Zprávy HCJB 28.1.2008

 Léčba parazitárních chorob by mohla pomoci třetině obyvatel světa
   Celosvětové odhady naznačují, že asi třetina lidstva – asi 2 miliardy lidí – trpí střevními parazity. Food for the Hungry (FFH) se v postižených oblastech pokouší tento počet nemocných snížit jednorázovým podáváním léku jednou za půl roku. Tato dávka stačí k vyčištění organismu od parazitů, vysvětluje Andrew Ceawford z FFH.. Problém s parazity je aktuální v Jižní Americe, Asii, Evropě i v Africe. Paraziti postiženému člověku odčerpávají značné množství živin. „Může to být až čtvrtina příjmu potravy. A víme, že zvláště v oblastech, kde je hodně dětí, není jídla nazbyt a ztráta 25 procent je tak opravdu hodně,“ říká Crawford. Kromě toho při poskytování odčervovacích prostředků můžeme s lidmi mluvit o evangeliu. „Lidé kteří se věnují léčbě druhých jsou opravdu zdrojem evangelia.“ Crawford vysvětluje, že dodavatelé léků tuto činnost cenově zpřístupnili. „Za peníze, které utratíte při posezení v restauraci s manželkou můžete vyléčit 1000 dětí,“ říká Crawford.

*HCJB Global Hands vysílá do potřebných oblastí Ekvádoru, například do odlehlých vesnic nebo do chudých městeček, jednou měsíčně lékařské týmy a poskytuje jim péči, kterou zde jinak nikdo nezajišťuje. Každý večer pak také promítají film „Ježíš,“ což je příležitost k mnoha svědectvím.
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Source: Mission Network News
Worldwide estimates indicate that one-third of the population -- approximately 2 billion people -- live with intestinal parasites. Food for the Hungry (FFH), in an attempt to push those numbers down, is supplying single-dose treatments in the form of a pill that must be taken just once every six months. The dose purges the body of the parasite and “gets them sort of back on track,” explained FFH’s Andrew Crawford. The problem is prevalent in South America, Asia, Europe and Africa. Parasites drain a surprising amount of nourishment from the host’s body. “It could be up to a quarter of your nutritional intake. And we know that in areas where a lot of children, specifically, don’t get much food to begin with, you can see that 25 percent of that is a huge amount,” Crawford said. Ultimately, offering de-worming treatment opens doors for people to hear the gospel. “What really serves as our conduits to get the gospel out are the people who engage in the process of treating others.” Crawford explained that overseas suppliers have made the endeavor affordable to the ministry. “For the price of going out on a date with your wife, you can treat 1,000 children,” he said.

* HCJB Global Hands sends out mobile medical clinics to needy areas of Ecuador such as remote villages or poor city neighborhoods approximately once a month, offering care where no public health facilities exist. Each evening the staff members show the “JESUS” film, resulting in many witnessing opportunities.


Sources: Religion Today, Baptist Press
Gunmen kidnapped an American aid worker on Saturday, Jan. 26, as she was headed to work in Kandahar, Afghanistan. Cyd Mizell, who works for the Asian Rural Life Development Foundation, and her driver were stopped by the unidentified men about 7:47 a.m. local time, reported Jeff Palmer, the organization’s international director. Mizell was wearing a burqa and was not traveling with an armed guard. “Local government officials have reported that Miss Mizell and her driver were stopped on the road as they traveled in the Kandahar area and were taken by unidentified persons,” Palmer told the Baptist Press. “We have not been contacted by the worker or by any captors voicing demands. It is our hope that Miss Mizell will be released safely and quickly. We are doing all we can to resolve the situation. We understand that provincial government authorities and local police are working to locate our worker.” No one immediately claimed responsibility for the kidnapping, but news agencies are reporting a provincial government adviser received a telephone call that claimed Mizell is in Taliban custody. She teaches English-language lessons at the university and also gives embroidery lessons to women.


Source: Assist News Service
All the members of a house church based in Hargeysa in Somalia’s breakaway republic of Somaliland were forced to flee to neighboring Ethiopia after hearing that the government was preparing to arrest them. The pastor of the church, however, decided to stay in Somaliland. The Washington-D.C.-based human rights group, International Christian Concern (ICC), has learned that on the order of one of Somaliland’s high-ranking government officials, the pastor (unnamed for security reasons) was imprisoned on Dec. 3, 2007, for leading the official’s niece to Christ. Though he was released four days later, he has been placed under 24-hour surveillance by Somaliland security officials. During his imprisonment, Somaliland’s Criminal Investigation Department tortured the pastor in order to obtain the names of the members of his house church, but failed to obtain any information from him, reported the ICC. When the ICC asked about the incident, a representative of Somaliland to the U.S., Saad Noor, insisted that there are “no Christians in Somaliland.”


Sources: WorldWide Religious News, El-Khabar
Within the North African nation of Algeria, a government security forces team is examining a new program for fighting missionary activity to be submitted to Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika. The program, which was prepared by clerics, includes encouraging citizens to report missionary activity and efforts to raise funds to support indigent individuals considering converting to Christianity, and counterpropaganda in order to point out the “contradictions and heresy in Christianity and Judaism.” The main region of concern is Kabylia, but missionary activity is taking place also in other regions of the country.


Source: Baptist World Alliance
Thousands of youths will converge in Leipzig, Germany, July 30 to Aug. 3, for the 15th Baptist Youth World Conference, held every five years. This gathering provides opportunities for young people to join together in worship and in missions and to see what God is doing among youth around the world. Past conferences in Houston in 1998 and Hong Kong in 2004 drew 8,000 young people from 87 countries and 4,000 youth from 66 countries respectively. The upcoming conference, themed “Dive Deeper,” will encourage attendees to engage in deeper levels of commitment to Christ. Missions will be a key emphasis of the conference. Opportunities are available for youth to participate in mission projects prior to and following the conference, not just within Germany, but throughout Europe. Emmett Dunn, youth and conference director for the Baptist World Alliance, describes the event as “the world coming together.”

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