Zprávy HCJB 14.10.2007 - 20.10.2007

 Naděje na rekonstrukci zemětřesením zničených oblastí Pákistánu trvá.
   Dva roky po velkém zemětřesení, které postihlo severní oblasti Pákistánu a z tří milionů obyvatel udělalo bezdomovce, má jen čtvrtina postižených trvalé bydlení. Podrážděni nedostatečnou finanční pomocí vlády rozhodli se lidé stavět sami. Z kamení živelně budují chatrná a špatně stavěná obydlí, zatímco jiní stále žijí ve stanech nebo v plechových boudách.

„Lidé jsou frustrováni očekáváním vládní pomoci na přestavbu svých domů,“ řekla představitelka Jižních Baptistů Ellie Arnold. „Rozhodli se přestavět to, co mají a tak se pohnout dopředu.“ Worth Ballinger ze stejné organizace dodal, že i rekonstrukce škol se zpozdila, takže do skutečné školy chodí méně než 10 procent žáků. Většinou vyučování probíhá ve stanech.

Přes tuto frustraci a pomalu probíhající pokusy o přestavbu naděje existuje. Misie Jižních Baptistů dodává potraviny, prošívané přikrývky a léky pro oběti zemětřesení, také provozuje zdravovědné výukové programy, výuku čtení, psaní a přípravu pro povolání žen. I když byl program pomoci Jižních Baptistů obětem zemětřesení oficiálně ukončen v červnu 2006, misie pokračuje úsilím místních pakistánských křesťanů.

Mnoho Pákistánců slyší pravdu evangelia poprvé v životě a jsou otevřeni biblickým příběhům. „Máme nekonečně mnoho příležitostí ke svědectví – na tržišti, v parku, v místní nemocnici,“ řekla misionářka Yvonne Outland. „Jediným omezením je počet křesťanů, kteří by zde mohli šířit víru.“ Zdroj: Mission Network News

