Zprávy HCJB 26.4.2007

 Podle průzkumu 95% lidí v Evropě důvěřuje hasičům, farářům jen 53%.
   Cílem průzkumu Readers Digest 2007 bylo zkoumat, komu občané Evropy důvěřují. Devadesát pět procent důvěřuje hasičúm, 92% pilotům aerolinií a 82% lékárníkům. Faráři obsadili desátou příčku z 20 povolání – 53% Evropanů důvěřuje duchovním. Špatně se umístili odboroví předáci v průmyslu s 23% důvěry. Ještě hůř dopadli prodavači aut se 17% a politici se 7%. Dotázáno bylo asi 25 000 Evropanů. Zdroj: Assist News Service
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: Assist News Service
After being located at 646 South State St. since 1923, Chicago’s Pacific Garden Mission (PGM) is preparing to move into a new 150,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art rescue mission. In addition to the benefit of consolidating its ministries in one site, the three-story facility has been planned using environmentally friendly design principles and renewable energy technologies. PGM’s first opened its doors in Chicago on Sept. 15, 1877, and has been open every day since -- 24 hours a day -- for more than 47,250 consecutive days. Thousands profess Christ each year through the outreach. Free services include an overnight shelter, three daily meals, clothing and medical/dental care. Last year the facility served 767,668 meals and provided 217,540 shelter-days. The mission distributes more than 1 million items of clothing annually and provides free medical and dental care to about 6,000 people annually.


Source: Christian Solidarity Worldwide
In an indication of increasing government control of the Eritrean Orthodox Church (EOC), a renegade bishop has been declared its new patriarch, 16 months after the ordained pontiff was illegally removed from office. According to a report on the Eritrean website, asmarino.com, Bishop Dioscoros was selected as patriarch in the presence of government officials and other “reluctant” bishops who “took no part in the decision.” Yoftahe Dimetros, a government-appointed layperson who assumed the role of general secretary of the Holy Synod in violation of the church’s constitution, oversaw the appointment. Dimetros also aided in the unlawful removal of Patriarch Abune Antonios in 2006 and authorized the seizure of his robes of office and pontifical insignia this February. Antonios, the legitimate patriarch of the EOC, has remained under a stringent regime of house arrest since being removed from office in January 2006.


Sources: Christian Aid Mission, Religion Today
Every day thousands of Iraqis flee their country due to the continuing sectarian violence, poverty, lack of basic infrastructure, unemployment and civil unrest. Nearly 20 percent of Iraqis are living below the poverty line. Most Iraqi refugees take shelter in the Arabic- speaking countries of Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. Many of them have never heard the gospel. One ministry working covertly in the Middle East has found that these refugees are often open to the gospel. Christians have a multitude of opportunities to reach these refugees who are left without the aid of the government. Once away from their family, friends and culture, refugees frequently question their native religions. Despite the challenges, ministries in Jordan, Syria and Lebanon are taking this important opportunity to share the gospel with Iraqis. LEADERS TO PRAY ON 400TH ANNIVERSARY OF 1ST COLONY IN AMERICA

Source: Religion Today
This month marks the 400th anniversary of the founding of the first English colony in North America. On April 29, 1607, English settlers made their first successful landing in the new land. After a four-month voyage, a young Anglican chaplain, Robert Hunt, led a group ashore on what is now known as Cape Henry, Va., seeking God’s blessing on the land. Three days earlier their landing party was attacked by Chesapeake Indians and suffered injuries. Upon returning to the ship, Hunt suggested that the company regroup to pray for three days. Only after purifying their hearts and spirits did they make a second attempt. Upon reaching the beachhead, the settlers held a prayer service and planted a cross on the dunes, dedicating the new land to God’s purposes and declaring that the gospel would be carried to the entire world from those shores. Exactly 400 years later top Christian leaders from across the country will gather in Virginia Beach for a special conference leading up to the anniversary on Sunday, April 29. On that date prayers will be made for America, recommitting the nation to God’s purposes.


Source: Assist News Service
A 2007 Reader’s Digest survey revealed who European citizens trust the most. Ninety-five percent put their trust in firefighters, 92 percent in airline pilots and 89 percent in pharmacists. Clerics occupy 10th place among 20 different professions with 53 percent of all Europeans trusting the spiritual professions. At the bottom of the scale come industrial union leaders with only 23 percent indicating they are trustworthy. Car salespersons received the trust of only 17 percent, and politicians occupied the lowest ranking with only 7 percent. Some 25,000 Europeans were interviewed in the survey.

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