Zprávy HCJB 30.5.2007

 Misionář se přes obrnu po střelné ráně vrací do Brazílie.
   Článek, který vyšel v The Des Moines Register přináší příběh 47letého misionáře Johna Leonarda, dlouholetého člena Saylorvillského baptistického sboru na severu Des Moines. Leonarda před jeho misijní stanicí 3. června 2005 zblízka střelili dva vrazi a způsobili, že ochrnul od podpažních jamek dolů. Přesto se hodlá vrátit. Řekl to před nedělním shromážděním v kostele konaném na jeho počest. „Nepovedlo se jim to. Jsem tu pořád. Ještě jsem nezemřel a to znamená, že jsem stále misionář a mám tu práci!“ Leonardovi lékaři mu návrat do Brazílie nedoporučují, ale on říká: „Mé srdce je v Brazílii a cením si ztracených duší v Brazílii.“ Leonardova cesta k úzdravě je obtížná, ale zázračná. „Nikdo neví, zda to překonal přes noc nebo za týden,“ řekl pastor kostela, kde se shromáždění konalo. „Ale on to nejen překonal, navíc vyšel s novými silami.“ Zdroj: Religion Today
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: Religion Today
An article in The Des Moines Register tells the story of missionary John Leonard, 47, a longtime member of Saylorville Baptist Church north of Des Moines. Leonard was shot at close range by two gunmen outside his mission church in Brazil on July 3, 2005, leaving him paralyzed from his armpits down. Yet he plans to return. “The gunmen failed,” Leonard said before a Sunday church service in his honor. “They didn’t succeed. I’m still here. I’m not dead yet which means I’m still a missionary and have work to do!” Leonard’s doctors don’t recommend going back, but he said, “My heart is in Brazil, and I treasure the lost souls of Brazil.” Leonard’s road to recovery has been difficult but miraculous. “They didn’t know if he’d make it through the night, let alone the week,” said the church’s pastor, Pat Nemmers. “But not only did he make it through, he came out firing,”

* HCJB Global Voice broadcasts the gospel in Portuguese to Brazil via shortwave from Quito, Ecuador, and maintains a world office and radio studios in Curitiba. Portuguese programs, which have been on the air continuously since 1947, generate more listener letters than any language service at Radio Station HCJB in Ecuador. The ministry’s Portuguese programs also air on local radio stations across Brazil.


Sources: Forum 18 News Service, Assist News Service
Ten state officials raided John the Baptist Pentecostal Church in Minsk, the capital of Belarus, during its Pentecost Sunday service on May 27. Pastor Antoni Bokun was arrested, held overnight at a police station and fined the equivalent of US$290 (20 times the country’s minimum monthly wage) the following day for holding an “unsanctioned mass meeting.” The church -- which has state registration -- has been refused permission to rent premises for public worship, forcing congregants to meet in a private home. Local lawyer Sergei Lukanin reported that Bokun told the court he had broken the law only because it went against the law of God. Fellow church member Jaroslaw Lukasik, a Polish citizen married to a Belarusian who faces deportation in early June, was also held for several hours. Although he did not preach at the service, he faces charges of conducting unauthorized religious activity as a foreign citizen.


Source: Assist News Service
News just emerging from Nepal indicates that nearly 20,000 people attended an Easter rally in the city of Pokhara. Less than a year ago Nepal was declared a secular state following decades of harsh persecution of Christians under the former Hindu monarchy. The rally demonstrated unity and freedom among Nepalese Christians with multiple churches participating in the event. Former Maoist leader Samuel Rai, the main speaker, raised a banner with an M16 rifle displayed on it and shouted, “We don’t need M16s, we need John 3:16 because M16s took many lives, and John 3:16 tells us of one who gave his life so we can have eternal life.” Representatives of political parties and ministers from the government were also invited, highlighted by Law and Administrative State Minister Indra Gurung who spoke of his sympathy towards religious people and the discrimination they have faced, particularly the Christians. He said that because Nepal is now a secular state, that ends the monopoly of Hinduism over other religions there. About a dozen journalists covered the event, and it was broadcast live on an FM radio station reaching 5 million potential listeners. The following week the Nepal Television Network broadcast a 30-minute recorded program featuring the rally, reaching up to 25 million viewers. Some 20,000 New Testaments were also distributed at the rally.


CIRCUMSTANCES’ Source: BosNewsLife
Influential Cuban Christian prisoner of conscience Alfredo Pulido López remained behind bars on Pentecost Sunday, May 27, despite suffering from tuberculosis (TB) in the Kilo 7 Prison in the province of Camaguey. The Council of Human Rights Rapporteurs in Cuba, an underground group campaigning for the release of political prisoners, suggested López had likely contracted TB under “dubious” circumstances and that his life was possibly in danger. “Fellow prisoner Normando Hernández Gonzales allegedly also contracted TB under ‘dubious circumstances’ while confined at the Kilo 5 ˝ Prison in the province of Pinar del Río,” said the group’s president Margarito Broche Espinosa. He said he had “great concern” for López’s life and “expressed solidarity with the family.” Espinosa demanded he would hold “the Cuban regime responsible for dissident’s state of health.” López is one of 75 prisoners, including Christians, detained in a massive government crackdown in March 2003 on dissidents demanding more religious and political freedom. He was tried in April 2003 and sentenced to 14 years in prison for “acts against the independence and the territorial integrity of the Cuban state.”

* HCJB Global Voice continues to air Spanish programs to Cuba via shortwave from South America. Hundreds of listeners have enrolled in the ministry’s Bible Institute of the Air, a Spanish correspondence program incorporating radio broadcasts. In addition, numerous pastors’ workshops held in conjunction with Leadership Resources International have been held in Cuba since the mid-1990s.


Source: Assist News Service
Anti-Christian activists from two Hindu radical groups attacked a pastor and an elder of a church in Bangarpet in the Kolar district of southern India’s Karnataka state Monday, May 21, for distributing gifts at a vacation Bible school (VBS) program. The extremists stated that by giving these gifts to the children they were converting them to Christianity. They attacked on the final day of the VBS program, destroying the children’s gifts and beating up the pastor who had traveled from Bangalore to assist with the VBS and the elder of the church named Rajashekhar. Despite the violence against them, a complaint was filed with the local authorities against the pastor and the elder. They were later released.

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