Zprávy HCJB 11.1.2008

 Němci jsou zbožnější, než se původně myslelo
   Podle nové výzkumné studie jsou Němci - zvlášť ženy, mladí lidé a katolíci - zbožnější, než se původně myslelo. Sedmdesát procent všech dospělých v Německu uvádí, že jsou zbožní, 18 procent z nich „hluboce věřící.“ Uvádí to Berthelsmannova nadace ve studii, jejíž výsledky byly zveřejněny v prosinci. Ti, kdo se považují za „hluboce věřící“ říkají, že pravidelně chodí do shromáždění, často se modlí a mají hlubokou jistotu víry. 29 procent Němců se považuje za nevěřící. „Je skutečností, že náboženské přesvědčení je navzdory pestrosti sociálního rozvrstvení velmi stabilní,“ řekl hlavní řešitel studie Martin Rieger. Studie naznačuje, že mladí Němci mezi 18 a 29 lety mají dokonce hlubší víru, než jejich rodiče, i když vliv z jejich strany není jistý. Čtyřicet jedna procent dotázaných ve věku 18-29 let řeklo, že věří v Boha a v život po smrti, což je víc, než v kterékoli jiné věkové skupině. Asi polovina mladých řekla, že je věřící (14 procent hluboce věřící), zatímco druhá polovina uvedla, že se modlí jen málo nebo vůbec. Zdroj: WorldWide Religious News

*Rozhlasová stanice HCJB v Quito v Ecuadoru.vysílá programy v němčině do celého světa na krátkých vlnách od roku 1953. Vysílá se 14 hodin týdně směrem na Evropu, Jižní Ameriku a do jižního Pacifiku. Kromě toho vysílá z Quito 10 a půl hodiny týdně v platdeutsch .
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Source: WorldWide Religious News
Germans, particularly women, young people and Catholics, are more religious than originally thought, according to a new study. Seventy percent of adults in Germany said they were religious, while 18 percent of these are “deeply religious,” reported the Bertelsmann Foundation in a study published in December. Those who characterized themselves as “deeply religious” said they regularly attend worship services, pray often and have deep religious convictions. Another 29 percent of Germans identified themselves as not religious. “The fact is that there is great stability of religious consciousness among a wide spectrum of social groups, which is very diverse,” said the leader of the study, Martin Rieger. The study suggests that young people between 18 and 29 years of age in Germany have stronger religious convictions than their parents, though they don't necessarily act on them. Forty-one percent of those surveyed from the 18-29 age bracket said they believe in God and life after death, more than in any other age group. Just over half of the young people said they are religious (14 percent highly religious), though 50 percent said they seldom or never pray.

* Radio Station HCJB in Quito, Ecuador, has been broadcasting German programs worldwide via shortwave since 1953. Fourteen hours of programming weekly air to Europe, South America and the South Pacific. In addition, 10.5 hours of Low German programs air each week from Quito.


Source: Compass Direct News
A Catholic newspaper and an evangelical church in Malaysia have brought lawsuits against the government after authorities ruled against use of the word “Allah” in Christian publications. The government had threatened The Herald, a 13-year-old Catholic weekly, with closure. Following protests by the Christian community, the publication’s printing permit was renewed just two days prior to expiration. At the same time, the Evangelical Church of Borneo, known locally as Sidang Injil Borneo (SIB), has challenged a government decision to prohibit importation of Christian educational materials for children containing the word “Allah.” A court hearing on the case scheduled for Dec. 27 was postponed until Wednesday, Jan. 16, pending efforts by outside parties to resolve the matter. In its lawsuit, SIB argues that Christian use of “Allah” predates Islam as the word is used for God in the old as well as modern Arabic Bibles. Asked about the government’s rationale for the directive, Deputy Internal Security Minister Johari Baharum said the word “Allah” can only be used in the context of Islam. “We cannot let other religions use it because it will confuse people,” he said.


Sources: Telegraph UK, Breaking Christian News
Chinese wife and mother Jin Yani, who was forced by communist authorities to have an abortion in 2000 when she was nine months’ pregnant, is filing a lawsuit against the communist authorities, saying that officials acted unlawfully. Jin apparently became pregnant before the legal minimum age of 20 and was forced to have an abortion in the last month of her pregnancy. Her husband, Yang Zhongchen, reportedly tried to prevent the abortion by agreeing to pay a fine the equivalent of US$1,270, but it was of no avail. He added that his wife is now infertile as a result of the abortion. Jin said, “I got on my knees and begged them after they took me to the clinic and said I wanted to give birth to my daughter. I had already named her Yang Yin.” In an unprecedented move, China's higher courts have agreed to hear the couple’s plea -- the first time this has happened in a case of this kind. Regardless of the outcome of the lawsuit, the mother and father are quoted as saying that they can never truly be compensated. “Our baby will never come back,” Jin said. “We just hope this kind of thing will never happen again.”


Sources: Christian Post, Religion Today
A new book produced by scientific advisers to the government in support of evolution says science and religion -- two separate ways of human understanding -- can be compatible and it is possible for one person to embrace both. “Science and religion are based on different aspects of human experience,” reads the book, Science, Evolution and Creationism, published by the National Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Medicine. The former is empirical and the latter is not, according to the 70-page book released on Thursday, Jan. 10. “Attempts to pit science and religion against each other create controversy where none needs to exist,” states the book, asserting that one does not have to abandon belief in God to accept evolution. It is the third pro-evolution book released by the scientific organization but the first where the panel of authors addresses the religion question for an intended lay public audience. Alan Leshner, chief executive officer of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, said on “The Diane Rehm Show” on Monday, Jan. 7, that the scientific community is “working more and more with religious communities so that we can talk about ways that people can have this co-existing understanding [of science and religion].”


Source: Assist News Service
A British Airways worker , claiming she was religiously discriminated against after being banned from wearing her Christian cross, has lost her case. The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reports that Nadia Eweida, 56, from Twickenham, south-west London, said her British Airways (BA) bosses banned her from wearing a small cross around her neck. But an employment tribunal said she had breached the firm's regulations without good cause. In a statement the airline said it was "pleased" at the decision. Eweida said after learning of the judgment: "I'm very disappointed. I'm speechless really because I went to the tribunal to seek justice. But the judge has given way for BA to have a victory on imposing their will on all their staff." Adding: "It's not over until God says it's over," she vowed to proceed with her case if her solicitor agreed. The disagreement began in October 2006 when Eweida was told she could not wear the cross or hide it from sight. When she refused she was put on unpaid leave.

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