Zprávy HCJB 18.1.2008

 Podle průzkumu mezi Američany nechodícími do modlitebny je církev odrazuje, ale evangelium by si rádi poslechli
   Nový průzkum provedený agenturou LifeWay Research mezi americkými občany nechodícími do kostela ukázal, že většinu těchto Američanů zavedené církve odrazují a tito Američané také neznají biblické pojetí Boha a Ježíše. Přesto tito lidé zpravidla věří, že Ježíš koná důležitou změnu v lidském životě a uvítali by upřímnou diskusi o duchovních otázkách. Výsledky tohoto průzkumu provedeného mezi 1402 dospělými, kteří nejméně půl roku nebyli v kostele, synagoze ani mešitě jsou důležité pro křesťanské církve a sbory, které chtějí oslovovat lidi ze světa dobrou novinou o spasení v Ježíši Kristu, řekl Ed Stetzer, ředitel průzkumu LifeWay. „Skoro 72 procent respondentů řeklo, že si myslí, že církev je plná pokrytců,“ řekl Stetzer. „Současně však 71 procent respondentů řeklo, že si myslí, že Ježíš působí kladné změny v životě člověka a 78 procent řeklo, že by si chtěli poslechnout někoho, kdo by si s nimi o křesťanství upřímně popovídal.“ Lidé, kteří nechodí do kostela „jsou nakloněni myšlence nějakého obecného boha, který zahrnuje všechny představitelné náboženské systémy, dokonce i když si tyto systémy protiřečí,“ dodal Stetzer. Zdroj: WorldWide Religious News, USA Today, Baptist Press
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Source: Council for World Missions
Korean churches have come to the rescue of the Yellow Sea, which lies between the Korean peninsula and China, following a devastating oil spill in December. Seven member churches of the National Council of Churches in Korea and 62 of the Christian Council of Korea joined forces with Christian nongovernmental organizations in rescue operations on the West Sea near Taean. The group will coordinate the volunteer works and build the systematic and sustainable programs to restore the ecosystems in Taean. After the spill thousands of Christians, many of them local fish farmers, turned out to volunteer to clean up the mess and protect the area’s livelihood. The mess is being cleaned up at an unprecedented pace because of the number of volunteers.


Sources: Mission Network News, Voice of the Martyrs
On Saturday, Jan. 12, a bomb severely damaged the house of a Christian family in Jijiga, Ethiopia. According to Voice of the Martyrs’ Canada sources, Terefe Feleke, his wife and their two children were in the house at the time of the attack, but no one was seriously injured. The roof of the house was destroyed by the bomb blast. During their investigation, police found another bomb that had been set to explode a few hours after the first one went off. Ethiopia is split religiously with Ethiopian Orthodox who are primarily in the north and Muslims who are primarily in the south. Evangelicals in Ethiopia, who may account for as much as 20 percent of the population, face severe persecution from both sides. Ethiopia is 37th on the Open Doors’ World Watch List that ranks the top 50 countries known for their persecution of Christians.

* Staff members at HCJB Global-Australia’s studios record Oromo language programs that air to 28 million speakers in Ethiopia and Kenya via FEBA Radio’s shortwave facilities.


Sources: WorldWide Religious News, USA Today, Baptist Press
A new study of unchurched U.S. residents conducted by LifeWay Research reveals a majority of Americans are turned off by the institutional church and don’t have a biblical understanding about God and Jesus. Yet the same group tends to believe Jesus makes a positive difference in a person’s life and would enjoy an honest discussion with a friend about spiritual matters. The results of the study, which polled 1,402 adults who had not attended a religious service at a church, synagogue or mosque in the previous six months, have important implications for Christian churches and individuals who want to reach unchurched people with the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ, said Ed Stetzer, LifeWay’s research director. “A full 72 percent of the people interviewed said they think the church ‘is full of hypocrites,’” Stetzer said. “At the same time, 71 percent of the respondents said they believe Jesus ‘makes a positive difference in a person’s life,’ and 78 percent said they would be ‘willing to listen’ to someone who wanted to share what they believed about Christianity.” Non-churchgoers “lean to a generic god that fits into every imaginable religious system, even when (systems) contradict one another,” he added.


Source: OneNewsNow.com
Nigerian-born pastor Sunday Adaleja is calling on U.S. churches to recapture their love for Christ by making an impact on society. Adaleja is pastor of God’s Embassy Church in Kiev, Ukraine, the largest church in Europe with 25,000 members in the capital city and 100,000 members nationwide. On a tour of America he said, “We need to change the way church is done in this country. We need to shift -- and it’s a complete shift from the way church is done now. We don’t just sit behind the walls outside and condemn the people in the mainstream and say, ‘Well, this country is bad and this country is going down.’” Adaleja encouraged Christians to get out of their pews and out of the building in order to “engage the culture and try to win back the values that have made America great.” Adaleja’s Ukrainian church practices this. Recently more than 600 members of his church ran for public office. Adelaja urges believers to get involved in the political process. “Politics cannot change people’s hearts, but we need people whose hearts are already changed by Jesus to go into politics,” he said.

* HCJB Global Voice worked with local churches to establish Radio Emmanuel, a 500-watt FM station, in Kiev in June 2005. Two additional outlets in Kiev and one in Dneperpetrovsk are also affiliated with New Life Radio, a Russian satellite radio network operated by Christian Radio for Russia with HCJB Global Voice as the principal partner. In addition, weekly Ukrainian programs air to the country via shortwave.


A retired HCJB Global pianist known for her gentle, endearing personality, Wilda Zoe Savage, died in Okemos, Mich., on Wednesday, Jan. 16. She was 88.

Wilda and her late husband, Bob, who died in November 1987, were missionaries in Latin America and leaders of several Baptist churches in Michigan.

Bob and Wilda met while studying at Wheaton College, in Wheaton, Ill., and married in September 1938. Bob then worked as assistant pastor of Metropolitan Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. He later became the pastor of First Baptist Church in Romeo, Mich., and founded First Baptist Church in Washington, Mich.

In 1940, when the Savages sensed the Lord leading them to missionary service, Wilda wrote the well-known missionary hymn, “Lord, Send Me,” which continues to inspire young people on their way to missionary service abroad.

Bob and Wilda served for 27 years as missionaries in Colombia and Ecuador. They went to Colombia with The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM) in 1942, first in Pamplona for a period of language study, then at a mission station in Chinácota as evangelistic missionaries.

In 1944, frustrated by the lack of progress in the work in Colombia, the couple moved to Quito, Ecuador, to serve with HCJB Global where they worked in broadcasting, music, youth outreach and administration for 25 years.

They became well known throughout Latin America for their daily radio program, “Himnos de la Vida Cristiana” (Hymns of the Christian Life). Wilda played the piano and organ and sang duets with her husband. Wilda’s most well-known hymn in Spanish was, “Oh Cristo, Anhelo Agradarte.” It was later translated into English as “Jesus, I Fully Surrender.”

After resigning from the mission in 1969, the couple returned to the U.S. to enter pastoral service, leading churches in central and western Michigan, including Dalton Baptist Church in Muskegon, Mona Shores Baptist Church, Evanston Avenue Baptist Church and Haslett Baptist Church.

Wilda is survived by her four children, Steve, Carol, Jim and Judi, as well as 11 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. The memorial services and burial will be held in Muskegon on Sunday, April 13.

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