Zprávy HCJB 19.8.2007 - 25.8.2007

 Stařenka – čínská křesťanka je ve vážném stavu ve vězení.
   Šuang Šujing, stará, 77-letá pracovnice domácí církve, byla svoji rodinou navštívena ve vězení, kde je zavřená. Rodina ji nalezla ve „vážném stavu.“ Šujing byla v únoru pekingským soudem odsouzena ke dvěma letům vězení na základě obvinění, která obhájci lidských práv označují za vymyšlená a která se vztahují k její křesťanské činnosti. „Třásly se jí ruce a byla velmi bledá. Dřív vážila 60 kilogramů a dnes má jen 44,“ uvedla její snacha Wei Jumei v dopisu rozšířeném organizací China Aid Association, která má ústředí v USA. „Posměšky a urážky, jimž ji častují spoluvězeňkyně, policejní teror a psychologický nátlak staré paní velmi přitěžují,“ dodala Wei. Čínští křesťané řekli, že policie naznačila synovi Šujing, pastorovi Hua Huiqi, že jeho matka je ve vězení jako „rukojmí,“ aby ho mohli nutit k ukončení jeho boje za svobodu vyznání domácí církve, která se v Číně rychle rozrůstá. Pastor Hua je mezinárodně uznávaným bojovníkem za lidská práva. Byl propuštěn z vězení 25. července po šesti měsících ve vězení za „narušování společenského pořádku.“Zdroj: BosNewsLife, China Aid Association
 Manželé – evangelikální křesťané vypovězeni z Izraele pro údajnou misijní činnost.
   V pátek 17. srpna oznamuje Christian Post, že americký evangelikální pastor a jeho žena byli vypovězeni z Izraele pro podezření z misijní činnosti. Oba manželé – 59letý Ron Cantrell a 54letá Carol Cantrell - žili v Izraeli skoro 20 let. Když si nyní podali žádost o trvalý pobyt, byli nejen odmítnuti, ale bylo jim řečeno, že do dvou týdnů musejí zemi opustit. Úředníci ministerstva vnitra řekli, že toto rozhodnutí vychází z podezření, že Cantrellovi se podílejí na misijní činnosti, která je v Izraeli zakázána. Pastor toto obvinění odmítl. Tento případ je podle některých pozorovatelů dalším otazníkem v rozrůstající se debatě, zda křesťané a zvlášť evangelikálové mají vůbec vyjadřovat Izraeli jednoznačnou podporu, když tento stát zakazuje křesťanům zemi evangelizovat. Podle Jerusalem Post si dvě z Cantrellových dětí mezitím vzaly Izraelce a mají izraelské občanství. Zdroj: Religion Today, The Christian Post
 Kmen bývalých lidojedů na Papui Nové Guineji se veřejně omluvil.
   Kmen domorodců z Papua Nová Guinea se oficiálně omluvil za zabití a snědení čtyř misionářů v 19. století, kteří zde působili na pokyn britského duchovního George Browna. Ten proslul svou statečností na Fidži. Tito čtyři misionáři – kněz a tři učitelé pocházející právě z Fidži – byli na výpravě, aby obraceli na víru obyvatele ostrovů Nové Británie a byli zmasakrováni příslušníky kmene Tolai v roce 1878; na příkaz místního válečného náčelníka byli zavražděni a pak uvařeni a snědeni. Reverend George Brown byl misionářem - dobrodruhem, Wesleyovým následovníkem. Narodil se v Durhamu a většinu života strávil šířením Božího slova v jižních mořích. Po neštěstí v roce 1878 vedl trestnou výpravu proti viníkovi. Nyní se tisíce vesničanů kmene Tolai zúčastnily slavnosti smíření blízko Rabaulu, hlavního města provincie Východní Nová Británie, kdysi dobře známé krvežíznivostí místních kanibalů. Jejich představitelé se omluvili za sklony svých praotců k požírání lidského masa vysokému komisaři Fidži na Papui Nové Guineji. Kanibalství bylo na mnoha místech jižního Pacifiku běžné – také ostrovy Fidži byly dříve známy pod názvem Kanibalské Ostrovy – a desítky misionářů zde byly zabity nepřátelskými domorodci. Zdroj: WorldWide Religious News

