Zprávy HCJB 21.5.2007

 Misijní skupiny plánují pokojnou evangelizaci během pekingské olympiády.
   Křesťanské misijní skupiny z celého světa mají v úmyslu nebrat vážně čínský zákaz činnosti zahraničních misionářů a posílají tisíce evangelistů na letni olympiádu 2008 do Pekingu. Mnoho misijních pracovníků již cestuje Čínou jako turisté, seznamuje se s místními zvyklostmi a modlí se. V průběhu příštího léta chce řada křesťanských skupin evangelizovat v nějaké asijské zemi a pak se vypravit v malých skupinách na místa konání olympiády. Křesťané běžně svědčí účastníkům velkých sportovních akcí, ale v olympiádě mnozí spatřují mimořádnou příležitost. „Jde o období, kdy je snadné získat vízum,“ řekl Todd Nettleton z Voice of Martyrs. „Takže pokud vůbec, tedy nyní.“ Kvůli bezpečnosti organizátoři prozrazují ze svých plánu jen málo konkrétního. Ale většinou se očekává, že v rámci kulturních a sportovních akcí, které Čína povoluje, budou hovořit s lidmi, se kterými se setkají, o své víře. Obránci čínských křesťanů říkají, že nebezpečí pro tyto zahraniční misionáře je minimální. V nejhorším případě budou vypovězeni ze země. Ale Číňané, kteří s nimi budou pracovat, budou ve značném nebezpečí. Zdroj: WorldWide Religious News, Associated Press
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: Mission Network News
Bicyclists from evangelical churches across Russia are riding in an historic 9,000 mile evangelistic journey from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists' (UECB) Transcontinental Gospel Expedition began earlier this week. Slavic Gospel Association’s (SGA) Joel Griffith said, “The UECB bicycling evangelical teams plan to pass through 89 towns. They'll be holding 117 evangelistic-planned events in places ranging from town squares to concert grounds, community centers, and churches.” They will eventually end up on the Pacific coast in September. SGA will be providing printed resources and other support. While many believe large evangelistic events aren't effective, Griffith explained, “Russia is a vast country with a huge amount of towns, cities, and villages that have never had evangelism in that sort of scale. It's going to be quite a new thing passing through town. I really think the potential here is untapped.” One of the four teams will be led by prominent Russian champion bicyclist Vladimir Skovpen, who won the Soviet National Championship in 1980 only to give up competition for the sake of the Gospel.

* HCJB Global Voice reaches across Russia with a variety of radio ministries. The mission began sending gospel broadcasts across the country via shortwave in 1941, first from Quito, Ecuador, and in recent years from the U.K. In the early 1990s the ministry began “planting” local radio ministries in Russia and now works with partners nationwide. In 2000 HCJB Global Voice helped launch New Life Radio, the first Christian Russian satellite radio network. More than 63 downlinks have been placed in more than 42 cities across Russia and neighboring countries.


Source: Assist News Service
Defying the threats from Islamic radicals that they should either flee the town or face dire consequences, the Christians of Charsadda have responded to the ultimatum of conversion with a declaration that they were ready to sacrifice their lives for Jesus Christ and would not deny Him. This announcement was made in a press conference organized by All Pakistan Minorities Alliance (APMA) at Islamabad. The Christian Community leaders of Charsadda and Murdan, pastors, Bishop Anthony Lobo, minority members of Assembly, and the Chairman of the APMA, Mr. Shahbaz Bhatti, addressed the conference. Bhatti said, “We strongly condemn the threatening letter and ultimatum given to Christians of Charsadda. Christians of Pakistan can not be intimidated through coercive means; we can die but can not compromise on our faith. We are Patriotic citizens of Pakistan and can never bow down before Islamic militants and extremist forces.” Christians in the town of Charsadda, in the Northwest Frontier Province of Pakistan bordering Afghanistan, received threatening letters containing an ultimatum of 10 days to convert to Islam or face dire consequences and bomb explosions. The deadline of the ultimatum expired on May 17, 2007.

* HCJB Global Hands sent two medical teams from Ecuador to Pakistan following the Oct. 8, 2005, earthquake that left tens of thousands dead and thousands more injured and homeless. Staff members helped SIM International with relief efforts.


Sources: WorldWide Religious News, Associated Press
Christian mission groups from around the world plan to defy the Chinese ban on foreign missionaries and send thousands of volunteer evangelists to the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. Many mission workers are already traveling through China as tourists, learning their way around and conducting prayer walks. Next summer several Christian groups plan to rally in an unidentified Asian country and then head out in small teams to Olympic sites and beyond. Christians regularly evangelize at major sporting events, but many see the Beijing Olympics as an opening like no other. “This is going to be a time when visas are pretty easy to get,” said Todd Nettleton of the Voice of the Martyrs.” “So if you want to go, this is the time to do it.” Citing safety concerns, organizers are revealing few specifics of their plans. But many are expected to put on cultural and sports events – which China allows – with the goal of talking about faith with the people they meet. Advocates for Chinese Christians say the danger for these foreign volunteers is minimal. At worst, Olympic missionaries could be expelled from the country. However, Chinese Christians who work with foreign groups, or evangelize on their own, are in considerable danger.


Source: Forum 18 News
Religious minorities in Moldova shared concerns over troubling provisions that might still be in Moldova's long-promised new Religion Law, which completed its second – and final – reading in Parliament on 11 May 2007. Concerns focus on the “abusive proselytism” ban, which some fear could be misused and the impossibility for religious communities with fewer than 100 adult members to gain legal status, as well as the secrecy and speed with which the final text was adopted. Valeriu Ghiletchi, president of the Baptist Union, is among several religious leaders to complain that they did not know the Law would soon be considered in Parliament. Several religious leaders said that they cannot give their considered view on the final text, as it has not been made public and will not be until it is passed by the President and published in the Official Monitor. The Law was adopted 101 to 73, by Parliament, on May 11, one week before it was scheduled to be considered. Parliamentary deputy Vlad Cubreacov said, “The Communists decided to push this through.”


Source: Anglican Communion News Service
A groundbreaking service for the Anglican church, St. Jude's Cathedral, in Iqaluit, Canada, is scheduled for June 3. The original igloo-shaped church was damaged by arson in November 2005 and demolished in June 2006. Bishop Andrew Atagotaaluk, diocesan bishop of the Arctic, said the fundraising effort has so far raised $1.5 million of the $6 million needed to rebuild the cathedral, one of the most recognizable buildings in the North. He said that he and the fundraising team in Iqaluit are redoubling their efforts to meet the target. “The financial part is slow. But we have been making progress since last year. We are now getting more financial responses from various people, churches, organizations, and within the diocese as well,” he said. He said that with mail being slow in the North, responses to appeals made last June only came in December and early this year. The diocese of the Arctic is the largest of 30 dioceses in the Anglican Church of Canada, covering an area of about 1.5 million square miles, or about one third the area of the country. It includes not just the Arctic region of Canada, but also the Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and the Nunavik region of northern Quebec.

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