*.Organizace HCJB Global Hands poslala po zemětřesení v říjnu 2005 do Pákistánu z Ecuadoru dva lékařské týmy. Ti pomáhali pod vedením SIM International při odstraňování následků zemětřesení.
 Kontrola nad Chrámovou Horou by mohla přejít na Jordánsko
   Nadcházející listopadový středovýchodní summit konaný pod záštitou USA by údajně měl vyústit ve společné prohlášení Izraele a Palestinské samosprávy (PA). Izraelský premiér Ehud Olmert se vyjádřil, že by chtěl zvážit převedení poloviny Jeruzaléma pod správu PA, což je ústupek, který vyburcoval Židy i křesťany po celém světě. Také se mluví o sporném tajném ujednání , které počítá s převedením správy Chrámové Hory do Jordánských rukou. Grant Jeffrey, mezinárodně uznávaný spisovatel, komentátor, moderátor televizního diskusního požadu a biblický badatel věří, že tyto kroky by mohly vést naplnění řady proroctví týkajících se stavby chrámu v tomto pokolení. Ve své knize Nový Chrám a Druhý Příchod Jeffrey píše, že „stavba třetího chrámu začne mnohem dřív, než si většina lidí myslí. Proroctví ukazují, že dnes žijící generace spatří Boží Chrám stojící v Jeruzalémě a Krále Izraele – navrátivšího se Mesiáše – panujícího z Davidova trůnu.“ Zdroj: Christian Newswire
 Ukrajinští křesťané evangelizují v Kazachstánu.
   Ukrajinský misionář Roman Gopančuk a jeho rodina sloužící v Kazachstánu jsou jen jednou z řady ukrajinských rodin, které zkusily přestěhovat se sem z Ukrajiny a sloužit zde v dlouhodobé misii. Politická historie dává Ukrajincům větší možnosti, než americkým občanům, kteří v Kazachstánu mohou mít potíže. Náboženská svoboda Ukrajiny a její strategická zeměpisná poloha mezi Východem a Západem Ukrajincům umožňuje být křesťanskými misionáři. Od pádu komunizmu před 15 lety založil Ukrajinský Svaz Baptistů 1900 sborů. I když sborů přibývá, a také biblických společností a teologického vyučování, za evangelikály se považuje méně než 2% obyvatel. Přesto tito křesťané působí již i v Kazachstánu. „Myslím, že pro tyto Ukrajince je důležité poznání, že i mimo Ukrajinu je svět, kde se mohou podílet na Božím díle,“ řekl baptistický misionář Joe Ragan. „Mnozí z nich pravděpodobně viděli americké misonáře přicházet na Ukrajinu a evangelizovat. Asi je tenkrát nenapadlo, že oni sami budou součástí stejné cesty a že sami půjdou hlásat evangelium do jiné země.“ Zdroj: Baptist Press
 Řada organizací reaguje na nouzi 143 milionů sirotků
   Zpráva DeMoos News Pond uvádí, že podle OSN je ve světě 143 milionů nezaopatřených sirotků – víc, než činí obyvatelstvo Kanady a Mexika dohromady. Zjištění, že rozsah krize sirotků přesahuje možnosti kterékoli organizace vedlo k nastartování společné akce „Pláč sirotků,“ kterou zastřešují Family Life, Focus on the Family a Shaoannah’s Hope. Cílem akce je zlepšit informovanost o rozsahu krize a podnítit křesťany a sbory k aktivnějšímu přístupu k péči o sirotky v celém světě. Jejich úsilím nedávno vznikla Křesťanská Aliance pro Sirotky, formální sdružení 75 sborů, misií a organizací zabývajících se sirotky. „Věřím, že Bůh chce a má v úmyslu vykonat našim prostřednictvím větší věci, jsme-li spojeni, než skrze nás všechny, ale zvlášť,“ řekl Kerry Marks-Hasenbalg, spolupracovník Křesťanské Aliance pro Sirotky a bývalý výkonný ředitel Kongresového institutu Sdružení pro Adopci. Zdroj: Religion Today
 Překladatelka Bible vytvořila 3 milníky v historii černochů
   Při své práci na překladu Nového Zákona do filipinského jazyka Kagayen překladatelka Jacqueline Huggins letos vytvořila tři milníky afroamerické historie. Je první černoškou v historii USA, která dokončila kompletní překlad Nového Zákona, prvním americkým občanem černošského původu od počátku devadesátých let, který to dokázal (tehdy dokončil Efrain Alphonse Valientský Nový Zákon) a prvním černým pracovníkem se službách Wycclife Bible Translators, který dokončil překlad Nového Zákona. Tato organizace v roce 1986 určila tehdy 36letou Jacqueline Huggins, původem z Filipín, lingvistku a specialistku na biblické překlady, právě pro Filipíny. Bylo jí souzeno strávit přes 20 následujících let překládáním Nového Zákona do jazyka Kagayen, kterým mluví 25 000 lidí. První výtisky se očekávají v únoru. Huggins řekla, že práce byla uskutečněna společným úsilím tří překladatelů a pomocného personálu. Tým byl složen z pracovníků z USA, Malajsie a Singapuru. Zdroj: Christian Newswire
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Source: Mission Network News
Two years after a major quake rocked northeastern Pakistan, leaving 3 million people homeless, less than a quarter of the survivors have permanent housing. Irritated by the lack of money supplied by the government, the people have started rebuilding on their own. While shabby and poorly constructed “houses” are formed out of rock, some people still live in tents or metal shelters.

“The people are frustrated as they wait for assistance from the government to rebuild their homes,” said Southern Baptist representative Ellie Arnold. “They are determined to rebuild what they have and move forward.” Worth Ballinger of the same organization added that reconstruction of school buildings has also been delayed, with less than 10 percent of students meeting in formal buildings. Most classes are held in tattered tents.

Amid the frustration and slow efforts to rebuild, there is hope. Southern Baptist Ministries has been supplying food, quilts and medication for earthquake victims along with leading health education programs and teaching reading, writing, and vocational skills to women. Although the Southern Baptist earthquake relief officially ended in July 2006, these ministries are being carried on by native Pakistani Christians.

