Zprávy HCJB 8.2.2008

 Krutá afghánská zima hubí stovky obyvatel
   Afghánistán prožívá nejtvrdší zimu za posledních 15 let. Teploty klesají pod -30o C, stovky mužů, žen a dětí již zmrzly, zahynuly také tisíce kusů dobytka. Mnoho vesnic je odříznuto od světa. Podle křesťanské pomocné a rozvojové agentury Shelter Now k nejpostiženějším oblastem patří provincie Herat v západním Afghánistánu. Německá pobočka této organizace zahájila zimní pomoc už před Vánoci. Nejprve se zaměřila na stovky uprchlíků vracejících se z Iránu, kteří své domovy často nacházeli v troskách a pole zničená. Ale podle toho, co nyní uvedl ředitel německé sekce Udo Stolte, mnohem víc Afghánců trpí extrémním chladem. V Heratu a oblasti kolem hlavního města Kábulu Shelter Now rozdala balíky se základními potřebami více než 1000 rodin. Ve vesnici Kuh Khag přišlo 150 rodin o 1000 z celkového počtu 6000 kusů ovcí a řada pastýřů v horách je nezvěstná. Mnoha vesničanům dochází palivo a potraviny. Shelter Now jim proto poskytuje mouku, fazole, cukr, čaj, rostlinný olej, přikrývky, dřevěné uhlí a teplé dětské oblečení. Zdroj: Assist News Service
 Vđechny zprávy v angličtině

Source: Assist News Service
Afghanistan is experiencing its harshest winter in 15 years, and hundreds of men, women and children have died of exposure. With temperatures dropping to -20 degrees F, thousands of cattle have also died. Many villages are isolated. One of the hardest hit regions is Herat province in western Afghanistan, reported the Christian relief and development agency Shelter Now. The German branch started a winter relief initiative even before Christmas which was originally focused on the hundreds of refugees returning from Iran who often find their houses and fields ruined. But as Udo Stolte, director of the German Shelter Now branch said, now many more Afghans are suffering from the extreme cold. In Herat and the region around the capital Kabul Shelter Now has handed out survival kits to more than 1,000 families. In the village of Kuh Khag, 150 families have lost at least 1,000 of their 6,000 sheep, and several shepherds are missing in the hills. Many villagers are running out of food and fuel. Shelter Now is providing rations of flour, beans, sugar, tea, cooking oil, blankets, charcoal and warm children's clothing.


Source: Compass Direct News
A customs officer in a Malaysian airport confiscated two boxes containing 32 Bibles from a citizen returning from a trip to the Philippines on Monday, Jan. 28. The online news agency Malaysiakini reported that Juliana Nichols had produced a letter from her parish priest stating the English Bibles were meant for use in her church, but a customs officer told her the texts needed to be cleared with the Internal Security Ministry’s Control Division of Publications and Al-Quran Texts. Rev. Hermen Shastri, general secretary of the Council of Churches of Malaysia, said in a press statement that “the Bible is Holy Scripture for Christians” and “no authority on earth should deny Christians the right to possess, read and travel with their Bibles.” He called for the immediate release of the Bibles and an official apology from the Royal Malaysian Customs Department. Earlier this year, officers seized Christian children’s publications in several Malaysian states because they contained illustrations of prophets deemed offensive to Muslims. Following protests from the Christian community that the books were not meant for Muslims, the books have since been returned to bookstores.


Source: Baptist World Alliance
Baptists in Chile recently celebrated 100 years ministry in the South American country. The celebration, which took place Jan. 9-12 at the Baptist Academy in Temuco, included a special worship service and a presentation of Handel’s “Messiah” by a combined choir and orchestra drawn from several Chilean towns and cities. Also part of the festivities was a demonstration march from the Baptist Academy to the Central Plaza Anibal Pinto by high school and university students to showcase the Baptist presence in Chile and to share the love of Christ. The four-day celebration concluded in the town of Cajón where Baptist witness began. Approximately five Baptist churches were founded in the Temuco region of Chile in 1908. Today the Union of Evangelical Baptist Churches and the Convention of Baptist Churches of the Chilean Mission have a combined membership of 30,000 with members attending some 370 churches.

* ALAS, HCJB Global Voice’s Latin American satellite radio network, provides Christian Spanish programming to more than 95 downlinks in 16 countries. These include outlets in 17 cities of Chile that are part of the Radio Armonía network.

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