Zprávy HCJB 29.5.2007

 Turkmenští úředníci veřejně ponižovali křesťany a vyhrožovali jim.
   Členům protestantského sboru ve vesnici Dogryyol 25 km od turkmenského severovýchodního města Turkmenabádu (dříve Charjeva) místní úřady a policie 20. května prohledaly domy. Protestanti jsou členy nezávislého turkmensky hovořícího sboru. Druhý den svolaly místní úřady shromáždění dětí a rodičů ve vesnické škole. Zvlášť byli postaveni rodiče – protestanti a bylo jim řečeno, že pokud oni a jejich děti nepřestanou chodit na protestantské bohoslužby, jejich děti budou vyloučeny ze školy. Také jim bylo vyhrožováno, že jejich domy budou odpojeny od elektřiny, plynu a vody. Na ještě větší shromáždění večer 22. května byla svolána celá vesnice. „Četli jména křesťanských rodičů, nařídili jim aby vstali a spílali jim,“ uvádí místní zdroj. „Znovu jim vyhrožovali odpojením energií a vody, a že budou vyhozeni, a nedostanou k obdělávání žádnou půdu. Obvinili křesťany z trestné činnosti a z politické protivládní činnosti. Řekli, že udělají cokoli, aby je zničili a vymýtili.“ Zdroj: Forum 18 News Service
 Podle studie většina mládeže bloudí, pokud jde o cestu do Nebe.
   Podle výsledků studie Lifeway Research panuje v duších americké mládeže zmatek, pokud jde o cestu do Nebe. Během ledna a února byly pomocí dotazníků zkoumány názory více než tisíce mladých lidí od 12 do 19 let. Podle výsledků věří 69 procent dotázaných, že nebe existuje. 53 procent také silně souhlasí s tradiční křesťanskou vírou, že smrt Ježíše Krista za jejich hříchy je to podstatné, proč půjdou do Nebe. I když mnoho mladých věří, že půjdou do Nebe, protože věří v Ježíše Krista, čtvrtina věří ve svou vlastní dobrotu k druhým (27 procent) nebo ve svou zbožnost (26 procent) jako v prostředky k cestě do nebe. Ze 69 procent těch mladých, kteří „silně“ nebo „částečně“ věří, že půjdou do Nebe, protože Ježíš Kristus zemřel za jejich hříchy, 60 procent také souhlasí, že půjdou do Nebe, protože jsou zbožní a 60 procent také souhlasí, že půjdou do nebe, protože jsou dobří k druhým. Z výsledků průzkumu lze odvodit, že jen asi 28 procent amerických teenagerů věří ve spasení výlučně mocí Ježíše Krista (tj. bez lidského přičinění - pozn. překl.). Zdroj: Religion Today, Baptist Press
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Sources: Assist News Service, BBC News
Guatemala has the highest percentage of evangelicals of any country in Latin America, reported the BBC. Although figures vary, an estimated 30 percent of citizens belong to the country’s Protestant churches. Reflecting the growth of this sector of society is the denomination Christian Fraternity which is about to open a auditorium that can seat 12,200 people -- the largest religious auditorium in Central America. The complex includes a school, nurseries and a multistory parking garage. “Yet not everybody is happy with such projects,” the BBC story continued. “Many Guatemalans feel that the construction of mega-church buildings is a waste of precious money in a nation where 56 percent of the population still lives below the poverty line.” Christian Fraternity founder Jorge López said the project was born out of the need for more space for the mostly middle-class membership. The denomination began in 1978 with 22 members, today surpassing 12,000. The article stated that “other groups use the media such as House of God led by Cash Luna which operates a network of 25 broadcasting outlets across the country. It is reckoned to be the largest evangelical denomination in Guatemala with about 16,000 members.”


