Zprávy HCJB 18.4.2007

 Osmnáctý výroční americký biblický maratón pomáhá jednotě amerických křesťanů.
   Osmnáctý výroční Americký Biblický Maratón Čtení Bible na Kapitolu začne v neděli 26. dubna v 8 hodin večer. Následujících 90 hodin budu hlasitě čteno každé slovo Bible – bez komentáře – a závěr čtení se očekává kolem 2 hodiny odpoledne ve čtvrtek 3. května. Během této doby se stovky věřících shromáždí při západním průčelí Kapitolu, aby přečetly úsek Bible, poslouchali a modlili se. Maratón se poprvé uskutečnil v roce 1990 na znak úcty k Božímu Slovu, na oslavu náboženské svobody a pro sjednocení různých větví křesťanstva kolem Bible. Ti, kdo budou číst, pocházejí z nejrůznějších míst a odvětví celé Ameriky. Členové kongresu stejně jako věhlasní kazatelé, evangelisté, umělci budou stát vedle policejních ředitelů, vojáků, sestřiček, učitelů, studentů, důchodců a jiných věřících k oslavě Bible. Na slavnosti se zúčastní široké společenství kulturních a věkových skupin, církví, denominací, ras a politických uskupení.
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: Christian Newswire
The 18th annual U.S. Capitol Bible Reading Marathon will begin at 8 p.m. Sunday, April 29. For 90 continuous hours, every word of the Bible will be read aloud, without comment, culminating at about 2 p.m. Thursday, May 3. During this time hundreds of believers will gather on the West Front of the U. S. Capitol to read a portion of the Bible, listen and pray. The marathon, first conducted in 1990, is held to honor God’s Word, celebrate religious freedom and unite the diverse branches of Christianity around the Bible. Readers who participate come from many backgrounds and locations nationwide. Members of Congress and renowned evangelists, pastors and Christian performing artists will stand alongside police chiefs, military personnel, nurses, teachers, students, retirees and otherwise ordinary believers to honor the Bible. A wide variety of cultures, ages, faiths, denominations, races and political parties will be represented during the event.


Source: Assist News Service
An active member of the Salem Voice Ministries underground house church in Kashmir, India, was brutally murdered on Saturday, April 14. Manzoor Ahmad Chat, 33, was beheaded after being tortured by Hizbul militants before dawn Saturday. Local police recovered the head and the remains of his body from the Pulwama district. Manzoor and his family became believers after converting from Islam. They regularly attend prayer services which he led at the house church. Manzoor was employed by the government as a lineman of the Power Development Department in the Kakapora area. The day before his death he was traveling by scooter to carry out his duties when he was kidnapped by the militants, according to police reports. This was the third attack on believers in the region in the last four months. In December evangelist and campaigner Basheer Ahamed Tantry, a government-employed engineer, was shot to death in public, and last month Pastor Ashir of the underground church in Kupwara was severely attacked.


Source: Baptist Wold Alliance
Ongoing fighting in Myanmar (Burma) between the Karen National Liberation Army and government forces is putting added pressure on the more than 100,000 refugees who have fled the fighting and are perched along the nation’s border with Thailand. Rev. Saw Simon, principal of the 300-student Kawthoolei Karen Baptist Bible School and College and recipient of the 2000 Baptist World Alliance Human Rights Award for his work in the refugee camps, has appealed for prayer on the behalf of Myanmar refugees. The fighting has affected refugees in the Mae La Camp, the base for Simon and the school “Refugees in the Mae La camp in Tak province (in Thailand) fear that junta and splinter group soldiers will attack the camp. Some have already begun packing their belongings,” Simon said. Shell fire is reported to have hit Thailand close to some of the refugee camps. Baptist World Alliance General Secretary Denton Lotz has appealed to Baptists worldwide to pray for those living in the refugee camps. “There are more than 100,000 refugees living on the border area of Thailand,” he said. “A significant number of them are Baptists. They need our prayers and support.”

* Broadcasts in the Rawang Myanmar language began airing from HCJB Global-Australia’s shortwave site in Kununurra on March 6. Programs in this language air seven hours weekly.


Source: Religion Today
A new book by Pope Benedict XVI called Jesus of Nazareth emphasizes that Christ must be understood as the Son of God on a divine mission, not a mere moralist or social reformer. The pope claims that re-emphasizing Christ’s divine nature is especially important in a world that tends to ridicule religious faith and that is experiencing a “global poisoning of the spiritual climate.” The 448-page book went on sale Monday, April 16, the pope’s 80th birthday. It’s the first of two volumes the pontiff has planned on the life of Christ. Interestingly, the pope prefaces his book by saying it should not be read as an expression of official church teaching, but as the fruits of his personal research.


Source: Compass Direct News
A Christian boy in Sokoto, Nigeria, who was kidnapped in November by Muslims intending to convert him to Islam escaped last month and has returned to his family. After four months in captivity, 13-year-old Victor Udo Usen fled from his Muslim captors on March 6 and ran to a shop run by his mother in Mabera, capital of the northern state of Sokoto. Esther Udo Usen, Victor’s mother, said she was in her shop when Victor came in. “We arranged through a family friend to take him out of the city,” she said, calling his escape a miracle. The boy is taking counseling in Uyo and attending Bible study lessons, she said. Victor’s father, Udo Usen, a member of the Christ Apostolic Church in Sokoto, also thanked God for his son’s escape. “I feel very happy that he is back home,” said Usen. “I had to get him out of the city, because we believe that these Muslims will come after him again, just as they did when he previously tried escaping from them.” The Usens had reported their son’s disappearance to police and state security services, but they said no serious efforts were made to rescue him in the predominantly Muslim state.

* HCJB Global Voice, together with partners In Touch Ministries, SIM and the Evangelical Church of West Africa, began airing weekly half-hour programs to Nigeria in the Igbo language in 2000. In 2003 weekly broadcasts were added in two additional languages, Yoruba and Hausa. HCJB Global Voice also has helped with radio ministries in six cities with more in the planning stages.

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