*Tým HCJB Global Technology Center se sídlem v Elkhart v Indianě spolu s místními partnery v Port Moresby na Papui Nové Guineji pracují na konstrukci satelitní rozhlasové sítě s plánovanými 32 vysílači. Hlavní FM stanice, odkud je signál od roku 2002 vysílán a také přenášen na zatím devět pomocných vysílačů, je Wantok Radio Light v Port Moresby. Od roku 2005 tato stanice také – díky pomoci HCJB Global Voice – vysílá z Port Moresby na krátkovlnné vysílačce o nízkém výkonu. Organizace provozovatelů národních náboženských vysílání (National Religious Broadcasters, NRB) nedávno jmenovala Wantok Radio Light „Mezinárodní misií roku.“
 Čelný rumunský pravoslavný kněz řekl, že televize ‘otravuje lidské duše.‘
   Rumunský pravoslavný představitel ve středu 15. srpna kritizoval televizní stanice za manipulování diváků a za „otravování duší Rumunů“ pořady obsahujícími násilí. „Měníme se v hrubce a neomalené lidi,“ řekl metropolita Bartolomeu Anania na shromáždění asi 100 000 poutníků v klášteře Nicula v severozápadním Rumunsku. Anania, jeden z možných nástupců patriarchy Teoktista, který před měsícem zemřel, trval na tom, že televize škodí lidské osobnosti. „Je to ďábelská technika působící ztrátu lidské schopnosti rozpoznat dobro od zla,“ uvedl 86letý Anania. „Je to plíživý zločin ničící svědomí a osobnost.“ Současně řekl, že se na televizi dívá a také má počítač. Dodal, že není „proti moderním novinkám“ nebo televizi jako takové, ale nesouhlasí se způsobem jejího využívání. Pravoslavná církev, která je největší v Rumunsku, bude 12. září volit nového představitele na místo po Teoktistovi, který usiloval o zlepšení vztahů s Vatikánem. Zdroj: WorldWide Religious News, Associated Press

*HCJB Global Voice vysílá evengelium na místních stanicích v osmi městech prostřednictvím partneské organizace Radio Voice of the Gospel. Při vysílání spolupracují také s Evangelikální aliancí Rumunska a s Rumunskou misijní společností.
 United Christian Broadcasters rozšiřují britské křesťanské vysílání.
   United Christian Broadcaters Limited (UCB) učinil další krok k rozšíření svého vysílání ve Spojeném Království tím, že si zajistilo kapacitu pro digitální rozhlasové vysílání u společnosti MXR Limited, která provozuje digitální sítě a pokrývá oblast s asi 18 miliony dospělých posluchačů v pěti oblastech země. To v praxi znamená pokrytí skoro všech větších měst v Anglii a Walesu křesťanským vysíláním, které zde mnozí posluchači uslyší vůbec poprvé. USB zahájí vysílání v těchto nových regionech 1. října 2007, čímž se podle údaje Ofcom zvýší celkový počet jeho dospělých posluchačů na 30 milionů. „Jsme opravdu potěšeni, že UCB začne na našich sítích vysílat,“ řekla Diane Wray, hlavní manažerka MXR Limited. „UCB je kvalitní stanice, přináší do těchto oblastí nové a vzrušující věci.“ USB má 21letou vyhlídku stát organizačně v čele národního křesťanského rozhlasového vysílání. Zdroj: Assist News Service
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: BosNewsLife, China Aid Association
Elderly house church activist Shuang Shuying, 77, was found by visiting family members to be in “serious condition” in the prison where she is held. Shuying was sentenced to two years imprisonment by a Beijing court in February on what human rights watchers described as “trumped up” charges related to her Christian activity. “Her hands were trembling and she looked very pale. She used to weigh [121 pounds]. Now she weighs only about [88 pounds],” said her daughter-in-law, Wei Jumei, in a letter distributed by the US-based Christian rights group China Aid Association (CAA). “The jeers and verbal abuses she gets from fellow inmates and the police's terror and psychological pressure have made the old lady all the more miserable,” Wei added. Chinese Christians say police have told Shuying’s son, Pastor Hua Huiqi that she is held as a “hostage” to pressure him to end his fight for religious rights of China's rapidly expanding house churches. Pastor Hua, who is also an internationally known human rights activist, was released July 25 after serving 6 months in jail for “disturbing social order.”


