Zprávy HCJB 15.2.2008

 Výzkumníci prohlašují, že našli ‚věcné důkazy‘ Noemovy archy
   The Peninsula, katarský anglicky tištěný deník zveřejnil zprávu, že poprvé v sedmdesátileté historii hledání Noemovy archy přišel turecko-hongkongský výzkumný tým 12. února s „hmotným důkazem“ toho, že Noemova archa skutečně přistála na hoře Ararat - nejvyšší hoře Turecka tvořící část hranice s Arménií. Zpráva konstatuje, že „skupina expertů skládající se z tureckých odborníků, starých horolezců, archeologů, geologů a členů hongkongské Misie Noemovy Archy Misie Noemovy Archy novinářům a zvlášť pozvaným mezinárodním odborníkům mimo jiné předvedla skoro metr dlouhý kus zkamenělého dřeva.“ Dřevo je údajně částí dlouhého útvaru, který výzkumníci vykopali během výzkumů probíhajících od února do srpna 2007. Zpráva konstatuje, že „poprvé v historii hledání archy byl nalezen hmatatelný důkaz a pořízena obrazová dokumentace. Není to jen významný průlom při hledání Noemovy archy, je to průlom podepřený nejsolidnějšími důkazy archeologického objevu poslední doby.“ Členové skupiny řekli, že „nalezená část byla objevena uvnitř zvláštní jeskyně po odkopání silné vrstvy sopečného popela.“ Zdroj: Breaking Christian News, The Peninsula K nálezu došlo v nadmořské výšce 4500 metrů a podle expertů zde v této výšce ani v minulosti stromy nerostly - pozn. překl.
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Sources: Breaking Christian News, The Peninsula
The Peninsula, a Qatar English-print publication, has reported that for the first time in the seven decade-long history of the search for Noah's Ark, a Turkish-Hong Kong exploration team on Tuesday, Feb. 12, came out with “material evidence” to prove that the Ark was nestled on Mount Ararat, Turkey's highest mountain peak bordering Iran and Armenia. The report states that “a panel of experts, comprising Turkish authorities, veteran mountaineers, archaeologists, geologists and members of Hong Kong-based Noah's Ark Ministries International, also displayed an almost one-meter-long piece of petrified wood before the media and specially invited international experts.” The wood is reportedly part of a long structure they unearthed during their February-August 2007 exploration. The report states, “It is the first time in the history of the Ark search that an exploration team is getting a material evidence and graphic documentation. This makes it not only a significant breakthrough in the Ark-search, but one that is supported with the most substantial evidence in recent history.” Panel members said, "The structure was discovered in the interiors of an unusual cave” after the team removed thick layers of volcanic ash.


Source: Compass Direct News
A policeman was killed and two Christian teenagers were injured in Sumaila, Nigeria, on Friday, Feb 8, when Muslim high school students went on a rampage over claims that a Christian student had written a “blasphemous” article on the prophet of Islam, Muhammad. Killed at the local police station after the attack on students at Government Secondary School-Sumaila was Inspector Jibrin Garba, also a Christian. One of the injured minors who suffered knife and machete wounds, Ahmadu Inuwa, said the accused Christian student, Ashiru Danlami, could not possibly have written the alleged English-language article as he could hardly speak in English, much less write in the language. The Rev. Samaila Kogo of the Evangelical Church of West Africa said that Muslim students wrote and published the blasphemous article as a pretext for attacking Christian students. Having injured the two Christian students, the Muslim students went directly to the town’s police station, where they killed the Christian police officer and burned down the police station. The incident was the second instance of Muslim violence in the area in less than three months.


Source: Assist News Service
Two Muslims thrashed a Pakistani evangelist after he dared preaching in front of a shop owned by a Muslim man in Yohannabad, a predominantly Christian locality in the eastern city of Lahore, the Sharing Life Ministry Pakistan (SLMP) has reported. Evangelist Daniel, age 55, was beaten by two Muslims on Monday, Feb. 11, at around 7:30 pm in Youhanabad, Lahore, near a Catholic church. Daniel Masih was slapped twice by the Muslim shopkeeper, Muhammad Anwar after he was "angered" by Daniel's street evangelism. According to the SLMP, Anwar told Masih: "What the hell you been saying? How dare you do this in front of my shop. I hate all you have been preaching." According to SLMP, the evangelist replied, “You can not stop me from doing this, I am preaching the Word of God." Another Muslim man who joined Muhammad Anwar shortly also started thrashing Masih, leaving him with bleeding lips and ear. The Muslim men stopped beating Masih after intervention of a local Christian, Yaqoob Masih. Some 500 angry Christians quickly gathered at the scene of incident. The Police have detained the two Muslims to avert any possible mishap. The news release said Masih has already forgiven his attackers.


Sources: Christian Newswire, China Aid Association
China Aid Association (CAA) has learned that two Christian women, Meng Xiu Lan, age 55, and Zhou Cheng Xiu, age 53, were detained by police in China’s southwestern Yunan province in Jun Tun County on Saturday, Feb. 2. Policemen from Jun Tun police department detained the women after they were found distributing Christmas cards. The two women were first threatened and mocked by police before being stripped completely nude and frisked violently. Police then handcuffed the two women and escorted them back to their homes. After searching the house, police illegally confiscated CD's, handouts, Bibles, song books and calendars, without proper documentation. CAA said, “The suffering and humiliation that these two Christian women were forced to endure is both shocking and horrendous.”


Sources: OneNewsNow, Barna Group
The latest survey by Christian researchers at The Barna Group shows a majority of Americans don't share the same concerns as evangelical Christians. The Barna Group surveyed more than 2,000 adults last year on their attitudes over moral and social concerns. David Kinnaman, president of Barna, says they found three issues that most Americans thought were major challenges facing the country: “poverty, the personal debt that individual Americans carry, and HIV/AIDS.” Evangelical Christians responded differently, ranking abortion, personal debt, and broadcast decency as their top three concerns. And Kinnaman notes that responses from Barna’s broader category of “born-again Christians” were more in line with the secular public than Evangelicals. “We found that the [top concerns were] illegal immigration, followed by global warming, abortion and the content of television and movies,” describes Kinnaman. “The least concerning of those issues was homosexuality, at 35 percent.” Kinnaman points out that the “born again” category mirrors the portrait of all Americans, but notes that evangelicals tend to be more focused on the “character and quality and the type of culture” they live in, “not simply the laws or issues of [the] environment.”

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