Source: Forum 18 News Service
Members of a Protestant church in a village near Turkmenistan’s northeastern town of Turkmenabad (formerly Charjew) had their houses raided and searched by local officials and secret police on May 20. The Protestants are members of an independent Turkmen-language church in the village of Dogryyol 15 miles from Turkmenabad. The following day local authorities called a meeting of children and parents at the village school. Protestant parents were singled out and told that if they and their children did not stop attending Protestant services their children would be expelled from school. They were also threatened that electricity, gas and water supplies would be cut off to their homes. An even larger public meeting was held on the evening of Tuesday, May 22 when the entire village population was summoned. “They read out the names of Christian parents, made them stand up and berated them,” local sources reported. “Again they were threatened that power and water would be cut off, that they would be fired and that they would not be allocated land to cultivate. They accused the Christians of conducting criminal activity and political activity against the government. They said they would do whatever it takes to crush and destroy them.”


Source: BosNewsLife
The U.S.-based Montagnard Foundation Incorporated (MFI), which has contacts in Vietnam’s central highlands, reported that Christian prisoner Rahlan Lua, 43, from the village of Bon Toat died on April 10 “from the effects of torture and maltreatment he received in prison.” Lua was first arrested in December 2001 on charges that MFI describes as “his involvement in a peaceful demonstration calling for religious freedom and land rights.” He was released briefly in 2005 before being returned to prison. Lua’s health deteriorated before again being released in February, only to die two months later. “The Vietnamese security police arrested and tortured him the second time to make sure that he would certainly die when he gets home,” MFI reported. Y-Kuo Nie, 53, from Buon Cu Mil village also died on March 18 after apparently being tortured in prison. In addition, two female relatives of Degar Montagnard prisoners and their driver were killed in March in a “suspicious” car accident after returning from Ha Nam prison to visit their loved ones. H’Powel Eban, 35, and H’Wot Buonkrong, 45, were part of a group of 12 relatives attempting to visit the prisoners when a large army truck coming the opposite direction swerved toward their van. The two women and their unidentified driver were killed in the crash. Eyewitnesses said the truck appeared to purposely swerve into the van.


Source: Religion Today, Baptist Press
Results from a LifeWay Research study of U.S. teenagers indicates that a majority are confused about what it takes to get to heaven. More than 1,000 teens were surveyed in January and February by mail questionnaire. Each sample consisted of 12- to 19-year-olds. Results show that 69 percent of teens believe heaven exists. Also, 53 percent strongly agree with the traditional Christian belief in Jesus Christ’s death for their sins as the reason they will go to heaven. While many teens believe they will go to heaven because of their belief in Jesus Christ, one-quarter trust in their own kindness to others (27 percent) or their religiosity (26 percent) as their means to get to heaven. Out of the 69 percent of the teens who “strongly” or “somewhat” agree they will go to heaven because Jesus Christ died for their sins, 60 percent also agree that they will go to heaven because they are religious and 60 percent also agree they will go to heaven because they are kind to others. That leaves approximately 28 percent of American teenagers who are trusting only in Jesus Christ as their means of salvation.


Source: Religion Today
Sixty-one percent of college students admit to having cheated at least once, according to survey results published on CollegeHumor.com, reflecting a growing obsession with grade point average and a decreasing sense of accountability, according to the author of a book on why Americans cheat. CollegeHumor reports that it received about 30,000 responses to its survey which was posted on the CollegeHumor.com home page for one night and the following day during peak finals season. The survey also indicated that 73 percent of cheaters felt no remorse and that getting caught stopped only 7 percent of them from repeating the offense. David Callahan, author of “The Cheating Culture: Why Americans are Doing Wrong to Get Ahead,” believes the focus on grade-point average and the competitive environment on college campuses are major reasons for the cheating. Callahan added that there are “a lot of students who don’t think much about cheating because they think it’s commonplace and everybody’s doing it.” Patricia Harned, president of the Washington, D.C.-based Ethics Resource Center, called the survey results a “disappointing picture of the ethical standards that are guiding our future workforce. Our country is indeed in an ethics crisis.”

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