Source: Assist News Service
A group of 50 Hindu extremists attacked a church that was meeting in a home in Bangalore, India, on Sunday, August 19. Thirty worshippers were attending the house church gathering when thugs broke in and beat members of the congregation. At 11:30 AM, the attackers rushed inside the house, locked and bolted the doors and then started to beat up four people. The members then gathered in another house and the group again attacked and chased them away from that place. The church’s pastor, Thomas Koshy, said, “On Saturday these attackers had warned us not to conduct worship service on Sunday. Even a week before, these people had attacked our meeting but nothing extreme took place, but this time they made it severe.” Complaints have been lodged with the local authorities requesting the arrest of the attackers.


Sources: Mission Network News, Reuters, Christian Science Monitor
The death toll has risen above 500 victims and is still rising from the magnitude 8 earthquake in Peru that devastated coastal towns on the evening of Wednesday, August 15. Considered one of the worst quakes in decades, the Peruvian cities of Ica, Pisco, Chincha and Canete were the most affected as hundreds of mud and clay houses were leveled by the quake. Among the other structures that gave way during the quake was a Catholic church in Ica where churchgoers were trapped when the building collapsed during a service. Reports are emerging that nearly 80 percent of homes in the Pisco area are in ruins. In addition, of 91 government-run daycare centers in the city, only one remains standing, and most schools are destroyed or damaged. The Pan-American Highway, which connects Peru's major cities along the coast, is also heavily damaged.

The breakdown of the infrastructure has forced local officials to issue urgent appeals for help and to send troops to the area to control looting. Christian Reformed World Relief Committee is forming their response at the local level. Member Jacob Kramer said they are working with the Luke Society which supports indigenous Christian health professionals who have a vision to reach their own people. Kramer says the Luke Society “generally forms, at the local level, a group of churches who then collectively respond to the need of the people.” All would agree that help cannot arrive too soon to the thousands sleeping in open areas amidst fears of aftershocks are in desperate need of water, food and shelter.

*A medical team from HCJB Global Hands in Ecuador arrived on Saturday, August 18 to provide medical assistance, supplies and counseling to those affected by the quake and aftershocks. The disaster response team is working in conjunction with Samaritan's Purse, a US-based Christian mission that provides humanitarian aid in catastrophic situations around the world.


Source: Assist News Service
Following his hospitalization early Saturday, August 18, Evangelist Billy Graham, continues to recover from his illness. Graham reportedly watched the televised worship service of First Baptist Church of Spartanburg, S.C., led by Dr. Don Wilton and ate chicken for lunch while at Mission Health & Hospitals in Asheville, North Carolina, near his home in Montreat. He was admitted for evaluation and treatment of an intestinal bleed. Graham has been walking in the hallways near his room, and continues to visit with friends and family, the hospital said. “While no date has been set for Graham's release, family members said they hoped his hospital stay would be brief, given his improving condition,” said a story from Associated Press. The condition does not appear life threatening. Mr. Graham, who is 88, lost his wife of 64 years, Ruth Bell Graham, on June 14, 2007.


Source: Christians in Crisis, Christian Post
The first two Korean hostages freed by Taliban militants gave a brief statement of apology and thanks to the public Friday upon their return to South Korea. After nearly a month of captivity by the Taliban in Afghanistan – Kim Ji-na, 32, and Kim Kyun-ja, 37 – landed in South Korea at 12:19 PM local time Friday, August 17, according to Yonhap news agency in Seoul. The two females appeared visibly tired as they each gave a brief statement at the entrance gate of the airport. “We are very sorry that we caused you to worry so much,” said Kim Kyun-ja. “Because of your help, we were able to be released, and we would like to heartily thank you.” The two freed hostages were the results of four days of intense face-to-face talks between Taliban militants and a Korean delegation that began on Aug. 10. Taliban captors said the two females were released as a “gesture of goodwill” because talks were going well. It has been nearly a month since the Taliban militants kidnapped the group of 23 Christian volunteers on July 19. Since then, two male hostages have been killed – the leader of the group, Bae Hyung-kyu, who was found dead on July 25, and 29-year-old Shim Sung-min, whose body was found July 30. The two released women were unaware of the men’s deaths until their return.

