Zprávy HCJB 14.1.2008

 Slitovná misie v Keni narazila na neklid
   Asi 500 lidí zahynulo a 250 000 muselo uprchnout z domovů v Keni v průběhu násilností, které vypukly po diskutovaných prezidentských volbách ve čtvrtek 27. prosince. Uprostřed chaosu uvízlo 29 projektů Compassion International. Podle agenturních zpráv je mnoho působišť těchto projektů umístěno v brlozích, které však nyní jsou tavícím kotlem kmenových sporů a tak rodiny, kterým Compassion pomáhá, se ocitly uprostřed násilností. Compassion normálně poskytuje lékařskou péči a poradenství a spolupracuje i s jinými organizacemi při pomoci rodinám, které nejsou zapojeny do rozvojového dětského centra Compassion. Compassion Kenya také poskytuje prostředky na nákup materiálu včetně potravy a přikrývek. Ale 11 center je momentálně nedostupných. Ve spolupráci s místními sbory se snaží odhadnout, jak velké mimořádné navýšení bude třeba na opravu zničených škol, domů pro děti, postele a matrace. Běžná činnost postižených center byla dočasně pozastavena. Zdtroj: Compassion International, Assist News Service
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Sources: Compassion International, Assist News Service
About 500 people have died and 250,000 have been displaced from their homes in Kenya in violence that has erupted since a disputed presidential election on Thursday, Dec. 27. Compassion International has 29 projects at the center of the chaos. According to a news release from Compassion, many of the centers are located in the slums -- melting pots of tribal diversity -- which place Compassion-assisted families in the middle of the violence. Compassion is providing medical aid and counseling while working with other agencies to help families who aren’t part of a Compassion child development center. Compassion Kenya is also disbursing funds for relief supplies, including food and blankets. But 11 of the centers are currently inaccessible. They are working with its church partners to assess needs for additional support to include rebuilding of classrooms and houses, school supplies for children, and bedding and mattresses. Operations at all the affected centers have been temporarily suspended.

* HCJB Global Voice has worked with local partners to install eight radio outlets in seven cities of Kenya.


Source: Assist News Service
Nearly 100 Iraqi children displaced by ongoing violence in their home country will receive funding this year from Christian organizations so they can continue their education in Jordan. While millions of Iraqis have fled to Jordan and Syria to escape the fighting, most arrive with only what they could carry, and few can find jobs to afford basic living expenses, much less school tuition. Until this year, Iraqi refugee children were not even allowed to attend Jordanian public schools. “Whenever I visit an Iraqi family, I ask their children about the last time they were in school,” said Rod Green, Nazarene Compassionate Ministries coordinator. “The usual answer is two or three years.” The Ashrafiya Nazarene School in Amman, Jordan, which is in a neighborhood where many Iraqi refugees live, accepted nearly 100 students this year after receiving more than $18,000 from outside supporters in order to pay for tuition and books. David Harding, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship’s international coordinator for disaster response, said he has seen firsthand the trauma caused by war. “We ought to follow them wherever they go to lend a hand in re-establishing a new life outside of harm’s way,” he said.


Sources: BosNewsLife, China Aid Association
At least two prominent church leaders of a main house church in China’s Gansu province continue to be detained after Chinese security forces raided a worship service, fellow Christians said. Tian Ming-ge, Su Dean and Wang Hongliang were detained by local police in their church in Jiuquan City on Thursday, Dec. 20, said Zhang Yinan, a Chinese house church historian in a press release from the China Aid Association (CAA). While Wang was released on Saturday, Jan. 5, the two others remain behind bars, held on charges of “gathering in an illegal assembly under the guise of religion.” The 71-year-old Tian, affectionately known by locals as “Uncle Jin” for his missionary work, was escorted by authorities from Jiuquan Detention Center to the Fangcheng County Public Security Bureau of Henan, his head shaved and donning prison garb, witnesses said. Su’s whereabouts were not immediately clear. Retired and unmarried, Tian “devoted the past 20 years of his life to full-time missionary work in China” after becoming a Christian in 1977, CAA reported.

* HCJB Global-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra broadcasts 25.5 hours of Mandarin programming each week.


Source: Christian Post
Half of people in their 20s say marriage isn’t necessary to validate love or commitment in a long-term relationship, a new online poll found. Overall, 44 percent of the 7,113 U.S. residents aged 20 to 69 who participated in the poll by Zogby International and AOL Personals shared that sentiment. “Across all age groups, you just don’t need a marriage certificate to mean love,” Keith Brengle, director of AOL Personals, told Reuters. But marriage is more than just a piece of paper, argues Jim Mueller, president and co-founder of Growthtrac Ministries, an organization that produces Christian marriage resources. “A Christian marriage is between two people who have committed their lives -- and their marriage -- to a relationship with Jesus Christ,” Mueller said. “That couple is making a permanent promise, a covenant that is not meant to be broken. That makes a difference.” Mueller believes that many of the negative values reflected in the media, celebrity lifestyles and culture have led many young adults in their 20s to adopt a light view of commitment in marriage and cohabitation before marriage. “It’s a shame the media doesn’t communicate the statistics of failed relationships, a result of ‘committed,’ but non-married, live-in arrangements,” he said.


Source: Fellowship of European Broadcasters
In December the U.K.’s Office of Communication (OFCOM) published its second International Communications Market report, analyzing trends in the $17-billion global television, radio and telecommunications sectors in 2006, and comparing the U.K. with 11 other countries: France, Germany, Italy, Republic of Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Japan, Canada and the U.S. Interestingly, in the majority of countries surveyed the number of mobile phones outnumbered the population with Italy ranking highest with 139 subscriptions per 100 people. People in China send more text messages than in any other country while Japanese and U.S. consumers spend the most time watching television, averaging 4.5 hours a day.

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