Many Pakistanis are hearing the truth of the gospel for the first time and are open to the stories in the Bible. “We have endless opportunities to share -- in the bazaar, the park and the local hospital,” said missionary Yvonne Outland. “The only limit is the amount of Christians we have here to share with others.”

* HCJB Global Hands sent two medical teams from Ecuador to Pakistan following the earthquake on Oct. 8, 2005. Staff members helped SIM International with relief efforts.


Source: BosNewsLife
An uneasy calm has returned to the village of Gowindhi near Lahore, Pakistan, after a violent mob of Muslim extremists “ransacked and desecrated” the local evangelical New Apostolic Faith church on Wednesday, Oct. 10. The mob climbed onto the roof of the church and hurled down its loud speakers, said Khalid Gill, the regional director for the All Pakistan Minorities Alliance in Punjab province. “The mob also tried to destroy the boundary walls of the church and put manure on them,” he said. In addition, the attackers broke into the church, ripping up a Bible and destroying other Christian literature along with all the musical instruments used for praise and worship. The suspects remain at large, apparently because local police have refused to take action against them. Officials were not immediately available for comment. There were no immediate reports of injuries. Gill said police officials have been “forcing” local Christians and their leadership to reconcile themselves with Muslim hardliners. The latest attack underscores religious tensions in the region. Muslim shopkeepers in Gowindhi village, apparently encouraged by Muslim militants, have reportedly stopped selling kitchen and other household items to Christian residents in the village.


Source: Assist News Service
A South African missionary couple serving in the East African country of Mozambique was attacked in their home at 2 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 10, by a gang of machete-wielding robbers. Jimmy Meyer, 35, was admitted to a local hospital following the beating. “Jimmy jumped out of bed to protect his wife, Marlise, when he was hit across the head and arm with the machete,” explained Pastor Dewald van den Berg, leader of Evangelical Rural Mission for which the Meyers work. “He was also beaten badly in the face.” Both husband and wife were tied up and left on their bed while the house was ransacked by the five men in the mob. Nearby South African farmers received the distress call and rushed to the aid of the Meyers. By late afternoon the day after the attack, three suspects had been arrested, but none of the stolen goods have been recovered. Among the items stolen were the equivalent of US$3,000 in cash, mobile phones, appliances and a camera. The Meyers have been working at the mission station near Gondola, Mozambique, for more than a year. Jimmy will be flown back to South Africa for medical treatment as soon as he can be moved.


Sources: Evangelical News, National Association of Evangelicals
The National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) formally named Leith Anderson as president, a post he has held as interim since November 2006. Anderson is a well-known pastor, author, seminary lecturer and missions leader. The NAE board members voted unanimously to approve the selection of Anderson at their meeting in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, Oct. 11. The meeting was held in conjunction with a Global Leaders Forum that drew international guests from nearly 15 countries and included addresses by U.N. General Secretary Ban Ki-moon and Ronald Tschetter, director of the U.S. Peace Corps. “Leith is a man of astute mind and has a wealth of experience the NAE needs. In my view he is just the right leader for the NAE for this critical time,” said Israel Gaither, national commander of the Salvation Army and NAE executive committee member. “I highly regard and value Leith’s intellectual strength, godly manor and impact on evangelicalism in America.” Anderson is the senior pastor of Wooddale Church in Eden Prairie, Minn., a position he has held for 30 years. During his tenure the church has grown to 5,000 regular attendees and is known for its outreach overseas, including a ministry to HIV/AIDS patients.


