Zprávy HCJB 18.5.2007

 Misijní centrum Martina Burnhama na Filipínách rozšiřuje svou činnost.
   Za pět let od zajetí misionářů Martina a Gracie Burnhamových z New Tribes Mission teroristy ze skupiny Abu Sajáfa a od zastřelení Martina při záchranné operaci se na Filipínách stalo mnoho nového. Gracie Burnhmová říká: „Od naší tvrdé zkoušky bylo na Filipíny naší organizací vysláno přes 50 misionářů. K ubytovala takového množství misionářů New Tribes Mission postavila pětipodlažní Misijní centrum Martina Burnhama v Manile.“ Je to povzbuzení i pro její rodinu. „Když jsme byli v džungli, říkávali jsme si s Martinem ‘To jsme tomu dali, teď nikdo nebude chtít jet na Filipíny a pracovat zde.’ Není to Boží zásah, když se něco, co jsme považovali za tragédii, obrátilo v užitek pro Jeho Království?“ Nové misijní centrum postavené filipínským obchodníkem bude sloužit jako výcvikové středisko a základna pro misionáře pracující mezi skupinami lidí neznajících Krista v celé oblasti. Zdroj: Mission Network News
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: Assist News Service
A recent meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota, focused on hastening the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ among targeted Unreached People Groups (UPGs), learning from each other, and increasing stewardship of ministry resources by eliminating ministry duplication. Thirty-two lay people and ministry leaders met together and formed the North American Unreached People's Network (NAUPN) to help coordinate the work of North American organizations and churches who are focused on UPG ministry. Organizers say NAUPN will be a forum where connections, information, models and partnership in prayer and discernment will enhance the urgency and capacity of every UPG network. NAUPN will also help catalyze new UPG networks and connect with global Christian leaders. The Joshua Project defines Unreached People Groups as “a people group among which there is no indigenous community of believing Christians with adequate numbers and resources to evangelize this people group.” The Project estimates that more than 6,000 people groups are unreached, meaning nearly 2.6 billion people have limited or no access to the message of the Gospel.


Source: Forum 18 News

The Eastern European nation of Belarus has taken to expelling foreign Protestants using the premise that they are “harming national security.” Jaroslaw Lukasik, a Polish citizen active in the Belarusian Pentecostal community, has said that he must leave the country by the end of June, despite the fact that his wife and three small children are Belarusian citizens. The official reason for cancelling Lukasik’s residency permit, which he has held since 1999, was “activity aimed at bringing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus in the sphere of interconfessional relations.” Lukasik reports being shown - but not given – accusations stating he participated in “gatherings of radically inclined, politicized groupings.” Lukasik’s deportation comes on the heels of the expulsion of U.S. citizen Travis Decker, active in the Minsk Baptist community, who was ordered to leave Belarus within 15 days of being notified of his deportation on 20 March. A local Protestant source claims he is no longer in Belarus. In February, seven U.S. Citizens were deported following a local police warning they were conducting illegal religious activity.


Sources: Compass Direct News, China Aid Association
Six church leaders remain in custody in China’s north-western Xinjiang province following the April 19 arrests of 30, including four U.S. Christians in Aksu city. The four U.S. Christians were later released. On April 20 authorities released eight of the Chinese house church pastors but held at least six others accused of being “suspects involved in evil cult activities.” Pastors Zhao Xinglan, Huang Xiurong, Yang Tianlu, Wang Chaoyi, Lu Cuiling and He Sijun are being held for 37 days. They could be sentenced to one to three years of “re-education through labor.” Reports indicate the Chinese government is preparing harsh sentences for the six accused pastors because of their association with the U.S. Christians and previous convictions for house church activity. Eyewitnesses said that at least two of those arrested had bleeding noses and bruises from violence during their interrogation. Over the last two years, a number of other house church Christians have been arrested in Xinjiang, and several foreign Christian workers have been expelled. Even so, both state-sanctioned and illegal house churches flourish. State church sources in 2002 estimated the total number of area Protestants at 130,000 – compared with fewer than 100 in 1949.

* HCJB Global-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra broadcasts 25.5 hours of Mandarin programming each week.


Source: Mission Network News
In the nearly five years since New Tribes Mission’s Martin and Gracia Burnham were captured by Abu Sayyaf terrorists and Martin was gunned down in a rescue operation, much has happened in the Philippines. Gracia Burnham says, “Since our ordeal, over 50 missionaries have been assigned to the Philippines with our organization. And to accommodate the growing number of missionaries, New Tribes Mission has built a 5-story Martin Burnham Missions Center in Manila.” She says the progress has been a source of encouragement to her family. “When we were in the jungle, Martin and I used to say, ‘Boy, we have ruined things for our mission here. No one is going to want to come to the Philippines and work here.’ Isn't it just like the Lord to use what we deemed a tragedy to bring about something that's going to be really useful for His Kingdom!” The new missions center, built primarily by Filipino businessmen, will act as a training center and a sending-point for missionaries to reach out to the unreached groups in the area.


Source: Religion Today
Operation Blessing Philippines was cited as the 2006 Non-Governmental Organization of the Year by the 8th Infantry Division of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. The award was given in recognition of Operation Blessing International’s (OBI) efforts in promoting peace and helping to rebuild the nation in impoverished provinces, specifically the Samar province. “In the Philippines, this award is the equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize,” said OBI President Bill Horan. OBI Philippines has conducted large-scale humanitarian outreaches across Samar throughout 2006, providing healthcare to the residents, emergency aid to disaster victims, livelihood assistance to families and feeding and education to children. Doctors, nurses, dentists, other medical staff as well as volunteers conducted six week-long medical missions during the year, extending free medical and dental checkups, minor surgeries, optical examination and giving away medicine and vitamins to more than 26,000 residents in 20 villages across Samar.

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