Zprávy HCJB 27.6.2007

 Nová webová stránka poskytuje praktické rady při přípravě misijních cest
   Mission:Equip (M:E) zprovoznila internetovou stránku www.MissionEquip.com, která slouží jako pomocný nástroj v přípravě krátkodobých i dlouhodobých misijních pobytů. Například je zde interaktivní přehled zahraničního zdravotního pojištění, srovnávací tabulky cestovního pojištění, převodních směnárenský webový kalkulátor, informace i pasových předpisech jednotlivých zemí, údaje o dopravním spojení a počasí i odškrtávací seznamy věcí důležitých před odjezdem na misijní cestu. M:E také nabízí misijním komunitám a sborům místo pro on-line diskuse, krátkodobě i dlouhodobě působícím misijním skupinám prostředí k výměně poznatků, nabídek a místně specifických miniencyklopedií (wikis), kde autoři mohou přidávat, mazat či upravovat obsah. M:E doufá, že s jí podaří stát se ústředním internetovým místem misionářů i sborů ke zveřejňování jejich příběhů, aby ostatní byli povzbuzeni v celosvětovém Božím díle. „Chtěli bychom, aby se www.MissionEquip.com stala místem setkávání, přípravy i povzbuzování misijní komunity na internetu,“ vysvětluje spoluzakladatel Dave Dias. Zdroj: Assist News Service
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Source: Assist News Service
Mission:Equip (M:E) has launched a website (www.MissionEquip.com) that offers a virtual toolkit of services to assist in preparation for both short- and long-term missions trips. Features include overseas medical insurance and trip insurance comparison shopping engines, currency converters, passport fulfillment services, travel and weather updates, and helpful checklists about how to prepare for an upcoming missions trip. M:E further offers the missions and church communities an online platform for both short-term missions teams and long-term missionaries to share their experiences through their blogs, online forum offerings and country-specific wikis (web applications that allow multiple authors to add, remove and edit content). M:E hopes to be the central place on the web for missionaries and churches to tell their story so that others may be encouraged by what God is doing worldwide. “We want MissionEquip.com to be the one place on the web for the mission community to connect, prepare, and share,” explained cofounder Dave Dias.


Sources: BosNewsLife, Compass Direct News
Eight kidnapped Christians, including students and two teachers, were reportedly released in Iraq Friday, June 22, ending a two-day ordeal. The Christians were abducted Wednesday, June 20, while on their way home from exams at the university in the northern city of Mosul. Ashtar TV reported that the Christians were released in Mosul at about noon local time. The station quoted a priest as saying that families raised $250,000 in support of the hostages. “First of all, they were kidnapped for money, and secondly, they were kidnapped because they are Christians,” said the priest who asked not to be identified for security reasons. “The minorities are vulnerable.” However, two other Christians believed to be kidnapped in a separate incident in the area were apparently not yet released as of Friday, June 22, by militants who reportedly demanded a ransom. On Tuesday, June 19, two unidentified Christians were killed in the Nour district of Mosul, the same area where Chaldean Catholic priest Ragheed Ganni and three assistants were murdered by suspected Muslim militants on June 3.


Source: Religion Today
The Associated Press reported that an African American Baptist leader is urging black churches to set goals for reducing by 25 percent the rate of divorce, teen pregnancy, illiteracy, murder and HIV infection among black Americans by 2012. Rev. R.B. Holmes Jr.’s Save the Family Now Initiative is also calling for an increase in the adoption of black foster children. The initiative was launched last week before more than 45,000 delegates of the National Baptist Convention USA at the group’s annual Congress of Christian Education in St. Louis. Holmes said it was time for black clergy to lead a movement not unlike the fight for civil rights 40 years ago.


