Zprávy HCJB 3.3.2008

 Operace Požehnání se připojila k úsilí o pomoc obětem záplav v Ekvádoru
   Humanitární organizace Operation Blessing International (OBI) spolupracuje s ekvádorskou vládou a je v čele organizačního zabezpečení dodávky dvou přenosných zařízení na úpravu pitné vody do dvou povodněmi stižených měst u Guyaquil v Ekvádoru. OBI společně s Water Missions International (WMI) zakoupily dvě tyto vodárny, jejichž denní výkon je podle ředitele OBI Billyho Horana dohromady 80 000 litrů pitné vody. Dopravu vodáren z Charlestonu v Jižní Karolíně až do Ekvádoru zdarma zajišťuje mezinárodní zásilková služba DHL, která OBI pomůže i svými místními dobrovolníky. Vodárny jsou nyní na cestě a budou zprovozněny během několika dnů. Nesou název Stroj na živou vodu. Ke srážení nečistot používají kamenec, k filtraci drcený granát a antracit a k biologickému čistění chlór. Systém se dá zpětně proplachovat a může se tak používat bez výměny filtrů až pěr let. Každá z obou jednotek vyrobí denně 40 000 litrů vody. Těžké deště začaly v Ekvádoru v lednu a v příbřežních krajích i ve vnitrozemí způsobily rozsáhlé záplavy. Postiženo je nejméně 55 000 lidí a obrovské jsou i ztráty na zemědělských plodinách. Zdroj: Relief Web, Operation Blessing International

*HCJB Global Hands již poslaly první ze tří zdravotních skupin do záplavami stižených oblastí Ekvádoru. Podrobnosti a možnost spoluúčasti jsou popsány na http://www.hcjb.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3528.
 Všechny zprávy v angličtině

Sources: Relief Web, Operation Blessing International
The humanitarian organization, Operation Blessing International (OBI), working in cooperation with the Ecuadorian government, is spearheading logistical efforts to provide two portable water purification systems to the flood-ravaged towns near Guayaquil, Ecuador. OBI and partner Water Missions International (WMI) have purchased two purification systems, which will provide a combined 20,000 gallons of clean drinking water daily, according to Bill Horan, OBI president. The international package delivery service DHL is providing free shipping of the systems from Charleston, SC to Ecuador and will assist OBI with in-country DHL volunteers. The systems are currently en route and will be operating within days. Called the Living Water Treatment System, the unit uses alum as a coagulant, garnet and anthracite for filtration and a chlorinator for biological purification. Systems are equipped with a back-wash system so that it can be used for up to five years with no filter replacement costs. Each unit will produce up to 10,000 gallons of filtered water per day. Heavy rains that started in January have led to severe flooding in coastal areas and the inland provinces of Canar and Carchi. The flooding has affected approximately 55,000 people to date and caused extensive agricultural losses.

* HCJB Global Hands has already sent the first of three emergency medical response teams to flood-ravaged regions of Ecuador. For details and an opportunity to give to this effort, visit http://www.hcjb.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3528.


Source: Compass Direct News
Anti-Christian violence in India spilled over into the national capital of New Delhi when a large mob of Hindu extremists attacked Peter Banerjee, state coordinator of Gospel Mission of India (GMI) which is linked to Samaritan’s Purse.

At about 9:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 28, a Hindu mob led by a female councilor from the nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) approached and alleged that GMI workers were using gifts to allure poor children to Christianity. By the time Banerjee was notified of the threatening accusations, the crowd had taken the gift packets to a police station to file a complaint.

“When I reached the police station,” Banerjee said, “some people in the mob started using the filthiest possible language against me and Christians, accusing me of indulging in conversion by allurement.”

The female leader of the Hindu mob slapped Banerjee twice, after which he slapped her back. “I felt sorry,” Banerjee said. “I should not have hit her, as a Christian.” Police were able to protect Banerjee and sent him to a room on the station’s first floor. Soon the crowd swelled to over 500, Banerjee said.

Although he did not need medical attention, his arm was swollen and he said the left side of his body was in pain. He was forced to spend the night in the police station.


Source: Gospel for Asia
About 40 Christians were kidnapped Wednesday, Feb. 27, by anti-Christian radicals in Himachal Pradesh, India. The extremists reportedly took the Christians to a religious temple and are trying to force them to renounce Christ and return to the country's dominant faith. Initial reports from the area indicate that some of those kidnapped are part of a Gospel for Asia-related church in the village where the kidnapping occurred. Gospel for Asia (GFA) leaders in Himachal Pradesh ask for prayer for those who were captured, that they will stand firm in their faith, even in this difficult time and for the overall situation for Christians in this northwest Indian state. A GFA news release said it is possible that the group who kidnapped these Christians is affiliated with the anti-Christian political party which controls Himachal Pradesh. GFA stated, “One of this party's goals is to convert Christians to India's predominant religion. It is not unusual for these extremists to kidnap believers and force them to bow before the statues that represent the country's traditional gods. If the Christians refuse to bow to the statues, they risk being ostracized from society, which brings much shame in the Asian culture in which they live.”


Source: Forum 18 News
For some years, Kazakhstan has been demanding that non-Muslim religious communities complete highly intrusive questionnaires. However, there has recently been an apparent increase in both the numbers of communities asked to complete the questionnaires and the pressure officials exert to get the questionnaires completed. The questionnaires, which come in two basic forms, contain very similar questions. Some of the numerous, highly intrusive questions include the ethnicity of congregation members, their profession, political preferences, “the most influential and authoritative people in the community,” foreign missionaries, media contacts, “facts demanding attention on the part of state bodies,” military service of congregation leaders, their foreign language knowledge, media articles written, and the full names of leaders’ “close friends and comrades.” A state program stressing increased monitoring and supervision of religious communities has recently been adopted. Some religious believers, who wish to remain anonymous, have said there have also been increased efforts to recruit spies inside religious communities.


Sources: WorldWide Religious News, The Times of India
The latest research on a tombstone dating back to ninth century has shed light on the probability of Christianity having been popular among the Chinese during the Tang Dynasty. The incomplete damaged eight-surface tombstone with scriptures of the Jingjiao or Nestorian Church and pictures of crosses was unearthed in Luoyang City in central Henan province in 2006, Luo Zhao, a religious teacher from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences said. “To be exact, the Christian text was a China-proper ontological thesis about the Christian theology written by a prelate who had been long living in China in the late eighth century,” said Luo. Tombstones with Buddhist texts were common in the Tang Dynasty (A. D. 618-907) but this was the first time that tombstones with Jingjiao scriptures were discovered, he said. Chinese archaeologists had unearthed the Jingjiao stone tablet in 1623 in the Tang capital Xian, which threw light for the first time on the spreading of the religion in the half a century after it entered China.

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