Zprávy HCJB 2.9.2007 - 8.9.2007

 Afghánské bezpečnostní síly usmrtily velitele Talibanu odpovědného za únosy.
   Afghánské bezpečnostní síly zabily talibanského velitele, o kterém se předpokládá, že stál za červencovým únosem 23 jihokorejských křesťanů. Tento velitel identifikovaný jako Mullah Mateen byl mezi 16 militanty zabitými během boje probíhajícího od pozdního pondělka do časného úterka (3.-4. září) v provincii Ghazni. Právě tam byli Korejci uneseni a později až na čtyři z nich minulý týden propuštěni. Oznámil to jednak guvernér Ghazni, Kazim Allayar, jednak místní vyšší policejní velitel. Naproti tomu talibánští miliitanti identitu mrtvého odmítají. Zpráva přišla současně s jinou, ve které se uvádí, že mladý pastor ze skupiny unesených křesťanů byl zabit za své odmítnutí konvertovat k Islámu. „Mezi 19 rukojmími, která se 2. září vrátila domů, byli někteří, po kterých Taliban žádal, aby se stali muslimy a když odmítli, byli surově zbiti,“ řekl v otištěné poznámce Park Eun-jo, pastor mateřského sboru unesených (blízko Soulu). „Ví se, že důvodem zavraždění pastora Bae Hyung-kyu Talibanem bylo jeho odmítnutí konvertovat,“ dodal pastor. Byl zabit v den svých 42. narozenin a jeho tělo provrtané kulkami bylo nalezeno ve středu 25. července. Zdroj: BosNewsLife
 U kostela založen požár, turečtí křesťané se obávají extremismu.
   Policie v západotureckém městě Izmit uvěznila muže, který v pondělí 3. září časně ráno založil požár u vchodu do místního protestantského kostela a pak několikrát vystřelil do vzduchu. Pastor postiženého kostela je švagrem jednoho z konvertitů zavražděných v dubnu ve městě Malatya. Zajímají se o něj islámští extrémisté. Muž, který založil požár, byl policií identifikován jako Samih Sahin a vyšetřovatelům řekl, že jej „trápilo,“ co slyšel a četl v novinách o protestantském sboru v Izmitu a tak se rozhodl „udělat něco,“ aby probudil odpor veřejnosti proti tomuto sboru. Obavy z pronásledování se v Turecku zvětšily poté, co byl ministr zahraničí Abdullah Gal, oddaný muslim, zvolen prezidentem Turecka. V soboru 1. září Právní komise Sdružení protestantských církví Turecka zveřejnila zprávu podle které se v posledních letech „zvýšila hrozba útoků na sbory a církevní budovy.“ I Světová rada církví vyjádřila obavu nad neutěšenou situací tureckých křesťanů. Zdroj: Compass News Direct, BosNewsLife
 17 křesťanů – zahraničních dělníků z Indie pronásledováno v Saúdské Arábii.
   Od 15. srpna je v provincii Asir v Saúdské Arábii sedmnáct indických křesťanských zaměstnanců v domácím vězení a trpí zde vážným pronásledováním ze strany vodárenské společnosti Podle zprávy Salem Voice Ministries tato informace vyplula na povrch díky muži jménem Manoj z indického státu Kerala, který od saúdské společnosti uprchl a podařilo se mu vrátit se zpět do Indie. „Náborovou agenturou bylo poslední týden dubna 2007 vybráno 22 mladých mužů a posláno do Saúdské Arábie. Společnost jim nabídla osmihodinovou pracovní dobu, dobrý plat, letenku do Indie zdarma,“ řekl Manoj SVM. „Ale společnost slib nedodržela, protože šlo o křesťany,“ pokračoval Manoj. „Bylo jim řečeno, že musí pracovat 18 hodin denně, bez volna. Bylo s nimi zacházeno jako s otroky. Úředníci společnosti s nimi zacházejí hůř, než se zvířaty,“ řekl Manoj v slzách. „Sotva dostávají najíst. Když jim Arabové dávají jídlo, napřed na něj plivnou,“ uvádí se ve zprávách SVM. Zdroj: Assist News Service, Salem Voice Ministries
 Podle průzkumu evangelikálové nepovažují globální oteplování za důležité téma.
   Tažení proti globálnímu oteplování má v úvahách evangelikálů jen nízkou prioritu. Zjistil to průzkum provedený Barnovou skupinou. Při průzkumu byli evangelikálové dotázáni, „kterou z 11 proměn považují pro Ameriku za ‘absolutně nezbytnou’ pro nejbližších 10 let.“ Na prvních třech místech se umístily „ozdravění křesťanských sborů, zvýšení významu sňatku a rodiny a zlepšení stavu duchovnosti v USA.“ Podle průzkumu George Barny sotva 35 procent dotázaných uvedlo, že hlavní prioritou pro příštích 10 let by měla být ochrana životního prostředí – je to nejméně ze všech 80 dotazovaných skupin obyvatelstva Tony Perkins, prezident the Family Research Concil řekl, že „když mají evangelikálové možnost mluvit za sebe, projevují starost o nejzákladnější věci – duchovní zdraví národa a církve, o sňatky, rodinu a další základní věci.“ Zdroj: OneNewsNow.com
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: BosNewsLife
Afghan security forces killed a Taliban commander believed to be behind the July kidnappings of 23 South Korean Christian aid workers. The Taliban commander, identified as Mullah Mateen, was among 16 militants killed in fighting late Monday and early Tuesday, Sept. 3rd and 4th, in Ghazni province, where the South Koreans were abducted and all but four of them freed last week, said Ghazni Deputy Governor Kazim Allayar and a senior police officer in statements. However the militant Taliban movement denied the dead man was one of them. The news came amid today’s reports that the youth pastor who led the group of South Korean Christians, was killed for refusing to convert to Islam. “Among the 19 hostages who returned on the second (of September), some were asked by the Taliban to convert and when they rejected, they were assaulted and severely beaten,” said Park Eun-jo, pastor of the hostages’ home church near Seoul, in published remarks. “Especially it is known that the reason Pastor Bae Hyung-kyu was murdered was because he refused the Taliban’s demand to convert,” he added. He was killed on his 42nd birthday and his bullet riddled body discovered on Wednesday, July 25.


