Zprávy HCJB 9.9.2007 - 15.9.2007

 3000 čínských křesťanů zabito jen od roku 2000.
   Tisíce čínských křesťanů je i po roce 2000 zabíjeno pro svou víru. Toto zjištění je výsledkem zkoumání vysokých zástupců pro práva křesťanů a bylo zveřejněno v pondělí 3. září. „Za posledních sedm let bylo zabito 3000 křesťanů,“ řekl Ulrich Delius, odborník pro Asii německé Společnosti pro ohrožené lidi , která vystupuje proti všem formám genocidy a „etnocidy.“ Očekává se, že tyto údaje dále zvýší obavy mezinárodní veřejnosti, že Čínou zaručované ekonomické reformy nejsou spojeny s odpovídajícím nárůstem náboženské a politické svobody. Asi 34 000 křesťanů bylo zabito za prvních deset let čínské Kulturní revoluce zahájené v roce 1966 – řekl Heinz Muller, ředitel Německé pracovní skupiny evangelických misií, vlivné skupiny 89 evangelických misijních skupin a blízkých organizací a sborů. Muller řekl, že tyto počty staví čínského vůdce Mao Ce-tunga na přední místo skupiny masových vrahů, kam patří ještě Josef Srtalin, Adolf Hitler a Pol Pot. Zdroj: BosNewsLife
 Církve v Zimbabwe varují před „strašlivou“ vodní krizí.
   Sbory v Bulawayo, druhém největším městě Zimbabwe, zahajují nouzové rozdělování vody a varují před „katastrofálním“ snížením dodávek vody, které by mohlo vést k šíření chorob jako je cholera. „Mnoho lidí v západních částech města je ve skutečnosti již měsíc bez vody. Už teď tam jsou případy průjmů a krize je na obzoru,“ řekl pastor Promise Manceda, jeden z představitelů Sborů v Bulawayo, organizace sdružující přes 70 sborů ve městě. Církve varují, že tři z pěti přehrad zásobujících 700 000 lidí jsou bez vody a čtvrtá vyschne do měsíce. „U lidí, zvlášť těch nejchudších a již beztak trpících, je představa, co by nastalo, kdyby voda zbyla jen v jediné přehradě, příliš strašná,“ dodal Manceda. Varování církve přišlo krátce po zveřejnění zprávy, že největší pekárna v zemi má mouku jen na dva dny. Sbory v Bulawayo vyzývají ke sbírkám v Zimbabwe. Britská humanitární organizace Terfund připravuje dodávku dvaceti 5000-litrových vodních cisteren, které budou rozmístěny v komunitách, kde je potřeba vody největší. Zdroj: Tearfund
 Informace o pronásledované církvi.
   Informace o pronásledované církvi jsou m.j. na www.opendoorsusa.org, www.persecution.org, www.persecution.com/news/index.cfm, www.compassdirect.org, www.forum18.org and www.barnabasfund.org. Tyto zdroje nemusí vždy vyjadřovat pohled HCJB Global.
 Ilegální skupiny brzdí registraci keňských sborů.
   Keňský generální prokurátor Amos Wako řekl, že je zdrcen nárůstem žádostí o registraci sborů v zemi. Jeho úřad má potíže se zpracováním 6740 podaných žádostí o registraci různých náboženských skupin. Při svém projevu k církevním představitelům na semináři v hotelu Safari Park v Nairobi Wako řekl, že měsíčně je podáváno asi 60 žádostí. V Keni již působí 8520 registrovaných sborů, ale Wako varoval, že označování některých skupin za náboženské je v rozporu se zákonem, protože je zřejmé, že jejich hlavním posláním je využívat volný tok peněz v rámci evangelijního světa. „Nárůst počtu registračních přihlášek náboženských společností je astronomický, některé z nich … však slouží výhradně finančním ziskům a zneužívají nic netušící lidi,.“ vysvětlil Wako. Vinu dával přílivu bezohledných evangelistů líhnoucích se z instituce hlásání evangelia, ale pracujících podle schémat „podvodného zisku.“ Wako řekl, že jeho úřad nemá dost pracovníků na řádné zpracování přihlášek. Zdroj: WorldWide Religious News
 Škola Hopegivers na Haiti se zvětšila dvakrát, také sirotčinec roste.
   Ve škole na Haiti podporované Hopegivers International se v loňském školním roce zdvojnásobil počet zapsaných žáků. Nová studna sloužící tisícovce lidí, růst místního sboru i sirotčince vlévá nové nadšení všem, kdo zde v misii působí. „Při pohledu na pokrok, který proběhl ani ne za rok, opravdu zůstává rozum stát,“ řekl Robby Brumberg z Hopegivers, který navštívil Haiti v červnu. Počet žáků se zvýšil za rok ze 400 na 823. A nový zdroj vody každý den poskytuje příležitostí ke svědectví. „Pastor Willio umí lidem vyprávět o Pánu každý den, když si jdou pro čerstvou vodu,“ řekl Brumberg. Všechen tento pozorovaný růst přispívá i ke zvýšení návštěvnosti bohoslužeb. „Sbor roste za posledních pár měsíců opravdu exponenciálně. Pastor Willio má ve sboru asi 200 členů o kromě toho přichází mnoho dalších lidí jen si jej poslechnout. Nyní o něm vědí, protože se doslechli, že řídí sirotčinec, školu, a že se mu v místě jeho působení podařilo zajistit čerstvou vodu,“ dodává Brumberg. Zdroj: Assist News Service

