Zprávy HCJB 22.1.2008

 ‘IN GOD WE TRUST’ se vrátí na líc dolarové mince
   Od roku 2009 se americké národní motto „Spoléháme na Boha“ vrátí na líc jednodolarové prezidentské mince. Podle Centra pro zákony Thomase Moora v Michiganu bylo na nově ražených prezidentských jednodolarových mincích na základě zákona z roku 2005 toto heslo odsunuto na „téměř nečitelný obvod mince.“ Tak se stalo, že „heslo vypadá spíš jako poškrábaný okraj a nedá se přečíst bez lupy.“ Ale prezident George W. Bush nedávno podepsal podrobný zákon vracející národní motto na líc mince. „Sice se nezdá, že by šlo o nějaké velké vítězství, ale myslím, že je to významná věc a myslím, že je významné i to, že jsme vyhráli,“ řekl kansaský senátor Samuel Brownback. V roce 2005, když „Spoléháme na Boha“ odsunuli na obvod mince, nastaly obavy, že se toto heslo z americké měny časem úplně vytratí. Zdroj: OneNewsNow.com, Evangelical News
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Source: Mission Network News
Even while persecution against Christians in India raged during the Christmas season, “Godman,” a 3D animated film on the life of Christ created by Book of Hope International, was shown on national television across the nation. The results of this showing are “staggering,” said Book of Hope Executive Director Rob Hoskins. Nielson ratings are expected to be released later this week that will give specific information about the number of actual views to the film, but the ministry has already received more than a 500,000 letters from viewers. Hoskins says that response is a direct result of pre-trained national believers. “Before the broadcast even took place, we had trained 203,632 volunteers,” Hoskins says. “So far [we’re estimating that] more than 3,405,000 people watched the movie, and we’ve had literally hundreds of thousands of people who have accepted Christ.” Hoskins is convinced this is just the beginning. “I believe in the next 10 to 20 years we will see a move of Christ in India that will astound us -- literally by the millions and tens of millions of people that are going to come to Christ in India in the next several years,” he said.


Source: Assist News Service
Thirteen years after the 1994 Rwandan genocide between Hutus and Tutsis, 40 families from both tribes are living as neighbors in Imidugudo, a name which means “reconciliation village.” The village, 19 miles south of the Rwandan capital, Kigali, is part of an experiment whereby genocide survivors and confessed perpetrators live in the same community in small tin-roofed houses that the residents built themselves. The village is the brainchild of Pastor Steven Gahigi, an Anglican clergyman who survived the genocide by fleeing to Burundi with his wife and two children. His mother, father and siblings all died, and Gahigi thought he had lost his ability to forgive. “I prayed until one night I saw an image of Jesus Christ on the cross,” Gahigi said. “I thought of how he forgave, and I knew that I and others could also do it.” Inspired by the vision, Gahigi began preaching forgiveness. “These people killed my parents,” added Janet Mukabyagaju. “It’s not easy for me to forgive them. But God forgave, and I must do the same.” The founding community members vote on who will live in Imidugudo. Gahigi said residents generally choose families that are most vulnerable due to poverty or illness.


Sources: Mission Network News, Trans World Radio
After four years of planning, Trans World Radio’s high-power medium wave station in the West African country of Benin will begin broadcasting programs in approximately 15 languages to nine countries on Friday, Feb. 1. With a potential audience of 63 million, Ray Alary says that there is at least one group in Nigeria that TWR especially hopes to impact. “We’ll broadcast on a regular basis, every night. Islam is growing there, and they need to hear a clear presentation of the gospel.” The local church and ministries will supply the programming for the transmitter site that will soon be automated. “Even though we’re ready to go on the air, I think in some ways we need to be bathed in prayer even more now than in the building process,” said Alary. “We need to pray for those who are going to hear the gospel, maybe for the very first time, that they will be receptive and that their hearts will be changed for the Lord Jesus Christ.”

* HCJB Global Voice worked with the Council of Protestant and Evangelical Churches of Benin to help put a Christian FM station on the air in Cotonou in 1998. The station broadcasts the gospel in French, English and seven tribal languages. Partner ministry SIM also records programs in eight languages at the studios in Parakou. A nationwide FM network is being planned.


Source: Evangelical News
Israeli archeologist Eilat Mazar has uncovered a stone seal bearing the name of a family that acted as servants in the first temple. She said on Wednesday, January 16, that the 2,500-year-old black, stone seal, which has the name “Temech” engraved on it, was found amid debris in the excavation site just outside the walls of Old Jerusalem. Mazar, who regards the Bible as a key source of her archeological digs, explained that the Temech family is recorded in Nehemiah as servants in the first temple. They were among those sent into exile to Babylon following its destruction by the Babylonians in 586 B.C. The Bible records that the family later returned to Jerusalem. The seal is engraved with two bearded priests standing atop the altar. Beneath that scene are three Hebrew letters spelling Temech. “The seal of the Temech family gives us a direct connection between archaeology and the biblical sources and serves as actual evidence of a family mentioned in the Bible,” Mazar said in an interview with The Jerusalem Post. “One cannot help being astonished by the credibility of the biblical source as seen by the archaeological find.”


Sources: OneNewsNow.com, Evangelical News
Beginning in 2009, the U.S. national motto, “In God We Trust,” will return to the front or back of the $1 coin. According to the Thomas More Law Center in Michigan, newly minted $1 presidential coins -- under a 2005 law -- had relegated the motto to the “virtually unreadable edge of the coin.” The result, says the legal group, is that the national motto “appeared to be merely scratches on the edge, unless one looked for it with a magnifying glass.” But President George W. Bush recently signed into law a massive omnibus spending bill that included legislation returning the national motto to the face of the coin. “Well, it may not seem like much of a victory, [but] I think it’s significant -- and I think it’s significant that we win that fight,” said Kansas Sen. Sam Brownback. In 2005 the motto, “In God We Trust,” was moved to the edges of the $1 coin, prompting fears that it would eventually be removed from all U.S. currency.

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