Zprávy HCJB 7.2.2008

 Křesťanská velikonoční řada na BBC
   Podle velkých britských křesťanských mediálních pozorovatelů bude plán Britské rozhlasové společnosti (BBC) odvysílat řadu o životě, odsouzení, ukřižování a vzkříšení Ježíše „zlatou příležitostí“ pro církev k šíření evangelia ve stále multietničnější britské společnosti. Církevní rada pro sdělovací prostředky, která zastupuje všechny větší křesťanské církve a skupiny ve Velké Británii oznámila, že její ředitel rev. Joel Edwars napsal 100 národním církevním představitelům výzvu k přípravě na vysílání série těchto pořadů. „Občas se vyskytují okamžiky, kdy křesťanská víra může ovlivnit život celé společnosti. Takovou příležitostí bude i chystaná série BBC ‘Pašije‘,“ píše Edwards. Očekává, že velikonoční vysílané pořady budou mít „velký celonárodní vliv.“ Řada začíná 16. března na Květnou Neděli, bude vysílána v hlavním vysílacím času na BBC1 a uvidí ji asi 10 milionů diváků. Jednotlivé pořady budou popisovat poslední týden života Pána Ježíše a poslední příběh popisující vzkříšení Pána Ježíše bude vysílán na Velikonoční Neděli 23. března. Zdroj: BosNewsLife
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Source: BosNewsLife
Plans by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) to launch a series on the life, trial, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus will provide a “golden opportunity” for churches to spread the gospel in the U.K.’s increasingly multi-ethnic society, reported a major Christian media watchdog. The Churches’ Media Council, which represents all major Christian churches and groups in the U.K., said its chairman, Rev. Joel Edwards, has written to 100 national church leaders, urging them to prepare for the broadcast of the series. ”From time to time opportunities arise nationally that provide significant moments for the Christian faith to engage with our culture. One such opportunity will be the forthcoming BBC series, ‘The Passion,’” he wrote. He expects the series to make a “huge national impact” during the Easter season. The series, which starts on Palm Sunday, March 16, will be scheduled in peak time on BBC1 and is expected to attract up to 10 million viewers. The series focuses on the last week of the life of Jesus with the last episode to be aired on Easter Sunday, March 23, dramatizing His post-resurrection appearances.


Source: Compass Direct News
With a strong presence in the Kandhamal district of eastern India’s Orissa state, Maoists are suspected of using recent violence in the area to recruit frustrated Christians and goad them into retaliating, Christian leaders said. Extreme Marxist groups, among them Maoists, may find affected areas “happy hunting grounds” for recruitment, warned John Dayal, a member of India’s National Integration Council and secretary general of the All India Christian Council. He said that Maoists normally recruit in areas in which state governments fail to deliver on promises, “where the rich, the powerful, the religious bigots rule with impunity” and administrations are thoroughly corrupt. Hindu nationalist groups are accused of committing a series of violent acts in Kandhamal during the Christmas season, killing at least four Christians and burning 730 houses and 95 churches. But there were also reports of Hindus’ houses of Hindus being burned. “There may be vested interests or just misguided persons -- and many agents of provocateurs, which is more likely -- who are trying to goad the misguided and politically naive youth and seniors who have been pushed into a corner,” said Dayal.


Source: Assist News Service
World Vision’s in-country director for Chad says the recent coup attempt in that country could turn from a political crisis to a humanitarian disaster if fighting does not stop soon. Amid reports that people are trying to flee the country, World Vision staff in Chad fear the situation could deteriorate. “We did not expect things to happen this quickly. I fear that the entire capital could be destroyed. There is already much human and economic damage. Many civilians have been killed,” said World Vision’s national director in the capital city of N’Djamena. Rebel attacks, which are now centered on the presidential palace, have forced international aid agency World Vision to move staff and their families to safe houses and to close its office in the capital. “I live about [12 miles] from the presidential palace, and we can hear the fighting all the time. Soldiers are circulating around the city,” reported the director before he and his family were forced to move to a safer location. The World Vision office in the capital had been attacked, but as of last report all staff members are safe.

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