Zprávy HCJB 5.2.2008

 Nedobrovolná nevěsta objevena 4 měsíce po násilné konverzi
   Křesťanka Tahira Salamat byla propuštěna svými muslimskými únosci ve středu 23. ledna v pakistánské provincii Pandžáb – 4 měsíce po svém únosu. Tahira byla unesena 14. září 2007 na cestě do práce. Donutili ji stát se muslimkou a údajní únosci Abdul Satare a Muhammad Khalid ji pak donutili a vzít si muslima Muhammada Ramazana. Mezitím ji její otec Salamat Masih a její matka spolu s příbuznými zoufale hledali na nejrůznějších místech včetně márnic a nemocnic. Ale měsíce hledání k ničemu nevedly. Místní policie údajně při hledání nespolupracovala, teprve dva týdny po zmizení byla ochotna přijmout oznámen. V beznadějné situaci se rodina oběti obrátila na Katolickou komisi pro právo a smíření (CCJP), organizaci katolické církve pro lidská práva v Pakistánu. CCJP nakonec přesvědčila soud, aby místní policii nařídil ženu nalézt. Tahira byla nakonec nalezena v domě Ramazana a vrácena rodičům. Únosce zatím nikdo ani nenapomenul. Zdroj: International Christian Concern, Evangelical News
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Source: Assist News Service
Evangelical mission organization SIM has formally apologized to missionary candidates of African-American heritage who have applied for service with the agency during its 115-year history. SIM Director Steve Strauss publicly read this apology on Monday, Jan., at Columbia International University’s 2008 Missions Strategy Seminar. The focus of the seminar was on reconciliation within the church to enhance mobilization for missions. Strauss then washed the feet of three African American church leaders as a symbol of SIM’s repentance. SIM says that any organization with a history as long as SIM’s obviously has baggage, some of which is not very pretty. In the past eight to 10 years the organization has been unpacking one of those bags, including its past exclusivity among its missionary force. “Internationally, SIM has been a very diverse mission, but there has been very little diversity among missionaries sent out from SIM USA,” the organization stated. “We have addressed the problem of our exclusivity at several levels, including our board governance, leadership, hiring, recruiting, church connections and our past. We knew that, in the past, some American mission agencies had not welcomed African American missionary candidates. As we examined our archives, we discovered that we were one such agency.”


Sources: International Christian Concern, Evangelical News
Tahira Salamat, 20, a Christian woman, was released from her Muslim kidnapper on Wednesday, Jan 23, in Pakistan’s Punjab province, four months after her abduction. Tahira was abducted on Sept. 14, 2007, on her way to work. She was then forcibly converted to Islam and made to marry Muhammad Ramazan, a Muslim man, by her alleged abductors, Abdul Sattar and Muhammad Khalid. Meanwhile, her father, Salamat Masih, and her mother gathered their relatives and searched frantically for her in shelter houses, morgue rooms and hospitals. But a month of searching failed to turn up any leads. Local police reportedly did not cooperate in the search, only agreeing to file a report about two weeks after the incident. In desperation, the victim’s family turned to the Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP), a human rights body of the Catholic Church in Pakistan. The CCJP finally convinced the courts to instruct local police officials to locate the woman. Tahira was finally found at Ramazan’s house and returned to her parents. The kidnappers have so far escaped any reprimand.


Source: Compass Direct News
A 70-year-old woman convert from Islam died on Friday, Feb. 1, from burns she suffered when unknown assailants in a Muslim-majority area about 150 miles northwest of the capital set her home on fire last month. Rahima Beoa of Cinatuly village suffered burns to 70 to 80 percent of her body after the home she shared with her daughter and son-in-law, also converts, was set ablaze the night of Monday, Jan. 7, said Khaled Mintu, Rangpur regional supervisor of the Isha-e-Jamat (Jesus’ Church) denomination in Bangladesh. Villagers were upset about her conversion to Christianity and that of her daughter and son-in-law. “Before her burial, family members forgave those who set fire in the house and prayed to God that this kind of incident not occur anymore in this country,” Mintu said. “They also prayed for a situation where Muslims and Christians can practice their own religion side by side peacefully.” Family members did not file charges with police about Beoa’s death because they could not trace anyone to the arson, Mintu said. He added that filing charges would also hamper evangelistic efforts.