Source: BosNewsLife
The regional commander of Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB), a banned militant Islamic group operating in Bangladesh, was awaiting his death sentence Tuesday, Aug. 28, for killing an evangelist. Cmdr. Mohammad Salauddin was convicted by a Dhaka Court of killing Hridoy Roy by slitting his throat in the northern town of Sharishbari. “Salauddin pleaded guilty to the murder charges. He confessed to a magistrate that he slaughtered Roy on March 23, 2003. It was a preplanned murder,” said prosecutor Shahin Ahmed Khan. “In his written statement, Salauddin said he killed Roy because he was engaged in converting Muslims into Christians by showing films on Jesus,” he added. A breakthrough came more than two years after the murder when Salauddin was apprehended for his alleged involvement in a wave of bombings. During his trial he confessed to the killing, reported Open Doors which has been monitoring the trial. Salauddin was allegedly unrepentant saying, “I will not appeal to the court, nor ask for mercy. I am delighted to have killed Hridoy, an enemy of Islam.” News of the death sentence came as Christians remained on high alert as authorities in Bangladesh lifted a curfew Tuesday, Aug. 28, imposed on the capital Dhaka and five other cities.


Source: Evangelical News
A federal judge in Georgia on Friday, Aug. 24, denied Savannah State University’s motion to dismiss a lawsuit brought by a Christian student group. University officials booted the student group, Commissioned II Love, off campus after deeming the group’s act of sharing the gospel as “harassment” and the club’s practice of washing the feet of new members -- as Jesus did with His disciples -- as “hazing.” The student organization was suspended in April 2006, denying the group access to university facilities and benefits. University officials applied the highest sanction possible against the student group -- complete and formal expulsion from campus -- alleging that the group violated its suspension when some of its members individually participated in a contemporary Christian music event. While foot washing is an ancient Christian custom reflecting Jesus’ service and love for his disciples, the university charges labeled foot washing “an activity which endangers or is likely to endanger the physical health of a student, regardless of the student’s willingness to participate in such activity.”


