Zprávy HCJB 9.12.2007 - 15.12.2007

 Vědecký pracovník přišel o místo, protože odmítá přijmout evoluci jako fakt
   Propuštěný vědecký pracovník uvádí, že byl vyhozen z prestižního Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, protože nevěří v evoluci. Nathaniel Abraham podal tento týden žalobu u amerického okresního soudu v Bostonu, kde uvádí, že výzkumné středisko Cape Cod jej v roce 2004 propustilo, protože jako křesťan věří, že Bible podává věrný popis stvoření člověka. Abraham žádá 500 000 dolarů jako odškodné za utlačování jeho lidských práv. Uvádí, že místo ztratil jako postgraduální student biologie krátce poté, co řekl svému nadřízenému, že evoluci nepovažuje za vědecky prokázanou. Zdroj: Religion Today, Boston Globe
 Pastor řekl, že Ježíš by dnes trávil čas s pacienty trpícími AIDS
   Rick Warren, starší pastor sboru v Saddleback v Lake Forest v Kalifornii řekl, že kdyby Pán Ježíš kráčel po Zemi dnes, trávil by čas s lidmi trpícími AIDS. „Ježíš by s nimi byl, protože nemají nikoho, kdo by s nimi chtěl být. Lidé se jich bojí, budí strach stejně jako lidé trpící v prvním století malomocenství,“ řekl Warren při rozhovoru během Celosvětové konference AIDS a církev. „Myslím, že nejkřesťanštější věcí, kterou můžeme udělat je starat se o lidi, o které by se staral Ježíš.“ Když se ho ptali, jak by se křesťané měli zapojit při dnešní epidemii AIDS Warren vyjmenoval pět věcí, které činil Ježíš – podporoval smíření, připravoval učedníky, pomáhal slabým, pečoval o nemocné a učil novou generaci. „V péči o nemocné přitom spatřuji naši největší příležitost,“ vysvětloval Warren. „Je to největší pandemie a pro nás tudíž největší příležitost ukázal lásku Ježíše Krista.“ Zdroj: Assist News Service
 Německý futurolog předpovídá vznik „zeleného“ náboženství
   Německý futurolog Mathis Horx předpovídá „zelené“ náboženství jako reakci na rýsující se klimatickou katastrofu. „Klimatické náboženství je přiměřený kult konzumní a mediální společnosti znepokojené vlastním vývojem. Je to nový fundamentalizmus pro každého,“ napsal Horx ve svém díle Psaní o budoucnosti. Říká, že záchrana planety se stává hlavním náboženským proudem. Lidé měří své emise kysličníku uhličitého. Věří, že každým svým dechem, každou žárovkou, o cestě autem, vlakem či letadlem nemluvě, přispívají k brzkému soudnému dni. Ale spása je prý nablízku, ironicky vysvětluje Horx. Lidé si mohou koupit moderní „odpustky“ – povolenky ekologických hříchů. Nové zelené náboženství je podle Horxe starý jev. Myšlenka, že svět je odsouzen k záhubě je stará jako lidstvo samo a nikdo ji nedokáže vyvrátit, píše Horx, který není křesťanem. Podle něj bude nejlepší přizpůsobit život, obchod i výrobky „věku kysličníku uhličitého.“ Zdroj: Assist News Service
 Mnoho bagdádských křesťanů zůstává pevných i přes nepřátelskou situaci
   Křesťané v Iráku v Bagdádu jsou pevní ve víře bez ohledu na zprávy o únosech, o útocích na kostely a o jiných protikřesťanských násilnostech. Agentura Christian Broadcasting Network News uvedla, že od pádu Saddáma Husseina, který islámské radikály držel na uzdě, „jsou křesťané cílem útoků těchto extrémistů. Skoro milion křesťanů opustilo své domovy a Irák, ale někteří věřící říkají, že věci se obracejí k lepšímu.“

Anglikánský kněz v Iráku, Canon Andrew White, známý také jako „Vikář z Bagdádu,“ řekl, že extrémisté zabili většinu mužů v jeho farnosti. „Napětí ve dvou blízkých křesťanských čtvrtích Dora a Karada se určitě zvýšilo. Za dveřmi nacházeli položené kulky, dostávali varovné dopisy, aby se odstěhovali. Byli vyzýváni, aby platili daň Jirza (vynucovaná islámská daň pro Dhimmi) , nebo se obrátili k islámu, nebo že budou zabiti.“Křesťané čelí těmto drsným podmínkám a zůstávají v Bagdádu, kde šíří evangelium.

