Zprávy HCJB 1.11.2007 - 3.11.2007

 Islamističtí povstalci vyhrožují pákistánským křesťanům
   Boje mezi islámskými militanty a vládními vojsky v severovýchodním Pákistánu se obnovily a islámští militanti hned v úterý 30. října hrozili křesťanské rodině bombou, protože odmítla konverzi k islámu. „Staňte se muslimy, jinak vám dům vyhodíme do povětří,“ volal anonym v 10 hodin večer křesťanské rodině žijící v oblasti údolí řeky Swat u severovýchodní pákistánské hranice. Rodina žádající z bezpečnostních důvodů o nezveřejnění jména pak celou noc bděla na modlitbách. Její příslušníci řekli, že jejich muslimský soused a současně blízký přítel byl u nich přes noc v předním pokoji na znamení solidarity. Nepatrná křesťanská komunita žijící v této oblasti pociťuje v posledních měsících zvyšující se tlak na přizpůsobení se islámskému právu. Na většině rozlohy provincie se již nějakou dobu následovníci muslimského klerika Maulana Fazlullaha snaží posílit šaríju (islámské právo) a tento měsíc vyvolali srážky s vládními vojsky. „Křesťané v údolí Swat jsou velmi zranitelní, protože nežijí pohromadě,“ řekl Ashar Dean, náměstek ředitele pro styk s církvemi Pákistánu.“Ve jednotlivých vesnicích žijí zvlášť, obklopeni ostatními občany.“ Zdroj: Compass Direct News
 Ukradený film „Ježíš“ a ukradené projekční zařízení přinesly ovoce mezi peruánskými teroristy
   Misionáři Bruce a Jan jeli před několika lety v Peru po promítání filmu „Ježíš“ po silnici a zastavili u nákladního auta, které vypadalo, že mu zhasl motor. Najednou kolem nich bylo 45 těžce ozbrojených teroristů, kteří na ně dotírali svými puškami. Teroristé je vyslýchali a prohlíželi jejich věci. Našli jejich promítací zařízení a sebrali jim je s tím, že jej budou používat k promítání revolučních filmů. Bruce k zařízení přidal i film „Ježíš“ a modlil se, aby nezůstal nepovšimnut. On i Jan vyvázli bez zranění. Když se do této oblasti za rok vrátili, José, jeden z útočníků Bruce vyhledal a za rok starý útok se omluvil. Skupina prý tenkrát plánovala, že je oba zabije, ale než se k tomu dostali, něco je zastavilo. Teroristé pak vzali film do jejich tábora, kde jej vidělo 700 lidí. Jak se na film dívali, viděli, že Ježíš je „ten pravý revolucionář“ a mnoho jich bylo tak uchváceno, že zatoužili odložit zbraně a následovat Pána. V současnosti je José pastorem a ředitelem velké biblické školy v Argentině, která vysílá misionáře do celého světa. Zdroj: Mission Network News

HCJB Global Voice spolu s místními partnery pomohl uskutečnit křesťanské rozhlasové vysílání v sedmi peruánských městech. Přidružené stanice ve třech městech také přejímají španělské vysílání ALAS, misijní latinskoamerické rozhlasové satelitní sítě. Pořady ve španělštině, ale i v jazyku Quechua jsou šířeny také na krátkých vlnách z Quito v Ekvádoru.
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Source: Mission Network News
Two outdoor concerts promoting the Cambodian youth-oriented radio program, “It’s Yours!” aired by Trans World Radio (TWR), have resulted in a “great response” in recent months. TWR reported that about 1,700 youth attended the two summer concerts that were designed to reflect the format of the program and whet listeners’ appetites to learn more about Christ. Because of these events, those who had previously shown little interest in the program are now tuning in. The theme for the events was “True Happiness.” Active participation was encouraged with prizes such as T-shirts for those who answered questions such as, “What can make you happy for a short time but in the end causes sadness?” TWR staff members performed skits along with members of a visiting youth group from a Mississippi church. The youth also performed Christian music at the concerts.

* HCJB Global Voice, in cooperation with Campus Crusade for Christ, worked with a local partner to plant Cambodia’s first Christian radio station in 1998. New Life Radio in the capital city of Phnom Penh broadcasts the gospel in Cambodian and English.


