Zprávy HCJB 15.1.2008

 10 000 lidí manifestovalo na protest proti vánočním útokům v Indii
   Ve čtvrtek 10. ledna pochodovalo asi 10 000 lidí v Bhubenwaru před budovu národního shromáždění státu Orissa aby vyjádřili protest proti vánočním útokům na křesťany a domohli se spravedlnosti pro oběti těchto útoků. Řečníci žádali, aby vláda státu Orissa přestala obviňovat křesťany ze spojení s maoistickým povstaleckým hnutím a raději dovolila křesťanským sborům a skupinám, aby přímo pomáhaly obětem.

„Někteří lidé tyto násilnosti označují za vzájemný střet hinduistů s křesťany,“ řekl Udit Raj, národní ředitel všeindické konfederace organizací SC/ST. „To ale není pravda. Dalitští křesťané byli cílem a nevinnými obětmi.“

Představitelé křesťanů také vyjádřili obavy o spravedlivé rozdělování pomoci poškozeným křesťanům v okresu Kandhamal. „Jsme znepokojeni zprávami o tom, že pomoc pro křesťany bez domova trčící v táborech se nerozděluje spravedlivě,“ řekl biskup Joab Lohara ze Církve svobodných metodistů. „Naléháme na úřady, aby byly při rozdělování náhrad obětem těchto strašlivých násilností nestranné. Už trpěli dost .“

Vedení Všeindické křesťanské rady nedávno po návštěvě venkovských oblastí státu Orissa zveřejnilo dvě zprávy vycházející z nalezených skutečností vážících se k protikřesťanským násilnostem. Zprávy nově potvrzují případy žhářství, vražd a útoků a vyplývá z nich, že jde o vůbec největší útok na křesťanskou komunitu v dějinách demokratické Indie. Zdroj: Assist News Service

*HCJB Global Australia vysílá pořady pro jihovýchodní Asii v 17 jazycích z vysílače v Kunnunurra. Většina programů je nahrávána ve studiích v Indii v Dillí.
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Source: Assist News Service
On Thursday, Jan. 10, nearly 10,000 people marched to the Orissa State Assembly building in Bhubaneswar, India, to protest Christmas attacks on Christians and demand justice for victims. Rally speakers demanded that the Orissa state government stop making allegations about Christian association with an outlawed Maoist rebel movement and allow Christian churches and groups to provide direct relief to victims.

“Some people have characterized the violence as a Hindu-Christian clash,” said Udit Raj, national chairman of the All India Confederation of SC/ST Organizations.” This is wrong. Dalit Christians were clearly the targets and innocent victims.”

Christian leaders also expressed concern about the equitable distribution of relief supplies for the devastated Christians in the Kandhamal district. “We are worried about reports that aid to the homeless Christians still in relief camps is not being fairly distributed,” said Bishop Joab Lohara of the Free Methodist Church. “We appeal to authorities to be even-handed in their compensation to victims of this horrific violence. They have suffered enough already.”

Leaders of the All India Christian Council recently released two fact-finding reports regarding the anti-Christian violence after visits to rural Orissa. Newly confirmed cases of arson, murder and assault make this violence qualify as the largest attack on the Christian community in the history of democratic India.

* Radio programs in 17 languages air to Asia and Southeast Asia from HCJB Global-Australia’s shortwave station in Kununurra. Most of the programs are produced at the ministry’s studios in New Delhi, India.


Sources: Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Christian Post, Assist News Service
A North Korean activist who was imprisoned in China for helping North Korean refugees has been freed, Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) reported on Monday, Jan. 14. Yoo Sang-joon is now safely in South Korea after spending the last four months in a prison in northern China. He is said to have endured extreme cold during his imprisonment, and it was believed he would die while being confined in China. Although he was sent winter clothes early in his prison term, he only received them on the day of his release. Michelle Vu of The Christian Post said, “Yoo reportedly still suffers from a number of physical problems as a result of his incarceration.” Yoo was arrested near the Chinese-Mongolian border while trying to rescue fellow North Koreans seeking refuge in China. He lost his wife and youngest son in the North Korean famine, and then lost his 10-year-old son, Chul Min, to dehydration during his own border crossing. Yoo has since dedicated his life to helping North Korean refugees in China, especially children, at the risk of his own safety.


Source: BosNewsLife
Christian pro-democracy activists are urging the Pakistani government to beef up security as residents mourn the deaths of up to 10 people who were killed Monday, Jan. 14, when a fierce blast rocked the industrial area around Karachi, the country’s commercial capital. “The bomb was planted on a motorbike and exploded outside a textile factory in the Landi district of Karachi,” senior police official Mohammed Javed told reporters as rescue workers rushed to the scene. “At least seven people are dead and about 20 wounded.” However other officials said more than 10 dead bodies were found, including the corpses of two children, and moved to the nearby Jinnah Post-Graduate Medical Center following Monday’s attack. Dozens more were injured, officials said. The violence has been linked to attempts by militants to disrupt the upcoming Feb. 18 vote which was already postponed once following the assassination of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto on Dec. 27. However, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf said troops would be ordered “to shoot anyone trying to disrupt the [upcoming] general elections.”


Source: Latin American and Caribbean News Agency
Figures gathered by the Indigenous Missionary Council (CIMI) in Brazil indicate that last year 76 indigenous people -- mostly those belonging to the Guaraní ethnic group -- were murdered in 2007. Forty-eight of these cases were registered in Mato Grosso del Sur alone, a state that has more than 60,000 indigenous people. These numbers indicate an increase of 140 percent, jumping to 48 from 20 in the last year. Information provided by Brazil’s National Health Foundation (FUNASA) shows that the indigenous communities of Mato Grosso del Sur suffer are often embroiled in land conflicts and face challenges with alcoholism, drug addiction and unemployment. FUNASA Regional Coordinator Flavio Britto Neto also pointed to the rising suicide rate among the Guaraní, resulting in 300 deaths since 2001 -- the majority being young people between the ages of 15 to 19. “It is difficult to understand how, up until today, this cruel process of extermination of a whole people continues, seen by all of the national society, the federal and state governments, the institutions of the republic, the indigenous organization, without effective measures being taken,” concluded the CIMI.

* HCJB Global Voice broadcasts the gospel in Portuguese to Brazil via shortwave from Quito, Ecuador, and maintains a world office and radio studios in Curitiba. Portuguese programs, which have been on the air continuously since 1947, generate more listener letters than any language service at Radio Station HCJB in Ecuador. The ministry’s Portuguese programs also air on local radio stations across Brazil.


Sources: HCJB Global, Catholic Encyclopedia, El Comercio
Members of HCJB Global’s Coro y Orquesta Vozandes (Voice of the Andes Choir and Orchestra) were guests of Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa to participate in one evening of a Christmas novena observation on Monday, Dec. 17. The novena is observed in various parts of the world as people remember different aspects of Christ’s birth on nine evenings leading up to Christmas.

At the presidential palace in Quito, members of the choir were ushered to an area where two courtyards join near the palace center and a stairway leads to the second floor.

“We were placed at the base of these stairs, but since we were basically performing in the open air, the songs could be heard throughout the palace,” said HCJB Station Director Doug Weber.

Arriving too late for the novena, Correa had sent word that the choir members should stay as he wanted to hear the choir personally. Three songs were then repeated for him.

“After that the president came down into the crowd and mingled with the members of the choir and orchestra,” Weber said. The president was given two gifts -- an HCJB Global 75th anniversary book and a recording of traditional Ecuadorian music. Several members of the choir also took the opportunity to pray personally with the president.

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