Voice of the Martyrs kontaktovaný v Iráku dodává: „Stále jsme v Bagdádu. Nikdo z našeho sboru neodešel. Cítíme, že jsme povoláni, abychom zůstali a také neodejdeme. Nebezpečí stoupá a jsme v horší situaci. Proto se pastoři začali scházet k modlitbám. To dříve nebylo. Jeden bratr navštívil skoro všechny sbory v Bagdádu a vybízel je k pravidelným společným modlitebním shromážděním za Irák. Nyní se pět nebo šest sborů různých denominací k těmto modlitbám schází každé úterý.“ Zdroj: Christian Broadcasting Network, Voice of the Martyrs
 Fotbalový tým indického sirotčince vyhrál prestižní turnaj
   Fotbalový tým sirotčince Hopegivers International v severovýchodním indickém státu Radžastán získal titul vítěze v turnaji v kopané ve své věkové kategorii. Tento úspěch představuje první vítězství týmu sirotčince v celostátní soutěži a je to také poprvé, kdy vítězství získal tým z okresu Kota. Po finálovém vítězství nad týmem Jhodpuru 1:0 se tým vrátil domů ve slavnostním průvodu městem. Pět členů týmu bylo vybráno pro národní tým hráčů do 17 let. „Tyto děti se osiřely nebo byly opuštěny, ale pak zachráněny a nyní je na ně hrdé celé město, celá země,“ řekl M.A.Thomas, zakladatel Hopegivers International. „Úspěchy ve sportu jsou vynikající, ale ještě více jsem pohnut tím, co tyto děti dokážou v životě.“ Sirotci jsou z mnoha různých států a kultur, a dokonce mluví různými jazyky, všechny však pocházejí z bědných poměrů. Mnoho sirotků žilo na ulicích nebo ve válkou zmítaných zemích, než našly domov u Hopegivers International. „Tito chlapci se stali šampióny nejen tím, že jsou dobří ve svém sportu,“ řekl Thomas. „Vědí, že jsou milovány, ať již vyhrají, nebo ne.“ Zdroj: Christian Newswire
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Source: OneNewsNow.com
Two Christian ministries are joining forces in an effort to help the lowest and poorest caste of people in India. Gospel for Asia (GFA) and American Family Radio (AFR) recently kicked off an initiative that allows people to provide items for the poorest of the poor in India. In that country, people known as the Dalits -- or untouchables -- are considered subhuman by many. The shunned group has a population of more than 300 million. The Christmas campaign initiated by the two ministries will allow donors to reach out to this group by purchasing practical gifts for families such as chickens, sewing machines, and water buffaloes. GFA’s Chris Brewer says the initiative can have an eternal impact. “There’s such abject poverty in that country, hundreds of millions of people are subject to that poverty,” explained. “So the opportunity that we have to get involved in their lives through this program we’re going to be doing is a tremendous open door to share the gospel and make a difference, not only in their lives now, but to make a difference for eternity.” GFA has more than 16,000 native missionaries working throughout Asia.


Sources: Compass Direct News, Christian Newswire, Assist News Service, BosNewsLife
Beijing Public Security Bureau (PSB) officials have detained the owner of a Christian bookstore near the Olympic Village, along with one of his employees, according to a long-time friend of the businessman. Ray Sharpe said authorities detained 37-year-old Shi Weihan, a member of an unregistered Beijing church, late last week and have confiscated Christian literature from his bookstore as well as personal books from his home. Authorities at the Haidian district substation of the Beijing PSB have refused to tell his family the charges against him or where he is being held. Shi had never had any problems with authorities in the past, and he sold only books for which he had obtained government permission, Sharpe said. Shi’s wife, Zhang Jing, and several employees were detained and released, but one female employee, Tian Hongxia, remains in custody, “Her father was seriously beaten when she was arrested at his home,” Sharpe added. “She has a 3-year-old son who was very upset during the whole scene, so children do see how brutally they manhandle people in China.” Shi’s family, including 7- and 11-year-old daughters, are in hiding following the incident and are concerned about Shi’s health because he has diabetes and is without medication.


