Zprávy HCJB 18.11.2007 - 24.11.2007

 Audiopřehjrávač zpřístupňuje překlad Bible v „novém dynamickém formátu“
    Originální GoBible (kapesní přehrávač) se nyní prodává s novou verzí Bible – New International Version (NIV) a to díky spolupráci s Fellowship for the Performing Arts. Přístroj má v sobě nahranou Bibli, kterou čte uznávaný vypravěč May McLean. Součástí přístroje je technologie umožňující uživateli pomocí menu na displeji přecházet z místa na místo všemi knihami, kapitolami a verši. Uživatelé jej mohou používat jako konkordanci, dále si jednotlivé úseky poslechnout a potřebné verše si označit. Steve Johnson, nakladatel IBS-STL k tomu dodává: „Tolik lidí v našem moderním světě již vůbec nečte knihy. Proto si myslím, že je nesmírně důležité poskytnout lidem Písmo v nové formě. Spojením překladu NIV s touto technologií GoBible vzniká dynamický prostředek schopný zasáhnout nesčíslné množství lidí.“ Zdroj: A. Larry Ross Communications
 Misie při distribuci Biblí v Severní Koreji přidává i jídlo
   Mezinárodní pomocná organizace Alpha Relief obohacuje distribuci Bible křesťanům v Severní Koreji i o jinou, než duchovní stravu. Zpočátku se Alpha soustřeďovala na distribuci Biblí severokorejské podzemní církvi, ale její zakladatel Chris Moore zjistil, že mnoho křesťanů umírá hlady kvůli rozšířenému hladomoru. „V září 2006 jsme od lidí, se kterými jsme v kontaktu začali dostávat zprávy, že jim doslova došlo jídlo, a že utíkají z měst do lesů vyhrabávat kořínky, loupat kůru ze stromů a jíst cokoliv se dá najít,“ řekl Moore. „Když se situace tak zhoršila a my jsme o tom věděli, začali jsme s Písmem šířit také elementární potravinovou pomoc.“ Je jasné, že když lidé nemají co jíst a umírají hlady, má posílání Biblí malý význam. Podzemní církev pomáhá při rozdělování těchto potravin bezdomovcům a sirotkům. Zdroj: OneNewsNow.com
 Vědci změnili buňku z kůže v buňku podobnou embryonální kmenové buňce
   Vědci z Wisconsinu a Japonska v úterý 20. listopadu oznámili, že se jim zdařilo změnit buňku kůže dospělého člověka v buňku podobnou buňce kmenové, což je dramatický obrat ve prospěch odpůrců výzkumu kmenových buněk z embryí vedoucího k zániku embryí. Baptist Press oznamuje, že tato zpráva vyvolala vzrušené reakce jak příznivců, tak nepřátel výzkumu kmenových buněk, protože to znamená novou možnost budoucí léčby různých závažných onemocnění. Je to i zadostiučinění pro prezidenta G.W. Bushe a další osobnosti, které se snažily brzdit neustávající kampaně vyzývající vládu USA, aby financovala pokusy s kmenovými buňkami, přičemž tyto pokusy současně přinášejí hubení lidských embryí. Zprávy ukazují, že z kůže vytvořená kmenová buňka má v podstatě stejné vlastnosti jako ta z embrya a může být získána bez zabíjení nenarozených dětí. Lidské embryo při odběru kmenových buněk hyne. „Nechceme říkat hop, dokud nepřeskočíme, ale docela dobře by to mohl být konec debat o výzkumu embryonálních kmenových buněk,“ řekl odborník na etiku, Jižní baptista Ben Mitchell. „Stalo se přesně to, po čem voláme: zachovat si vysoký morální standard a pracovat na alternativách výzkumu, které neničí embrya.“ Zdroj: Religion Today, Baptist Press
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Sources: BBC News, BosNewsLife, Assist News Service
Native Christian missionaries in Bangladesh are appealing for prayers and support as it became clear that thousands died in a powerful cyclone that battered much of the South Asian nation last week.

The government reported that 2,300 people were killed by Cyclone Sidr, especially in southern part of the country, but the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society warned the real death toll could reach 10,000 after more victims are discovered in hard-to-reach areas. Some 500,000 homes have been destroyed, and 845,000 households have been affected, according to the British Red Cross.