Sources: Breaking Christian News, BBC News
The Church of England often baptizes infants, but usually the baptisms are performed in a church. Not so with 3-year-old Honey Hunt and her baby sister, Poppy, who were recently baptized inside Zippo’s circus ring on the Sussex seafront. According to a BBC report, a ringmaster’s top hat doubled as the font, and the service was performed by Rev. Roly Bain who is a clown and a Church of England priest. “It was fantastic, we enjoyed it so much,” said the children’s parents, Clive and Jo Hunt, who had chosen as godparents the children’s aunt, Becki, a dancer in the circus who is married to clown Henri Alaya. Bain, who likes to be called “Rev. Roly,” has reportedly spent 16 years traveling the world spreading the Christian message through his work as a clown and a wirewalker. “All my clowning has some sort of Christian content -- this sort of thing is brilliant,” he said, adding that he thought the big top was just as appropriate a place for a baptism as a church building.


Allan Cline, the father of Ron Cline who served as HCJB Global’s president from 1981 to 2001 and continues to serve as chairman of the Board of Trustees, died in California on Sunday, Aug. 25, following a long illness. He was 95 years old.

Allan was born on Jan. 31, 1912, in Nunn, Colo., to a pioneer farming family. He was the youngest of seven children.

After finishing high school, he worked as an auto mechanic and drove his own car as a school bus. He and his wife, Helen, married in 1934, and they had been married 72 years when Helen died earlier this year. They had two children, Barbara and Ron.

In 1940 Allan packed up the family and drove to California. They lived first in El Cajon, then in San Diego. It was in El Cajon that Allan became a Christian at the age of 28 and adopted his life’s battle cry, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

He worked for the government during the war, keeping the B-24 “Liberators” flying, and then continued his work as an auto mechanic until he retired in 1977. The Clines spent 1978 in Quito on a year-long mission with HCJB Global.

The Clines belonged to Scott Memorial Baptist Church in San Diego where Allan was active as a deacon, trustee, leader of the men’s fellowship and a youth sponsor. In later years they attended First Baptist Church of La Mesa, Calif., First Baptist Church of Hemet, Calif., and Fellowship of the Pass Church in Beaumont, Calif.

He leaves a daughter, Barbara Brown of California; a son, Ron Cline of Colorado; six grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren and three great-great-grandchildren. He and Helen were also foster parents to 24 children.

Ron Cline says, “We are all of his house! We all feel his commitment to serve the Lord with our lives.” A memorial service will be held at 1 p.m. Thursday, Sept 6, at the Fellowship of the Pass Church in Beaumont. Memorial gifts may be sent to HCJB Global marked “Goroko Project” in Papua New Guinea.

© Copyright 2007 - HCJB Global - Colorado Springs, CO USA
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Sources: Assist News Service, BosNewsLife, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church
Dr. D. James Kennedy, founder and senior pastor for 48 years of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church (CRPC) in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., passed away peacefully at about 2:15 a.m. today (Wednesday, Sept. 5) at his home in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., with his wife and daughter by his bedside. He died following complications from a cardiac event last December. He was 76.

“There are all kinds of wonderful things I could say about my dad,” said daughter Jennifer Kennedy Cassidy. “But one that stands out is his fine example. He ‘walked the walk’ and ‘practiced what he preached.’”

Kennedy, who is survived by Anne, his wife of 51 years, and his daughter, Jennifer, preached his last sermon from the pulpit of CRPC on Christmas Eve, 2006. He suffered a cardiac arrest four days later and has since been unable to return to the pulpit. The church announced his retirement on Aug. 26, beginning a process to choose his successor. A tribute worship service honoring Kennedy’s extensive ministry was being planned for Sunday, Sept. 23.

While hindered by persistent health problems such as asthma as well as chronic and often severe physical pain from compressed vertebrae due to an injury suffered as a young man, friends said Kennedy was “indefatigable” in his ministry work. He said on several occasions how much he looked forward to being free from pain in heaven.