Source: Mission Network News
Four government health workers and World Vision partners are among the dead in an outbreak of the ebola hemorrhagic fever virus in Uganda. Doctors and nurses who did not initially recognize the contagious disease failed to protect themselves, according to government officials. Further complicating the diagnostic situation is that the ebola subtype behind the outbreak is new, and the classic ebola symptoms are not always present. The medical superintendent of World Vision’s Kikyo Health Center also recently succumbed to the disease. A World Vision-sponsored child and her guardian in the Kisitu program area were also killed by the disease. World Vision is looking to the expertise provided by Uganda’s Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization (WHO). WHO has dispatched a team to the affected district, including epidemiologists, a laboratory specialist and an infection control expert. The World Vision Uganda office is working with the Ministry of Health, providing antibiotics, painkillers, disinfectants and rehydration materials. Along with a task force that monitors the developments, the team is also helping to create awareness and sensitize local communities to the outbreak through hourly radio clips that continue to air on two local radio stations.

* HCJB Global Voice, together with the Evangelical Churches of Kampala and FEBA Radio, broadcast the gospel locally in Uganda via two FM transmitters. Broadcasts also air on Radio ABC, a ministry of Africa Bible College in Kampala. In addition, HCJB Global Voice has worked with Jesus Focus Ministries to put a 500-watt FM station on the air in Masaka. Programs air in English and Luganda.


Source: Assist News Service
This month an all-volunteer group of professional, collegiate and church musicians and choir singers from seven states will embark on Friday, Dec. 14, for Israel to join with Jewish and Palestinian musicians to perform a four-city Christmas choir tour. It will culminate in the first major Christmas Eve concert in Bethlehem’s Manger Square since 1999. Since 2000, following what has become known as the “second intifada,” visitors have been trickling back into Bethlehem’s Manger Square at Christmastime, but numbers are far below the tens of thousands who thronged Bethlehem at the height of peacemaking in the 1990s. Members of the more than 150-voice chorus, traveling at their own expense from the U.S., will join with 20 singers based in Jerusalem and members of the Palestine Youth Orchestra of the Edward Said National Conservatory of Music. Along with world-class operatic performers, led by renowned conductors Robert McBain and Eric Thorson, the choir and orchestra will perform portions of Handel’s Messiah to deliver a simple message, “Peace on earth, good will to all,” to audiences in Nazareth, Jerusalem and Bethlehem, Israel; and Amman, Jordan.


Sources: Religion Today, Boston Globe
A former scientific researcher is claiming he was fired from the prestigious Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution because he doesn’t believe in evolution. Nathaniel Abraham filed a lawsuit earlier this week in U.S. District Court in Boston saying that the Cape Cod research center dismissed him in 2004 because of his Christian belief that the Bible presents a true account of human creation. Abraham is seeking $500,000 in compensation for a violation of his civil rights. He claims he lost his job as a postdoctoral researcher in a biology lab shortly after he told his superior that he did not accept evolution as scientific fact.

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Source: Religion News Service
“Who will lead the church tomorrow?” is the question the Fund for Theological Education (FTE) is asking congregations nationwide to consider. In response, FTE is awarding grants totaling $73,000 to eight congregations with innovative ideas for cultivating the call to ministry among youth. Selected from a pool of 60 grant proposals, each organization will receive an award ranging from $5,000 to $12,000. FTE will award $200,000 in grants through 2009 as part of its “Calling Congregations” initiative which is funded by Lilly Endowment Inc. “Calling Congregations” is a national ecumenical effort to encourage and equip churches to play a leading role in the vocational discernment of young men and women -- and to increase the number of gifted young people considering ordained ministry as a profession. Concerns about the supply of gifted clergy have increased as a generation of baby boomer pastors prepares to retire. A 2006 study by the Lewis Center for Leadership at Wesley Theological Seminary shows a significant 20-year decline in clergy under age 35 across denominations. At the same time, student enrollment in master’s degree programs in divinity, the graduate degree typically sought by candidates for ordained ministry, are flat or declining.