TRAITS Sources: Religion News Service, Religion Today
The American Bible Society has discovered what America wants in a president based upon research done through a Zogby poll. A nationwide survey of likely voters shows that the majority of those questioned want someone who mirrors biblical ideals of leadership. Truthfulness and integrity, by far, topped the list of the characteristics respondents feel are most important. And they say they want a leader who is, in essence, a servant and mindful of accountability to God. Three-quarters of the likely voters agree that it is appropriate that every president since George Washington has been sworn into office with a hand on a Bible. Also, about six in 10 say that they would be more likely to vote for a presidential candidate who speaks publicly about following the example of admirable leaders from the Bible and who consistently uses the Scriptures for guidance in both public and personal matters. Some 78 percent of respondents (86 percent of women and 68 percent of men) view candidates citing Scripture, when speaking about political positions, as positive. Interestingly, younger respondents (ages 18 to 29) are more likely to vote for a presidential candidate who sees the office as a privilege to serve others with a responsibility to God.


Sources: HCJB Global, Reuters, AFP A voice of hope continues to blanket the city of Bukavu and the eastern part of the Democratic of Congo (D.R.C.) after a pair of earthquakes rocked the region on Sunday, Feb. 3, killing at least 46 people, including 10 who were attending church services.

Though the quake left hundreds injured and thousands homeless in the D.R.C. as well as neighboring Rwanda, Radio Kahuzi, HCJB Global Voice’s partner station in Bukavu, suffered only minor damage. Radio Kahuzi is a ministry of California-based Believer’s Express Service, Inc.

Richard McDonald, a missionary who serves at Radio Kahuzi with his wife, Kathy, was making a last-minute check of the radio equipment, preparing to leave for church, when the category-6.0 quake struck at 9:30 a.m. local time.

“The very heavy rack supporting the transmitters began rocking violently from side to side,” McDonald explained. “I tried to wrestle it to a stop and switched off the power, waiting for just less than a minute for the quake to finish.

“Danny Magadju, our journalist in training, powered down the studio and we exited for safety. No equipment was damaged, so we cautiously went back on the air,” McDonald explained. Since then the broadcasts have been interrupted only occasionally by brief power outages.

“We continue to share good news with the listeners and what we know about the state of affairs and relay the news live concerning the day-to-day situation. The governor and seismographic experts are giving good counsel to the population via Radio Kahuzi.”

McDonald added that engineers are keeping a close eye on two nearby hydroelectric dams that already had cracks and may have suffered further damage in the temblors. “But we are on the air as normal thus far,” he said. “We will also continue with shortwave broadcasts from 6 to 10 p.m. Mondays and Fridays, reaching as far as Johannesburg, South Africa. We can also cover the eastern half of the D.R.C. and Rwanda with a good strong signal.”

Radio Kahuzi has received numerous calls from listeners, asking about the quakes and the status of two nearby volcanoes which may be coming back to life after years of inactivity. The epicenter of the first quake was 30 miles northwest of Bukavu at Mount Kahuzi, after which the station is named.

“We also got calls during the night when a second category-5.0 earthquake hit,” McDonald said. “We had calls from radio club coordinators sharing how distressed families were coming to them for guidance and help.”

The morning after the quakes, members of local Radio Kahuzi clubs met, organized, gathered funds and began constructing shelters for the homeless. “We gave them sheeting to serve as roofs, baby blankets for the cold air and radios to follow our broadcasts,” McDonald explained.

The station also continues to keep listeners informed about where to find food, sheeting and medicines. “The authorities are requesting everyone to stay outside until this [crisis] passes,” he added. “We will continue to work with the authorities and our radio clubs to inform the population of any dangers and how they can get help.

“We will also keep distributing Galcom fixed-tuned solar-powered radios and baby blankets and what tracts we have to different groups in different directions to also get God’s Word out to meet their spiritual needs amid the dangers. Certainly, everyone is tuning in to hear details about their security and the quakes. We have their attention!”

McDonald added that he and the station’s staff have kept in close contact with the U.N. peacekeeping mission in D.R.C. known as MONUC. “The Lord graciously allowed us to work with the Chinese doctors and medics from MONUC on Saturday, the day before the quake, as a visiting missionary required emergency medical treatment.

“Now we are following up with tracts we have in their language and giving them Galcom radios. The Lord has allowed us a similar opportunity during the wars when several Chinese MONUC soldiers befriended us,” he said.

Earthquakes are not unusual in the western Great Rift Valley—a seismically active fault line straddling western Uganda, eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Tanzania.

In 1994 a magnitude-6 tremor in the foothills of western Uganda’s Rwenzori Mountains killed at least six people. In 1966 a magnitude-7 earthquake killed 157 people and injured more than 1,300 in the Semliki Valley, also in western Uganda.

“We have seen in conversations with people of various backgrounds a willingness to bring the Lord into this subject as they have difficulty coping with the day to day of this,” McDonald said. “Pray for our outreach as we have the opportunity to share the reason of the hope that we have within.”

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