Zprávy HCJB 22.6.2007

 Humanitární misie se spojují v darování lékařského vybavení.
   GE Healthcare a International Aid oznámily zahájení strategické spolupráce v obstarávání lékařské pomoci potřebným lidem po celém světě. Myles Fish z International Aid řekl, že GE daruje použité lékařské přístroje a vybavení a International Aid se postará o jeho rozdělení. „Chtějí si být jisti, že zařízení se dostane do rukou lidí, kteří s ním umějí zacházet, že poskytneme náhradní díly a školení v údržbě, kdyby se to rozbilo,“ vysvětluje Fish. „Na oplátku si nás vybrali jako jediného příjemce jejich použitého zařízení.“ Některé přístroje, které International Aid takto získá, je značně složité – narkotizační přístroje, přístroje na podporu dýchání, novorozenecké inkubátory, monitorovací zařízení pro jednotky intenzivní péče a ultrazvukové přístroje. Je velká naděje, že zařízení přispěje misijní činnosti ve složitých podmínkách. „Tento měsíc jsme odeslali zařízení pro nemocnici v Severní Koreji,“ řekl Fish. „Do Severní Koreje se normálně nikdo nedostane, ale když máme toto zařízení, jsme zváni k účasti na řešení problému tuberkulózy. Zvýšení dodávek zařízení zvýší náš vliv.“ Zdroj: Mission Network News
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: Mission Network News
GE Healthcare and International Aid have announced a strategic partnership to bring medical help to needy people around the world. International Aid’s Myles Fish said GE is donating used medical equipment, and International Aid is distributing it. “They want to be sure that the equipment is getting into the hands of people who know how to use it and that we’ll provide spare parts and training on how to repair it if it breaks down,” he explained. “In exchange for that service, they’ve chosen us to be the exclusive recipient of their used equipment.” Some of the equipment that International Aid will receive includes anesthesia machines, ventilators, maternal and infant care equipment, patient monitors and ultrasound systems. Hope runs high that the equipment will help open ministry doors in difficult fields. “We have a shipment leaving this month that’s on its way to equip a hospital in North Korea,” Fish said. “Nobody gets into North Korea, but because we have this equipment, we’ve been invited to participate with them in addressing a tuberculosis problem,” he said. “Having this increase in the supply of equipment is just going to magnify the impact.”


Source: Compass Direct News
Muslim extremists demonstrating on Thursday, June 14, in West Java, Indonesia, threatened to close down churches operating in private homes while a local pastor received an anonymous letter promising to destroy his home if it is “still functioning as a church.” The protest and threats followed two attacks on churches in West Java in early June. Some 150 protesters from the Mosque Movement Front (FPM) and the Anti-Apostasy Alliance joined the march, reported The Jakarta Post. By law, Indonesian church groups must have a worship permit, but strict terms of a Joint Ministerial Decree revised last year make it virtually impossible to obtain one. Before a church permit is granted, proof of at least 90 existing members, the approval of 60 neighbors from different faith backgrounds, and approval from local authorities is necessary. A separate building permit is also required. For these reasons, most churches worship without the required permit in private homes or rented facilities. At the close of the June 14 march, FPM head Suryana Nur Fatwa warned officials that if they failed to close down “illegal” churches, FPM would take matters into its own hands.

* HCJB Global Voice has worked with local partners to establish more than 18 local Christian radio stations across Indonesia since 2004. Broadcasts from HCJB Global-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra also encourage listeners nationwide. In addition, HCJB Global Hands has helped with relief efforts since the Dec. 26, 2004, earthquake/tsunami and subsequent quakes that devastated parts of Indonesia.


Sources: BosNewsLife, Assist News Service
More than 360 of the world’s top evangelical leaders representing more than 60 countries met in Budapest, Hungary, this week to begin praying, planning and working together in preparation for Lausanne III -- the International Congress on World Evangelization -- set for Cape Town, South Africa, Oct. 16-25, 2010. Lausanne Executive Chairman Doug Birdsall said the conference involves more than just sharing statistics and data, but rather about gaining wisdom and vision from church leaders around the world in relation to global evangelization. “The world has become a place increasingly hostile toward evangelical Christians,” he said, adding that believers can be inspired by Christians such as 18th-century Adoniram Judson. When asked about the future of Christianity, Judson replied, “It is as bright as the promises of God.” Evangelist Billy Graham greeted the participants in Budapest through a letter. “The world has changed, the church has changed, younger leaders have been raised up, but the gospel has not changed, and the need for evangelism is more urgent than ever before,” he wrote.


Source: Forum 18 News Service
Imprisoned Baptist Pastor Zaur Balaev has been held for more than a month by Azerbaijan on charges that witnesses insist is false. Balaev was arrested on Sunday, May 20, and authorities intend to bring criminal charges of resisting officials with violence. The arrest took place during a police raid on a worship service which officials say was illegal because the church does not have state registration. Authorities have been denying the church legal status for 13 years. Since being detained, Zaur's health has “deteriorated seriously," said Ilya Zenchenko, head of the Baptist Union. He added that police hit Balaev in the face and that since his arrival in prison he has been threatened with violence. The Balaev family has had to go into debt to pay for food for Balaev who has been held in a jail more than 150 miles from his home. Authorities have denied Balaev's family the opportunity to meet him since his arrest.

* HCJB Global Voice , in partnership with Hosanna and local partners in Baku, Azerbaijan, has recorded the dramatized Azeri New Testament as part of the Faith Comes by Hearing project. The recordings, completed in 1998, have been made into a series of radio programs.


Sources: Evangelical News, Christian Newswire
The Baghdad Prayer Patrol, a project of the Christian website prayercentral.net, is asking churches across the U.S. to join in a special prayer of protection on Sunday, July 1, for American troops stationed abroad. The prayer, “Protect Our Troops,” is available as a church bulletin insert that can be downloaded from the Internet. Wayne Dillard, founder of the Baghdad Prayer Patrol and a missionary serving in South Asia, hopes churches will take a portion of their services to offer prayer for those in the armed forces. The Prayer Patrol urges people to sign up for one-minute daily prayer assignments. “The response has been awesome,” said Dillard. “People are very concerned for our troops, but most don’t know what to pray. The Prayer Patrol gives them targets and connects them with the prayers of others.” Thousands have signed up online. Along with prayer assignments, participants receive a satellite map with close-up views of Baghdad neighborhoods designated as hotspots for prayer.

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