Kennedy was one of the nation’s leading Christian broadcasters and a “vigorous, articulate advocate” for Christian involvement in public life. He first came to Christ in 1953. Sleeping late on a Sunday morning, his radio alarm went off and a preacher’s booming voice invaded his slumber, “Suppose you were to die today and stand before God and He were to ask you, ‘What right do you have to enter into my heaven?’ What would you say?”

In 1966 Kennedy founded Evangelism Explosion (EE), a witnessing program through which countless millions have made commitments to Christ, including nearly 5 million in 2006 alone. EE became the first Christian ministry to be established in every nation on earth.

In 1974 he started Coral Ridge Ministries, the church’s radio and television arm that claims a weekly audience of 3.5 million. His words are broadcast daily on nearly 750 radio stations across the U.S. and weekly on more than 400 television stations. The Armed Forces Network airs his programs in 165 nations. He started WAFG (90.3 FM) in 1974 as an outreach for Christ to the south Florida community.

In 1996 Kennedy formed the Center for Reclaiming America for Christ to mobilize conservative Christians “on the key fronts of the modern-day culture war,” including marriage, pornography, creationism and “judicial tyranny,” according to the group’s website. The center closed earlier this year, in part because Kennedy wanted to devote his attention to evangelism.

He also founded two educational institutions in Fort Lauderdale: Westminster Academy, a nationally respected Christian school, and Knox Theological Seminary, a graduate school preparing Christians for ministry as pastors, teachers and missionaries.

Kennedy’s body will lie in repose in the grand narthex in the sanctuary of CRPC for public viewing from noon to 9 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 12. A public memorial service will be held at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church at 1 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 13.


Sources: Compass News Direct, BosNewsLife
Police in Turkey’s western city of Izmit have arrested a man who set a fire at the entrance of the local Protestant church and then shot off his pistol several times during the early-morning hours of Monday, Sept. 3. The church’s pastor is the brother-in-law of one of the converts to Christianity murdered in Malatya in April and has been targeted by Islamic extremists. Identified by police authorities as Semih Sahin, the man who set fire to the church entrance reportedly told interrogators that he had been “bothered” by what he heard and read in the newspapers about the Izmit Protestant Church, so he wanted to “make a scene” to arouse public attention against it. Concerns of persecution are widespread in Turkey following last week’s election of Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul, a devout Muslim, as the country’s new president. On Saturday, Sept.1, the Legal Committee of the Alliance of Protestant Churches of Turkey issued a report saying that the past year has seen “scores of threats or attacks on congregations and church buildings.” The World Council of Churches has also registered their concern about the plight of Turkish Christians.


Source: Christian Newswire
According to the government of India, 2,281 people have died in this year’s monsoon season that began in June. With more heavy rainfall predicted, the death toll is expected to rise. Rivers are overflowing, tens of thousands of villages have been washed out and refugees have numbered in the tens of millions. The number of people affected will rise as floodwaters recede and waterborne diseases continue to spread. Outbreaks of diarrhea and cholera have been confirmed. In Bihar, the hardest hit state in India, almost 10,000 villages with a population of more than 20 million have been affected in the state’s worst flooding in 30 years. Some 530 medical teams and 7,000 boats have been deployed to provide medical care to the survivors. India Partners (IP) is conducting relief in the states of Bihar, Orissa and Andhra Pradesh in partnership with several long-term local agencies. To date, $24,000 has been raised to provide emergency food packets, clean water, medicines, and temporary shelter to 4,000 people for three weeks. “We are requesting assistance from individuals, foundations, corporations and churches -- anyone who would like to join us in helping and comforting the individuals and families struggling for their lives at this time,” said India Partners President, Brent Hample.


Source: Voice of the Martyrs
The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) received a copy of a letter in July from the Ministry of Cults and Religions in Cambodia stating that Christians cannot conduct any public activities such as witnessing without permission. The letter said Christians must not “force people to the Christian faith” or use materials and literature to attract people and convert them. Believers are also required to ask permission to erect church buildings, among other things. The letter has Cambodian Christians concerned about their ability to practice all aspects of their faith. According to VOM contacts, the rules outlined in the letter are not new, but a re-enforcement of an old law. However, this time the letter only mentions the activities of Christians. VOM contacts added, “The big concern seems to be door-to-door and personal evangelism.” Government officials said the ruling was aimed at reducing Christian evangelical influence throughout the largely Buddhist country amid allegations of believers using gifts to convert children. The majority of Cambodia’s 12.4 million people are Buddhists who mix beliefs from ancient Khmer, Buddhist and Hindu traditions. Religious freedom is protected in the Cambodian constitution, but Christians often face persecution and opposition, particularly in rural areas.