© Copyright 2007 - HCJB Global - Colorado Springs, CO USA
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Sources: WorldWide Religious News, Associated Press
An extensive survey by The Associated Press and MTV found that people aged 13 to 24 who describe themselves as very spiritual or religious tend to be happier than those who don't. And, when it comes to spirituality, American young people are tolerant - nearly 7 in 10 say that while they follow their own religious or spiritual beliefs, others might be true as well.

On the whole, the poll found religion is a vital part of the lives of many American young people, although significant pockets that attach little or no importance to faith. 44-percent say religion and spirituality is at least very important to them, 21-percent responded it is somewhat important, 20-percent say it plays a small part in their lives and 14-percent say it doesn't play any role.

Among races, African-Americans are most likely to describe religion as being the single most important thing in their lives. Females are slightly more religious than males, and the South is the most religious region, the survey said.

The poll's mission was to figure out what makes young people happy – and it appears religion helps. 80-percent of those who call religion or spirituality the most important thing in their lives say they're happy, while a lesser 60-percent who say faith isn't important to them consider themselves happy.


Sources: Religion Today, The Christian Post
On Friday, Aug. 17, The Christian Post reported that an American evangelical pastor and his wife were told to leave the country over suspicion of mission activities. The couple -- Ron Cantrell, 59, and Carol Cantrell, 54 -- have lived in Israel for nearly two decades. After their application for permanent residency was rejected, they were told that they have two weeks to leave. Interior Ministry officials say the decision resulted from suspicion that Cantrell was participating in missionary work, which is banned in Israel. The pastor has denied the accusation. The case is being viewed by some observers as another example in a growing debate on whether Christians, especially evangelicals, should unequivocally support Israel despite the fact that it forbids Christians from evangelizing in the country. Two of the Cantrell’s children, meanwhile, are married to Israelis and have Israeli ID cards, according to The Jerusalem Post.


Sources: Breaking Christian News, OneNewsNow.com
While membership rolls for the Girl Scouts have declined by more than 100,000 in the past five years, an organization known as American Heritage Girls (AHG) has made strides in membership and popularity. AHG was founded in 1993 by Patti Garibay and others when the Girl Scouts decided to remove all references to God. Garibay is quoted as saying God's blessing on the newer organization has been evident. "We just thought it would be a little club for our own daughters," she shares. But,"[He] also opened our eyes more and more about the agenda of the Girl Scouts and the need for an alternative for parents who would like to instill Christian values in their daughters through the character-development program of a scouting organization." The report states that the organization currently has chapters in 33 states and is designed for girls ages 5-18, and those wishing to join American Heritage Girls do not have to be Christian, but leaders must sign a statement of faith.


Source: Compass Direct News
Christians and Hindus in northern Pakistan have received dozens of letters threatening them with death if they refuse to become Muslims. “Embrace Islam and become Muslims … otherwise, after next Friday, August 10, your colony will be ruined,” read more than a dozen identical letters collected by the Church of Pakistan (COP) in Peshawar, 93 miles west of Islamabad. Though the original August 10 deadline for conversion has passed, Peshawar’s minorities have cancelled church activities and skipped services, a Catholic priest said. Police continued to provide security around churches and temples this week. A spokesman for COP said that on August 7 some of the threatening letters had been thrown into the courtyards of Christian and Hindu homes in Peshawar’s Kohati districts. Different letters were mailed to Peshawar’s Catholic and Protestant churches. The letters were delivered to neighborhoods heavily populated by minority families living in small houses around a common courtyard. Officials estimate the letters probably reached more than 100 Christians and Hindus. A separate letter mailed to COP diocesan priest Joseph John threatened suicide attacks against churches. “Our mosques and children are being martyred at American orders,” read the letter. “Therefore the churches will also be wiped out from the face of the earth.” A similar threat earlier this year turned out to be a student prank.