*Členové týmu HCJB Global Technology v Elkartu v Indianě spolu s OMS International pracují na zprovoznění satelitní rozhlasové sítě odvozené od stanice 4VEH u města Cap-Haitien, která bude zásobovat svým programem FM vysílače po celé zemi. Tyto podružné vysílače již byly instalovány na ostrovech Tortue, Pignon a Beamont a další dva se plánují. HCJB Global Voice také pomáhá partnerům World Gospel Mission s jeho menší stanicí v Port-au-Prince. Technici HCJB také v březnu 2007 pomáhali obnovit vybavení vysílače Radio Lumière’s LaJeune outlet.
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: Breaking Christian News
University of British Columbia psychology researchers have discovered a “compelling” connection between God and moral behavior. They found that thoughts related to God cultivate cooperative behavior and generosity. As reported in LifeSiteNews, in a study to be published in the September issue of the journal, Psychological Science, researchers investigated how thinking about God and notions of a higher power influenced positive social behavior, specifically cooperation with others and generosity to strangers. The research is reportedly the first of its kind in North America. Researchers Azim Shariff and Ara Norenzayan were “surprised by the magnitude of the positive results for the religious ‘prime’ in both studies. Sixty-eight percent of subjects from the religious prime groups allocated $5 or more to anonymous strangers, compared to 22 percent from groups where neutral or no concepts were activated. These are compelling findings that have substantial impact on the study of social behavior because they draw a causal relationship between religion and acting morally -- a topic of some debate. They by no means indicate that religion is necessary for moral behavior, but it can make a substantial contribution.”


Source: BosNewsLife
Thousands of Chinese Christians have been killed for their faith since the year 2000, according to an investigation of senior Christian rights officials published Monday, Sept. 3. “In the last seven years 3,000 Christians have been killed,” said Ulrich Delius, the Asia expert of the German-based Society for Threatened Peoples which campaigns against all forms of genocide and “ethnocide.” The allegations were expected to further increase international concerns that China’s pledged economic reforms are not backed up by increased religious and political freedoms. About 34,000 Christians were murdered in the first decade of China’s Cultural Revolution, launched in 1966, said Heinz Muller, chairman of the German Working Group Evangelical Missions, an influential group of 89 evangelical mission groups and related organizations and churches. Muller said about 30 million Chinese were killed in that period, making Chinese leader Mao Tse-tung one of the biggest “mass murderers” in human history along with Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler and Pol Pot.