Sources: BosNewsLife, China Aid Association
At least 150 house church pastors were believed to be behind bars after Chinese security forces broke up a Christian meeting in China’s Shandong province, fellow Christians said. Advocacy group China Aid Association (CAA) reported that 270 pastors were initially detained on Friday, Dec. 7, in the Hedeng district of Linyi City where they had gathered for a Bible study. Chinese officials reportedly called the meeting an “illegal religious gathering.” In a statement released by CAA, an eyewitness identified only as Pastor Li said up to 50 policemen from 12 different towns were involved in the massive detentions. The pastors were allegedly handcuffed “two-by-two and taken to the local police station for questioning.” Since Monday, Dec. 10, “150 pastors remain in custody,” the group said, adding that other church leaders were released after paying a fine the equivalent of about US$40, described as an “interrogation fee.” CAA stated that the “humiliation these pastors received by being led away in handcuffs as common criminals for attending a Bible study is an unjustifiable act of religious persecution.”


Source: Assist News Service
A woman who goes by the name “Hannah” has been placed under police protection in Britain after receiving death threats from her family for becoming a Christian. Hannah, 32, is the daughter of a British Muslim imam in Lancashire. Since converting to Christianity 15 years ago she has been forced to move 45 times in order to escape her family. Charles Johnson, who posted the story on the website, www.christiantoday.com, wrote, “When she was 16 she ran away from home in order to escape from an arranged marriage and subsequently became a Christian. Last month the threats being made against her started to become more serious leading the police to give her protection.” Hannah was forced to go into hiding after her house was attacked by men armed with knives axes and hammers in 1994. One of her brothers recently sent her a text message saying that he could not be responsible for his actions should she fail to convert back to Islam. She said, “I know the Koran says that anyone who goes away from Islam should be killed as an apostate, so in some ways my family is following the Koran.”


Source: Assist News Service
Rick Warren, senior pastor of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, Calif., says that if Jesus were walking the earth today, He would be spending time with people with AIDS. “Jesus would be with people who have AIDS because, like the lepers of the first century, these are the people nobody wants to hang out with because they are afraid of them; they’re frightened,” said Warren in an interview during the recent Global Summit on AIDS and the Church. “I know the most Christlike thing we can do is to care for the people Jesus cares about most.” When asked why Christians should be involved in the present-day HIV/AIDS pandemic, Warren listed the five categories of things that Jesus did as promoting reconciliation, equipping leaders, assisting the poor, caring for the sick and educating the next generation. “And, under caring for the sick, we have this enormous pandemic called AIDS, and I think it is our greatest opportunity,” Warren explained. “Since it’s the greatest pandemic, it is the greatest opportunity for us to show the love of Jesus Christ.”

© Copyright 2007 - HCJB Global - Colorado Springs, CO USA
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Sources: The Colorado Springs Gazette, Associated Press, Assist News Service, CNN, YWAM, BosNewsLife
Police were searching a home in suburban Denver early today (Monday, Dec 10), as they looked for clues in deadly attacks at two Colorado religious institutions on the weekend. The two shootings, the first at the Youth with a Mission (YWAM) Missionary Center in Arvada and the second at New Life Church, a Colorado Springs megachurch, that left a gunman and four victims dead along with six wounded.

Authorities believe it was the same gunman, identified as 24-year-old Matthew Murray of Englewood, Colo., who went on the shooting rampage at both locations. Court papers say the shooter was a frustrated would-be missionary kicked out of the YWAM youth program three years who sought revenge by killing four people in Arvada and Colorado Springs.

“Through both investigations it has been determined that most likely the suspect in both shootings are one in the same,” police wrote.

“The common denominator in both locations is a church-based group called Youth with a Mission,” Detective Bradley Pratt wrote in court papers. “It appears that the suspect had been kicked out of the program three years prior and during the past few weeks had sent different forms of hate mail to the program and/or its director.”