* HCJB Global Voice, in cooperation with Campus Crusade for Christ, worked with a local partner to plant Cambodia’s first Christian radio station in 1998. New Life Radio in the capital city of Phnom Penh broadcasts the gospel in Cambodian and English.


Source: Mission Network News
Trans World Radio (TWR) has designed a broadcast to help missionaries keep their spiritual batteries charged. “MemCare by Radio” is a 15-minute daily program designed to encourage missionaries living in a different culture. Scott Hollinger says it’s different than traditional member care programs. “What we provide is what I would call ‘pan-mission.’ You know, it goes to the different agencies -- to anybody who can listen to our radio programs.” Airing in English in Europe, Central Asia and Africa, the program addresses many topics that someone isolated by living in an unfamiliar culture needs to hear. “A lot of times we deal with conflict management, disappointment in missions, cross-cultural living, and children,” Hollinger said. “The program gives people the tools they need to stay on the field -- not just live there but to thrive where they are, where God has put them.” TWR is partnering with other organizations to make the broadcasts possible and work with psychologists and member care counselors to develop the programs. Plans are to produce the program in Spanish, Portuguese, Korean and German.

© Copyright 2007 - HCJB Global - Colorado Springs, CO USA
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Sources: OpenDoors USA, Assist News Service
As divorce rates soar in China, Open Doors is committed not only to training Christian leaders but also supporting their families and marriages. Church leaders’ marriages face intense pressure as they spend time traveling to remote house churches or are locked up in prison. The recent testimony from a central Chinese pastor following a marriage course he conducted for 60 couples in his community illustrates the value of marriage training. “These couples became interested in the course after they had seen the transformation of marriages in our church,” the pastor said. “Many of them previously thought that the church only talked about heaven, hell and earth, but when they saw how loving the couples in our church had become, they too wanted to learn the ‘secret’ to a happy marriage,” the pastor continued. “I told them there was no secret, just teachings from the Bible. At the end of the course we organized a wedding ceremony. I have never seen such a scene -- extended family members surrounding each couple who had been on the verge of a breakup but now were restored. Everybody supporting the couples was in tears and singing praises. Children were talking to their parents again. Grandparents were giving their blessing. Whole families were coming together. It simply turned the entire community around.”

* HCJB Global-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra broadcasts 25.5 hours of Mandarin programming each week.


Sources: Assist News Service, Salem Voice Ministries
Seventeen Indian Christian employees are under house arrest and have been suffering severe persecution at a water company in Asir province in Saudi Arabia since August 15. This information was revealed by a man from India’s Kerala State named Manoj who escaped from the Saudi company and managed to get back to India, says a report from Salem Voice Ministries (SVM) news service. “There were 22 youth selected and sent to Saudi Arabia by a recruiting agency during the last week of April, 2007. The company offered them eight hours duty per day, good salary, and flight charges from India,” Manoj told SVM. “But the company did not keep the promises, because the employees were Christians,” Manoj continued. “Employees were told to work in the company 18 hours per day without any rest. They were treated as slaves. Company authorities did not want to consider them even as domestic animals,” Manoj said with tears. “They hardly get proper food in custody. When they are being provided some food, Arabian people are spitting on it and giving them to eat,” SVM News Service said.


Source: Compass Direct News
A series of attacks on a Dalit Christian pastor in southeastern India’s Tamil Nadu state earlier this year ended in the murder of his brother by Hindu extremists last month. Pastor Paul Chinnaswamy of the Krishnagiri district has also seen his house vandalized, and he and his son have been arrested on unfounded charges of “forced conversion.” After two attacks by Hindu extremists in April and May, the worst blow came on July 29 as two Hindu extremists who had earlier attacked the 51-year-old pastor arrived by motor scooter to the house of his older brother, Amos, a Christian convert from Hinduism. The pastor’s brother had angrily shouted at the two extremists when they and others had attacked the independent church leader earlier this year, said Sajan George, national president of the Global Council of Indian Christians. “The two men pulled down a small hut that was put up in front of Amos’ house and hit him with a log on his head and back,” George explained. “When he fell down, they crushed his head with large boulders and threatened the shocked wife and mother-in-law that they would be killed if they too did not throw stones at his body.”