© Copyright 2007 - HCJB Global - Colorado Springs, CO USA
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: Tearfund
Churches in Zimbabwe’s second largest city, Bulawayo, are launching emergency distributions of water and warning of “disastrous” water shortages that could lead to diseases such as cholera. “Many people in western areas have had virtually no water for a whole month. There are already cases of diarrhea and we are facing a crisis,” said Pastor Promise Manceda, one of the leaders of Churches in Bulawayo, a network of more than 70 congregations across the city. The churches reported that three of the five dams supplying the city’s population of 700,000 have run out of water with the fourth expected to run dry later this month. “With people, especially the poorest, already suffering, it is too ghastly to contemplate what will happen when we are down to only one dam,” Manceda added. The churches’ warning comes soon after Zimbabwe’s main bread producer was quoted in state media as warning it had only two days’ supply of flour. Churches in Bulawayo are appealing within Zimbabwe for funds. And British aid agency Tearfund is preparing to supply 20 5,000-liter water tanks to be placed in communities where the need is greatest.


Source: WorldWide Religious News
U.S. psychiatrists generally are less likely to be Christians than other types of doctors according to a study released on Monday, Sept. 3. Psychiatrists are more likely to be Jewish or have no religious affiliation than U.S. doctors overall and less likely to be Protestant or Roman Catholic, said the study published in the journal, Psychiatric Services. “Religious patients who prefer to see likeminded psychiatrists may have difficulty finding a match because their religious group is under-represented among psychiatrists,” the researchers wrote. The findings were based on a nationwide 2003 survey about the religion of 1,144 U.S. doctors from many specialties, including 100 psychiatrists. The same study indicated family practice doctors were the most religious. Thirty-nine percent of all the doctors were Protestants and 22 percent were Catholics while 27 percent of psychiatrists were Protestants and 10 percent were Catholic. Thirteen percent of all the doctors were Jewish, compared with 29 percent of psychiatrists. Ten percent of all the doctors listed their religion as “none” compared to 17 percent of the psychiatrists.

© Copyright 2007 - HCJB Global - Colorado Springs, CO USA
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině.

Source: WorldWide Religious News
Kenyan Attorney General Amos Wako said he is overwhelmed by increasing demand for the registration of churches in the African country. His department is facing difficulties in processing 6,740 pending applications by various religious groups. Speaking at Safari Park Hotel in Nairobi during a workshop for church leaders, Wako said about 60 applications are filed every month. Kenya is already home to 8,520 registered churches, but he cautioned that some groups masquerading as churches are illegal, established to cash in on freely flowing money in the evangelical world. “There is an astronomical increase in the application for the registration of religious societies, some of them . . . formed purely for financial gain, and take advantage of the unsuspecting public,” Wako explained. He blamed the influx on unscrupulous evangelists who hatched “get-rich-quick schemes” in the name of preaching the gospel. Wako said the department lacks the capacity to “handle the avalanche of applications properly.”


Sources: Open Doors, Evangelical News
Christians in the East African nation of Eritrea confirmed that Migsti Haile, 33, died at the Weaa Military Training Centre Wednesday, Sept. 5, as a result of torture for refusing to sign a letter recanting her Christian faith. Haile was among a group of 10 single Christian women who had been arrested at a church gathering in Keren and spent 18 months of imprisonment amid severe pressure. All of the detainees were tortured after refusing to sign a letter denying their faith. Before her arrest, Haile worked for a relative while she studied to complete the 11th grade of high school. She was also an active member of the Rhema church. Christians in Eritrea continue to face intense persecution. The Eritrean government criminalized all independent Protestant churches in May 2002, closing their buildings and banning them from meeting in private homes. More than 2,000 Eritrean Christians remain imprisoned for the faith, subject to severe torture. During the past year at least four Christian inmates have died from physical mistreatment while under arrest.