Source: OneNewsNow.com
The Geneva Bible Restoration Project has released an updated version of the 1599 Geneva Bile which was the version used by the first settlers in America. Several historic “firsts” are represented by the Geneva Bible. “It was the first English Bible fully translated from the original languages. It was the first study Bible; [it] has over 300,000 notes and cross references. It was the first Bible to use chapters and verse numbers,” says co-founder of the Project Brandon Vallorani. “It was portable and inexpensive. And it was ... used by Shakespeare and John Bunyan, and influenced America and the founding of America as we know it today.” The Geneva Bible was outlawed after the King James 1611 Bible was published. According to Vallorani, the Geneva Bible played a key role in the Reformation. “It's interesting because I believe the Geneva Bible played such a key role in the first Reformation, and I believe we're looking at yet another Reformation in the church, bringing the church back to biblical authority,” he shares. “So I think this is just well timed in the sovereignty of God.” The 2006 edition is the first completely new publication of the Geneva Bible available in modern times.

© Copyright 2007 - HCJB Global - Colorado Springs, CO USA
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: Assist News Service
As Hurricane Dean made landfall very early Tuesday morning, Aug 21 in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico, Clive Welsh, a missionary with Saving Grace World Missions in neighboring Belize, reports that Ambergris Caye, the island where he runs Lighthouse Christian Radio Station received very strong winds and rain as the result of the storm. In an e-mail update to ASSIST News, Welsh says, “The Lord was gracious and virtually no damage was done to Lighthouse Christian Radio, the Apartments in San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye!” Welsh says that Dennis Requena, station manager, chose to stay on the island and kept the radio on all night until the electricity went out. “Several local pastors and their families took shelter in the Staff and Guest apartments of Lighthouse Christian Radio,” Welsh writes. In a phone call with a friend in the United States, Welsh reported that some trees were down and there were some huge waves, but very little damage to the radio station (mostly water under the doors), and the station antenna has moved a little. Requena added, “The island is still without electricity, which we hope will be restored shortly so we can resume broadcasting.”


Source: WorldWide Religious News
A tribe in Papua New Guinea has apologized for killing and eating four 19th century missionaries under the command of a valiant British clergyman. The four Fijian missionaries were on a proselytizing mission on the island of New Britain when they were massacred by Tolai tribesmen in 1878. They were murdered on the orders of a local warrior chief, Taleli, and were then cooked and eaten. The Fijians - a minister and three teachers - were under the leadership of the Reverend George Brown, an adventurous Wesleyan missionary who was born in Durham but spent most of his life spreading the word of God in the South Seas. Thousands of villagers attended a reconciliation ceremony near Rabaul, the capital of East New Britain province, once notorious for the ferocity of its cannibals. Their leaders apologized for their forefather's taste for human flesh to Fiji's high commissioner to Papua New Guinea. Cannibalism was common in many parts of the South Pacific - Fiji was formerly known as the Cannibal Isles - and dozens of missionaries were killed by hostile islanders.

* Staff members from the HCJB Global Technology Center in Elkhart, Ind., are working with partners in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, to design and build a satellite radio network with more than 32 outlets planned. The main FM station, Wantok Radio Light, went on the air in Port Moresby in 2002 followed by more than nine repeaters. A low-power shortwave transmitter also went on the air in the same city with HCJB Global Voice’s help in 2005. National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) recently named Wantok Radio Light as the “International Ministry of the Year.”


Source: Baptist Press
Floodwaters on the Ganges River in northern India near the border with Nepal have flooded vast areas of the state of Bihar causing at least 335 deaths. “It rains for three months every year, but not continuously, just on and off,” said Elvin Trueb (not his real name), an international Christian serving in Bihar. “But it is always raining somewhere.” With torrential monsoon rains deluging the country from June through August, floods are quite common, but no one can seem to remember a flood hitting Bihar quite as badly. “This year, the Bihari people are saying that this is pretty much the worst flood that they've had in memory,” Trueb said. “There are really large areas in north and northeast Bihar that are flooded.” Estimates are that about half the state of Bihar is underwater this year.” Bihar is about the size of Georgia,” Trueb noted. “So [the equivalent of] about half of Georgia pretty much is inundated, and we're talking some pretty serious volume in places. One of the local believer's houses is about 20 feet or so above the floodplain, and the water was up into his house. So we're talking many, many feet of water. Many houses are completely submerged.”


