Zprávy HCJB 30.4.2007

 Úřady ujišťují o náboženské svobodě, 4 evangelisté uvězněni.
   Policie v Istanbulu minulý týden uvěznila čtyři pouliční evangelisty za „misijní aktivitu,“ přestože vládní místa vyhlašují právo všech náboženských skupin provádět v Turecku evangelizační činnost. Úředníci 27. dubna propustili amerického občana Davida Byle po více než 48 hodinách strávených společně s korejským a dvěma tureckými věřícími, další podrobnosti nejsou známy. Všichni čtyři byli zadrženi ve středu odpoledne 25. dubna, když svědčili o své víře kolemjdoucím v parku v Istanbulu ve čtvrti Taksim. K jejich zadržení došlo uprostřed vypjaté celonárodní debaty o oprávněnosti křesťanské misijní aktivity podnícené hrůznou vraždou tří křesťanů v jihovýchodním Turecku týden předtím. „Misionáři jsou nebezpečnější než teroristické organizace,“ řekl údajně jen několik dnů po vraždách ministr spravedlnosti Niyazi Guney. Byle řekl, že ve vězení byla skupina asi 40 lidí, se kterými mluvil o laskavosti a odpuštění, které projevili příbuzní tří křesťanů zavražděných minulý týden. Byle je otcem pěti dětí a v Turecku žije od roku 1999. Korejskému evangelistovi je 26 let a do Turecka přicestoval před 3 měsíci. Zdroj: Compass News Direct, BosNewsLife
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: Christian Newswire
A Christian website dedicated to prayer has launched the “Baghdad Prayer Patrol” to enlist Americans to pray for troops stationed in and around the Iraqi capital. Prayercentral.net founder Wayne Dillard has timed the new prayer project to coincide with the recent troop surge in Baghdad. “It’s not right to send more troops without sending more prayer,” said Dillard. “We are asking Christians to join us for just one minute a day to stand with our troops over the next six months.” Those joining the website’s prayer project receive a daily e-mail assignment specifying a geographic and spiritual need. Participants also receive a satellite map with close up views of Baghdad neighborhoods designated as hot spots for prayer. Dillard, an ordained minister of the Vineyard Christian Fellowship, emphasizes that the project is spiritual, not political, in nature. “We all want this conflict to be over,” he said. “Through prayer we can make a difference. We can help our soldiers accomplish their mission so that they can come home.” The website also posts prayers submitted by participants for the troops in Iraq.


Sources: Compass News Direct, BosNewsLife
Police jailed four Christian street evangelists in Istanbul, Turkey, for “missionary activity” last week, even as government officials openly defended the right of all religious groups to carry out evangelistic work in Turkey. Officials released U.S. citizen David Byle on Friday, April 27, more than 48 hours after he was arrested along with a Korean and two Turkish Christians, his wife said. Christian sources maintained that Turkey plans to deport the Korean believer, though further details remain unknown. The four men were detained Wednesday afternoon, April 25, while sharing their faith with passersby at a park in Istanbul’s Taksim district. The arrests occurred in the midst of tense national debate over the legitimacy of Christian missionary activity, sparked by the gruesome killing of three Christian men in southeastern Turkey last week. “Missionaries are more dangerous than terror organizations,” Niyazi Guney, Ministry of Justice director general of laws, reportedly commented only a day after the murders. Byle reported from jail that he had gathered a crowd of around 40 people while talking about the gentleness and forgiveness demonstrated by the families of the three Christians who were killed last week. The father of five young children, Byle has been living in Turkey since 1999. The Korean street evangelist, 26, arrived in Istanbul three months ago.


Source: The Christian Post
The United Methodist Church (UMC) has launched a long-term missionary recruitment campaign looking for people who will devote years to missionary service. Rev. R. Randy Day, general secretary of the UMC’s Board of Global Ministries, said “while we need new personnel in the immediate future, we are thinking long-range. We need to cultivate people with a mission call.” Day says the recruitment initiative is quite broad, covering everything from standard support and short-term young adult service to Hispanic ministries and the newly added Global Health Missionaries which targets Sub-Saharan Africa. The UMC has several new groups of missionaries, including 16 standard support missionaries (three-year term) who will be assigned to work in Africa in May and 20 short-term young adults who will be commissioned in July. The latest recruitment campaign comes amid the U.S. United Methodist Church’s continual decline in membership, now currently at nearly 8 million, while its churches overseas have increased membership 177 percent in the past decade. With numbers growing worldwide, the recruitment is taking an international approach, with the campaign available in five languages and missionary assignments carried out in collaboration with partner churches around the world.


Source: Religion News Service
In a presentation at the American Educational Research Association’s Annual Conference in Chicago, William Jeynes, a non-resident scholar at Baylor University and a professor at California State University in Long Beach, shared research on the influence of Bible Literacy on student achievement. The meta-analysis, which involves statistically synthesizing all the research that has been done on a given topic, indicated that students who possessed high levels of Bible knowledge achieved at higher academic levels and were more likely to demonstrate positive behavior patterns than those with lower levels of Bible knowledge. One study revealed the difference in GPA between students high versus low in Bible literacy was 3.60 versus 2.47. Another demonstrated the GPA difference between the two groups was 3.31 versus 2.91. Dr. Jeynes asserted, “It is probably impossible to be an educated American unless one has a solid knowledge of the Bible. The Bible is the most published and cited book not only in world history, but also in every single year of recorded human history. One cannot have an adequate grasp of most of the classics of literature and American history without an impressive knowledge of the Bible.”


Source: Assist News Service
There are at least two good reasons to stop smoking. No 1: It may damage your health. No. 2: It raises the production costs for Bibles! The craving of the Chinese for cigarettes is responsible for rising paper costs in Bible printing, according to the business manager of the German Bible Society, Felix Breidenstein. Because of the rising demand for cigarette paper in China, the special thin paper used in Bible printing is getting more expensive, as Breidenstein told the German news magazine Der Spiegel. The German Bible Society sells approximately 400,000 Bibles per year. To cut costs the books are printed not only in Germany but also in Brazil, Indonesia and China. The Bible Society is one of only a few publishing houses which offer the Bible in the original languages –Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic. In fact it is the world leader in this field, says Jan Buehler, General Secretary of the German Bible Society. The complete Bible is currently available in 429 languages, with partial versions available in 2,426, numbers well ahead of any other best-selling book.

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