Zprávy HCJB 30.1.2008

 Otec říká, že jeho syna unesli, aby prodali jeho orgány
   Otec zmizelého křesťanského chlapce v chudé vesnici v pakistánské provincii Pandžáb pokračuje v hledání svého syna a říká, že podezíraní muslimští zločinci ho unesli a prodali za účelem „ilegálního vynětí a transplantace lidských orgánů“ podobně, jako v jiných podobných případech v oblasti. Zadržení podezřelí Muhammad Imran a Muhammad Zaman údajně policejním vyšetřovatelům řekli, že „zabili“ 15letého Francise Nadeema a jeho tělo hodili do vodního kanálu blízko vesnice Marr Balochaan na hranicí pandžábského okresu Nankanna. Ale Nadeemův otec Sadeeg Masih vyšetřovatelům ze skupina obhájců lidských práv řekl, že této verzi nevěří, protože od 1. prosince „jsou kanály suché“ kvůli velmi suchému počasí. Navíc nebyly nalezeny Nadeemovy tělesné ostatky, řekl jeho otec. „Pachatelé mého syna nezabili, jak řekli policejním vyšetřovatelům, ale prodali ho za účelem nezákonného obchodu s lidskými orgány.“ Řekl, že „mnoho lidí“ v oblasti zmizelo za „záhadných“ okolností, zjevně v souvislosti se zapojením pachatelů do nezákonného obchodu s lidskými orgány. Zdroj: BosNewsLife
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Source: American Baptist Churches USA
Leaders from the American Baptist Churches USA (ABCUSA), the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF) and the Alliance of Baptists met Jan. 4-5 in Hartford, Conn., with Sayyid Syeed of the Islamic Society of North America to begin discussions on ways Baptists and Muslims can speak, share and learn from each other. The impetus for this effort came from Baptist and Muslim leaders in Lebanon and the Republic of Georgia who urged ABCUSA General Secretary Roy Medley to improve relationships between Christianity and Islam. The proposed framework includes a national event in early January 2009 for representative theologians and then four regional events to bring Baptist and Muslim leaders age 40 and younger together. “As a result of these consultations, hopefully Muslims around the world will realize that many Baptists want to listen to, learn from and build friendships with them,” said Robert Sellers, professor at the Logsdon School of Theology in Abilene, Texas. “Moreover, Baptists may also be reminded that dialogue and cooperation across religious lines are not only prudent actions in our fractured world, but also reflect the very nature of Jesus who came into our context with compassion, gentleness, and a desire to understand us.”


Source: China Aid Association
Members of a house church in China’s Yunan province were severely beaten by police officials on the morning of Wednesday, Jan. 23. The incident occurred when church members Chen Xiqiong and Liang Guihua walked into the Xishan district’s Public Security Bureau office to request an account of the items, including Bibles, which were taken from the church and burned by police officials in early December. After ignoring the members’ request, officials proceeded to violently remove them from the office. One female church member, 54-year-old Liang Guihua, was thrown into a wall and rendered unconscious for more than 10 minutes. Officials who witnessed the event refuse to testify on the members’ behalf. The series of events originated on Dec. 5, 2007, when policemen disrupted the house church meeting in Kunming and detained several members. After searching the building, officials seized several hundred Christian books, including Bibles and notepads, and proceeded to burn them outside of the residence.


Source: Assist News Service
Arvind Khodke has collected postal stamps since childhood, but at the age of 57, he collects them to learn about Christianity and spread religious tolerance. “I want to learn the entire history of Christianity, from its origin and growth, through stamps,” says Khodke, a Hindu who lives in Bhopal, capital of central India’s Madhya Pradesh state, 460 miles south of New Delhi. The idea might seem farfetched, but he has already collected about 500 stamps depicting pictures of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, nativity scenes and popes. He also collects cartoons and other pictures on Christianity. Khodke recalls his first direct interaction with Christianity was through a mission hospital in Madhya Pradesh. He had heard about Christian missionaries being “very charitable, and I myself experienced it in the hospital,” he told UCA News. “They really take care of the sick, and there is no better example of Christian charity,” he affirmed. He became “more interested in Christianity” when media began to report increased attacks on Christians in the state.


Source: BosNewsLife
The father of a disappeared Christian teenager in a poverty-stricken village of Pakistan’s Punjab province continues to search for his son, saying suspected Muslim criminals kidnapped and sold him for “illegal human organ extraction and transplantation” following similar cases in the region. The detained suspects, identified as brothers Muhammad Imran and Muhammad Zaman, reportedly told police interrogators that they “killed” 15-year-old Francis Nadeem and threw his corpse in a water canal near Marr Balochaan village, close to Punjab’s Nankanna district. However, the boy’s father, Sadeeq Masih, told investigators of human rights group Rays of Development that he does not believe their version of events because the canals “have been dry”“ since Dec. 1 due to extremely dry weather. In addition, Nadeem’s human remains have not been discovered, he said. “The culprits have not killed [my] teenage son as they are admitting in the police interrogation. Instead, they have sold him to illegal human organ traffickers.” He said “many people” have disappeared “mysteriously” in the area, apparently because a gang is involved in illegal human organs smuggling.

* HCJB Global Hands sent two medical teams from Ecuador to Pakistan following a powerful earthquake on Oct. 8, 2005, that left tens of thousands dead and thousands more injured and homeless. Staff members helped SIM International with relief efforts.


Source: Christian Newswire, Assist News Service
After years of obstacles that hindered expansion of Christian radio ministry, Gospel Radio Burkina has grown from one station to four in Bobo-Dioulasso, the second-largest urban center in the West African country of Burkina Faso. Eric Eshbaugh, who oversees Christian radio for the Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA) in West Africa, is helping to establish a station in Tougan and will soon set up two others in Nouna and Banfora. With the additional radio stations, thousands of people in Burkina’s isolated villages will be able to hear the good news of Jesus, reaching areas that missionaries have yet to penetrate. “A young nomadic man outside of town was listening to a C&MA broadcast on a handheld, solar-powered radio while tending his herd,” said Eshbaugh. “The man made a decision to follow Christ and is now reciting Scripture and sharing God’s truth without even being able to read. In a place where no church exists, the radio is his Bible and the link to his spiritual growth.” Eshbaugh notes that Africa’s high illiteracy rate makes radio especially effective for communicating the gospel. The organization has 16 stations in French-speaking West and Central Africa.

* HCJB Global Voice has worked alongside local partners in 11 cities of Burkina Faso to help begin local radio ministries. Broadcasts air in nine languages: Arabic, Bissa, Dioula, French, Fulfuldé, Goulmacéma, Kasséna, Lélé and Mooré.

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