This meant yet another blow for impoverished minority Christians in Bangladesh who face persecution for their faith in parts of this predominantly Muslim nation. In one district more than 100 homes of churches related to Gospel for Asia (GFA) were destroyed in the category 4 storm, said GFA President K.P. Yohannan.

Promises of monetary aid are pouring in. Among the major donors is Saudi Arabia which has pledged US$100 million in aid. The U.K. is sending $5 million, and the U.S. will provide $2 million in aid, announced Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. A statement from U.S. Press Secretary Dana Perino said that two ships are en route to Bangladesh to assist in relief operations. The U.S. will also airlift 35 tons of nonfood items such as plastic sheeting, five-gallon containers and hygiene kits.

Local reports indicate that aid needs to arrive quickly. A BBC reporter witnessed villagers fighting over rice, and a second said that many remote communities along the southwestern coast haven’t received any help. One survivor told the BBC: “We have no food. We are trying to survive with eating whatever is edible that we can lay our hands on.”

Officials added that in many areas 95 percent of rice crops which were awaiting harvest have been destroyed, and shrimp farms and other crops were washed away. Coming just months after floods devastated northern Bangladesh, Sidr is the most destructive cyclone to hit the country in more than a decade. A storm in 1991 left some 143,000 people dead.


Source: A. Larry Ross Communications
The Original GoBible, a small handheld audio Bible player, is now available in the New International Version (NIV) through a strategic partnership with the Fellowship for the Performing Arts. The device comes preloaded with “The Listener’s Bible,” read by acclaimed narrator Max McLean. It is supported by technology that allows users to scan through various books, chapters and verses of the Old and New Testaments by using the interactive menu on its LCD screen. Users can search for, play and bookmark individual verses in the Bible. Steve Johnson, Global Publisher for IBS-STL added, “So many people in our modern world are turning away from the printed page. Because of this, we think it’s critical to reach people with Scripture in new, innovative ways. The combination of the GoBible and the NIV as the most trusted English translation is a marriage that will reach countless people with God’s Word in a dynamic new format.”


Sources: WorldWide Religious News, Washington Post
Using technological devices ranging from simple cassette tapes to solar-powered audio players and an iPod-like gadget called the Bible Stick, Christian groups are spending millions of dollars a year to make God’s Word accessible in remote corners of the planet. Complete versions of the Bible can now be downloaded onto cell phones in parts of Africa. To reach those who can’t read -- nearly one-fifth of the world’s population -- Christian groups are rapidly increasing production of audio and video versions. Building on generations of work to distribute the printed Bible, Christian missionaries said new multimedia presentations in hundreds of languages are vastly expanding the Bible’s audience and spreading the influence of the world’s largest religion. “It’s a movement to revitalize religion in the world, and it’s huge,” said Laurie Westlake of Faith Comes by Hearing, a ministry that works in 92 countries. This year alone the organization has started 33,000 “listening groups” where people gather to hear dramatic Bible recordings done by local people in their own languages. Those gatherings are attended by about 3 million people -- three times as many as two years ago.


Source: Forum 18 News
The family and friends of imprisoned Baptist Pastor Zaur Balaev say they are shocked by the high level of payments demanded by officials at the prison in the Azerbaijani capital city of Baku where he is being held. His friends complained that payment is demanded before authorities will give him food or allow him to meet with relatives. Officials have denied that such payments are extracted from prisoners. Balaev lodged a second appeal on Sunday, Oct. 14, against what he and his fellow Baptists maintain is a “trumped-up charge” designed to punish him for his leadership of a much-persecuted congregation in a remote village of northwestern Azerbaijan. In a move that Ilya Zenchenko, who leads the Baptist Union, describes as “disturbing,” police in the southern port town of Neftechala have threatened another local Baptist with the same fate. “On Nov. 1 and 2 Pastor Telman Aliev and his assistant, Jabbar Musaev, were summoned one by one by the police for ‘preventive conversations,’” Zenchenko said. “Pastor Telman was not intimidated and is continuing to lead services. But Jabbar was forced not to attend church.”

* HCJB Global Voice, in partnership with Hosanna and local partners in Baku, Azerbaijan, has recorded the dramatized Azeri New Testament as part of the Faith Comes by Hearing project. The recordings, completed in 1998, have been made into a series of radio programs.