Sources: BosNewsLife, Assist News Service
Chinese authorities have shut down a multi-million-dollar branch of Australia-based Enoch Group, accusing it of promoting Christianity and hiring Christian workers, said investigators. The local company owners, Daniel and Eliza Ng, were put under house arrest from Oct. 12 to 25, not even allowed to leave their home to purchase food. Dozens of employees were “interrogated and some beaten and detained for several hours” in the nearby Panyu district police station, China Aid Association (CAA) sources added. Company assets, including 50 computers, checkbooks and sensitive company product formulas, were confiscated along with the Ngs’ mobile phones and other personal property. On Sept. 13 the Chinese government also froze the personal assets of the Ngs who had obtained Australian citizenship after leaving Hong Kong. “The move to shut down the company and freeze the nearly 100 million yuan (US$13.4 million) in assets and patents is purely politically motivated,” CAA reported, quoting high-ranking officials as saying that central government leaders were “upset that the Enoch Group hired a large number of Chinese Christians.”


Source: BosNewsLife
An Indonesian court has sentenced 41 Christian leaders to five years in prison on charges of blasphemy because they openly prayed that Muslims would “come to know Christ,” local Christians and a human rights group reported. The charges came after the Christians, who are linked to Campus Crusade for Christ, participated in a December 2006 prayer gathering in the Indonesian province of East Java. They were arrested last May. “During this time they prayed for their nation asking that all Muslim leaders come to know Christ,” reported Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) Australia. “Video footage of this prayer meeting was filmed and leaked to a Muslim organization.” The organization quoted local sources as saying that the 41 believers “have been found guilty of abusing the Koran.” Lawyers are planning to appeal the sentence in the East Java High Court in Surabaya.

* HCJB Global Voice has worked with local partners to establish more than 14 local Christian radio stations across Indonesia since 2004. Broadcasts from HCJB Global-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra also encourage listeners nationwide. In addition, HCJB Global Hands has helped with relief efforts since the Dec. 26, 2004, earthquake/tsunami and subsequent quakes that devastated parts of Indonesia.


Source: Compass Direct News
Islamic militants threatened to bomb a Christian family the evening of Tuesday, Oct. 30, for refusing to convert to Islam as fighting between militants and government troops resumed in northwestern Pakistan. “Become Muslim, otherwise we are going to destroy your house with bombs,” an anonymous caller told a Christian family in the Swat river region of Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier province. Family members, requesting that their names and village be kept anonymous for security reasons, said they stayed awake all night praying after the 10 p.m. threat. They said that a Muslim neighbor, a close friend, spent the night in their front room as a token of solidarity. A tiny Christian community in that same area has reported increasing pressure to conform to Islamic law in recent months. Since July followers of Muslim cleric Maulana Fazlullah have worked to enforce sharia (Islamic law) in much of the Swat Valley, prompting clashes with government troops this week. “Christians in Swat are very vulnerable because they don’t live together in a group,” said Ashar Dean, assistant director of communications with the Church of Pakistan. “They are individually living among the majority community in various villages.”


Sources: Religion Today, Assist News Service
Scholars and journalists tried to bridge the gap between the church and portrayals of Christianity in the media at the “Jesus in Prime Time” conference at Dallas Theological Seminary Monday, Oct. 29. “The church is pretty good at handling the Bible but really bad at handling the culture,” said Darrell Bock at the conference. He added that only a handful of the hundreds of interviews he has given were not conducted professionally. But he said the church needs to do a better job of engaging the media and the culture at large. Journalists had their own explanations for the gap between the church and the media. “They don’t like nuances on television, just black-and-white, good guy and bad guy,” said Peggy Wehmeyer-Woods, host of the radio program, “The World Vision Report,” and a former ABC-TV reporter. Ben Witherington of Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Ky., added that popular culture is “haunted” by Jesus, but is biblically illiterate.

© Copyright 2007 - HCJB Global - Colorado Springs, CO USA
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Source: Assist News Service
More than 165,000 people heard a clear presentation of the gospel with 17,474 recorded decisions for Christ when Impact World Tour (IWT), a ministry of Youth with a Mission (YWAM) Campaigns, swept through 16 main cities and communities across the South Pacific island nation of Fiji. For six weeks (Sept. 3-Oct. 13) the team ministered in 24 schools, three prisons and at gatherings nationwide. Despite the wet weather, experienced on 19 of the 39 campaign nights, IWT teams were astounded at the way Fijians came out to the stadiums and parks and not only stood in the rain, but came forward to give their lives to Christ. Among those responding were many Indo-Fijians from other religious backgrounds, the largest unreached people group in the South Pacific. “We were excited to see whole families respond to give their lives to Christ, often lead by the fathers bringing their families forward to respond,” said IWT Regional Director David Cole. At Subrail Stadium in Labasa, the main city on the island of Vanua Levu, a total of 25,000 people attended the three evening meetings. Local pastors told IWT leaders, “It was like a spiritual bomb going off in some of the high Indian population communities. There has never been anything like this in our history.”