Source: BosNewsLife
Blind Christian lawyer Juan Carlos González Leiva, one of Cuba’s leading pro-democracy activists, was recovering from his injuries after being “arrested and beaten” by Cuban security forces for trying to conduct an interview with the son of a prisoner of conscience. “At 5:30 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 27, I was arrested and beaten by several military personnel of the penal ward of Amalia Simoni Provincial Hospital of Camaguey [province] and by policemen and state security officials,” he said. Journalist Luis Esteban Espinosa Echemendía and Eisy Marrero Marrero, a member of the anti-Communist Cuban Council of Human Rights Rapporteurs (CCHRR), were also arrested and physically attacked. González, who is CCHRR’s executive secretary and president of the Cuban Foundation of Human Rights, said the incident happened as they attempted to interview a “handicapped individual in a wheelchair who is the son of prisoner of conscience, José Antonio Mola Porro.” He said his team was “locked up in the prisoners’ tuberculosis ward, and they tried to search me.” González refused to be searched, saying he would only allow this at the nearby police headquarters. A short time later police arrived, demanding that he surrender his digital video recorder.

* HCJB Global Voice continues to air Spanish programs to Cuba via shortwave from South America. Hundreds of listeners have enrolled in the ministry’s Bible Institute of the Air, a Spanish correspondence program incorporating radio broadcasts. In addition, numerous pastors’ workshops held in conjunction with Leadership Resources International have been held in Cuba since the mid-1990s.


Source: HCJB Global
Longtime radio partners Paul and Sylvia Hollinger of Lancaster, Pa., are the recipients of HCJB Global’s first Timothy Award presented on Tuesday, Aug. 7. Dr. Ron Cline, chairman of the board of HCJB Global, handed the award to the Hollingers for their partnership with the mission through their work at the offices of WDAC-FM 94.5 in Lancaster.

Together with WDAC-FM, the Hollingers have partnered with HCJB Global to assist on numerous projects, most recently helping construct and launch the first full-time Christian radio station in Ukarumpa, Papua New Guinea.

Through their partnership, they have also helped fund projects such as the one-minute daily radio program, “Beyond The Call,” hosted by Cline; the Russian satellite radio network, New Life Radio; the Charity Fund for needy patients at HCJB Global Hands’ Vozandes hospitals in Ecuador; and the Turn the Radios On outreach to put solar-powered, fixed-tuned radios into the hands of potential listeners.

“When we thought about who should receive the first Timothy Award from HCJB Global, we immediately thought of Paul and Sylvia Hollinger because of their faithful ministry and our friendship and partnership for so many years,” said Cline. “They well represent the qualities that Paul challenged Timothy to develop.”

The Timothy Award is a bronze replica of the original RCA microphone used at Radio Station HCJB in Quito, Ecuador, in the 1940s. The award is given to individuals partnering with HCJB Global who exhibit characteristics that the apostle Paul asked of Timothy, one of his disciples and students.

Paul Hollinger managed WDAC-FM for many years and most recently worked as chief operating officer until his retirement on Dec. 31, 2006.

© Copyright 2007 - HCJB Global - Colorado Springs, CO USA
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Sources: Charisma Newsletter, Evangelical News
Relief organization Samaritan’s Purse airlifted an $8-million aid package to North Korean flood victims on Friday, Aug 31. The flooding there has left an estimated 600 people dead and 100,000 homeless, destroying homes, power stations, crops and railroads. “In spite of the political differences that divide our two countries, we need to do all we can to care for the people of North Korea,” said Samaritan’s Purse President Franklin Graham. He noted that the delivery was the first direct flight from the U.S. to North Korea since the Korean War in 1950. With support from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and the U.S. government, Samaritan’s Purse flew a Boeing 747 cargo jet filled with 75 tons of medicines, medical supplies, temporary shelter materials and other equipment to help aid the flood victims. “This is much more than an airlift of aid,” said Graham. “It’s historic and symbolic not only because the flight went directly from the U.S., but also because we’ve had such good cooperation with the North Korean and U.S. governments. My hope would be that this aid for those suffering can also be a bridge-building opportunity between our two countries.”


