Zprávy HCJB 8.6.2007

 Podle studie většina Američanů věří, že média ničí morální hodnoty.
   Podle průzkumu zveřejněného ve středu Institutem pro kulturu a média (CMI) šedesát osm procent Američanů říká, že média ničí morální hodnoty v Americe. Zpráva také uzavírá, že čím víc se kdo dívá na televizi, tím nepravděpodobnější je u něho názor, že média ovlivňují národní morálku. K dalším zjištěním průzkumu patří, že podle 54 procent dotázaných mají zpravodajská média negativní vliv na morální hodnoty; jen 11 procent si myslí, že vliv je zde pozitivní. 73 procent vidí negativní vliv na morální hodnoty u zábavního průmyslu, zatímco jen 7 procent si myslí, že tento vliv je kladný. Také je zjevné, že čím víc se kdo dívá na televizi, tím shovívavější má názor na věci jako mimomanželský pohlavní styk, potraty, homosexualitu a tím méně je nakloněn náboženským hodnotám a principům a poslušnosti Boha. David Welsh, prezident Národního ústavu pro média a rodinu řekl, že výsledkem studie není překvapen. „Myslím, že jde o vzájemný vztah. Myslím, že média jsou zrcadlem společnosti, ale společnost také ovlivňují. Nemyslím, že je to jednostranný, ale oboustranný vztah,“ řekl Welsh.
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Sources: Council for World Missions, Ecumenical News International
Hong Kong Christians have launched their first manual to help combat domestic violence in their region. In 2006, 64 percent of pastors said they had dealt with confirmed and suspected domestic violence, while 33 percent of lay-people said they knew somebody who had been abused by their spouse. The manual by the Hong Kong Women's Christian Council includes suggestions for training for pastors and congregations, support groups for those affected, and promotion of gender equality. Assistant general secretary of the Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China Rev. Betsy Ng noted at a seminar on combating domestic violence that it is not easy for male ministers to recognize the experiences of women involved in domestic violence cases. She also cautioned against too much emphasis on forgiveness and acceptance and on the indissolubility of marriage. She questioned how the church can keep a balance in approaching people facing domestic violence.


Source: BosNewsLife
Three Indonesian women who were serving a prison sentence for including Muslim children in a church program in West Java, Indonesia, were released early Friday, June 8, amid international pressure. Ratna Bangun, Eti Pangesti and Dr Rebekka Zakaria were released from Indramayu State Prison in West Java after serving two years of a three-year sentence on charges related to running a ‘Sunday School’ for mainly local Muslim children, the teachers said. They made world headlines when they were sentenced in 2005, after a court found them guilty to charges brought by the powerful Indonesian Clerics Council of “breaching the country’s 2002 Child Protection Law.” Amid mounting international pressure they “were freed on parole at 6am local time and went immediately to be reunited with their families,” said Open Doors. “These [prison] gates are a university of trust,” said Dr Rebekka Zakaria in comments released by Open Doors. “This is nothing compared with the suffering and persecution faced by others. Compared with the Lord’s love and what He has given me, it is worth it,” she said.


Sources: Assist News Service, BosNewsLife, Council for World Missions, Religion Today
As leaders of the world's industrialized countries began a three-day summit in Germany Wednesday, June 6, Christian groups from around the world were there to remind them about the Millennium Development Goals, including a pledge to cut poverty in half by 2015.

Organizers said they wanted to make the Group of Eight (G8) leaders aware that they have only seven years left to fulfill their anti-poverty pledges made in 2000. “The focus of the Millennium Development Goals was to cut poverty in half by the year 2015 and we're now halfway, so we're blowing the whistle and saying, where are we at halftime?” said Reverend Geoff Tunnicliffe, International Director of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA). Tunnicliffe said there were regions – such as Asia – where progress has been made. Other areas, however, especially sub-Saharan Africa, are struggling, amid the impact of HIV/AIDS, conflicts and droughts.

Calling themselves “The Micah Challenge,” the coalition was made up of a number of leading Christian churches and charities. The protest culminated with a march lining both sides of the Thames river in London as “whistles were blown, car horns were honked and alarms went off to make a deafening signal to the government that the world can’t wait to end poverty," Micah Challenge said in a statement. “We are here as Christians to represent the millions of people in our global network who could not be here but are every day impacted by extreme poverty," said Tunnicliffe.


Source: Religion Today
Sixty-eight percent of Americans say the media have damaged moral values in America, according to a report released Wednesday by the Culture and Media Institute (CMI). The report also concludes that the more a person watches television, the less likely he or she is to believe that the media are influencing the nation's morals. Other findings in the report include 54 percent who say the news media have a negative impact on moral values; only 11 percent say their impact is positive. 73 percent view the entertainment industry as negative on moral values; only 7 percent say the entertainment industry is having a positive impact. Also apparent, the more a person watches television, the more permissive the attitudes toward issues like sex outside of marriage, abortion and homosexuality, while becoming less likely to value religious principles and obedience to God. David Walsh, president of the National Institute on Media and the Family, said he was not surprised by the results of the study: “I think it's circular,” he said. “I think that media is both a mirror of society and an influencer of society. I don't think it's one or the other. I think it's both.”


Source: WorldWide Religious News
The leader of a small group that ultimately wants to secede from the United States and form a Christian republic is preparing to move to Anderson county South Carolina, which his organization has picked as a good base of operations. Cory Burnell, leader of Christian Exodus, said he found a job and is ready to move his family and operations by July from California to Anderson, in the state's northwest corner. His family, which includes his wife and three children, will join more than a dozen other like-minded families already living in the Upstate region of South Carolina. Burnell said he expects another two dozen families in his movement to move to the area by 2008. Christian Exodus aims to claim a voice in the South Carolina state government, and eventually secede from the United States to form its own separate Christian republic. The group is a political organization, Burnell says, that also seeks to limit the power of the federal government. Burnell claims federal oversight of education, health and human services and housing and urban development violate the 10th amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

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