Zprávy HCJB 20.4.2007

 Francouzská Národní bezpečnostní agentura sbírá údaje o evangelikálech.
   Protestanti ve Francii se ptají Státní národní vyšetřovací služby (RG), proč zahájila prošetřování evangelikálních sborů. Pastor Jean-Arnold de Clermont, prezident Francouzské federace protestantů řekl, že z řady sborů zaznamenal, že byli kontaktováni policejními složkami a vyzvání k podání jakýchkoli informací o evangelikálních sborech v jejich okolí. RG poslala protestantům řadu otázek týkajících se názvů okolních evangelikálních sborů a zda některá z jejich aktivit nemůže být škodlivá. „Vyšetřování evangelikálních sborů RG je nepřijatelné,“ řekl Clermont. „Nepatří k úkolům RG. Mají mandát k boji proti terorizmu, násilí ve městech a dalším hrozbám proti francouzské společnosti. Zdroj: Sources: Religion Today, CNSNews.com
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: Far East Broadcasting Company
Far East Broadcasting Company (FEBC) has made Mongolia a top priority in the past year. The ministry has had a presence in the country’s Central province and is now making inroads into Hentii province. “We must expand our reach if we are to truly make a difference in Mongolia,” said FEBC President Greg Harris. To meet this goal, FEBC is launching an initiative to reach all 21 provinces in Mongolia via radio by the year 2020. Popular programming on FEBC-Mongolia’s WIND-FM in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar includes the popular call-in show, “Lifesaver.” During the program local pastors discuss a variety of topics of interest to listeners. In recent years FEBC-Mongolia, along with churches and mission groups, has made a significant impact on this communist nation. Sixteen years ago there were only a handful of Christians in the nation. Today tens of thousands proclaim Christ as Savior. Nearly 30,000 attended a Christian festival in Ulaanbaatar last year.

* Staff members from the HCJB Global Technology Center in Elkhart, Ind., worked in conjunction with Far East Broadcasting Co. to provide a 500-watt FM transmitter and antenna for a local Christian radio station in Mongolia in 2001.


Sources: Assist News Service, Religion Today
Six Vietnamese believers from the Degar (Montagnard) indigenous group were beaten and imprisoned for refusing to join the country’s officially sanctioned government church. On Thursday, April 5, Siu Eng, 38, Rahlan Piom, 31, Rcom Mrin, 47, Rahlan Pyap, 32, and Rmah Hlip, 37, were either arrested by Vietnamese security police or ordered to present themselves to local police in their respective villages. All were eventually taken to the police station in the La Grai district where they were beaten severely with “karate techniques, punching and kicking.” One of the men was repeatedly slapped in the head in an attempt to break his eardrums. All refused to join the state-approved church. Police also questioned 28-year-old Rahlan H’Per after communicating with someone in the U.S. Police warned that if she didn’t follow the official church she would be jailed. She remained silent and was immediately imprisoned. The following morning, when her mother and 6-year-old daughter visited her, the police put the child in the cell with her mother and held them both for six days before releasing them.


Sources: Religion Today, CNSNews.com
Protestants in France have asked the country’s national police intelligence service (RG) to explain why it has launched an investigation into evangelical churches. Pastor Jean-Arnold de Clermont, president of the French Protestant Federation, said he had learned from several member churches that they had been contacted by the police service and asked to pass along any information they had about evangelical churches in their region. The RG has been sending Protestants a series of questions asking the names of evangelical churches and whether any of their activities might be causing harm. “It is inadmissible that the RG should investigate evangelical churches,” said de Clermont. “It is not part of their national mandate -- their mandate is to fight terrorism, prevent urban violence and other national threats against French society.”

* French programs produced by HCJB Global Voice programmers air on a few FM Christian radio stations in France and in some French-speaking African countries.


Source: Compass Direct News
Iraqi Christians fled their homes last weekend after armed Sunni extremists threatened to kill them if they refused to convert to Islam within 24 hours. Six Christian families from the Mualimien neighborhood of Baghdad’s Dora district have relocated to a church elsewhere in the city, said a Baghdad source who requested that the families’ location and identity remain anonymous. Armed Sunnis told the families on Saturday, April 14, that an amir (independent Muslim prince or ruler) had issued a fatwa or judgment based on Islamic law against Dora’s Christians. “They called the Christians infidels and told them, ‘If you don’t convert to Islam or leave your homes in 24 hours, we will kill you,’” the source said after speaking with a member of the church helping the displaced Christians. A pastor who recently moved away from Dora to escape the daily violence said there were no injuries. He also confirmed reports that militants had removed the cross from the top of St. John the Baptist Chaldean church in Dora.


Sources: Breaking Christian News, BBC News
BBC News has reported that an increasing number of doctors in the U.K. are refusing to carry out abortions, with the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists saying there has been a big rise in the number of doctors who are conscientious objectors. “We welcome this development,” said Josephine Quintavalle of the pro-life group Alive and Kicking. “There is sensitivity in this country that there are too many abortions, and this obviously will impact doctors. We should be working together to make abortions rare.” Julia Millington of the Pro-Life Alliance added, “We have been hearing for some time now that young doctors, in particular, do not want to work in this field. Those choosing to go into medicine presumably do so because they want to cure sickness and disease, not end the lives of innocent human beings.”

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