Source: Assist News Service
Dalits -- members of a group formerly known as “untouchables” which is outside India’s caste system -- continue to face attacks in the nation. An elderly woman named Hirawati, 60, was reportedly beaten to death by four upper-caste women regarding a petty dispute in Varanasi in northern India’s Uttar Pradesh state on Monday, Sept. 3. Salem Voice Ministries News Service reported that Hirawati was allegedly beaten to death in the Chitaipur locality. She was pushed by one of the women following an argument after water spilled out of her bucket. Hirawati died shortly after the attack. Police officials said four suspects have been arrested for their alleged involvement in the murder. Meanwhile, a 45-year-old Dalit man, Brahmadas, was reportedly burned to death by his employers in Simbhalka, Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh, on Friday, Aug. 31. Police also said another Dalit woman was allegedly raped by two persons in the village of Sirpoi, Shajapur, in central India’s Madhya Pradesh state.

* Radio programs in 17 languages air to India from HCJB Global Voice-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra. The programs are produced at the ministry’s studios in New Delhi, India.


Source: Mission Network News
A Dalit school supported by Partners International (PI) in southeastern India’s Tamil Nadu state has won an award for its academic achievement. PI’s Tom Chandler says the school took first place in a 100-school, test-based competition run by the House of the Teacher educational agency which conducts competitive tests for school children in English, science and math. The school is also helping tear down caste barriers in the community. “This is causing the Dalit community to be accepted by the higher-caste community, and through that they’re now getting privileges for job opportunities,” Chandler said. There are more than 700 children enrolled in the school, including 540 Dalits, 128 from “backward classes” (a low position in the caste hierarchy) and 54 from high castes. The school emphasizes “holistic transformation,” a process in which education plays a key role, Chandler said. “It’s also breaking down spiritual barriers. Already what we’ve seen happening is that a number of higher-caste Hindus are beginning to investigate what Christianity is all about. There have been some who have already come to faith, which is significant.”


Sources: China Aid Association, Christian Newswire, Assist News Service
Well-known Chinese house church leader Zhou Heng was formally arrested on Friday, Aug. 31, for receiving 3 tons of Bibles. Zhou is also the manager of a registered bookstore called Yayi Christian Book Room. It sells Christian books published legally and officially within China. His bookstore was forced to close after his arrest by local authorities. The China Aid Association (CAA) reported that Zhou’s formal arrest was approved in Urumpi in China’s Xinjiang province on Friday, Aug. 31. Zhou was accused of conducting an “illegal business operation” and has been detained at Xishan Detention Center since his initial arrest on Friday, Aug 3. He was detained when he went to pick up the Bible shipment at a bus station. The Bibles were reportedly donated by South Korean churches and were intended to hand out to local believers. The Chinese government only allows officially sanctioned (state) churches to print and distribute a limited number of Bibles each year. If convicted of the charges, Zhou faces a 15-year prison sentence. A recently released inmate who shared a cell with him reported that Zhou was severely beaten in prison by other inmates and prison guards.


Source: OneNewsNow.com
Crusading against global warming is a low priority for evangelicals, according a survey conducted by the Barna Group. The survey asked evangelicals “which of 11 changes were ‘absolutely necessary’ for the U.S. to address within the next 10 years.” The top three priorities were “enhancing the health of Christian churches, upgrading the state of marriage and families, and improving the spiritual condition of the U.S.” According to George Barna’s survey, just 35 percent said that protecting the environment should be a top priority -- the lowest score recorded among any of the 80 subgroups studied. Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council said, “When evangelicals are given the opportunity to speak for themselves, they remain concerned on the most fundamental things -- the spiritual health of the nation and the church . . . marriage and family and [other] basic issues.”

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