Zprávy HCJB 9.1.2008

 V oblasti záplav v džungli na Surinamu se rozdělují nové bible
   Po záplavách v roce 2006 se v surinamském vnitrozemí lidé stále namáhají obnovit původní stav. Místní rostoucí letniční komunita při záplavách kromě jiného přišla o své rodinné bible. IBS-STL, jedna z největších misií světa zabývajících se šířením biblí a křesťanské literatury, na to odpověděla vydáním Bible Suri za podpory Surinamské Biblické Společnosti a hnutí Dejte pastvu mým ovečkám. Bible byla vytištěna v místním úředním jazyce - holandštině a jde o volné zpracování biblických textů doplněné o mapu vnitrozemí Surinamu, dějiny Surinamu a histrorie různých křesťanských organizací. IBS-STL zabalila již přes 6000 kopií, navíc s materiály pro nedělní školy, dětskými biblemi a jinými křesťanskými materiály. Asi 1000 biblí dostanou členové surinamské komunity v Holandsku. 24. listopadu 2007 se asi 200 církevních představitelů sešlo k slavnosti díkůvzdání za nové bible. Následující den (Den nezávislosti Surinamu) rozdali tito představitelé Nové Zákony 60 000 návštěvníků festivalu. „Tato bible je určena nevěřícím a nově obráceným,“ řekl ředitel IBS-STL v Holansku Jan Otter. „Máme v úmyslu evangelizovat právě pomocí těchto Nových Zákonů.“ Zdroj: IBS-STL

* Personál technického centra HCJB World Radio v Elkhartu v Indianě spolu s World and Music Ministries v Paramaribo na Surinamu nainstalovali počátkem roku 2001 500-wattový FM vysílač včetně antény a studia vybavený větrnou elektrárnou.
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Source: IBS-STL
Devastated by severe flooding in May 2006, Suriname’s interior is still struggling to rebuild. Along with other valuables lost in the floods were family Bibles belonging to members of the region’s growing Pentecostal community. In response to the need, IBS-STL, one of the world’s largest Bible and Christian literature ministries, produced the Suri Bible and is distributing it with the support of the Suriname Bible Society and an outreach called Give Pasture to My Lambs. Printed in the nation’s official language of Dutch, the modern paraphrase includes a map of the interior plus material on the history of Suriname and various Christian organizations. IBS-STL packaged more than 6,000 copies with Sunday school materials, children’s Bibles and other Christian resources. Approximately 1,000 Bibles will go to Surinamese communities in the Netherlands. On Nov. 24, 2007, about 200 church leaders attended a Thanksgiving event for the new Bible. The following day (Suriname’s Independence Day), church leaders distributed New Testaments to many of the 60,000 visitors who were enjoying the festivities. “This Bible is designed for nonbelievers and new converts,” IBS-STL Netherlands Director Jan Otter said. “We intend to evangelize with the help of this New Testament.”

* Staff members from the HCJB Global Technology Center in Elkhart, Ind., worked with partner Word and Music Ministries in Paramaribo to install a 500-watt FM transmitter, antenna, studio equipment and Wings station automation system in early 2001.


Sources: Compass Direct News, BosNewsLife
Four Iraqi churches and three convents were damaged in coordinated bomb blasts on the morning of Sunday, Jan. 6, the day many Iraqi Christians celebrate either Epiphany or Christmas Eve according to some Eastern liturgical calendars. Three churches in Baghdad and three in Mosul were hit but there were no fatalities, Chaldean Baghdad Auxiliary Bishop Andreas Abouna said from Baghdad. The blasts occurred within five minutes of each other at approximately 11 a.m. Father Bashar Warda of St. Peter’s Seminary said the coordinated bombings sent a clear warning to Christians. “There has been much violence against the Sunni and Shiites while the Christians have been left alone, at least for [the past few months],” Warda said, adding that the blasts let Christians know that “whatever [violence] is happening around the country, [Christians] will be part of it also.” In Mosul at least four people were wounded, one of them seriously, when a parked car exploded outside an Ancient Assyrian Church of the east parish in the al-Nur district. The blasts brought an end to a fragile peace that Iraq’s Christian minority had begun to enjoy in recent months.


Source: Compass Direct News, BosNewsLife
The pastor of a large church in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, who was beaten and robbed last month for the second time in three years says organized criminals opposed to his stand against violence are behind the attacks. On Saturday, Dec. 8, highway robbers stopped Misael Argeńal, beat him, held him for an hour and robbed him of electronic equipment and the clothes he was wearing. “It was an act of intimidation to stop my work,” the pastor said. A week before the attack, Argeńal told the Spanish-language television network Univision that two men dressed as policemen on a motorcycle followed him as he left his 25,000-member church called La Cosecha (The Harvest). “They told me that if I didn’t stop (my ministry) they would kill me,” he said. The pastor believes that his and other churches are being infiltrated by criminals who want to track the movements and operations of church leaders. The activities of youth gangs and organized criminals increasingly overlap in the country, and Christian leaders believe the church’s ministries pose an economic, political and spiritual threat to both sets of outlaws. Honduras is one of the most violent countries in Central America.

* Staff members from the HCJB Global Technology Center in Elkhart, Ind., have worked with local partners to establish radio ministries in three cities of Honduras: Roatan, San Pedro Sula and Siguatepeque.


Source: Barna Group
Two new surveys -- one among a national sample of adults and the other among a national sample of Protestant pastors -- show that the number of churches and adherents to Pentecostal perspectives and practices has grown significantly in the past two decades. A decade ago, three out of 10 adults claimed to be charismatic or Pentecostal Christians. Today 36 percent of Americans accept that designation. That corresponds to about 80 million adults. The Barna surveys included people who said they were a charismatic or Pentecostal Christians, that they had been “filled with the Holy Spirit” and who said they believe that “the charismatic gifts, such as tongues and healing, are still valid and active today.” Half of evangelical adults (49 percent) fit the charismatic definition. A slight majority of all born-again Christians (51 percent) are charismatic. Nearly half of all adults who attend a Protestant church (46 percent) are charismatic. Additionally, one out of every four Protestant churches in the U.S. (23 percent) is charismatic. While some of the most common charismatic denominations are well known, four out of every 10 nondenominational churches are also charismatic.


Sources: Mission Network News, Religion Today
Bright Hope International (BHI) recently held a 10-day fundraiser designed for younger generations. Craig Dyer of BHI says the group has met with young people to figure out how to help them help the world. “We gathered a few around us that were already engaged and had a conversation about what really motivates people, what would be exciting, what would really be a cause that people could get behind. And we came up with using Facebook,” he explained. Facebook is an online social network used to connect friends online. Injustice Undone, the name of BHI’s fundraiser, has been promoted on the website. “We’re asking them to join the cause and then contribute $10, so we’ve made as low as possible the entry level because we want as many people as possible to be involved and then to invite their friends to come along.” According to Dyer, people who have never been connected to Bright Hope or helping the poor are joining after receiving invitations from their friend on Facebook. Bright Hope’s goal is to have 400 Facebook friends, equaling $4,000 that would go to those living in Africa, Asia and Latin America on less than $1 a day.

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