Source: Assist News Service
A German evangelical woman who was kidnapped at gunpoint from a restaurant in the Afghan capital Kabul has been released. Reports say that Christina Meier was freed on Sunday night, August 19, during a police raid on a house on the outskirts of the city, and a number of her suspected abductors were arrested, revealed the BBC in a story. Approximately 36 hours after she was taken hostage in Kabul 31-year-old Christina Meier is safe, in good physical and mental condition and re-united with her husband Thomas. The BBC's Charles Haviland, in Kabul, says the house that was raided on Sunday night had apparently been under observation since Saturday, the day Mrs. Meier was abducted. Mrs. Meier was the first foreigner to be abducted in the city for more than two years. She works for a Christian organization called Ora International which is primarily engaged in health projects in 30 countries. The BBC correspondent says that although there have recently been several bomb attacks in Kabul, kidnappings are rare in the capital.


Source: HCJB Global
HCJB Global launched a worldwide search to find a new president to replace David Johnson, who announced he will step down in September 2008 after more than six years of success and major accomplishments as leader of the international missions organization.

HCJB Global’s Board of Trustees established a four-man presidential search team, which has already begun the process of looking for a replacement for Johnson. During his tenure as president, Johnson developed a new vision for the organization, launched a new brand, expanded healthcare into a global ministry, established key partnerships around the world such as the New Life Radio partnership for satellite ministry in Russia, and defined HCJB Global as a discipleship-focused organization with a major emphasis on empowering local believers.

Johnson, 53, a native of Guayaquil, Ecuador, joined HCJB Global as director of the international radio group in 1994 after a career, first with Campus Crusade for Christ, and later at Azusa Pacific University in various capacities. At HCJB Global, he served as director of international ministries and then became executive director in 1996.

“Dave Johnson’s strength has been as a builder,” said Former President and Chairman of the board of HCJB Global, Dr. Ron Cline. “Through his leadership, we have defined a new vision to be the voice and hands of Jesus. We have expanded healthcare globally, strengthened our regional offices and positioned ourselves for effective ministry in the future. We owe him a great deal of gratitude. We wish and pray for him the very best as he continues to share his dedication, skills and expertise throughout the Christian world.” In an unrelated announcement, Dr. Ron Cline, who will turn 70 in January 2008, will retire as chairman of the board of HCJB Global after 25 years at the helm.

© Copyright 2007 - HCJB Global - Colorado Springs, CO USA
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Sources: WorldWide Religious News, Associated Press
A Romanian Orthodox Church leader on Wednesday, Aug. 15, criticized television stations for manipulating viewers and “poisoning the souls of Romanians” with violent programs. “We are becoming a savage and uncouth people,” Metropolitan Bartolomeu Anania told a gathering of more than 100,000 pilgrims at the Nicula Monastery in northwest Romania. Anania, one of the possible successors to Patriarch Teoctist, who died last month, contended that violence on television was harming people's personalities. “It's a diabolical technique which causes people to not be able to discern good from evil,” the 86-year-old Anania claimed. “It is a slow crime that destroys the conscience and personality.” He said, however, that he watches television and owns a computer. Anania added that he was not “against modernity” or television itself, though he disapproved of the way it was used. The Orthodox Church, which is predominate in Romania, is to hold an election on Sept. 12 to choose a new leader to replace Teoctist, who worked to improve ties with the Vatican.

* HCJB Global Voice broadcasts the gospel locally in eight Romanian cities via partner ministry Radio Voice of the Gospel. The network is a cooperative effort with the Evangelical Alliance of Romania and the Romanian Missionary Society.


Source: Assist News Service
Two teenage Christian girls have been abducted in separate incidents in the Pakistani city of Faisalabad. According to the Asia News story, Muhammad Adnan, a Muslim resident of Zulfiqar colony of Faisalabad, and his sister, kidnapped Zunaira, an eleven year old Christian girl from her home in Warispura. Zunaira was forced to marry her captor, Muhammad Adnan, after being forced to convert to Islam. The young girl’s mother was contacted by two men who offered to act as negotiators for Zunaira’s release in exchange for money. Despite being poor, Abida gave them around US$200 and has not seen the men since. Police have reportedly not taken any action to secure the girl’s release.

