Zprávy HCJB 23.4.2007

 12letá pakistánská křesťanská dívka o Velikonocích znásilněna skupinou čtyř muslimů.
   Šahína Masih, 12letá křesťanská dívka, byla na Velikonoční Neděli unesena a znásilněna gangem čtyř muslimů ve městě Lahore v pakistánské provincii Pandžáb. Zatímco většina jejích příbuzných šla do místního kostela na bohoslužbu, Masih zůstala doma a starala se o svého postonávajícího otce.

Asi v 10 hodin dopoledne ji otec požádal, aby mu z blízkého obchodu donesla džus. Po cestě do obchodu byla unesena čtyřmi ozbrojenými muži, kteří jí ústa zacpali kapesníkem, takže upadla do bezvědomí. Když se probrala, byla v místní továrně, sama se čtyřmi muži. Ti ji začali znásilňovat a pak ji v místnosti zamkli.

Šahína si všimla v místnosti ležícího mobilního telefonu a dokázala zavolat bratrovi. Během rozhovoru se muži vrátili, vyrvali jí telefon a sprostě ji zbili. Jeden z mužů, později identifikovaný jako Mohammad Naseer, kterému továrna patří, údajně ostatním mužům řekl „Klidně tu křesťanskou holku znásilněte. I když bude po ní, nikdo nás nechytí, její rodiče nemají peníze, aby po nás šli.“

Po telefonickém rozhovoru vyvolala rodina dívky vyšetřováni a použila údaje od provozovatele mobilní sítě k vyhledání vlastníka mobilu, útočníka Mohammada Safdara. Pod tíhou policejního vyšetřování se Safdar ke zločinu přiznal a řekl, kde Masih je – zatáhli ji totiž do nevěstince a nechali ji tam. Safdar zůstal ve vazbě, zatímco ostatní tři znásilňovači včetně majitele továrny byli propuštěni. Rodina Šahíny hledá právní pomoc od křesťanů, aby se domohla spravedlnosti v tomto případě. Zdroj: BosNewsLife
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: Assist News Service
Book of Hope International and United Christian Broadcasters, one of the United Kingdom’s leading media charities, have announced a strategic partnership with the goal of putting God’s Word in the hands of every schoolchild in the U.K. and the Republic of Ireland. By the end of this year the two partners expect to put the good news about Jesus in the hands of more than 1 million children and youth. The Book of Hope is the four Gospels harmonized and in chronological order. It also includes the first two chapters of Acts, 100 study questions and a clear plan of salvation. Since it was first published in 1987, the Book of Hope has been translated into more than 80 languages and 280 editions for different languages and cultures. By the end of 2007 it will have been distributed to more than 450 million people worldwide.

* Staff members at the HCJB-UK office in Bradford, England, are involved in program production, training and representation. They reach listeners outside the church by placing creative radio programs on local commercial stations. They also provide resources to religious broadcasters already working in the radio industry, and offer training to aspiring Christian broadcasters wanting to enter the profession. In addition, HCJB-UK operates Audiopot, an online library of creative Christian audio clips (www.audiopot.org).


Source: BosNewsLife
Shaheena Masih, a 12-year-old Christian girl, was kidnapped and gang-raped by four Muslim men on Easter day in Lahore in Pakistan’s Punjab province. While most of her family members went to a local church to attend Easter prayers, Masih remained home to care for her ailing father.

At about 10 a.m. her father requested some juice from a nearby shop. On her way to the store she was kidnapped by four armed me who stuck a handkerchief over her mouth, causing her to go unconscious. When she awoke, she found herself in a factory with four men present. They proceeded to repeatedly gang-rape her and lock her in a room.

Shaheena found a mobile phone lying in the room and was able to contact her brother. During the conversation, the men returned, snatched the phone away and beat her severely. One of the men, later identified as Mohammad Naseer, who owned the factory reportedly said to the other men, “Don’t hesitate to rape a Christian girl. Even if she dies no one will get us, her poor parents cannot pursue us.”

Upon receiving the call, the girl’s family initiated a search and used information from the mobile phone company to track down the owner of the phone, assailant Mohammad Safdar. Under pressure from police, Safdar admitted to the crime and shared the whereabouts of Masih whom they had left in a brothel. Safdar remained in detention while the other three rapists, including the factory owner, were set free. Shaheena’s family has sought Christian legal help to pursue justice in the case.

Three house church leaders in China’s Henan and Inner Mongolia provinces have filed lawsuits against the government for committing illegal acts during their detentions. Dong Quanqu and his wife, Li Huage, from Henan are demanding the return of confiscated property and compensation for detention and legal fees. On Tuesday, March 6, police raided the couple’s house and confiscated computers, cameras, a cell phone, 30 to 40 boxes of Bibles, and cash. Dong was detained for 10 days before being released on March 16. Li was detained three days later and released on March 29. So far the confiscated items have not been returned. In another case, Zhi Ruiping of Inner Mongolia was arrested on Dec. 29, 2006, on the grounds that she organized a Christmas celebration without registration. She was jailed for 15 days before being released on Jan. 13. She also is appealing the court’s decision and has filed a suit to reverse the decision and recoup legal fees.


Sources: BBC News, Assist News Service
Seven Philippine hostages, six construction workers and one factory worker, all believed to be Christians, have been beheaded by Abu Sayyaf militants in the Philippines following their capture on Monday, April 16. On the Island of Jolo, 600 miles south of the nation’s capital in Manila, Abu Sayyaf militants decapitated the seven hostages and ordered civilians to deliver their heads to troops on the southern island. The remainder of the men’s remains were recovered from a village on Friday. The military has vowed to intensify its efforts to track down the group. Maj. Gen. Ruben Rafael, head of military forces in Jolo, said the killings had been carried out in retaliation for the death of a militant commander. During their capture, the worker’s employer had refused to pay the men’s ransom. Abu Sayyaf is the smallest of four Muslim rebel groups in the Philippines with about 400 members. The group is thought to have links with both al-Qaeda and the regional militant group, Jemaah Islamiah. Abu Sayyaf members have been blamed for a number of kidnappings and bombings in the region, including the kidnapping of American missionary couple Martin and Gracia Burnham in 2002.


Source: Mission Network News
Eastern India’s Orissa state remains one of the poorest in the nation and also has one of the worst records for violence against Christians. The state’s anti-conversion laws are so strict that Christian churches must struggle between following their faith or following the law. “Almost all the Christian churches were just baptizing people in secret or ignoring the law because it was virtually impossible to conduct a baptism following the rules that this anti-conversion law had laid down,” said Dave Stravers of Mission India in Orissa. Despite the persecution, the ministry’s literacy and church-planting teams continue to be active. “In the last three days I’ve talked to different church leaders here who are involved in evangelistic ministry,” Stavers added. “They’re all very positive. They say they can see the Lord moving in their state, and they believe that the state of Orissa is coming to Christ. In fact, they talk about sending workers to other states.” Mission India has developed a year-long literacy course for rural areas and slums where literacy is the lowest and the poor live with severe problems stemming from their inability to read, write or handle basic math. The ministry also runs church training courses with both classroom teaching and hands-on outreach in villages.

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