Zprávy HCJB 4.2.2008

 Křesťané selhávají v biblických vědomostech zatímco muslimové jsou v islámské věrouce vynikající
   Dříve pomocník prezidenta Nixona a spiklenec v aféře Watergate Chuck Colson tvrdí, že mnoho spolukřesťanů nezná základy své vlastní víry. Ve své nové knize Víra Colson uvádí, že radikální islamisté znají lépe muslimskou víru, než většina křesťanů základy křesťanství. Například šedesát procent Američanů neumí odříkat Deset přikázání. Colson si je jist, že tato neznalost Bible brání křesťanům po celém světě bránit svou víru před kulturními hrozbami jako je postmodernismus nebo islamofašizmus. „Na Křesťanský Západ útočí sekularizmus a radikální islám,“ řekl Colson. V knize Colson vysvětluje, že návrat k ortodoxnímu křesťanství, které nazývá „radikální křesťanství,“ je jedinou možností, jak čelit těmto tlakům. Colsonova kniha také obsahuje základy teologie pro křesťany, z nichž mnozí po léta svou víru praktikují, přitom nemají pevné porozumění základním pravdám, na nichž víra stojí. Zdroj: DeMossNewsPond, Religion Today
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Source: Assist News Service
Chuck Kish, 44, senior pastor of Bethel Assembly of God in Carlisle, Pa., is launching a program at the Market Cross Pub next month to put “chaplains in bars,” offering counsel to customers who request it. Kish said that he and the chaplains will not be there to preach against what he called the “evils of drinking” or to evangelize. “We’re simply going to be there to help anybody who wants it. Sometimes people really just want somebody they can talk to who is not going to be judgmental, but be sympathetic,” Kish said. “Some people may think this would be a strange place to find a chaplain. But we need to go where the people are.” Kish said chaplains will work in teams -- one male and one female. About five years ago Kish and a few others became volunteer chaplains for two local police departments. He believes that putting chaplains where people’s lives are under stress can help. “Sometimes just having a chaplain present can de-escalate things,” he said. “Sometimes people come to a bar because they’re really hurting about something.”


Sources: Compass Direct News, BosNewsLife
In a blow to religious freedom in Egypt, a Cairo court has ruled against a Muslim convert to Christianity who requested that his religious affiliation be changed. Judge Muhammad Husseini ruled Tuesday, Jan. 29, that it was against Islamic law for a Muslim to leave Islam, a legal representative for convert Muhammad Hegazy said. “He can believe whatever he wants in his heart, but on paper he can’t convert,” Husseini told the administrative court, according to the member of Hegazy’s legal team. Husseini based his decision on Article II of the Egyptian constitution which makes sharia (Islamic law) the source of Egyptian law. The judge said that, according to sharia, Islam is the final and most complete religion and therefore Muslims already practice full freedom of religion and cannot return to an older belief such as Christianity or Judaism. “What happened is a violation of my basic rights,” convert Hegazy told the U.S. Copts Association following the hearing. “What does the state have to do with the religion I embrace?” Hegazy’s open declaration of conversion last August, the first of its kind in modern Egypt, caused public outcry.


Sources: OneNewsNow.com, Religion Today
In Afghanistan about 500 women have protested the kidnapping of American aid worker Cyd Mizell who holds a divinity degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. The 90-minute demonstration was filled with prayers and appeals for government leaders to act. Mizell and her Afghan driver were abducted on Saturday, Jan. 26, in the southern city of Kandahar. Rona Tareen, director of the Kandahar Women’s Association, urged Mizell’s captives to free her immediately, saying the 49-year-old American has helped Afghan women with small business projects. Mizell, who taught English at Kandahar University and gave embroidery lessons at a girls’ school, speaks the local Pashtu language well, according to colleagues. The director of Mizell’s aid organization says the kidnappers have not contacted any officials.

* HCJB Global Voice is bringing words of hope and encouragement to people across Afghanistan via radio. Together with partners, Christian broadcasts go out via AM in three of the country’s major languages, Turkmen, Uzbek and Southern Uzbek.


Source: Assist News Service
A Pakistani Christian working for the relief and development agency Shelter Now has been murdered in Peshawar. Sajeed Williams, 29, was on his way home on Thursday, Jan. 17, when a masked man opened fire and killed him. The gunman is at large and his motives are unknown, the director of the German Shelter Now branch, Udo Stolte, told the evangelical news agency IDEA. Williams was married with an 18-month-old daughter. He was office manager for Shelter Now in Peshawar. The organization runs two projects in the country -- a fish farm and a building project for 105 schools which were ruined during the earthquake that shook Pakistan in 2005. Shelter Now has been active in Pakistan for nearly 25 years. Since 1988 the Christian organization has also been involved in projects in neighboring Afghanistan.

* HCJB Global Hands sent two medical teams from Ecuador to Pakistan following a powerful earthquake on Oct. 8, 2005, that left tens of thousands dead and thousands more injured and homeless. Staff members helped SIM International with relief efforts.


Sources: DeMossNewsPond, Religion Today
Former Nixon aide and Watergate conspirator Chuck Colson claims many fellow Christians are ignorant of their own faith. In his new book, The Faith, Colson maintains that radical Islamists have a better understanding of the Muslim faith than most Christians have of Christianity. Sixty percent of Americans, for example, can’t name five of the Ten Commandments. Colson asserts that this lack of biblical knowledge and worldview prevents Christians from defending their faith against cultural threats such as postmodernism and Islamo-fascism. “The Christian West is under assault by the twin challenges of secularism and radical Islam,” Colson said. In the book, Colson explains that a return to orthodox Christianity -- what he terms “radical Christianity” -- is the only way to effectively meet these challenges. Colson’s book also provides a new theological grounding for Christians, many who have been practicing their faith for years but lack a firm grasp of the basic truths on which it rests.

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