Sources: Christians in Crisis, Inspire Magazine, BosNewsLife
Christian rights workers warned Wednesday, June 20, that the military government in Myanmar (Burma) is preparing a major assault on individual believers, missionary workers and church leaders by compiling a list of Christians in the country and threatening a publisher with years of imprisonment. Release International, a major advocacy and aid group, said it has learned from local Christians in the country that the Burmese military is “pulling together details of children’s homes, assemblies, pastors, leaders, church members and even Christian families.” The “junta has declared that to be Burmese is to be Buddhist” and “concern is growing about what the government will do with the list it is compiling of Christians in the country,” the group stated. In addition, a Christian publisher reported being warned to “stop publishing” or face 12 years in prison. The publisher, who has already been detained three times, said he would continue “publishing whatever we can, because we need to work for the Lord.” He added that he was not “afraid of any sentence or any action.” The publisher added that Bibles are in short supply as part of the authorities’ attempts to “drive out every religion from Burma” except Buddhism.


Source: HCJB Global
After 46 years in Ecuador, Televozandes, HCJB Global’s television outreach, has moved most of its operations to Guatemala City, Guatemala, working in conjunction with a local Christian TV station.

HCJB Global missionaries John and Sharon Gowan have settled into their new home and begun their new phase of ministry in Central America where John is working with Canal 27 (channel 27), helping to improve the professional quality of the station’s productions and broadcasts.

His primary roles include program acquisitions manager, resident trainer and Spanish dubbing director. In addition, he will continue as a trainer and consultant to other Christian stations across the Latin America Region.

Amid all the changes, part of Televozandes’ outreach continues in Ecuador. “Before leaving Quito we greatly reduced our operations from what they have been for several years and rented out most of our TV facilities to Unsión Network, a local Christian TV ministry,” John said.

“We still have one full-time employee in Quito, María de la Torre. Her job is to coordinate Spanish translations and audio recordings for In Touch Ministries and VeggieTales. Those translations and recordings are all produced using freelance technicians, translators and actors we trained before we left Quito.”

Canal 27 was founded by its president, Luis Fernando Solares, who also pastors La Iglesia de Jesucristo La Familia de Dios (The Church of Jesus Christ The Family of God), a 10,000-member congregation. Both ministries are part of the same umbrella organization, Ministerio de Motivación Cristiana (Ministry of Christian Motivation). Although closely linked to the church, the station itself is designed to be a national, interdenominational TV outreach. For more information visit www.motivacioncristiana.org.

“The station’s 24-hour broadcast day includes four hours of live programming each morning that is designed, among other things, to promote the fast-growing evangelical church in Guatemala,” John explained.

The ministry’s advisory board includes leaders from such diverse groups as Baptists, Nazarenes, Presbyterians, charismatics, Christian & Missionary Alliance, Central American Mission and the Evangelical Alliance of Guatemala. Canal 27’s broadcasts originate from Guatemala City but are rebroadcast via cable systems in more than 200 population centers nationwide.

“It is by any standard truly a national, locally driven, interdenominational ministry,” John said. “The operations are funded almost entirely by the donations of its viewers who give each year through the ministry’s annual telethon.”

He’s excited at the prospect of working closely with Canal 27 as staff members seek to apply the purpose statement of “reconciling Guatemala with God” in all of the station’s programming. “With HCJB Global’s new strategic priority of enabling local broadcasters, this seems to be a heaven-sent confirmation of that vision.”

During the Gowans’ 21 years with HCJB Global, John has worked continually in the television ministry. “Although I’ve struggled at times with the realization that TV has not always been a strategic priority for HCJB Global during this period, I can easily see many reasons why Televozandes has been the best place for me,” he explained.

“I’ve had the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in so many aspects of TV production and distribution, I’ve been able to interact with scores of industry professionals and local stations and wrestle with the realities of Christian TV in the region. I’ve also experienced working with beginners, taking them through the process of professional development so that they one day take their place as colleagues in the industry.”

For the foreseeable future John says he hopes to “continue to see top-rate Spanish dubbing happening from Quito and Guatemala for producers around the world, creating Christ-honoring television programming as well as a growth in Canal 27’s influence in Guatemala. I hope to be used to help believers throughout the region called to use television to impact this part of the world for Christ.”

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