Zprávy HCJB 4.1.2008

 V Zimbabwe následkem ekonomické krize hladoví mnoho rodin
   Inflační spirála vyhnala ceny potravin v Zimbabwe mimo jakoukoliv kontrolu a tak průměrná rodina stěží přežívá. Inflace se zde odhaduje na 14 000 procent, obchody postrádají základní zboží. Většina věcí se dá koupit na černém trhu, ale málokdo si může dovolit zde nakupovat. Rajče se prodává ze průměrný měsíční plat. Jižní Baptisté se pokoušejí pomoci dodávkou 1000 krabic s potravinami. Před Vánoci mělo být doručeno asi 600 balíčků a další hned po nich. Baptist Global Response a organizace pro pomoc a rozvoj Jižních Baptistů zakoupily potraviny za peníze, které jejich farníci dali na Fond Hladu. „Zimbabwe je v hrozné nouzi,“ řekl Mark Hartfield, který řídí činnost Baptist Global Response v subsaharské Africe. „Můžeme spojit lidi potřebující pomoc s lidmi, kteří ji chtějí poskytnout,“ řekl Hartfield. Řekl také, že 9 lidí z 10 v Zimbabwe i tak nemůže sehnat přiměřenou stravu a proto je tento projekt jen kapkou v moři. Zdroj: Baptist Press, Religion Today
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Sources: Baptist Press, Religion Today
With food prices spiraling out of control and their country’s economy in ruins, the average family in Zimbabwe is struggling to survive. With inflation estimated at 14,000 percent, store shelves are devoid of basic necessities. Most items can be found on the black market, but few people can afford the inflated prices. A tomato could cost a month’s wages. Southern Baptists are trying to help by shipping 1,000 boxes of food into Zimbabwe. Some 600 parcels were scheduled to be delivered before the Christmas holidays with more to come soon after. Baptist Global Response, a Southern Baptist development and relief organization, purchased the groceries from money that church members donated to the group’s World Hunger Fund. “Zimbabwe is in dire need,” said Mark Hatfield who leads Baptist Global Response work in Sub-Saharan Africa. “We can connect people in need with people who care enough to help,” he said. However, with nine out of 10 people in Zimbabwe unable to get proper food, he said this project will barely scratch the surface.

* HCJB Global Voice signed a partnership agreement with the Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe in 2001.


Source: BosNewsLife
North Korea’s National Security Agency (NSA) has stepped up efforts to unmask the growing number of underground Christians in the isolated communist state by setting up “fake churches,” a well-informed dissident group reported. The North Korean Democracy Network said in its Internet newspaper, The Daily NK, that the NSA set up at least one fake church in the border area with China consisting of its security agents. The article quoted an unidentified source involved in underground church work who said, “Some security agents disguise themselves as defectors and deliberately approach those Korean churches operating in China.” With money and Bibles received from these churches for missionary work in North Korea, the agents establish a “fake church” to identify Christians and “hunt down domestic underground churches connected to the churches in China,” the source added. “The received Bibles are used as wastepaper and taken to paper processing plants while the received money goes to the NSA.” The source added that he had learned about the practice from an NSA informant. “The agent who told me about the agency said the paper from Bibles is good for cigarette rolling paper.” Missionary work is considered a felony in North Korea.


Source: WorldWide Religious News
A leading Islamic scholar in Algeria has accused Protestant churches of bribing people to convert to Christianity and called on authorities to crack down on “aggression against Algerians,” stated a Jan. 2 press report. The head of the Algerian Association of Muslim Scholars, Sheikh Abdul-Rahman Al-Shayban, called on officials to counter missionary campaigns by the church which he said “has reached the point of aggression against Algerians.” According to a report by the Association on the church’s activities in tribal areas, every convert gets the equivalent of US$7,200, and university students are offered scholarships to study abroad, the Algerian newspaper Al-Khabar reported. The article also claimed that Protestant clergy are rewarded for every Muslim convert. Shayban called for a crackdown under the religious practice law for non-Muslims, which, he said, is the only way to protect Muslims. The law regulates the activities of religious minorities and places their congregations under close scrutiny. It also stipulates that non-Muslim conferences must get prior permission from the provincial governor and provide a list of participants and their addresses.


Source: Assist News Service
Seven church members were severely beaten by Hindu radicals at 2 a.m. Tuesday, Jan.1. According to the news report carried by www.persecution.in, Pastor Krishnappa, 30, and six others were injured. The incident took place at Basavanahally in the Chickmangalur district of southern India’s Karnataka state. According to eyewitnesses, more than 200 believers were praying in a church called Hebron Prarthanalaya (prayer hall) when about 25 radicals entered the facility with metal rods and knives and started attacking the worshipers. Two of the victims received serious injuries and had to be admitted to the nearby Chickmangalur Government Hospital. The radicals also damaged vehicles parked outside the hall, setting fire to a car and a motorcycle.


Sources: HealthDay News, WorldWide Religious News
Women who stop religious activity are three times more likely to suffer generalized anxiety disorder than women who have always been religiously active, researchers report. In contrast, the researchers found that men who stopped being religiously active were less likely to suffer major depression compared with men who had always been religiously active. “One’s lifetime pattern of religious service attendance can be related to psychiatric illness,” study co-author Joanna Maselko said. She and her team analyzed data from 718 adults who shared details of their religious activity in youth and adulthood. The study, published in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, found that a majority of the respondents changed their level of religious activity between childhood and adulthood. According to Maselko, the gender differences in the relationship between religious participation and mental health may be tied to social networks. Women are more likely to build them through their religious activities, and then to feel the loss of those networks when they stop attending church, she explained. “Everyone has some spirituality, whether it is an active part of their life or not; whether they are agnostic or atheist or just ‘non-practicing.’ These choices potentially have health implications, similar to the way that one’s social networks do,” Maselko said.

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