In the first incident, the lone gunman entered the YWAM facility in the Denver suburb of Arvada at about 12:30 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 9. Police said a man with a beard, wearing a dark jacket, glasses, and skullcap, got into a dispute with a staff member about whether he could stay there for the night. When the staff member refused, the gunman opened fire, hitting four members of the staff. All were taken to local hospitals and two later died of their injuries.

The deceased have been identified as Tiffany Johnson, 26, from Minnesota and Philip Crouse, 24, from Alaska. Both served as staff members at the YWAM Arvada campus. The third victim, Dan Griebenow, 24, has a bullet in his neck and is listed in critical but stable condition. The fourth victim Charlie Blanch, 22, suffered gunshot wounds to his legs.

Investigators tried to track the gunman through fresh snow with the help of dogs, but lost his trail in a heavily walked area, said Deputy Chief Gary Creager of Arvada police.

The second shooting began shortly after 1 p.m. at the church -- about 70 miles south of Arvada -- when a black-clad gunman opened fire on worshipers at New Life Church, killing two (one who died immediately and the other who later died in the hospital) and wounding four. A female security guard confronted and killed the shooter. Lt. Skip Arms of the Colorado Springs Police Department said she likely “saved this tragedy from becoming a lot worse than it is.”

Killed at New Life were 18-year-old Stephanie Works and her sister, 16-year-old Rachael Works. Their father, David Works, who was shot twice and remains hospitalized in fair condition. His wife, Marie Works, and two other daughters were uninjured.

Peter Warren, director of YWAM Denver, said the young man “must have been going through a lot personally in his own life to do something like this. Our belief is that only God is the judge and our place is to forgive. That’s a difficult thing to do, but really, I think it’s the right thing to do.”

The approximately 80 people living on the Arvada campus have been transported to the group’s mountain campus near Golden, Colo., where they will stay while the murder investigation is processed at their residence. Warren says they are trying to deal with this situation as best as they can.

“There’s no blueprint for this,” said Warren. “You know, we’re just going to be honest, we’re going to pray with one another and cry with one another. These kids were like our kids, you know. It’s just such a tragedy, but who knows what’s going on in this young man’s life.”

In a press conference, New Life Senior Pastor Brady Boyd added, “My heart is broken today for the people who lost their lives.” He added that the church had a security plan in place, but he credits the security officer for saving “many, many” lives through her actions.

Boyd added that church officials considered the attack on New Life a random act. “We don’t know the shooter. He has no connection to our church,” he said. “Please pray for our church; pray for the people who were injured.”

New Life Church was founded by Ted Haggard who was forced out after admitting in November 2006 to sexual immorality and purchasing methamphetamines from a gay escort. Boyd took over as pastor in August 2007.

The New Life Church shooting tore apart a close-knit and deeply religious family, killing two of four teenage children and wounding the father, relatives said today.


Source: New Tribes Missions
Bruce and Jan Johnson, missionaries with New Tribes Mission (NTM) who have worked alongside Bible teachers from Chimane tribal group in Bolivia, in agreement with tribal church leaders, plan to turn most of the operations of the mission’s radio station to Bolivian personnel. This month the Johnsons will return to the U.S., but they will visit Bolivia periodically to help with recording projects. They have several projects to complete in the Chimane language, including recording and editing programs of teaching from the books of Ephesians and 1 and 2 Corinthians. They will also record Bible readings and teaching for the Trinitario and Yuracare tribal groups. The Johnsons plan to visit Bolivia in February and plan at least two other month-long trips next year. NTM in Bolivia requests prayer as the Chimane radio Bible teachers and others assume more leadership duties.


Source: Christian Newswire
Evangelist Mike Silva’s recent week-long campaign in Juigalpa, Nicaragua, drew an estimated 50,000 people with 8,000 documented decisions for Christ. “The presence of the Lord in that place was extraordinary,” said Silva, whose outreach touched tens of thousands in this Central American city where less than 5 percent are evangelical believers. His team put together a week of activities in mid-November that included seminars and training for pastors and their spouses, conferences for women and business leaders, a children’s “fiesta,” a parade through the city streets and two nights of celebration that showcased Silva’s gospel message and a broad range of musical styles. Working with local churches and a ministry called World in Need, the team also brought food and clothing to more than 900 needy individuals and families. Using visuals, humor and compelling stories, the Oregon-based evangelist delivered his message almost entirely in Spanish. Hundreds of local pastors, lay leaders and believers had been trained to follow up and welcome the new believers to the church community.


