Zprávy HCJB 3.1.2008

 12 nomádů Fulani opustilo islám a přijalo křesťanství
   Při své činnosti u kmene Fulani prožili misionáři Missionary Cruisaders Ministries (MCM, podporovaní americkou Christian Aid Mission) velkou událost – 12 Fulani přijalo Krista a současně vyjádřilo touhu postavit kostel a základní školu. Fulani jsou největší nomádský kmen světa a patří k nigerijské muslimské vládnoucí vrstvě. Jsou velmi uzavření k cizincům a nepřijímají evangelium. Přes zjevná rizika zde nyní kážou evangelium čtyři misionáři MCM hovořící plynně řečí Fulani. Ardo, jeden z těchto misionářů, původem Fulani je zodpovědný za těchto 12 nových věřících v Kristu. Prvním konvertitou byl on sám. Když uvěřil, starší kmene ho uvěznili a mučili i s rodinou tři roky. Nakonec ve snaze o jeho návrat k islámu otrávili tři z jeho dětí. Přes svou sklíčenost a smutek Ardo zůstal věrný. „Spáchali jste to, abyste mě zlomili, ale Bůh mne učinil ještě silnějším,“ řekl Ardo. Pracovníci MCM se modlí, aby spoluvěřící tyto nové křesťany podpořili v jejich plánech na stavbu kostela a školy. Ty budou sloužit dalšímu šíření evangelia. Zdroj: Missions Insider

*HCJB Global Voice spolu se SIM a Evangelikální církví Západní Afriky začaly v roce 2000 vysílat jednou týdně půlhodinový pořad do Nigérie v jazyce Igbo. HCJB Global Voice také pomáhal partnerským organizacím zahájit místní rozhlasové misijní vysílání v pěti nigerijských městech – Aba, Osun, Jos, Kaduna a Umuahia.
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Source: Assist News Service
Astrologers and clairvoyants lacked clear vision again in 2007. They painted a blurred or false picture of the year’s events. Most of their predictions missed the mark according to the Society for Scientific Research of Para-Sciences in Rossdorf, Germany. It examined the predictions of 27 astrologers and clairvoyants. Their predictions were either too vague to be verified or blatantly false. A UFO failed to land in front of the White House, and the Kremlin did not go up in flames as Canadian clairvoyant Nikki Pezaro had predicted. Austrian astrologer Johannes Hoeber and para-psychological consultant Rosalinde Haller foresaw a U.S. invasion of Iran which never happened. Most of the astrological forecasts were too vague to be evaluated. For example, French astrologer Elizabeth Teissier warned to watch out for natural disasters, economic turbulence and terrorist attacks between January and October. Mathematician Michael Kunkel, who examines astrological forecasts, isn’t surprised by the results. “The future is unpredictable and cannot be read from crystal balls or the stars,” he said.


Source: Tearfund
Kenya’s descent into violence and chaos following a controversial election is hampering the work of Tearfund staff and partners in the country. In the worst-affected areas workers have been confined to their houses due to violent clashes and looting. Nationwide hundreds of people are dead and tens of thousands are fleeing for safety. Speaking from Nairobi Thursday morning, Peter Njuguna, project manager of St. John’s Community Center, a Tearfund partner working in Nairobi’s slum areas said, “The situation is very volatile here. I can hear gunshots from our office and the roads are blocked.” The insecurity is hampering access to vulnerable people with whom St. John’s works. “We have 160 people living with AIDS under our care, but we cannot reach them. Our health clinic and work with vulnerable children was due to restart today but this is not possible because of clashes in the area,” Njuguna continued. “I feel very frustrated and disappointed that we cannot carry out our work. We know there are families with very young children who need food, medication and shelter in one of our main project areas but we cannot reach them. We are taking the situation day by day at the moment. We cannot predict how things will go, but we hope for peace.”

* HCJB Global Voice has worked with local partners to install eight radio outlets in seven cities of Kenya.


Source: Missions Insider
After working among the Fulani since 2002, Missionary Crusaders Ministries (MCM), which is assisted by the U.S.-based Christian Aid Mission, experienced a breakthrough in August when 12 Fulani accepted Christ and expressed a desire for a church building and primary school. The Fulani are the largest nomadic tribe in the world and comprise Nigeria’s Muslim ruling class. They are extremely closed to outsiders and resistant to the gospel. Despite the risks, four MCM missionaries, fluent in Fulani, are currently sharing the gospel amongst the Fulani. One of the missionaries, Ardo (a native Fulani convert), is responsible for leading these 12 new believers to Christ. When Ardo was first converted, Fulani tribal elders of his village imprisoned and tortured him and his family for three years. In a final attempt to force him to recant, the elders poisoned three of his children. Despite his anguish, Ardo continued to stand faithful. “You have done this to break me, but God has only made me stronger,” he said. MCM workers are praying that fellow believers will now support them in their plans to build a church and a primary school that will serve to further open doors to the gospel.

* HCJB Global Voice, together with SIM and the Evangelical Church of West Africa, began airing weekly half-hour programs to Nigeria in the Igbo language in 2000. HCJB Global Voice also has helped partners start local radio ministries in five Nigerian cities: Aba, Osun, Jos, Kaduna and Umuahia.


Source: Gospel for Asia
“The assassination of Benazir Bhutto has far-reaching effects across the Indian subcontinent and around the world,” said K.P. Yohannan, president and founder of Gospel for Asia which has more than 16,500 missionaries working in the region. Bhutto, a Pakistan opposition leader and former prime minister, died Thursday, Dec 27, in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, after a suicide attacker shot her twice then detonated the bomb he was carrying. Twenty spectators also died in the attack, bringing the nation to a boiling uproar. “The stability of the entire region is being shaken,” he said. “Pakistan is one of the largest Muslim countries and has nuclear weapons, so this event has repercussions throughout the world.” Bhutto served as Pakistan’s prime minister in 1988 and 1996. She was viewed by many as a ray of hope for the country’s future and had been called the voice of democracy and the poor. “This situation affects the kingdom’s work, making life more difficult for everyone,” Yohannan added. “It’s my prayer that through this terrible event the people of Pakistan and India will realize the need for a greater reality.”


Source: BosNewsLife
The website of Central and Eastern Europe’s first Christian news agency, BosNewsLife, was up again Wednesday, Dec. 26, just a day after its founder described as an “apparent Christmas Day attack” by a yet unknown group. “This is really an answer to the prayers of BosNewsLife supporters whom we informed about the crisis within hours after it became clear that this was more than a technical problem,” said Stefan Bos who founded the Budapest-based BosNewsLife news agency with his wife, Agnes, in 2004. The site went down early Dec. 25 just hours after the agency reported that a Hindu mob attacked a Christmas service in India. The apparent attack came about three years after suspected Russian hackers ruined the website. Bos said the agency has raised eyebrows among authorities and militants opposing its mission to be a “voice for the voiceless,” including Christians and Jews living in difficult circumstances because of persecution or other reasons. He added that the financial information of BosNewsLife’s subscribers remained safe from the hackers, stored in a separate secure system. Bos said the agency would investigate what happened, adding, “We continue with our critical reporting and will not be intimidated.”

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