© Copyright 2007 - HCJB Global - Colorado Springs, CO USA
 Škola Hopegivers na Haiti se zvětšila dvakrát, také sirotčinec roste.

Source: Mission Network News
Pilots with Mission Aviation Fellowship have been transporting assistance to the 50,000 people directly affected by Hurricane Felix on the Caribbean cost of Nicaragua. Felix caused at least 100 deaths, while nearly 10,000 homes have been destroyed and another 9,000 partially destroyed, according to news reports.

Another 120 people are missing. An estimated 50,000 people have lost everything they own. More than 1,200 acres of corn have been lost in the municipalities of Wiwili and San José de Bocay while displaced people from 52 locations near the coast are staying in 101 shelters.

Aerial reports indicate damages greater than first believed, especially among the Miskito Indians along the coast, reported John Woodberry, MAF’s disaster response manager, speaking from Nicaragua. “We’ve been partnering with Operation Blessing and Missionary Flights International out of Florida basically because there’s no road access to the area. There’s a big river between here and there, and the barge got blown away in the hurricane,” he said. “So there’s a need to provide rice, beans, corn flour, salt, sugar -- just basic supplies like that.”

Churches in Managua have taken up special offerings for additional supplies. “They know it’s the church meeting their need,” Woodberry added.

* HCJB Global Voice has worked with partner ministries in three cities of Nicaragua: Managua, La Trinidad and Pantasma. Radio VECA in Managua also receives programming from ALAS, the ministry’s Latin American satellite radio network 89 outlets in 17 countries


Sources: Forum 18 News Service, Assist News Service
Members of Grace Presbyterian Church in the town of Karaganda in northeastern Kazakhstan, a country in Central Asia, are still being questioned by the country’s secret police about their church’s religious activities. Pastor Vyacheslav Vorobyov said that members of his congregation are being asked by the secret police (KNB) about “all possible aspects” of the church’s operations. Vorobyov said that 12 church members began a hunger strike on Friday, Sept. 7, to protest the raids and investigations. Four members of Grace Church are being investigated on charges of high treason as well as Senior Pastor Aleksei Kim of the same church in another eastern town of Oskemen. Church members deny that the four have committed treason, but fear that the KNB is preparing criminal cases against them. High treason carries a sentence between 10 and 15 years in prison. Although both the Karaganda and the Oskemen churches have been able to continue to meet for worship, Grace Church members have said that continuing uncertainty is putting a lot of pressure on the church and its activities. The church’s problems began on Aug. 24 when the KNB raided the churches in Karaganda and Oskemen as well as church-owned, private homes in Karaganda.


Source: Assist News Service
Enrollment has doubled since last year at a school in Haiti sponsored by Hopegivers International. A new water well that is serving more than 1,000 people and a growing local church and orphanage have all encouraged those involved in ministry there. “Just to see the progression in less than a year -- it’s just mind-boggling,” said Hopegivers’ Robby Brumberg who visited Haiti in June. Enrollment has grown to 823, up from about 400 earlier this year. And the new well provides daily outreach opportunities. “Pastor Willio is able to tell them about the Lord when they come and get the fresh water for the day,” said Brumberg. All this growth has contributed to increasing numbers for church attendance as well. “The church has really just grown exponentially in the last several months. Pastor Willio has about 200 members there now, and people come from all over just to hear him speak,” he said. “They know of him now because they know that he’s running the orphanage, he’s running the school, and he’s got a fresh-water well at his place.”

* Staff members from the HCJB Global Technology Center in Elkhart, Ind., are working with OMS International to establish a satellite radio network based at 4VEH outside the city of Cap-Haitien that will deliver programs to FM stations nationwide. Downlinks have been installed in Tortue Island, Pignon and Beaumont, and at least two more are planned. HCJB Global Voice also helped partner World Gospel Mission with a small station in Port-au-Prince. Engineers also helped upgrade Radio Lumičre’s LaJeune outlet in March 2007.

© Copyright 2007 - HCJB Global - Colorado Springs, CO USA

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