Sources: Breaking Christian News, Christian Post
Pastor Michael Hattabaugh figured the fact of 15 million orphans in Africa was just too large a number to grasp, so he decided to become a living analogy to inspire people to help. The pastor of Gathering Church in Farmington, N.M., Hattabaugh spent last week without a home -- or a roof over his head -- living atop a Chick-fil-A restaurant, waving at passersby and explaining his reasons for his actions. “I thought if I lived on a roof, that is how people will get their arms wrapped around the idea [of the many orphans in Africa],” Hattabaugh explained. “It is a good connection. People ask, ‘Why are you doing this?’ And I use it draw people’s attention.” His fundraiser, known as “Get Mike Down,” set a $200,000 goal. Half of the proceeds will go to Carrie Tingley Hospital in Albuquerque to provide housing for children and their families during long-term treatment. The remainder of the proceeds will help the National Day of Care promote and provide assistance to some of the 15 million AIDS orphans in Africa.

* HCJB Global Hands is working to battle the AIDS crisis in both Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa. The ministry’s Vozandes Hospital-Quito in Ecuador operates an AIDS clinic, and the education department has produced a series of TV spots that urge prevention of AIDS through Christian values such as fidelity and abstinence. HCJB Global Hands has also sent out short-term ministry teams to South Africa to help at Hope Community Center, an HIV/AIDS ministry of Fish Hoek Baptist Church in Cape Town. Medical missionaries from the ministry are also permanently stationed at an AIDS clinic operated by Partners in Hope in Lilongwe, Malawi.

© Copyright 2007 - HCJB Global - Colorado Springs, CO USA
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Source: OneNewsNow.com
International aid ministry Alpha Relief has expanded its distribution of Scriptures to Christians in North Korea to include something more than spiritual food. Initially, Alpha concentrated on distributing Bibles to the North Korean underground church, but founder Chris Moore realized that many Christians were starving to death because of a widespread famine. “Around December 2006 we started getting word from the people we were working with that they literally had run out of food and they were going into the woods to forage for roots and to pull bark off of trees and essentially eat anything they could find,” he said. “So when the situation became that dire and we were aware of it, we added to our scripture distribution the element of emergency food aid.” He explains that if people cannot eat and are dying of starvation, then sending Bibles has little meaning. The underground church helps in the distribution of food to orphans and the homeless.


Source: Assist News Service, Salem Voice News
A Dalit villager was allegedly burned to death by upper-caste individuals on Saturday, Nov. 10, in the Dhar district of central India’s Madhya Pradesh state. According to a press release from Salem Voice Ministries (SVM) News, Kailash Bagri, 40, was attacked by a group of 50 armed men for beating an ox (belonging to his upper-caste neighbor) that had strayed into his field. Shankar, Kailash Bagri’s son, told SVM News that the men converged at his family’s house brandishing swords. “My father ran some distance but they eventually caught him and burned him to death . . . all because he beat an animal,” Shankar said. “Our family was so terrified that we ran for cover.” A senior police official said the incident was bought to law enforcement’s attention a couple of days after it happened. However, he denied reports that the man was burned alive. District Police Superintendent Chanchal Shekhar claimed, rather, that the criminals “tried to conceal their crime by burning and disposing the body, but we have seized the evidence.”


Source: BosNewsLife
Dozens of Islamic militants raided a house church in the Indonesian province of West Java on Monday, Nov. 19, the latest in a series of attacks against perceived “illegal” places of worship, local Christians said. The Italy-based online news agency Adnkronos International reported that about “30 self-appointed Islamic vigilantes” apparently entered a house in the village of Citeureup in the Bandung region to protest the church services there.” The house owner, Ranto Gunawan Simamora, told reporters that “dozens of people raided the house and went directly to the living room which is normally used for Christian gatherings and worship.” No one was injured in the raid, and police sealed off the house pending further investigations. The attack was the latest against what militants and authorities regard as “illegal places of worship.”

* HCJB Global Voice has worked with local partners to establish more than 14 local Christian radio stations across Indonesia since 2004. Broadcasts from HCJB Global-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra also encourage listeners nationwide. In addition, HCJB Global Hands has helped with relief efforts since the Dec. 26, 2004, earthquake/tsunami and subsequent quakes that devastated parts of Indonesia.