Source: Assist New Service
Vietnam’s indigenous Degar Montagnards continue to suffer persecution by the country’s communist government. In one recent incident, the Montagnard Foundation reported on Sept. 27 that a Degar Christian named Y-Mau Eban and four of his friends were walking outside their village of Buon Dung in the country’s central highlands when a group of Vietnamese civilians were waiting to attack the men, apparently motivated by racism. The civilians grabbed Eban and severely beat him up, damaging his right eye. The others fled back to their village as a crowd of Vietnamese villagers armed with sticks and knives ran after them. Two subsequent attacks have occurred since the then, injuring three people and destroying several homes. The Montagnard Foundation reported, “These actions suggest the Vietnamese government and people are racist against the Degar people, and the government views our people as unequal citizens. It appears these actions are nothing less than racist hatred.” The foundation is calling on the U.S. government, the European Union and other members of the international community to consider a permanent humanitarian presence in the central highlands.

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Source: Assist News Service
Chinese Christians from Hong Kong and Macau recently dedicated a memorial to Robert Morrison, the 19th-century missionary credited with writing the first Chinese-language translation of the Bible. In a story posted by Linda Li on Christian Post’s website, www.christianpost.com, more than 250 people, including pastors from the Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China, were present for the opening ceremony of the Morrison Memorial Center of Macau.

“Macau, where Morrison made it his life’s work to translate the Bible, is the site of the historic missionary’s final resting place,” Li wrote. “The new center will serve as an information exchange for Macau churches to promote evangelism in both Macau and Hong Kong.” This year marks the 200th anniversary of the Scottish missionary’s arrival in Macau.

Morrison first crossed the ocean at age 25 with the intent to preach the gospel in Qing-era, China, which was generally hostile to foreigners. “After failing to secure permission to enter the country, Morrison settled in Macau -- then a Portuguese trading colony,” Li reported. “He insightfully advised his patrons at the London Missionary Society (LMS) to train local Chinese to be missionaries in an era when white European missionaries dominated the China missions sphere.”

In 1818 Morrison used his own money to establish Ying Wa College, the world’s first Anglo-Chinese school. The school, which continues today, has been the alma mater for many leading figures in Hong Kong society. He later urged the LMS to develop the Chinese Research Center that would print Chinese-language materials to bring the gospel to Chinese readers. The center wasn’t established until after Morrison’s death in 1834.

* HCJB Global-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra broadcasts 25.5 hours of Mandarin programming each week.


Source: Tearfund
U.K. relief and development agency Tearfund is launching an emergency appeal to support Zimbabwe churches in bringing help to the poorest families affected by severe food shortages in Zimbabwe. The U.N.’s World Food Program has warned that more than 3 million people are at risk. “People are living on nothing more than cups of tea with the last of their maize meal now gone,” said Peter Grant, Tearfund’s international director. “Churches are working tirelessly to bridge the gap, meeting the acute need. Despite the spiraling economic crisis they are bringing relief and hope. But they urgently need our help for this work to continue.” The crisis in Bulawayo has seen people scavenging for filthy water from hand dug pits and broken pipes. Of the five reservoirs that supply Zimbabwe’s second largest city, four have run dry. Tearfund partners with churches and Christian agencies in Zimbabwe, working through a strong network of volunteers that are in close contact with communities.


Source: Assist News Service
Pastors in parts of India continue to face persecution from Hindu extremists with two new attacks reported in recent days. In the early-morning hours of Sunday, Oct. 14, Pastor Joseph Thadikka, 57, and his wife, Ammini, 52, of New India Bible Church in southwestern India’s Kerala state were severely beaten and admitted to the Mananthavadi district hospital with serious head and leg injuries, reported Salem Voice Ministries (SVM). A police team is investigating the case. Paul Ciniraj, president of the Christian Ministers of the Churches in India condemned the attack. “Persecution towards Christians, Dalits and other minorities is increasing throughout India,” Ciniraj stated in a news release. “Priests, pastors, missionaries, evangelists and believers are being murdered, beaten, abducted and jailed. Women are being raped, churches and institutions stoned, vandalized and demolished.”