* HCJB Global Voice has worked with partner EBM International to establish four FM stations in Fiji since 1996. Three stations are on the air in Suva and one in Singatoka. Programs go out in English, Fijian and Hindi.


TERRORISTS Source: Mission Network News
Following a “JESUS” film showing in Peru several years ago, longtime JESUS Film Project missionaries Bruce and Jan approached a truck that seemed to have stalled. Then they were surrounded by 45 heavily armed terrorists with guns thrust at them. The terrorists interrogated them and searched their belongings. They found their projection equipment and took it with the intention of showing revolutionary films. With the projection equipment gone, Bruce handed over the “JESUS” film as well, praying that it would not go unwatched. He and Jan were not harmed. When the couple returned to that region a year later, one of their attackers named José found Bruce and apologized for the attack a year earlier. The group had planned to kill them, but whenever the topic came up something stopped them. The terrorists had brought the film back to camp where 700 people viewed the film. As they watched, they realized that Jesus was a “true revolutionary,” and many were so moved they wanted to lay down their weapons and follow the Lord. Today José is a pastor and director of a large Bible school in Argentina that sends out missionaries around the world.

* HCJB Global Voice, together with local partners, has helped plant Christian radio stations in seven Peruvian cities. Affiliate stations in three cities also carry Spanish programming distributed by ALAS, the ministry’s Latin American satellite radio network. Radio programs in both Spanish and Quechua also air across Peru via shortwave from Quito, Ecuador.


Sources: Council for World Missions, Action by Churches Together
Action by Churches Together (ACT) International has issued a $3.6-million appeal to respond in the next year to the growing humanitarian crisis in Zimbabwe. An inflation rate exceeding 7,000 percent has had a devastating impact on the economy, especially hurting vulnerable people who struggle to make ends meet. The ACT members implementing the alliance’s response, Christian Care (CCARE) and Lutheran Development Service (LDS), reported that factors that have hastened the country’s economic decline include the HIV/AIDS pandemic, poor agricultural conditions and high unemployment. Up to 80 percent of the population lives below the poverty line. This year saw one of the worst harvests in recent times due to drought. Nearly 51,000 people will receive food aid if the appeal is fully funded.


Source: Assist News Service
Many hotel guests expect to find a Bible in their room. They may be surprised to find an additional book on Buddhist meditation in some German hotels. “The books on Buddha have been given to us free of charge by a Japanese organization,” Ulrike Herrmann of the InterCity Hotel in Stuttgart told the evangelical news agency IDEA. The management would also place copies of the Koran in hotel rooms, if they were offered, she said. The hotel management would exercise caution, however, with brochures provided by Scientology. The organization is monitored in some federal states by agencies for the protection of the constitution. The German branch of the Gideon association, which places Bibles in hotel rooms, is not unduly worried by the competition. “The living Word is more attractive than a dead book,” said Johannes Wendel, Gideon director for Germany. Last year German Gideons placed 765,000 New Testaments in hotels, hospitals and medical consulting rooms.

* Radio Station HCJB in Quito, Ecuador, has been broadcasting German programs worldwide via shortwave since 1953. Fourteen hours of programming weekly air to Europe, South America and the South Pacific. In addition, 10.5 hours of Low German programs air each week from Quito.


Source: Christian Newswire
Pastors across the U.S. and around the globe are affirming “The Preacher’s Pledge” -- a declaration of the centrality of the Bible in preaching and sermon preparation. More than 1,500 preachers from some 50 nations have already taken the pledge. It was introduced by SermonCentral.com, a site that receives more than 250,000 hits each month. Visitors access more than 120,000 sermons and illustrations, amounting to nearly half a million pages of online Scripture commentary. “We introduced the pledge because we think preachers must engage the Bible in their sermon preparation and not simply short circuit the process with someone else’s study,” said Ron Forseth, general editor of SermonCentral.com. “Our site is a valuable supplement -- but not the primary source for a sermon -- God’s Word is.” Scott Evans, president of Outreach, Inc., which owns SermonCentral.com, added, “We want to strengthen the quality of preaching in pulpits around the world. The Preacher’s Pledge is helping do that. That’s why with every sermon on our site we encourage pastors to affirm the pledge.”

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