Sources: Compass Direct News, OneNewsNow.com
Three Islamic extremists were sentenced to jail terms on Monday, Dec. 3, for beheading three Christian teenage girls and shooting two others non-fatally in 2005. A South Jakarta district court sentenced Rahman Kalahe to 19 years in prison, Agus Nur Muhammad to 14 years and Yudi Heryanto to 10 years after finding them guilty of beheading Theresia Morangke and Yarni Sambue, both 15, and 17-year-old Alfita Poliwo as they walked to school in Sulawesi’s Poso district on Oct. 29, 2005.

Kalahe was also found guilty for his involvement in a Dec. 31, 2005, bomb attack on a market in Palu that killed at least eight people. Abdul Muis was convicted for his role in the same crime and received a 19-year sentence. The two men were also convicted of murdering Rev. Irianto Kongkoli and two high school students in 2006.

In a separate case, the court found Syaiful Anam and Amril Niode guilty of bombing a marketplace in the Christian-inhabited town of Tentena, Poso, in May 2005 with Anam receiving a prison sentence of 18 years and Niode, 15 years. Paul Estabrooks, a minister-at-large with Open Doors International, said although the sentences could have been stiffer, but the victims’ families have forgiven the attackers.


Source: Assist News Service
German futurologist Matthias Horx foresees a “green” religion emerging as a reaction to the looming climate catastrophe. “The climate religion is the adequate cult for a consumer and media society distrustful of its own progress. It is the new fundamentalism for everyone,” wrote Horx in his Future Letter. Saving the planet is turning into a mainstream religion, he said. People are counting their carbon dioxide emissions. They believe that they will advance doomsday with every breath, every light bulb not to speak of every journey by car, rail or air. But redemption is close at hand, writes Horx ironically. People can buy modern “indulgences” in the form of balance payments for ecological sins. The new green religion is an old phenomenon, according to Horx. The idea that the world is doomed is as old as humankind itself, and can never be refuted, writes Horx, who is not a Christian. In his view it would be best to adapt one’s life, one’s business, one’s products and marketing to the “carbon dioxide age.”

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Source: Baptist Press
To improve the Southern Baptists’ ability to respond quickly to worldwide disasters, a group of leaders with a heart for development and relief work have created an organization called Baptist Global Response. “This may be the first time Southern Baptists have had an organization that can provide a highly focused and coordinated response to relief and development needs overseas,” said the organization’s executive director, Jeff Palmer. “Baptist Global Response seeks to mobilize Southern Baptists’ influence, prayer and human and financial resources to meet acute needs like earthquake or hurricane relief.” The outreach is headquartered in Singapore where good communications infrastructure, banking services and travel connections make quick response to disaster easier, Palmer said. Since Asia is home to two-thirds of the world’s population -- and much of the globe’s acute and chronic human needs -- Singapore made sense as a home base.


CROSSFIRE Source: BosNewsLife
The whereabouts of Rejinald Humayun, general secretary of the churches of Pakistan, are unknown after he was kidnapped last week following clashes involving Islamic militants that left at least three Christians dead. The All Pakistan Minority Alliance (APMA), the diocese of the Church of Pakistan and other Christian leaders urged Pakistan’s government “to expedite efforts for the safe recovery of Dr. Rejinald.” The church official was kidnapped Friday, Dec. 7, while on his way from the city of Bannu in Pakistan’s troubled North-West Frontier province to Dera Ghazi Khan, a large city in neighboring Punjab province. It came as another setback for the missionary community as Humayun was the medical superintendent at Bannu Christian Hospital. Witnesses said at least three Christians were recently killed in crossfire between the Pakistani military and militants since last month in the area where individual believers and churches have received death threats from extremists. The Christians, who were only identified as Waheed, Gulzar and Raja, were returning from work Friday, Nov. 16, in the Kabler area when they were shot on the road to Mingora, the largest city in the Swat Valley.