On Thursday, Oct. 11, a pastor was attacked by Hindu radicals in Rampura, a village in the southern Karnataka state, after they accused him of “forcibly” converting people to Christianity, reported the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC). Ganesh Murthy, 42, of Kollegal was distributing tracts and praying for people at their request in Rampura when a group of 17 men stopped him. Murthy explained that he was distributing tracts and praying for people at their request. The attackers then beat him and dragged him to the nearest police station where he was detained on charges of forcible conversion. When the pastor rebuffed the mob’s attempt to convert him to Hinduism, the infuriated perpetrators spread rumors against the pastor and tried to instigate the villagers to violence.


Source: Christian Newswire
In November a U.S.-sponsored Mideast summit aims to produce a joint declaration between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA). Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has stated his willingness to consider turning over half of Jerusalem to the PA, a concession that has alarmed Jews and Christians worldwide. There are also reports that a controversial, secret agreement has been reached that will transfer the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to Jordanian custody. Grant Jeffrey, an internationally respected author, speaker, television host and Bible researcher, believes this could lead to the fulfillment of numerous prophecies regarding the rebuilding of the temple in this generation. In his book, The New Temple and the Second Coming, Jeffrey says the “building of the third temple will commence much sooner than most people expect. Prophecy indicates that the generation alive today will see the temple of God once again standing in Jerusalem, and the King of Israel -- the returning Messiah -- ruling from the throne of David!”


Source: Religion Today
OneNewsNow.com reports that Christian author and youth expert Jeffrey Dean says many teenagers are caught up in a race to survive and are missing out on the abundant life promised by Christ. Dean, an author and speaker to teenagers at conferences, seminars and retreats, says many Christian teenagers are confused at the messages they hear from secular media. In particular, teenage girls must see themselves as God sees them. “It is our desire to really help girls understand -- even Genesis 1:27, where it says, you were created in God’s image -- [that they] are the mirror of God,” Dean explains. “When God sees you, He sees something beautiful. And how are you mirroring that to the world? And let me help you understand -- your definition of womanhood has nothing to do with the world’s standards; it’s not about your body size, your chest size, the color of your hair or who’s taking you to the prom. It’s about God’s created you for a purpose.” Dean is also perplexed that so many youth do not have a daily quiet time with God.

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Source: Baptist Press
Ukrainian missionary Roman Gopanchuk and his family, who serve in the Central Asia country of Kazakhstan, are only one of several families associated with the Ukrainian Baptist Union who have explored the possibility of relocating to the country to serve as long-term missionaries. Because of political history in the region, Ukrainian believers often have access to places where U.S. citizens might have difficulty serving. Ukraine’s religious freedom and its strategic geographic location connecting Russia to the West have made the nation ripe for Christian ministry. Since the collapse of communism 15 years ago, the Ukrainian Baptist Union has planted 1,900 churches. Despite the growing number of new churches, Bible institutes and theological education programs in Ukraine, less than 2 percent of Ukrainians profess to be evangelical believers. Nonetheless, the believers are already reaching out to Kazakhstan. “For me the important thing is for Ukrainians to discover there’s a world outside of Ukraine and that they can be a part of that work,” said Baptist missionary Joe Ragan. “Many of them have probably seen American missionaries come to their country and do mission work. And so they never thought that they, themselves, could be a part of something like that and go to another country.”

* HCJB Global Voice is bringing words of hope and encouragement to people across Central Asia via radio. Together with partners, Christian broadcasts go out in languages such as Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tajik, Turkmen, Uzbek, Southern Uzbek and Urdu.


Sources: WorldWide Religious News, Reuters
China will offer religious services for foreigners arriving for the 2008 Olympic Games and religion will play a positive role in the country’s future, its top religious affairs official said today. Ye Xiaowen, director general of the State Administration for Religious Affairs, said he expected large numbers of religious faithful among the athletes, coaches and tourists swarming into the officially atheist nation during the Olympics. “We are learning from practices in past Games to make sure that their demands for religious worship are met,” he told reporters. He did not say if proselytizing would be allowed. The Communist Party used to attack homegrown religions as superstition and foreign ones as subversive, but will now encourage religion to play a positive role “in promoting economic and social development” in the future, Ye said, quoting party chief Hu Jintao’s speech. He also dismissed Western allegations that China restricted the printing and sale of Bibles which receive state subsidies and other preferential policies. “We distribute the Bible only through churches and do not allow ordinary bookstores to sell them,” he said. “The purpose is merely to prevent illegal vendors from driving up prices, which are kept extremely low by government subsidies.”