In a separate incident, Shumaila Tabussum, (16), was kidnapped from her home on Thursday, Aug. 16, by a Muslim man Mazher and some other unknown people. Mazher and his accomplices apparently lied to Shumaila, telling her that her father, Salamat Sasih, 37, was in a hospital after an accident. Under the pretext of taking the girl to the hospital Mazher and the unidentified people kidnapped the young girl. The girl’s father immediately reported the abduction to the police.


Sources: Assist News Service, Religion Today
Food For The Poor, the largest international relief organization working in the Caribbean, is responding to the needs for assistance in the islands battered by Hurricane Dean. Nine people have been killed, and thousands have been left homeless. Damage in Jamaica, where the 145-mph hurricane passed just to the south, includes collapsed buildings, flooding, landslides, and impassable roads. Food For The Poor staff members are assessing the damage across Jamaica and have encountered many downed power lines and trees blocking the roads. Staff members have successfully reached Portland Cottage, which sustained the worst damage. Susan James, a Food For The Poor staff member on site in Jamaica, said current reports show that Portland Cottage is "worse than after Hurricane Ivan, and Ivan was terrible. The water level was higher than in Hurricane Ivan and three-quarters of the village is gone." Shipments of 120 containers of relief supplies are en route to St. Lucia, Dominica, Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Jamaica. Supplies will be distributed through Food For The Poor's extensive network of churches, hospitals, schools and orphanages.

* Staff members from the HCJB Global Technology Center in Elkhart, Ind., worked with Tarrant Baptist Church in Kingston to install a 500-watt FM transmitter, antenna and studio.


Source: BBC News
A Malaysian newspaper is facing calls to shut down after it published an image of Jesus holding a cigarette and what appeared to be a can of beer. Malaysia's Muslim-led government closed two publications last year for carrying controversial cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. Now some members of Malaysia's minority religions say they want the same treatment over this latest incident which insulted their main religious figure. Christian groups said that although the Jesus of the Bible was a compassionate figure - who turned water into wine, shared a flagon with his disciples at the Last Supper and mixed with tax collectors and prostitutes - action should still be taken. The paper has since issued an apology, explaining that a graphics editor had mistakenly taken the image from the internet. Most of Malaysia's churches appear to have been appeased. However, the Malaysian Indian Congress, which is ethnically a Tamil political party whose majority membership is Hindu, is demanding the newspaper’s editor be sacked and the paper shut down. Non-Muslims are waiting to see how the government responds, given that it took tough action over the publication of the Prophet Muhammad cartoons last year.


Sources: Religion Today, OneNewsNow.com
A new poll conducted by the popular Christian website ChristiaNet.com shows that nearly half of Christians believe it is acceptable for believers to drink alcohol -- provided they don't get drunk. The poll surveyed 6,000 believers and asked if it was wrong for a Christian to consume alcohol. Participants were given choices of “yes,” “no,” and “unsure.” Forty-nine percent believed that drinking small amounts of alcohol is acceptable, as long as the person does not become drunk. Many said consuming alcoholic beverages for “relaxation” or a “social gathering” is also acceptable.

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Sources: WorldWide Religious News, Associated Press
Two important Christian and Muslim groups in Norway signed a joint declaration Wednesday, Aug. 22, supporting the right to convert between religions without fear of harassment as a basic religious freedom. The Church of Norway Council on Ecumenical and International Relation and the Islamic Council of Norway, which have met regularly since 1993, said they believe this is the world's first such joint declaration by national religious organizations. “As far as we know, this is the first time that a church and representative national Muslim organization have jointly acknowledged the right to convert,” said Olav Fykse Tveit, secretary general of church council. “By issuing this declaration we hope to contribute to the international process on this important matter.” About 85 percent of Norway's 4.7 million people are members of the state Lutheran Church of Norway. There are about 72,000 registered Muslims. Sultan said conversion between Islam and Christianity was uncommon in Norway, “but it is still important to establish this important principle.” Under many interpretations of Sharia, or strict Islamic law, conversion from Islam is forbidden, and can have serious consequences.