* HCJB Global Hands sent two medical teams from Ecuador to Pakistan following a powerful earthquake on Oct. 8, 2005, that left tens of thousands dead and thousands more injured and homeless. Staff members helped SIM International with relief efforts.


Sources: Christian Broadcasting Network, Voice of the Martyrs
Christians in Baghdad, Iraq, are standing firm in their faith despite reported kidnappings, church attacks and other violence against them. Christian Broadcasting Network News reported that since the fall of Saddam Hussein, which held Islamic radicals at bay, “Christians have been under attack by those extremists. Close to 1 million Christians have fled their homes and Iraq completely, but some believers say things are beginning to turn around.”

An Anglican priest in Iraq, Canon Andrew White, also known as the “Vicar of Baghdad,” said extremists had killed most of the men in his parish. “The heat really turned up in the two largest Christian neighborhoods, Dora and Karada. They had bullets put through their doors, letters warning them to leave. They were told to ‘pay the Jizra tax (enforced Islamic tax of the Dhimmi), convert to Islam or we will kill you.’” Even though Christians face these harsh conditions, many remain in Baghdad and continue spreading the gospel.

A Voice of the Martyrs contact in Iraq added, “We are still in Baghdad. Nobody from our church group has left. We feel like we are called to continue. We will not leave. Danger is escalating. We are in a worse situation. Because of this, pastors are starting to get together to pray. They never met before. One brother visited almost all the churches in Baghdad and encouraged them to have a weekly morning prayer meeting for Iraq. Now about five or six denominations are gathering together every Tuesday morning.”


Source: Evangelical News
In order to meet the dire needs of many of the internally displaced people (IDPs) who have fled the violence to take refuge in northern Iraq’s Kurdish region, Open Doors is working closely with three local Christian organizations in a spirit of multidenominational partnership, Open Doors put into action a project to meet the immediate needs of the IDPs, many of whom are Christians who have fled violence and persecution in the southern regions. In winter, temperatures often fall below zero. Food is scarce. There are few blankets and adequate housing is hard to find. Christian IDPs are getting relief supplies, housing help and spiritual counseling. Open Doors is supporting them in the basics of everyday life: food, shelter, heating, clothes and medical care. As of early November, 1,070 families had been helped with basic necessities. Preparations are complete to help many more families in the coming months. “During this season when we celebrate the birth of Jesus, we need to reach out to those who are suffering as many of the IDPs are in Iraq,” said Open Doors USA President Carl Moeller. “Pray that our co-workers can continue to provide relief supplies to the most needy.”


Sources: Religion Today, Christian Newswire
Several significant decisions furthering the rift between the Episcopal Church and the larger Anglican Communion were made last weekend. On Saturday, Dec.8, delegates to the Episcopal Church’s diocese of San Joaquin, Calif., overwhelmingly voted to leave the denomination. Then on Sunday, Dec. 9, the Convocation of Anglicans in North America (CANA) consecrated four new bishops to support its growing work in North America. “The seismic shift in the Episcopal Church and the larger Anglican Communion continues unabated,” said Ralph Webb, director of Anglican Action’s Institute on Religion and Democracy (IRD). “The diocese of San Joaquin is most likely only the first of several dioceses to leave the Episcopal Church. The denomination apparently has lost the vast majority of its parishioners and clergy in the diocese. The lives of orthodox Anglicans from the diocese of San Joaquin and CANA may well prove difficult over the next few years for their decision to leave the Episcopal Church and follow Christ in the “larger Anglican Communion.”

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Source: Christian Newswire
A Hopegivers International orphanage soccer team in northwestern India’s Rajasthan state won a soccer title for its age bracket. This accomplishment marks the first time a team from an orphanage has won the state title and the first time the championship team has come from the Kota district. After downing the Jhodpur district 1-0 in the final game, the team returned home to a parade-like procession through the town. Five of the team members have been selected to try out for India’s under-17 national team. “These children were orphaned or unwanted before we rescued them, and now they are the pride of our city and state,” said M.A. Thomas, founder of Hopegivers International. “Achievements in sports are excellent, but I am more excited about what these children will achieve in life.” Though many of the orphans come from different states and cultures and even speak different languages, all of them came out of poverty. Most of the orphans were living on the streets or in war-torn states before finding Hopegivers’ Hope Home. “These kids have become champions, not just because of their accomplishments in their respective sports,” Thomas said. “They know they are loved whether they win or lose.”