* HCJB Global-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra broadcasts 25.5 hours of Mandarin programming each week.


Source: Christian Post
In a new method of cracking down on unregistered Church activities in China, the Population Management Office of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau issued a public notice recently forbidding all owners of rental housing properties from leasing space to house churches for worship services. In the Sept. 5 notice, the Beijing public security authority also ordered the staff members of the bureau as well as all the local police station to inspect buildings for prohibited tenants, the China Aid Association (CAA) discovered. More specifically, police officers are to warn all owners of rental properties that they should, by their own initiative, refuse to rent their properties to people engaging in “illegal” religious activities. “This is clearly a new tactic to persecute house churches before the 2008 Beijing Olympics is held,” a Beijing house church leader told CAA. China has been widely accused of religious freedom violations and increasing restrictions on unregistered church activities, especially with the approach of the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing. Carl Moeller, president of Open Doors USA, commented that the Chinese authorities are pursuing a “softer approach” in order to avoid attracting attention from the global community for its religious freedom abuses.


Sources Christian Newswire, WorldWide Religious News
Hispanic megachurch Iglesia Cristiana Segardores de Vida in Hollywood, Fla., has been named the fastest-growing church in America on the Outreach 100 Fastest-Growing U.S. Churches list, published Sept. 27 in an annual special edition of Outreach magazine. Since Ruddy and Maria Gracia launched the church in 1992 in their apartment living room, Segadores de Vida has grown to almost 6,000 attendees. From 2006 to 2007 the church grew at a rate of 109 percent, adding 3,050 people in the last year. Pastor Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas, topped the top-100 list of largest churches with an attendance of 47,000. California was the state with the most megachurches on the list at 22 followed by Texas with 16. Average attendance of the 100 largest churches was 10,169. The magazine report was based on self-disclosed data collected from more than 20,000 churches.


Source: Mission Network News
With a possible alliance forming between Iran and Russia in regard’s to Iran’s nuclear aspirations, SAT-7 television’s David Harder says the ministry’s encouragement of Christian believers there is critical. “The leadership of that country is actually not very popular with many people, particularly young people,” he said. “Life can be very difficult for Christians within Iran. Our team needs prayer for how they respond, that they respond appropriately. Also, the Christians living within Iran deserve our prayers for their protection and for the growth of the church there.” The station’s latest encouraging programming includes a Farsi translation of quadriplegic Joni Eareckson Tada’s life story. In a special message beginning the program, Tada said, “I hope you will enjoy this special presentation of the movie, ‘Joni,’ in which I played my own part. I would like to thank the director of SAT-7 for sharing my life story with you, our dear Farsi-speaking friends. I hope that by viewing my story, your heart will be encouraged and that you will come to realize that God can help you, too, through any difficult circumstance, just like He has helped me in this wheelchair.”

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Source: Religion Today
The U.N. reports that the number of orphans around the world waiting for help is 143 million -- more than the populations of Canada and Mexico combined -- states a release from DeMoss News Pond. Recognizing that the severity of today’s orphan crisis is bigger than any one organization, FamilyLife, Focus on the Family and Shaohannah’s Hope have launched the “Cry of the Orphan” campaign to help raise awareness and encourage Christians and churches to get actively involved in caring for the world’s orphans. Their efforts recently led to the creation of the Christian Alliance for Orphans, a formal coalition of more than 75 churches, ministries and orphan-related organizations. “I believe God is willing and planning to do even greater and mightier things through us corporately than He has done through all of us individually,” said Kerry Marks-Hasenbalg, Christian Alliance for Orphans partner and former executive director of the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute.