Source: Ecumenical News International, Council for World Missions
Rev. Maxwell Kapachawo has become the first Zimbabwean religious leader to declare publicly that he is living with HIV. He is using radio and television to combat stigmatization of those who have the disease. “Let us make churches channels of hope, acceptance and love. I am proud to be doing my part,” Kapachawo urges in one of his advertisements on state television and radio in which he says he is HIV-positive. Kapachawo believes some churches help fuel the stigma associated with the disease. He said he had been dismissed from pastoral duties by a bishop who suspected Kapachawo was HIV-positive. He was reassigned as a pastor after he attended an AIDS workshop and then returned to convince the church that the pandemic was a subject that needed to be openly discussed. Kapachawo is coordinator of the Zimbabwe Network of Religious Leaders Living with or Personally Affected by HIV/AIDS (ZINERELA) which has 181 members. He is the only one to declare his status. One in five Zimbabweans between the ages of 15 and 49 has HIV, according to estimates by the Joint United Nations Program on AIDS.

* HCJB Global Voice signed a partnership agreement with the Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe in 2001.


Sources: Breaking Christian News, CNN
CNN has reported that a donor, known only as “Anonymous Friend,” donated $100 million to the local Erie Community Foundations in Erie, Pa -- a “struggling old industrial city of 102,000 on Lake Erie.” Although sworn to secrecy, the president of the foundation, Mike Batchelor, would only say that the donor had worked with Erie Community Foundations for years. “What a godsend for some of these agencies, because I know a lot of them struggle,” said Pam VanHorn, mother of a 5-year-old autistic daughter. If other potential donors think that their money is not needed any longer because of the huge donation, Batchelor says that is hardly the case. “Know that the donor hopes this will inspire others to give within their means,” he said.

© Copyright 2007 - HCJB Global - Colorado Springs, CO USA
 Vđechny zprávy v angličtině

Sources: Religion Today, Baptist Press
Scientists in Wisconsin and Japan revealed Tuesday, Nov. 20, that they have converted adult skin cells into embryonic-like stem cells in human beings, producing a dramatic shift in favor of opponents of research that destroys embryos. Baptist Press reported that the news has elicited excited responses from both supporters and foes of embryonic stem cell research because of its potential for providing therapies for debilitating diseases. It proved especially rewarding, however, for U.S. President George W. Bush and others who have worked to hold back the persistent campaign for the government to fund experiments that destroy human embryos. The reports show that stem cells that have, in essence, the same properties as embryonic ones and can be produced without destroying unborn babies. A human embryo is killed when stem cells are extracted from it. “We don’t want to jump the gun scientifically, but this may well be the end of the debate over embryonic stem cells,” said Southern Baptist bioethicist Ben Mitchell. “This is exactly why many of us were saying, ‘Take the moral high ground and work for ethical alternatives to embryo-destructive research.’”


Source: Christian Newswire
World Vision is appealing for $2.1 million to provide an aid package that includes temporary shelter for more than 50,000 people whose homes were destroyed by Cyclone Sidr in Bangladesh. Of the total, $1.5 million will go to provide tin sheeting for 9,375 families (about 50,000 individuals) who have lost their homes. An additional $640,000 will provide emergency food and relief items to some 100,000 people. “The scale of the devastation is enormous. It is very hard to get to some areas due to fallen trees. There is need wherever we look,” said Vince Edwards, World Vision’s national director in Bangladesh. Edwards was working with the agency’s relief teams in hard-hit communities today. “We need to get bundles of tin sheeting to these families living out in the open,” he said. “We are going to focus our efforts on the worst-affected people who have completely lost their homes -- women-headed households, the poorest of the poor and those families who have children with disabilities.”


Source: Christian Newswire
TechMission’s ChristianVolunteering.org website provides a comprehensive directory of thousands of volunteer opportunities in ministries for people who would like to volunteer during the holidays. The site has more than 2,000 volunteer and short-term mission opportunities from some 1,000 organizations. Among the many partners are the Salvation Army, the Association of Gospel Rescue Missions, World Vision, Christian Community Development Association, Here’s Life Inner City (Campus Crusade for Christ), Urban Youth Worker’s Institute and YouthPartnersNet (formerly Compassion USA). Some sample holiday volunteer opportunities on the site include helping serve Thanksgiving dinner to the homeless, spending holidays with low-income elderly without families, sorting and bagging food, and helping at a Christmas party for homeless children. Potential volunteers can search for service opportunities in their area by visiting the website and entering their postal code.


