Zprávy HCJB 21.2.2008

 Starosta Los Angeles si vybral faráře, aby se zabýval organizovaným zločinem
   Jeff Carr, 44letý farář, který vystudoval náboženství a filosofii na Northwest Nazarene University, byl starostou Los Angeles Antonio Villaraigosou loni vybrán, aby vnesl nový vítr do problému městských zločineckých gangů.

V rozhovoru pro list The Los Angeles Times odpověděl Carr na otázku novináře, zda si myslí, že se na něj zločinci dívají jinak, protože je kněz, slovy: „Nevím. Snad někteří … Dříve mě od těchto lidí nejvíc dělilo, že jsem běloch … Když vidí, že v se v tomto prostředí a vyznám a že mně to nerozhodí, jsou méně nastražení.“

Na otázku jak přivést k rozhovoru náboženskou komunitu, Carr odpověděl: „Mluvím do nich co mohu. Problém je, že když se rozhlédneme po místech s nejhorší situací, vidíme, že kostel je tam na každém rohu.

Ale tyto kostely většinou mají zavřené okenice a otvírají se jen dvakrát týdně. A upřímně řečeno, kostel by měl být naopak uprostřed dění, v centru snah o změnu těchto svých sousedů. Když se sbor nezabývá svým okolím, nemyslím, že žije misií.“ Zdroj: Assist News Service
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Source: Assist News Service
Jeff Carr, a 44-year-old minister with a degree in religion and philosophy from Northwest Nazarene University, was chosen by Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa last year to bring a fresh eye to the city’s gang problems.

In an interview with The Los Angeles Times, Carr was asked, “Do you think gang members look at you differently because you’re a minister?” He responded, “I don’t know. Maybe some of them do. . . . In my past, the thing that was most abrupt to people is that I’m a white guy. . . . When they see that I’m very comfortable and at ease in those situations [with gang members in a diverse community], it sort of takes people off guard.”

Asked what he was doing to bring the religious community into the conversation, Carr replied, “I talk to any of them that I can. The problem is, if you look at some of the toughest neighborhoods that have some of the biggest challenges, unfortunately there is a church on every corner.

“But those churches are largely shuttered except for brief times on Sunday and maybe once or twice during the week. And frankly, the church ought to be right in the thick of things, right in the middle of trying to transform these neighborhoods. If they’re not engaged in the relevant issues of these communities, I don’t think they’re living out their mission.”


Source: BosNewsLife
Fourteen masked gunmen forced their way into offices and exploded a library of the YMCA in Israel’s Gaza Strip which runs Christian youth hostels and social programs, Israeli media reported. Thousands of books were reportedly burned in the ensuing fire, Israeli radio reported. The Gaza YMCA also operates a gym and a wedding hall. News reports indicated that the gunmen laid a second explosive device near a computer in the library, but it failed to detonate. Two security guards on the scene were not able to block the intruders. They were taken away from the YMCA by the intruders and later released in the northern Gaza Strip, The Jerusalem Post reported on its website. There were no reports of injuries. The attack comes amid growing concerns about reports of attacks against Palestinian Christians, which observers say has worsened since the militant Hamas group took power of the Gaza Strip last June. There is also concern among Christians that authorities are unable, or unwilling, to find those responsible for attacks. The Christian population has dipped to 1.5 percent of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, down from at least 15 percent a half century ago, according to some estimates cited by the newspaper.


Sources: Voice of the Martyrs, Evangelical News, Compass Direct News
Pastor Samson Neil Edirisinghe of the House Church Foundation was gunned down by two assailants outside his house in Ampara, Sri Lanka, on Sunday, Feb. 17, according to a report from the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka (NCEASL). Edirisinghe, 37, was in ministry in Ampara for many years. The attackers also shot his wife, Shiromi, 31, in the stomach, leaving her in critical condition. Their 2-year-old son only received a minor injury, but is still in shock after witnessing the attack.

“Unfortunately the police and government are trying to hide the truth becomes if it becomes known that a Buddhist monk was behind this, it will be a very bad thing for Sri Lanka,” a pastor from Colombo told Compass Direct News. “Now they are trying to say this is due to the conflict in Sri Lanka and trying to put the blame on the [rebel] Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.”

Initial evidence suggests that the murder was a contract killing connected to Edirisinghe’s ministry in Ampara. Two years ago a Buddhist woman in the town identified only as Peshika became a Christian after struggling through relationship problems with her husband and an attempted suicide, according to a local source. She then told town residents that Edirisinghe had helped her to overcome her depression while Buddhist monks had failed. Police have arrested four people, including two members of an auxiliary force and a businessman in connection with the murder.


Sources: China Aid Association, Assist News Service, BosNewsLife
Wang Dawei, president of the Inner Mongolia branch of the Chinese House Church Alliance, was detained along with more than 40 co-workers on Wednesday, Feb. 20, in Xilinhaote City, Inner Mongolia.

The leaders were in the third day of Bible study when more than 100 police officers from the State Security Bureau and members of the Religious Affairs Bureau disrupted the meeting and detained the ministers. Police officials also confiscated the offering collection and more than 30 boxes of Bibles and other Christian literature.

Later in the afternoon authorities searched the personal residence of Wang Dawei. The leader of the meeting, a South Korean minister, was also detained during the incident, and his whereabouts remain unknown.

In other news from China, two 24-year-old female leaders from the Chinese House Church Alliance, Dong Shanshan and Xu Yuanyuan, were released by the Chinese government the afternoon of Thursday, Feb. 21, one day after the China Aid Association (CAA) reported the case to the media.

The two women were taken away by officers from the State Security Bureau of Nanyang City in Henan province on Monday, Feb 18, and interrogated about their work in the Chinese House Church Alliance. The interrogators told them before their release that they felt pressured because of “lots of international news media reporting about the arrest.” Both women have returned home.

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