Source: Voice of the Martyrs Canada
Local sources reported that Muslims attacked 25 Christian families in the town of Seka Yoyo, southwest of the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa on Tuesday, Oct. 16, demolishing approximately 12 houses. The families were forced to flee to the nearby city of Jimma where several incidents of violence have occurred in recent months, leaving at least six Christians dead. Approximately 98 percent of the local population is Muslim.

* Staff members at HCJB Global-Australia’s studios record Oromo language programs that air to 28 million speakers in Ethiopia and Kenya via FEBA Radio’s shortwave facilities.


Sources: Forum 18 News Service, Assist News Service
Nine days after his car and Christian magazines were seized by the State Security Ministry in his native Transdniester, a breakaway republic in the Eastern European nation of Moldova, Igor Velikanenko of New Life Mission has been able to retrieve his car. “The ministry just called me this morning, and to my surprise said I could have my car back,” he said. “But they refused to give back the copies of our Christian magazine they seized on Oct. 8, despite the fine I have already paid.” Moldova is a landlocked country between Romania and Ukraine. Transdniester -- a narrow stretch of land along the Dniester River -- broke away from Moldova in 1990, fearing that the former Soviet republic would seek reunification with neighboring Romania. Transdniester officials declined to explain what is illegal about offering Christian magazines to students on the street and why Velikanenko and two of his colleagues face repeated questioning.

* HCJB Global Voice has worked with an undisclosed partner to help with Christian radio ministries in four cities in Moldova, Edenshia, Gloden, Droshiua andChisinau.


Sources: Mission Network News, Voice of the Martyrs
As police surrounded Hua Huiqi’s home in China on Thursday, Oct. 11, he was reportedly reading his Bible. Hua is a prominent Chinese house church leader and human rights activist. According to Voice of the Martyrs, he was sent to the Beijing Tiantan Hospital when he became unconscious after he was beaten repeatedly by police. Hua remains in the hospital recovering from his injuries. His room is reportedly surrounded by more than two dozen police officers seeking to prevent him from being visited or photographed. In addition, his 77-year-old mother, who has been imprisoned for two years and is ill, is being held by police officers who hope this tactic will cause Hua to release information about fellow believers. China’s Public Security Bureau (PSB) recently put him under house arrest. Members of the PSB were in attendance when police surrounded Hua’s home.


Source: Assist News Service
The latest installment in the centuries-old debate regarding the existence of the star of Bethlehem in the biblical story of Christ’s birth involves a celebrated, yet debated, documentary called “The Star of Bethlehem” by Texas lawyer and professor Rick Larson. “Historically, people have taken two positions on the star,” said Larson. “Either they believe the star is true or they think it was made up by the early church. I took a different approach in my research and treated the star as a mystery or puzzle, looking at the Bible and comparing the facts of Scripture with facts from science and history.” Using astronomer Johannes Kepler’s map of the solar system, Josephus’s calendaring system and Imaginova’s “Starry Night” software, Larson pinpointed the year of the star’s appearance. While most astronomers researching the star only look to the sky, Larson also used his in-depth study of Matthew to determine nine distinguishing characteristics of the star of Bethlehem. He discovered that in 3 and 2 B.C., Jupiter, known for ages as the “king planet,” held all nine of these characteristics.

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Source: Christian Newswire
This year translator Jacqueline Huggins -- through her involvement in translating the New Testament into the Filipino Kagayanen language -- marks three milestones in African American history. She is the first black female in the U.S. to complete a New Testament translation, the first African American to complete a New Testament translation since the early 1900s (Efrain Alphonse completed the Valiente New Testament) and the first black Wycliffe Bible Translators missionary to complete a New Testament translation. In 1986 Huggins, 36, a Philadelphia-born linguistics and Bible translation specialist, headed to the Philippines on assignment with Wycliffe. She would spend more than 20 years translating the New Testament into the Kagayanen language spoken by some 25,000 people. The first copies of the Kagayanen New Testament are expected to be delivered in February. Huggins said the work was accomplished through the combined efforts of three translators and three support staff. The diverse team included staff members from the U.S., Malaysia and Singapore.