Source: Compass Direct News
Ten people have been killed and three churches set on fire in Bauchi, Nigeria, after Muslim students went on a rampage Tuesday, Dec 11, as unidentified people pulled out two foundation blocks of a high school mosque under construction. Area Muslims joined the attacking students, resulting in the carnage, including the destruction of dozens of homes belonging to Christians. The identity of nine of the 10 people killed has been kept secret as the Bauchi state government reportedly ordered security agents to bury the bodies in a common grave. A local schoolteacher who asked not to be identified said he was present when Muslim students began attacking Christians in their classes. “They broke chairs and desks,” he explained. “They also attacked their Christian colleagues with knives and daggers. I had to run for my dear life because the situation became uncontrollable.”

* HCJB Global Voice, together with SIM and the Evangelical Church of West Africa, began airing weekly half-hour programs to Nigeria in the Igbo language in 2000. HCJB Global Voice also has helped partners start local radio ministries in five Nigerian cities: Aba, Osun, Jos, Kaduna and Umuahia.


Source: United Bible Society
Bibles printed by Amity Printing Co. (APC) in Nanjing, China, will be given to participants at the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing. Ye Xiaowen, director general of the China State Administration for Religious Affairs, made this announcement at a day of celebrations in Nanjing Saturday, Dec. 8, about a month after forcefully denying reports in the European press that the government would ban Bibles at the Olympics. The celebrations acclaimed the production of the 50 millionth Bible by APC since it began production in October 1987 and the signing of an official agreement extending the partnership between the Amity Development Company and United Bible Societies in APC. Visitors also got a preview of the new Amity press that will have double the capacity of the present press, allowing the facility to print 12 million Bibles annually. It has been less than two years since the ministry marked the production of its 40 millionth Bible.


Source: BosNewsLife
Indonesian security forces have prevented an attack by about 50 Muslim militants on the troubled Pasundan Christian Church in West Java province -- the second act of violence against the Protestant congregation in two weeks. Netherlands-based Open Doors reported that “two trucks of police officers arrived” on Sunday, Dec. 2, just “several hours earlier” than the planned attack “to protect the building” against suspected members of the Anti-Apostasy Movement Alliance. Police also stepped up protection of local Christians around the church in the South Bandung area. This latest incident came after some “250 radical Muslims” from the movement forced their way into the Pasundan Christian Church on Nov. 18, “destroying the locked doors.” Although the church has existed for more than five decades, municipal authorities have repeatedly refused to give official permission to use the building for worship services, apparently under pressure from Islamic leaders and militants who claim there “isn’t a need for a church.”

* HCJB Global Voice has worked with local partners to establish more than 20 local Christian radio stations across Indonesia since 2004. Broadcasts from HCJB Global-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra also encourage listeners nationwide. In addition, HCJB Global Hands has helped with relief efforts since the Dec. 26, 2004, earthquake/tsunami and subsequent quakes that devastated parts of Indonesia.


Source: OneNewsNow.com
Ken Hutcherson, pastor of Antioch Bible Church, in Redmond, Wash., says it’s time for Christians to take a biblical stance against pro-homosexual policies at computer giant Microsoft. Hutcherson, who attended a recent meeting of Microsoft shareholders, promised to form a coalition of Christians that will buy shares in the company and then reverse what he says are “anti-family policies.” Last year Microsoft publicly supported legislation in Washington state favoring special rights for homosexuals. Hutcherson believes Microsoft can be turned around if Christians unite. “One person, and another person buying shares and another person buying shares [adds up] to 100,000 shares very quickly,” he explained. Hutcherson believes he can rally Christians to purchase up to 300 million shares in the company, then introduce a resolution to counter the company’s pro-homosexual policies. The former Dallas Cowboys linebacker built Antioch Bible Church from a Bible study class of 15 people in 1984.

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