The HIV/AIDS infection rate in Uganda, a country of 25 million, has dropped to about 6 percent, down from 30 percent. Jimmy Hester, the initiative’s co-founder, added, “We believe that expanding True Love Waits to other parts of Africa has the potential of dramatically lowering the HIV/AIDS infection rate in those countries as well.”

* HCJB Global Hands is working to battle the AIDS crisis in both Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa. The ministry’s Vozandes Hospital in Quito operates an AIDS clinic, and the education department has produced a series of TV spots that urge prevention of AIDS through Christian values such as fidelity and abstinence. HCJB Global Hands has also sent out short-term ministry teams to South Africa to help at Hope Community Center, an HIV/AIDS ministry of Fish Hoek Baptist Church in Cape Town.


Source: Compass Direct News
Conflict continues to plague Malaysian courts as the highest court in the nation hears the appeal of the Hindu wife of a Muslim convert who was directed by a lower court to seek recourse through the sharia (Islamic) court system regarding the dissolution of her civil marriage and the alleged conversion of her younger son to Islam. The case holds critical implications for Christians and members of other minority religions in Malaysia where people such as Lina Joy, a Muslim turned Christian, are often unduly subject to Islamic regulations. In another case, Subashini Rajasingham, 28, and her estranged husband, Saravanan Thangathoray, 31, were married as Hindus in a civil ceremony on July 26, 2001. They have two sons, Dharvin Joshua, 3, and Sharvin, 1. Subashini claims her husband converted to Islam in February 2006. Five months later she received a notice that her husband had commenced proceedings in the Islamic High Court for custody of their elder son who also reportedly embraced Islam. The case fuels a continuing debate in Malaysia on the ability of the country’s dual legal system to properly administer justice to its non-Muslim citizens.


Source: Trans World Radio
As a result of a strategic partnership formed recently between Trans World Radio (TWR) and well-known Pastor Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa, Calif., listeners in China are now receiving in-depth Bible teaching in Mandarin, the world’s most spoken language. A Mandarin version of Smith’s “The Word for Today” program began broadcasting to China on March 24 from TWR’s shortwave station in Guam. The 30-minute program airs five days a week. “We’re excited by [the opportunity to broadcast] solid discipleship programming that coincides with TWR’s global strategic plan of taking God’s unchanging message to a changing world,” said Ralf Stores, TWR’s director of ministry partnerships. TWR’s transmitting sites on Bonaire and South Africa already air Smith’s programs in English. A Spanish version is tentatively scheduled to launch in June, and additional languages will be considered in the future.


Source: China Aid Association
Rev. Bob Fu, president/founder of the Chinese religious rights activist group China Aid Association, recently received a letter from U.S. President George W. Bush, complimenting him on his work for religious freedom in China. Dated March 29, the president wrote in the body of the letter, “I’m grateful for the good work you are doing to help those affected by religious persecution, and I am deeply moved by your extraordinary acts of service. Your faith, courage and dedicated leadership are an inspiration to all, and your devotion to others reflects the love of the Almighty. Laura and I will keep you in our prayers as you help spread the great blessing of religious freedom throughout the world. May God bless you.”

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