Zprávy HCJB 17.1.2008

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   Místní vesničtí představitelé i policie se obrátili na misionáře Gospel for Asia (GFA) , aby uspořádali informační kampaně o AIDS ve státech Andhra Pradeš a Kerala. Stovky lidí přišly shlédnout misionáře rozdávající informace a hrající divadélko o nebezpečí AIDS. Souběžně bylo rozdáno 36 000 evangelizačních traktátů napsaných zvlášť pro tuto příležitost. „Program byl předem diskutován, promodlen, naplánován a vykonán pro slávu Pána a pro šíření Jeho království,“ napsal korespondent GFA. Misionáři děkovali Pánu za možnost takové vlivu v zemi, která je druhá největší na světě, pokud jde o počet nakažených AIDS. Epidemie explodovala v posledních letech a nyní každý sedmý nakažený člověk světa žije v Indii, uvádí BBC. Mnoho žen dostalo AIDS od svých manželů, kteří navštěvují nevěstince a důsledkem jsou stovky dětí, které se nemocné již narodily. Protože toto téma je společensky nepřijatelné a málokdy se o něm mluví, mnoho lidí není informováno o této nemoci, která pustoší jejich zemi. Zdroj: Assist News Service, Gospel for Asia
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Sources: Assist News Service, Gospel for Asia
Local village and political leaders and police joined Gospel for Asia (GFA) missionaries who were holding AIDS awareness rallies during World AIDS Day in Andhra Pradesh and Kerala, India. Hundreds of people came to see the missionaries give a message and perform skits about AIDS awareness. As part of the outreach, more than 38,000 specially designed gospel tracts were also handed out during the day. “The program was discussed, prayed for, planned and executed for the glory of the Lord and for the expansion of His kingdom,” a GFA correspondent wrote. The missionaries thank the Lord that they were able to have such an impact in India—the country with the world’s second highest AIDS population. With the rate of HIV infection exploding in the last several years, India is home to one in seven people with AIDS, reported the BBC. Many wives contract AIDS from their husbands who visit brothels, and as a result, hundreds of children are born with the disease. Because the topic is socially unacceptable and rarely talked about, many people are left uninformed about the disease that is ravaging their country.

* HCJB Global Hands’ Hospital Vozandes-Quito in Ecuador has operated an AIDS clinic since the early 1990s. The mission has also sent a staff member and short-term teams to Cape Town, South Africa, to help with an AIDS clinic at a community center operated by Fish Hoek Baptist Church. Recently the mission assigned three missionaries to serve with Partners of Hope in Malawi which operates an AIDS clinic.


Source: Compass Direct News
With elections due in 10 states within India this year and a general election scheduled for 2009, the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is apparently planning to use religion-related issues to polarize voters. This tactic, Christians fear, will increase the incidence of anti-Christian violence. The party is planning to hold major rallies in almost all state capitals by the end of March in preparation for the general election, reported The Hindu. “There will be increased violence against Christians in the 10 states that go to the polls -- and in other states, too,” said John Dayal, secretary general of the All India Christian Council. Sajan George, national president of the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC), agreed. “The climate for the Christians is likely to be volatile this year,” he said. “Hindu nationalism has grown over the years, and there are severe threats, life risks, and several other challenges from the Hindutva extremists and their leaders.” Hindutva is a political ideology of Hindu nationalism asserting that India belongs to Hindus who make up more than 80 percent of the 1-billion-plus population and that religious minorities such as Christians are “outsiders.”


Source: BosNewsLife, Compass Direct News
A Turkish teenager who vowed to kill the pastor of a Protestant church and “massacre” Christians in the Black Sea coastal city of Samsun has been released by a local court because he is “too young,” the Turkish media reported. The 17-year-old Semih Seymen was detained on the weekend after he called Pastor Orhan Picaklar of the Samsun Agape Church several times since late December, threatening to kill him, reported Turkey’s Taraf newspaper. Police forces specialized in anti-terror actions monitoring the telephone calls tracked down the suspect and arrested him Saturday, Jan. 5, officials said. However, Judge Sinan Sonmez of Samsun’s First Minor Petty Offenses Court reportedly ruled that Seymen should be released because of his young age. Pastor Picaklar reportedly condemned the decision, saying in published remarks that the defendant “openly confessed he was going to carry out a massacre.” It came after previous attacks against the church, including one in January 2007 when some 30 heavy rocks were thrown through the Samsun Agape Church windows. In Turkey at least five Christians were killed and several others injured in attacks in the last two years.


Source: Mission Network News
A car bombing in Lebanon on Tuesday, Jan. 15, coincided with a visit by U.S. President George W. Bush. According to investigators, the car bomb was packed with 44 pounds of dynamite which damaged a U.S. Embassy vehicle, killing three passersby and wounding nearly two dozen. Christian satellite television ministry SAT-7’s David Harder said that members of his team were close enough to hear the explosion. “This bombing happened right next to the Evangelical Alliance Church, and three of the 21 people who were injured were inside the church, including a pastor, who had just been on a SAT-7 program about two weeks before,” he said. While the motivation for the bombing was political, regional instability still affects the ministry. However, Harder says the team has a determination born of the hope in Christ. “SAT-7 is really part of the fabric of the Middle East. Our staff and the people who appear on our programs live in the Middle East. So, they’re able to say, ‘Yes, situations here are difficult, but we have hope in Jesus Christ. He is really the only hope,’ so they’re able to bring that into the programs.”


Source: Assist News Service
A motion in the British House of Commons calling for the disestablishment of the Church of England has, interestingly enough, been listed as order No. 666, the biblical number of the beast. According to Ruth Gledhill, Religion Correspondent of The Times, Member of Parliament (MP) John Austin, who has repeatedly tabled motions urging disestablishment, put down his latest motion last night as MPs debated scrapping Britain’s blasphemy laws. MP Bob Russell and one of the signatories said, “It is incredible that a motion like this should have, by chance, acquired this significant number. This number is supposed to be the mark of the devil. It looks as though God or the devil have been moving in mysterious ways. What is even stranger is that this motion was tabled when the MPs were debating blasphemy.” According to Gledhill, the motion is unlikely to be debated. But momentum for looser ties between church and state is growing. The motion calls on the House for the “disestablishment of the Church of England,” effectively ending its status as the country’s legally established, official faith.

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