Zprávy HCJB 20.6.2007

 Vysoká škola provozovaná křesťany rezervuje místa Dalitům.
   Kolej Sv. Štěpána v Dillí provozovaná Církví Severní Indie (CNI) učinila historické rozhodnutí, když vyčlenila 40% míst pro posluchače křesťanům. Navíc má být čtvrtina této kvóty rezervována pro křesťanské Dality. Biskup CNI Karam Masih v Dillí to oznámil ve středu 13. června. Je to velký zvrat v přístupu této prestižní vysoké školy – systém byl projednáván i Indickým Nejvyšším soudem, když škola odmítla přijmout křesťanského studenta kvůli špatnému vysvědčení. Na křesťanské vysoké školy je velký nával pro jejich vysokou kvalitu výuky a pořádek. Proto některé z nich běžně odmítají i křesťanské studenty se špatnými známkami a špatným zázemím, jakým trpí například utlačovaní Dalité. „Dáváme tím příklad dalším křesťanským institucím,“ řekl generální tajemník CNI Das Pradhan. Zdroj: Anto Akkara
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: Anto Akkara
St. Stephen’s College in Delhi, operated by the Church of North India (CNI), has made a historic decision to reserve 40 percent of its seats for Christians. A quarter of this Christian quota will be set apart for Dalit Christian students. CNI Bishop Karam Masih of Delhi announced the decision on Wednesday, June 13. It’s a big turnaround by the prestigious college that had been taken to the nation’s Supreme Court for denying admission to a Christian student for his poor marks. There is great demand for admission to Christian colleges and schools, renowned for their quality education and discipline. Because of this, some regularly deny admission even to Christian students with low marks and poor backgrounds such as that of the oppressed Dalits. “We are setting an example by this to the other Christian institutions,” said CNI General Secretary Enos Das Pradhan.

* Radio programs in 17 languages air to Asia and Southeast Asia from HCJB Global-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra. Most of the programs are produced at the ministry’s studios in New Delhi, India.


Source: Compass Direct News
Christian families fled a village in Pakistan’s Punjab province this week after an armed mob injured Protestants preparing for an evangelistic meeting, the victims’ lawyer said. Seven Christians were injured when at least 41 Muslim men armed with guns, axes and wooden sticks attacked a Salvation Army church in the village of Chak (north of Faisalabad) the night of Sunday, June 17, said lawyer Khalil Tahir Sindhu. The Christians’ refusal to give in to demands that they cancel the evangelistic meeting prompted the attack. The mob ruined many of the church’s books and beat seven Christians, causing bruises and fractured bones. “Some of the injuries were when they were hit with the blunt side of an axe while others were caused by the weapon’s sharp side,” Sindhu added. Police initially refused to file a case against members of the mob, and doctors came under pressure from the Muslim attackers to understate the Christians’ wounds.


Source: Christian Newswire
Montreal-based JR Wireless Inc. has launched a mobile communication channel designed to benefit Christian radio and television broadcasters, ministries and congregations. The service brings Bible quotes and devotions directly to any mobile phone and enables prayer requests using text messages (SMS). The company has partnered with a leading European technology and content provider Mobile Gospel Group Inc. which has established relationships with Christian TV broadcasters and organizations in the U.K., France, Sweden, Denmark and Norway. The service was introduced to Canada on Monday, June 11, and will “soon also be made available in the U.S.,” stated a press release. The Bible quote service is available online (www.mobilegospel.ca) while the prayer request service will be available via partners such as Christian TV broadcasters, radio stations and ministries.

Sources: Mission Network News, Salem Voice Ministries News Service Three pastors were arrested in Masvingo, Zimbabwe, by the country’s Central Intelligence Organization (CIO) Sunday, June 10, for distributing toys and candy to children. Sonykis Chimbuya, Peter Bondai and Rev. Mugondi were detained and questioned by state security agents. In a bizarre case highlighting deep levels of paranoia in government, CIO agents accused the pastors of distributing campaign material for the Movement for Democratic Change, Zimbabwe’s biggest opposition party. Bondai and Mugondi were released after they were interrogated for more than three hours while Chimbuya was kidnapped and dumped along the Masvingo-Great Zimbabwe highway hours after his arrest. “We are living in constant fear after the harassment at the hands of the CIO agents,” Chimbuya said. “They just came to us and picked us one after the other. They asked us about the material we were distributing to various church organizations.” Agents also demanded that the pastors write down their sermons and present them to the secret agents before delivery.

* HCJB Global Voice signed a partnership agreement with the Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe in 2001.


Source: Baptist Press
Southern Baptists topped the 2006 Lottie Moon Christmas Offering goal, delivering the largest gift in the offering’s 118-year history. After the books closed May 31, the final tally hit $150,178,098.06, an 8.9-percent increase from last year’s $137.9 million. Southern Baptists last exceeded their goal three years ago by giving more than $136.2 million to the 2003 offering after missionary appointments lagged because of insufficient funds. The offering supports the work of more than 5,100 missionaries worldwide. This year’s gifts are expected to have a notable impact on the number of personnel being sent to the field. Board leaders anticipate sending 200 extra missionaries in the next two years, in addition to the normal appointment numbers. “Because we are a missionary-sending organization, the number of missionaries we are able to send is directly related to the gifts we receive from Southern Baptists through the Cooperative Program and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering,” said Jerry Rankin, president of the International Mission Board (IMB). “Not only will this unprecedented amount enable us to send more missionaries, it demonstrates the heart of Southern Baptists for missions and the high priority they give to reaching a lost world.”

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