Source: Compass Direct News
Christians in Eritrea confirmed yesterday that a Protestant pastor in Asmara who disappeared 11 days ago remains missing. Pastor Leule Gebreab of Asmara’s Apostolic Church failed to return home to his family on Sunday, August 12. Since his disappearance, no one among his relatives or congregation has been able to learn anything about his whereabouts, despite inquiries to the local authorities. “His wife is greatly distressed about his disappearance,” a local source said. Gebreab, 35, is married with two children, an 8-year-old son and an infant daughter. Just one week after Gebreab vanished, police arrested 10 members of the Full Gospel Church who had gathered in a home in the Kahawata suburb of Asmara. The four women and six men accused of worshipping together were put into detention at a police station in Asmara. The Eritrean government criminalized all independent Protestant churches in May 2002, closing their buildings and banning them from even meeting together in private homes. More than 2,000 Eritrean Christians — including dozens of pastors and priests — remain locked up and subjected to severe torture for their religious beliefs in the nation’s jails, police stations and military camps.


Source: The Christian Post
The Taliban renewed threats on Wednesday, Aug. 22, to kill its remaining 19 Korean hostages if their demands were not met but did not immediately set a deadline. “If the demands of the Taliban are not met, the Korean hostages face death,” said purported rebel spokesman Zabihullah Mujahed to Agence France-Presse by telephone from an unknown location. “Although we want this crisis to be solved through negotiations, it seems the U.S. authorities are creating problems,” he added. Mujahed also reported that most of the captives were sick from weather conditions and from lack of “proper food.” Former hostages Kim Kyung-ja, 37, and Kim Ji-na, 32, pleaded for the release of their fellow Koreans still held by the Taliban during an interview with the Arab news network Al Jazeera. They expressed the heavy hearts and the burden they carry knowing that although they are free their friends and colleagues are still in captivity. “You probably think we are happy now, with our families. In fact, we can hardly sleep at night,” Kim Ji-na told Al Jazeera during an interview broadcasted on Thursday, Aug 23. “I understand that Islamic teachings give priority to life and family. Please release our co-workers as soon as possible.”


Source: Assist News Service
A group of 30 Hindu radicals from the Rastriya Swayem Sevaks (RSS) organization, attacked 18 Bible school students, who were on an evening walk at 5:30 PM on Tuesday, August 21, in India’s Karnataka state. The incident begain when a stranger suddenly approached Pastor Ganga Naik, one of the Bible school teachers, and enquired what they are doing in this area. The pastor replied that they had just come to spend some time here just to take a walk and play some games. The stranger then departed and called on his cell phone to a group of Hindu radicals and 30 of them arrived on bicycles, motor bikes, auto rickshaws and cars, and started shouting at the students saying that they were forcibly converting people to Christianity. They attacked them, beating them with their hands and kicking them viciously Out of the six female and 12 male students, 10 were severely beaten. The RSS people also brought 3 Hindu women and they made them testify in front of the police that these students were forcibly converting them. Then they took the 10 students to the police station and lodged a complaint on them. The police have arrested the 10 students and have kept them in custody.


Source: Assist News Service
United Christian Broadcasters Limited (UCB) has taken another major step toward increasing its broadcast reach throughout the United Kingdom by securing DAB digital radio capacity on MXR Limited, which operates five DAB Digital radio networks, covering almost 18 million adult and five major regions of the country. This will mean that virtually all major cities in England and Wales will be able to hear Christian radio, most of them for the first time. UCB will commence broadcasting in the new regions on October 1, 2007 taking UCB's total potential audience for its Christian radio output on the DAB Digital radio network to just under 30 million adults, according to Ofcom. "We are really pleased to see UCB become a content provider on our multiplexes," says Diane Wray, MXR Limited's Managing Director. "UCB is a quality broadcaster and they are bringing something new and exciting to these regions." UCB's 21-year vision for national Christian radio broadcasting remains a driving force for the organization and its many supporters.

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