Source: Religion Today, Religion News Service
According to a Religion News Service release, there is a crisis brewing in the church: a growing epidemic of sexual addiction among women. A new book from Pure Life Ministries by authors Steve and Kathy Gallagher, Create in Me a Pure Heart, explores the scope of the problem and provides biblical answers for the church and struggling women. For 22 years Kathy Gallagher has been helping women cope with their husbands’ sexual addictions. Now she is responding to a growing number of women who are addicted to porn and online sex. “Thirty years ago you never would have thought that the woman sitting next to you in Sunday school might be viewing porn,” said Gallagher. “But with the growth of the Internet, the gap between what men and women do in secret has been drastically reduced.” Nielsen NetRatings indicate nearly one-third of the visitors to adult websites are female. Today’s Christian Woman reported that 34 percent of its online newsletter readers admitted to intentionally accessing Internet porn.


Source: Baptist World Alliance
The European Baptist Federation (EBF), with the help of mission partners, has developed a mission project to facilitate evangelism and the planting of Baptist churches in Europe and the Middle East. The Indigenous Mission Project provides funding for gifted people to work as evangelists and church planters in their own countries. The project was launched in 2002 in Moldova, and has grown steadily. In 2003 the project extended to five other Eastern European countries: Armenia, Belarus, Latvia, Russia and Ukraine. A year later it expanded to Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon and Syria. In 2005 EBF approved several candidates to be missionaries from the Baltic nations, the Caucasus and Central Europe. In 2006 a number of new missionaries were accepted from Romania and Hungary -- especially those working among Gypsies and refugees from fled war-torn Iraq. Baptist leaders say that Iraqis are increasingly open to the gospel. This year church planters from Israel, Macedonia and Tajikistan joined the project. A group of 20 church planters will finish the five-year program by year’s end. EBF now assists 65 indigenous missionaries in their ministry of planting Baptist churches in 24 countries.


Source: Assist News Service
German-speaking business leaders in Paraguay have been encouraged to practice biblical values. More than 300 leaders from the South American country took part in a Christian convention in Asunción Oct. 4-6. One of the main speakers was the chairman of the Christian Leadership Congress in Germany, Rev. Horst Marquardt. He described the Ten Commandments as an unrivaled code of conduct. According to leading economists, economies flourish when the Ten Commandments are heeded. Marquardt quoted honesty, charity, faithfulness and conscientiousness as core values for entrepreneurs and admonished business leaders to keep their professional and their spiritual life in balance. This Benedictine rule summarized as “pray and work” transformed large areas of Europe when adopted. Paraguay has 6 million inhabitants. Among them are 35,000 Mennonites of German descent.

* HCJB Global Voice has worked with partners to begin Christian radio ministries in four cities of Paraguay, including the capital of Asunción. Programs air in Spanish, German, Portuguese and Guaraní. Stations in two cities are also affiliated with ALAS, the ministry’s Latin American satellite radio network with 89 outlets in 17 countries.


Source: eMediaWire Newswire
A website called TopVerse.com has surveyed 37 million Bible references to rank verses by popularity, and found a way of using the rankings to make searching for verses easier. Top Verses ran the survey in August 2007 by counting how often every Bible verse is referenced in web pages across the Internet. The 31,101 verses were ranked by the results. As well as listing top verses overall, the site uses the results to rank Bible books and chapters. The most popular verse was John 3:16 with over twice the score of its nearest rival, John 1:1. Although John was the most popular Gospel, it was only sixth book overall with Ephesians taking first place. Shorter books scored better, and Malachi was the leading Old Testament book at 19th and five verses in the top 1,000. The benefit of a ranked search is demonstrated by typing “world” to find John 3:16. Starting from Genesis, 96 verses match before John 3:16. Simply ranking the results places John 3:16 first and saves nine pages of wrong hits.

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