Source: AFP
Ecuador’s Foreign Ministry has lodged a formal protest to the government of the U.S. regarding the treatment last week of President Rafael Correa by immigration officials at Miami International Airport. Correa refused to be searched as if he were an ordinary passenger by U.S. screening officials who apparently were unaware he was a head of state heading to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, for the summit of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). The ministry said in a statement it had lodged the “strongest protest” before the U.S. government “for the lack of basic manners shown Ecuador’s head of state by immigration authorities” at the airport. Earlier Tuesday, U.S. Ambassador to Quito Linda Jewell expressed regret over the incident in comments published by Quito daily El Comercio, but said U.S. officials had not received advanced notice of Correa’s layover at Miami. The foreign ministry refuted that, however, saying that the “Ecuadorian embassy in Washington had notified the State Department of the president’s layover” and that the department had acknowledged in a response.


Source: HCJB Global
A short-term team from HCJB Global in the U.S. recently spent two weeks in the small West African nation of Burkina Faso, highlighting the way partner radio stations affiliated with the organization permeate ministry at the local level.

Despite the fact that HCJB Global has a vibrant and active radio ministry in Burkina Faso comprising radio stations in seven cities that broadcast in 22 languages, the work team teamed up with a non-radio ministry that works primarily with orphans and widows.

Slightly larger than Colorado, the land-locked nation of Burkina Faso sits north of Ghana. The former French colony, considered one of the poorest countries in the world, has limited natural resources, resulting in poor economic prospects for the majority of its 14.5 million citizens. About 90 percent of the population is engaged in subsistence agriculture which is vulnerable to periodic droughts.

Joanna Ilboudo, who formerly directed a partner station in the capital city of Ouagadougou, felt led to start a ministry (ACTS) as she watched thetienne Tous pour la Solidaritecalled Action Chre plight of so many widows and orphans who are affected by deep poverty and the nation’s AIDS pandemic.

“In Burkina Faso and across West Africa, women and children are the most vulnerable among the population,” Ilboudo said. “They are vulnerable socially, morally, psychologically and physically.” The focus of her new ministry was set, and later her contacts with HCJB Global were able to provide some help.

A large church called Journey of Faith in Manhattan Beach, Calif., provided the majority of the young and talented group who joined with the local workers to push along the expanding construction at the ACTS center for orphans and widows in the village of about 10 miles outside of Ouagadougou.Saonre,

The 17-member team, led by Andy and Linda Braio, jumped in with both feet to construct a concrete-block dormitory and classroom, provide entertainment and Bible story activities for the orphans at the center, and run a small carpentry workshop as job training for the older orphans.

HCJB Global President Dave Johnson, who visited the mission’s partners in Burkina Faso Nov. 9-15, observed how the carpentry training is already bearing fruit. “It was encouraging to be onsite where our work team had been,” he explained. “The tools that the group left behind were being used to build such things as doors for new buildings going up as well as desks and furniture for the classrooms. The investment is being used in such practical ways to help the ministry go on.”

Members of the work team soon discovered the outward agenda of the trip was often dwarfed by the agenda of the doe-eyed orphans who simply wanted to be held, hugged and played with. The entire group was captivated by the smiles of an orphan named Abdou who by the third day after the team arrived ran to the vans with arms in the air, ready to be held by anyone would carry him.

During two evenings team members shared their personal testimonies through translators as the group helped promote and show the “JESUS” film in the local Mooré language. The excitement of the group was evident as they tried to count the many people who came forward to give their hearts to Christ after the film.

“A number of the team members had been on mission trips before, but none had seen the level of poverty that was present in Burkina,” said work team co-leader Chris Tomlinson who was asked to join the ACTS board of directors following the trip. “To know the abundance they left behind at home and witness the lack of basic needs of the African people left an indelible mark on the team. Many took long, hard looks at their lives and the choices they make with their time and their finances.”

The result has been a growing partnership between ACTS and Journey of Faith. The church provided significant financial support to the construction efforts of the team and continues to fund the construction of more classrooms as well as the village’s first medical clinic. Journey of Faith is making plans to send another team to Burkina Faso in July 2008.

Along with the expansion of and a future medical clinic, plans also include a secondthe center in Saonre center for widows and orphans in another village.

Recent flooding in Burkina Faso destroyed crops as well as many of the mud-brick homes in remote villages. The rains have now been replaced by drought, drying up many of the crops that survived the floods. As a result, many villagers are now without homes, and thousands face starvation. ACTS has partnered with Samaritan’s Purse to provide food to many of these orphans and widows.

© Copyright 2007 - HCJB Global - Colorado Springs, CO USA

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